Showing Up To Riot

Now Brussels;

Protesters descended on the European Commission’s Berlaymont headquarters, the heart of EU decision-making, as they created Belgium’s own ‘yellow jacket’ campaign against rising fuel prices and the cost of living. The EU Commission was forced to temporarily shut its doors as the building’s security guards refused to let anyone in or out while protesters marched passed. […]

At least two police vans were destroyed in what started as a peaceful but unauthorised demonstration descended into violence.

55 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. Thank God for Max and the PPC

    As per Max:

    So, this is why Libs want to make it more difficult to build pipelines and other projects with C-69.

    Why they will hire “gender studies” graduates inculcated with cultural Marxism nonsense to evaluate these projects.

    And therefore kill major investments and 1000s of jobs

    Trudeau in Argentina says there are “social” impacts of bringing male construction workers to rural areas

    1. I posted the same Justupid link in tips. Seems off his talking points or off his meds or both.

    2. Canadians are the most compliant sheep in a world of sheep. Canadians live in a velvet prison of over 500,000 Laws, Rules and Regulations, that represent a stack of paper over 14 stories high. A legal Gulag. Even the Canadian Constitution has entrenched Communism written in to it and not even a one Bleat from the overtaxed sheep. Equalization Payments. “From Each According To His Means To Each According To His Needs” Canadians are so sheepish that even tho they are the most over taxed and over regulated sheep in the world none have ever turned and fought their elite masters. Never, unless you count the Train Load of Unemployed Westerners in the Great Depression that the RCMP gunned down in Winnipeg. Not one time has Adult Canadian Voters Male or Female ever been consulted on anything of importance in Canada. National Flag, rammed through by 8 Liberals while Parliament was in recess. They did not even have a quorum. Not a Bleat. Income Tax rammed through without consultation. New Constitution of Pierre Trudeau rammed through and every single Premier spoke against Property Rights of the People except for Stirling Manning of Manitoba. Multicult no right to question or vote, Bilingualism shut up and speak French you Merde. All the huge important events in the life of every Canadian, and never once were you considered adult enough to speak. Criminal Levels of Taxation at all 3 levels of Government, A Legal Gulag of over 500,000 laws and regulations for 30 odd Million people, the population of California with almost the same debt as all of the EU combined, and no end in sight. Hell you can not even speak your mind without being bankrupted by Star Chamber Human Rights Courts, you have been disarmed, and now they are pissig on your backs and lay on your backs like little dogs with your nuts exposed and vote for more and fight over which Communist is better. The smiling she dog Scheer, wjo will lick anybody’s nuts for a vote, Trudeau an avowed Marixt, The PC Communists, The NDP Communists. Pathetic Pathetic nutless sheep. You deserve full measure of what is coming. Hell even the Cheese Eating Monkeys the French and Belgian’s are showing you up. But keep rowing away shackled to the Oars of the Slave Ship Canada.

      1. Wow what a comment…..very depressing but oh so true. I like you see the writing on the wall and continually hope that some one some where will wake up and stand up….. I have nearly run my race so I wont have to endure what is right around the corner. I feel very sorry for my kids and grand kids we have brought this on them…Steve O

      2. I cannot Find Fault with a thing you have stated.
        100% TRUE.
        Socialist GUTLESS WANKERS since the day we listened to tommy douglass – allowed Public Servants to Unionize – and gave a French Coward a mandate to completely Fk this country over – his disgusting Spawn continuing Daddys work of Communist conversion.

      3. well said. I have been complaining about the lack of both spine and intellect of the average Canadian. Canadians actually think they are free.

      4. Letter perfect.
        I am a WOKE hard core libertarian anarcho-capitalist.
        Woke as in: ain’t NEVER gonna happen.

        I have developed a very dark gallows style sense of humour as a defence mechanism.

        I have shocked my tiny semi-circle of friends by saying that my response to the good doc who gives me a death sentence will be: Hallejula!!! as I lack the gonads to top myself.

      5. Watcher, break your post with some white spaces, it is almost unreadable.

        And I believe you mean Sterling Lyon, 17th Premier of Manitoba.

      6. 1 question, is this before or after the TURDoo let 10s of 1000s of new voters past the gate?
        but godammit, he’s got cute hair !!!

        1. Once Turdeau signs the UN commitments allowing free migration, what will stop people from coming to Canada? In one fell swoop Turdeau’s Liberals will open up the borders to unlimited immigration.

          Trump is sitting back wondering how a leader can be so stupid. I can just see Trump saying to his various department heads “ya know that caravan on the border? Well take them in and fly or bus them up to the US border with Canada. On the way there play the video of Turdeau saying welcome to Canada we want you. Point out on the trip up that Turdeau will give them free accommodation, free school, free medical, free dental. And then send them across the border.”
          Quebec – get ready – your new language is … Spanish. or perhaps Hausa.

          At some point China will realize they can solve their employment problem by helping millions of their citizens emigrate to BC.

    1. we sure as hell need some opposition to something. sheer is not going to do anymore than the current crop of left wing liberals.

        1. Bullsh!t
          You people are mouthing Liberal & PPC talking points.
          The only way to get Trudeau out is to vote CPC. PERIOD and that is the PRIME directive. There is no next time.
          Bernier’s track record is that of an unreliable minister who get’s himself and the government into embarrassing situations.
          I would not put my faith in a sore loser who is just going to re-elect the incompetent monster we have in the PMO now.
          Experimenting with another party now is foolhardy.
          If Trudeau get’s 4 more kiss Canada goodbye.
          By the end of a second term there will be millions of new “migrants” here in Canada dictated by the UN living on our dime and if we put our hand up to complain, we could very well end up in jail. AND they will vote.
          Your votes have consequences.
          The talk of Scheer being Trudeau lite is bull.
          Max uses the line to bolster himself.
          The Liberals love it.
          To those of you thinking a vote for Bernier, it took 10 years for Reform Alliance to get power. CAQ in PQ 7 years. PPC will be lucky to win a seat, but could pull enough votes to put the Liberals in the lead in tight ridings.
          Very dangerous.
          Bernier is trailing in his own riding FWIW.
          What motivated Bernier now, was he bought off to split the vote?
          How democratic is the PPC, is it Bernier or no way? I’ll bet Bernier.
          A CPC Platform of:
          – no carbon tax
          – lower overall taxes
          – control spending
          – control immigration (NO UN COMPACT)
          – pipelines
          – restore energy investment
          – rebuild US relationship
          – and dump the god damn virtue signalling

          Will be a winner for every Nationalist Canadian who wants Canada to grow and prosper on our terms. Not some un-elected bureaucracy in Europe.
          Real & potential PPC supporters need to look long and hard in the mirror.
          This is for real, the country is at stake.
          Don’t f**k it up.

          1. Bob, where did you find the CPC’s platform? Last time I looked, they were still touting a three year old document by Stephen Harper. We all know that Scheer is far to the left of Harper, and he has still not made his progressive vision for Canada or political platform public. This is unacceptable with the election less than a year away. By contrast, Maxime has his full platform available to view on his website. I’ll be voting for PPC next election. I won’t support a Liberal lite government, or a leader who was hoisted to power by the dairy cartel.


          2. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt…. Is that REALLY all the CPC under Andrew Scheer has? Really? Can you point to any policy of the current CPC, that is different from the Green party? From the Liberals? From the NDP?

          3. Yeah right Bob.
            Vote CPC before it is too late,no vote split yadda yadda..
            News Flash;”Its over”.
            Where did you find that CPC platform?
            So far the only one I have seen:”Send us more money,please won’t you FORMER supporter”.

          4. uh, bingo !!

            aka ‘strategic voting’ on a NATIONAL scale. you hard core bernier (or is that burn-your-way?)
            supporters are gonna be very disappointed considering we still have first-past-the-post.

            as DISTASTEFUL as it really is, the binary options are vote for andy panda schlep, or gnash the teeth for another
            4 years of policy hell from the TURD.

            once you shyt out the TURD, pushed out with a distasteful meal of whateverthefcuk schlep produces, then, have the goddamn courage to PICK A WINNER for 2023.

            etc etc . bernier is NOT the answer, STOP playing the old hard core conservatist game of
            ‘Im takin my ball and goin home you meanies’ learn the fcukin lesson finally and stop playing into the hands of
            ‘the natural ruling party’.

          5. Some see merit in splitting the conservative vote.

            A) If the liberals get back in for four more and your prediction of “If Trudeau get’s 4 more kiss Canada goodbye.” so be it. This country needs a hard reset.

            B) Scheer will only slow the rate of decline.

            Some days I’m A some days I’m B.

      1. Scheer is not getting exposure in the media by design and you take that as being Scheer’s fault?

        1. I am leaning toward supporting Bernier because Scheer whipped his MPs into voting for the Paris fraud. Only Cheryl Gallant had the brass ones to oppose the fraud. I had quite a little discussion with my local MP Kelly Block and all I got from her was CPC talking points such as (paraphrased), ‘He (Scheer) needs to be seen as fighting pollution’, etc, etc.

          Mind you, Bernier did not vote against this fraud either.

          Actually, frankly, I don’t trust any of them.

          1. I must admit that I do not know for sure and Max may not have been in Parliament the day the vote was held, so I should not accuse him of supporting Paris. However, Cheryl Gallant was the only CPC member present in Parliament that day to oppose the Question.

          2. The phrase “He needs to be SEEN as…” says it all. As long as Scheer continues to attempt to placate the M.A.D., he will lose, as will Canada.
            Grow a set, and do what is right, regardless of what the Talking Heads will say.

          3. Ah yes to not trusting “any of them”.
            Offshore, think of Nigel Farage.

            Next step (already taken by me): No more voting, which is collusion in fraud and tyranny.

          4. Great points.

            Sche(m)er’s cleverness has left the CPC with no issues to run on.

            But, boy, did he give it to Max!

            No has yet refuted Max’s attack on the moral and intellectual bankruptcy if the CPC, because it is true.

            Sche(m)er will be shocked when he sees how many stay home rather than turn out for these bums.

        2. I think that may be Scheer’s design as well as the media’s, of course with different aims. I’m not confident that his timing will be right, I can only hope it will be.

        3. I am sick of freaking liberal lite as an option. the damn country can go under, it will eventually, the sooner there is a reset the better.

          1. Second that. The sooner, the better. When there are socialist bodies on the streets of Toronto, that other socialists have to step over, to get to the empty shelves in the grocery stores, where you wouldn’t get food anyway if you didn’t present your “fatherland card”… That will be a good day. As we move to full Venezuela, let’s keep a list of all the socialists who put up election signs. Then we will know who NOT to help in any way as their Canadian Holodomor picks up steam.

  2. Plain and simple: the more money you pay the government the more control it has over you.
    That’s why people like Minister No Time McKenna get so angry when people don’t fall in line with her carbon dioxide tax/behaviour control.
    She wants to punish “polluters” and we all know the severe punishment of brutal taxation/enthrallment is quite popular with the neo-Marxists.

  3. Trudeau needs mental help he could not possibly be that stupid,of all the insane stupid crap that he has said his statement about male workers tops everything.Someone get his mommy as she knows where to get the kind of mental help

    1. There’s a truth to what he said but I’m sure he doesn’t know what that is. There are consequences to bringing in male construction workers, e.g. they have productive work, a sense of worth, money to spend supporting their families, and the things get built.

  4. I would be very surprised if this Belgian riot or the French rioting will go anywhere. There seem to be only glimmers left of freedom for and of the people left in those states. These riots will only be blips in the gradual implementation of a totalitarian EU state.

    It remains to be seen if Britain will actually break free, as the Globalists are doing their best to upset and reverse that vote.

    More worrying as to the erosion of freedom was contained on the right hand side panel of that riot link.

    “The United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration seeks to make immigration a universal human right. MEP Marcel de Graaff said: “I would like to say some words on the global compact on migration. On the 10th and 11th of December there will be an international congress in Marrakesh Morocco. The participating countries are set to sign this agreement and although this joint agreement is not binding it is still meant to be the legal framework on which the participating countries commit themselves to build new legislation.”

    “One basic element of this new agreement is the extension of the definition of hate speech.

    “The agreement wants to criminalise migration speech. Criticism of migration will become a criminal offence.

    “Media outlets that give room to criticism of migration can be shut down.

    Further on in the article, it mentions that most likely Italy and Switzerland will not sign the UN Migration Agreement.

    1. I generally agree BUT at the same time believe that there’s simmering disgust below the surface. A full fledged revolt is not likely to arise from some grand existential philosophical epiphany; rather more likely from exactly like the fuel protests in France. The fuel issue is the fuel. It’s not deep down about ‘fuel prices”. That’s just the trigger.

    2. If you look at the signs and slogans in Paris right now, it gives you the impression that the rioters are communists. These aren’t people revolting for their freedom, they are just more revolting people.

  5. Not directly related but great background info on the burgeoning populist revolt:

    A very informative video by Turley about the beginnings and sheer breadth of the populist revolt leading up to Brexit; contains a link to a piece in the new e-zine Quillette. The increase in the annual net immigration numbers after 2000 (roughly 10-fold) was massive (Tony Blair’s rubbing conservatives’ noses in it!). A good chuckle over the elites’ view that the EU is just too complicated for the prols and serfs to understand.

  6. From Forbes, this is the political and chattering class response to protests about rising fuel prices, high living expenses and more taxes:

    “The European Union today unveiled a strategy to get its contribution to global climate change down to zero in just 30 years. The EU would be the first major economy to reach such a milestone.”

    So basically the response to growing anger over being less able to afford the basics is “Let them eat eat artisanal crickets”.

    More taxes, higher living expenses.

    As I said on a previous thread, citizens are turning into populists. This is a very clear message to the political and chattering class but message is being badly misunderstood. Not an ounce of introspection.

    1. This snobby, arrogant and wilfully blind aristrocratic attitude always reminds me of a scene from Disney’s Robin Hood (animated) . Upon hearing the mocking song of the people showing their anger towards him, the king says, ” Double the taxes! Triple the taxes! Squeeze every last drop out of those insolent – musical – peasants.” Sometimes life does imitate art.

    2. “As I said on a previous thread, citizens are turning into populists.”

      I avoid the term “populist”* on the premise that you should never use your adversary’s terminology because then they’ve already won half the argument.

      * Other terms I generally avoid these days: nationalist, liberal, conservative (these three no longer have any useful meaning) and all the phony phobias.

      I always write “progressive” in quotation marks.

      1. I think you’ll find that you’ll run out of words. Letting woke progressives define all the words and control the language may be counterproductive.

        Populists can be left, right or cente. The defining characteristic is their opppsition to an authoritarian ruling class (kings, religious leaders, aristocrats, robber barons, politicians and technocrats). That’s what I’m seeing – movements forming across the political spectrum against our political class and technocrats.

        1. I would agree. Hence we had many traditional blue collar hard pressed industrial workers voting for Donald Trump. Canadians have yet to wake up and get angry enough.

          I also think a line, “Let them eat eat artisanal crickets” from your comment above at 11:29 is exactly the attitude of our betters. We see this attitude in media every day.

          Watcher said it well above at 10:30.

          1. Frankly, I think left of center populists like occupy wall street and right of center populists like the tea party scared the crap out of the ruling class politicians and rich VIPs. Since then they’ve fomented identity politics and political polarization with the sole pupose to take the heat off themselves. Get the populist factions to fight each other to distract their attention from the elitist authoritarians. Another Great Recession, with VIP business class bailouts, will refocus people on who is their real enemy.

  7. Strange. All these places with yellow jacket protests, aren’t they top of the list for electric car adoption? Wind and solar power? Getting rid of nukes? Carbon taxes?

    What can all those things have to do with fucking you and your country?

  8. Some of the commenters should stop catastrophizing, Canada isn’t Venezuela and won’t be allowed to go that far down by the elites who control the country.

    Mexico North,YES! Absolutely we will become M-N but not Venezuela.’

    And, to stop Trudeau from signing our sovereignty over to the UN and flooding us with a million or more ME’ers a year, we must give our votes to Scheer. At least then we can work on developing another Party that is representative of us, while living in a relatively stable and financially sound country.
    I’ve stated my opinion on Scheer hundreds of times, don’t like the guy for a dozen reasons, but he’s the only realistic alternative to Trudeau. If you’re wealthy enough to enjoy watching the country go down the tubes, good for you, but perhaps you should develop some empathy with the millions of ordinary people who are not, and need a stable country in which to make their way.

    Four more years of Trudeau simply means Canada comes under the control of the UN,period. Think about that before you waste your votes on the guy I personally supported to lead the CPC,Max Bernier. And I hope undera CPC government Bernier can grow a political Party that can one day win.

  9. Only ordinary Canadians can save Canada! Our “leadership” will never help us. It’s in our hands.

  10. An “unauthorized demonstration,” was it?

    Free men do not need permission from globalist sons of pigs and dogs to tell them to return to their master in hell, and take their carbon taxes with them.

    It is the globalists who ought only to speak when commanded to. On the gallows.

  11. Bureaucrats never fail,even at their own lynching they will be demanding the mob cease and desist from the “unauthorized gathering”.
    “Do you have a permit for this public hanging”?
    Remember it is against the human rights of career parasites to remove them from their host.
