20 Replies to “They’re Here To Save the World, You Know”

  1. those would be fascists had best be careful. there are sane people out there who would gladly show them the error of their ways.

    1. You just got to love these Antifa turds. They claim to be for open borders, however they in fact close public sidewalks.

  2. It would really help Antifa’s cause if they read a history book, and understood that the Fascist is standing in the mirror every morning. It seems like they are in ‘Beer Hall Putsch’ mode at all times. Why do all of the malcontents have to be so uninformed? Has public school education led to this? Maybe it is past time to get the government out of the education business, as it is just another failed government program. Exactly like the old government-run liquor stores, the government-run DMV, the government-run cannabis operation in Ontario. You know, all the entities that run so smoothly here in Canada.

    1. “Why do all of the malcontents have to be so uninformed?”

      I would suggest that they know exactly what they want and are historically uninformed at the same time. They are pursuing an ideology of deliberate disruption with ultimate aim of overthrowing the liberal free enterprise system and replacing it with an anarchistic/commune system. What they don’t realize, from their lack of historical knowledge, is that if they could manage to get their way and overthrow the current system then those behind them and manipulating them would take over and make short work of them. They are the useful idiots.

      1. “I would suggest that they know exactly what they want and are historically uninformed at the same time. ”

        Exactly, Ken K. And some of them are not historically uninformed; it’s just that they have done some dishonest editing in their shallow, tiny minds.

        Months ago I watched a dialogue between Jordan Petersen and Camille Paglia. She nailed them precisely, calling them out for the spoiled, pretentious, ridiculous Martin-Luther-King-wannabees that they are.

        1. Yes Ken,
          these are the people that will be eliminated by the time the socialist/fascist get control.
          It is a syllogism that it will happen.
          As for history, you could talk to them about the little round droppings in the forest, they could have a discussion on. The history and more specifically the recent history of the past century is so distant and unknowable to them, it is a black hole of nothingness to these people.
          The history repeats in cycles in faster and faster spin.
          As you can imagine, its not going to end well.
          It can be avoided, though with recent generations that want and get free stuff and imports that have a better life on welfare in this country than scraping a living in the s…hole where they came from, there is less chance and none of that.

    2. Read a history book? Learn from other people’s mistakes? They still expect Mommy and Daddy to clean up their messes.

    1. It’s worse than you think … If you look at Ngo’s Twitter post, you see the police officer warning Ngo that HE is inciting violence by filming the Antifa Thugs. Yes, the police have their orders from city hall. Seattle fell long ago. It’s no country for citizens. No country for old men, young men, or immigrants (Ngo) who came here to become Americans.

  3. ah man, 100-150 Ernst Rohm acolyte wannabe’s with the collective intelligance of a single fruit fly. Such a wonderful selection of humanity’s brightst…/sarc most def off.

  4. Why don’t the good folks do like the Antifa fascists? Identify all the degenerates and provide their employers and home addresses. And then pressure their employers. Did I say employers? Sorry the welfare office doesn’t care.

  5. The worst, or at least most useless, people in this video are the feckless police and their leadership that is allowing this to go on.

  6. America is hurtling toward the welfare state. They can’t get there fast enough.

    Canada is already there. We’re no different than any EU country.

    1. I said it YEARS AGO … that America is importing and breeding a vast underclass of dependent citizens. We are becoming a welfare nation supported by the working class. Eventually, there will be a revolution when the 52% dependents seize the wealth of the 36% who work and FUND their sloven lives. There is a limit to the seizure of wealth … the seizure of the products of another’s labor

  7. I see a bunch of storm-trooper wannabes dressed in black behaving like … Nazis. Hey doesn’t Nazi stand for National Socialist German Workers’ Party? A key point being socialist. Typical socialists. They progressed from Hitler to Stalin and Mao.

    No thanks Antifa.

  8. Such has it always been, and will forever continue. There is always going to be the emotional and ill informed among us. That is why the vote was not given to anyone with a pulse. A person of means, or standing, has risen to that position or been trained to assume. Allowing the miscreants, homeless, convicts, takers, illegal immigrants, slackers, and crazies to have the same voice as people who aspire to make a better world is like creating socialism. There is no society in history which it has ever beneficial to do so. They all fell into utter ruin eventually.

  9. Just maybe naming the police officers present,would go a lot further in correcting their dereliction of duty faster than doxing the phoney protesters.
    However I am good with both.
    The first because these officers are on the citizens payroll, every report on these “events” should show the duty roster,from constable to mayor.
    As for the masked marauders Doxing them is justice,pure and simple.
    Too gutless to openly protest.
    Very brave and aggressive when with their pack.
    Very timid in person?
