92 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

    1. Even more amazing I scanned all the major media in Canada this am and not a single word about how well Carbon Taxes are going over in France. The French are burning Paris to the ground and have been out in the hundreds of thousands burning and attacking everyone over carbon fuel taxes and not a peep out of the State Owned Media in the Gulag of Cuba North. Canadians are gutless and stupid. Tolerating this nonsense year after year after year. Do you realize how you have been had. Not even one person with enough energy to even walk to Parliament Hill and bang on one pot in protest. Pathetic.

      1. Yellow vest rallies are targeting the Macron Socialist government not just fuel prices. It is a general uprising against the elitist policies and the failed globalist agenda of the EU. Ready yourselves because we are on the precipice to have to take matters into our own hands to save our Country from Trudeau when he officially turns it over to the UN & attempts to anoint himself as Supreme Leader.

    2. Dude. She is the EPITOME of a Blonde NPC !!!!
      She is going to be a meme worldwide if I ever figure out how to make a meme.

      1. At 11:43, I apparently posted a little too soon after my medicine. I was talking about Climate Barbi (Airhead Extrordinaire ) and NOT the nice young farmer lady. I apologize to all concerned, if my poor diction and grammar
        left the wrong impression.

    3. Maybe Climate Barbie is competing with Maggie and Prinz Dummkopf for the title of Stupidest Person In Canada.

    4. Either that or she got a bigger share than the others of the rub-off of JT’s stupid on to his caucus.

  1. I am going out on a limb here and suggesting that Catherine McKenna knows nothing about farming AND nothing about Canadian farmer current practices. I live in the country in Southern Ontario and haven’t seen a plow on a field for at least 10 years.

    And, perhaps unrelated, but that girl has amazing eyebrows!

    1. Steve, That’s a pretty strong limb you just went out on. I would bet the entire farm McKenna knows nothing about farms or farming practices.

      All that is necessary for McKenna to be Climate Change Minister is her gender and her toeing the LPC line on climate change. She is even more an actor than Justin Trudeau, playing a supporting role in the theater that is Liberal politics.

      If the young lady farmer is correct,the government should be sending them a rebate directly from the IPCC for their non polluting practices.

      But the bastards continue to virtue signal at our expense.

    2. Not sure where you are – but in my part of Southern Ontario, North of Waterloo, there’s still lots of tillage (plowing), especially in the fall on heavier soils. Mainly by dairy farmers, for some reason. Cash crop farmers tend to use more no-till or minimal tillage.
      (Unfortunately the dairy farmers also generate a lot of liquid manure, which is often spread on frozen ground. The water quality in our rivers and reservoirs seems to be getting worse. )

    3. (Yes, they’re bigger and darker than Joan Crawford’s ever were!)

      On topic: Climate Hoax… why doesn’t the .gov leave us alone! We have enough to cope with daily including them!

  2. I can’t watch the video because it sends me to a twitter sign-in page…..and that isn’t going to happen. However, I really don’t need any more information to confirm what I’ve known for years: McKenna is as shallow and stupid and uncaring as turdo la doo.

    1. McKenna really is showing signs of lack of knowledge on the file she’s pretending to know something about. Either she is stupid or is arrogant enough to assume we all are as she tries to bluff her way through, much like her leader Justin.
      I cannot even stand listening to her tripe.

      1. She’s a lawyer, which means she learned how to form and present an argument. That doesn’t make her smart.

  3. The very fact that ‘carbon capture’ is even being discussed/acknowledged means that we are complicit in our own demise.

    1. Nemo2, EXACTLY what I felt watching that.
      In bragging about the bullshit carbon recapture she is implicitly lending legitimacy to the thoroughly bogus, unproven connection of Co2 to “global warming” which is not actually happening.

      As i always say, don’t even cite the elites’ large ‘carbon footprint’ in attempting to highlight their hypocrisy. Don’t use the left’s phony language.

    1. Old McKenna had a farm!
      U O, U O, O
      And on that farm he had a Climate Barbie
      U O, U O, O
      With a quack quack here, and a quack quack there.
      Here a quack, there a quack.
      Everywhere a quack quack.
      Old McKenna had a farm!
      U O, U O, O

  4. The moment she said that she wasn’t a “climate change” denier I yawned and stopped listening. I have no respect for anyone who embraces that lie no matter what side of the fence they may supposedly sit on.

    1. It made me grimace, too. She says that in hopes it’ll gain her sympathy. It won’t.

      She understands science (logic, reason and math), so maybe this whole exercise will open her eyes to the scam.

    2. Well, except that the climate has always changed and always will because it is a natural occurrence. So to be a true “climate change denier”, you would have to believe it DOESN’T change. The lie part is that the driver of climate change is CO2.

      1. We all know that climate changes. The reason they the Anthropogenic Global Warming types changed it to “Climate Change” was to make it more ambiguous and cloud the issue. Which lends even more to their inherent dishonesty. And anyone who followed this lie very dutifully went along with the change, without question. Particularly the media. Before it was Global Warming it was Global Cooling. The interesting thing is that they use use the exact same arguments for whatever it is. I also notice a correlation that when Climategate occurred with the East Anglia emails was when the term Global Warming was changed to Climate Change shortly afterwords. When we hear the term “Climate Change is real”. What they really mean is man is causing Global Warming which is a lie hiding a lie.

        1. Yes, well what they “mean” is something that always must be publicly corrected. The left operates in the indoctrination world and so it plays with language which is why I never use the word “progressive” when describing crypto-Marxists. The word “progressive” has a positive connotation and should never be used when describing the looney left.

          1. Uh Joey,Rust is very progressive.
            The language is a free for all,the trick is to use it better than the fools and bandits.
            Their constant relocation of the goal posts while steadfastly clinging to the same cure,shows every observer their dishonesty.
            Our Progressive Comrades are the same parasites as ever wearing a different mask.

        2. It’s obviously an effective tactic. They got you with it. It’s Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. Man undoubtedly impacts the climate. What can’t be proven is that that impact is catastrophic. There is zero evidence to suggest that it is. If people are to understand the lie they need to know what the lie is.

          1. Don’t forget its not woman, its womxn and not man but mxn in the new speak.

            What if some scientist found out that it is not mxn made climate catastrophe, but termite made climate catastrophe?

          2. For example, today, David Attenborough tells the UN that our civilization is facing extinction because of CAGW.


            He provides zero evidence. ZERO. Plus he hypocritically arrives at the conference–like everyone else there–on a CO2 spewing jet. If things are as dire as these a$$holes want us to believe then do these conferences via video. The technology is amazing. Sell your coastal properties, cars and yachts. This is a wealth transfer scam of the highest order.

          3. “Plus he [David Attenborough] hypocritically arrives at the conference–like everyone else there–on a CO2 spewing jet.”

            I’d be surprised if he didn’t get there in business class. Thus creating a fivefold increase in his environmental inefficiency, depending on how much space his seat takes up relative to someone in economy.

    3. Her point was that McKenna gave her a laundry list of items that she (the farmer) needs to be doing to combat climate change. She (the farmer) replied that she is doing those things (such as tilling and not plowing, reduced water usage etc). She went on to say her farm exports, and now she will have a carbon tax applied to the price of her product that she cannot easily pass onto her clients.

      The Federal government is bailing out aircraft manufacturers on one hand and taxing farmers more on the other hand. Add to that the Catholic school board in Calgary that now has to cough up an additional $3.5 million in carbon tax payments to heat its buildings and put fuel in the school buses so the kids can get to school and you have Canada, a country that is so busy kicking itself in the ass that it can’t see the stupidity of our decision makers.

    4. Most in Canadian Ag are not against a climate plan nor are they denying climate change

      Sorry. She completely lost me with this statement on her Twitter page. Not against a “climate plan”? To do what? Make it so bloody expensive to operate your Farm Equipment that you are driven out of business? Or is she expecting the Canadian Govt. to buy her a shiny new Electric Harvester? “Nor are you denying climate change”? Sorry. You are not “denying (manmade) climate change” which is why you are “not against a climate plan”. NATURAL climate change requires NO “plan” or “intervention”.

      Sorry, sweetie … you bought the koolaid … now you have to drink it all up. Goodbye to you and your family farm.

      I have NO sympathy. Because you sound like someone who just wants to “go along” with whatever you are told. After all 97% of scientists agree… and you don’t want to be labeled “unscientific”. You don’t want to sound “ignorant” … so you make asinine statements like you did. Just so people will still “like you”. I suggest you do some reading, and study the ACTUAL measured temperatures (far below the “smoothed” and “edited” temps.), and measured sea level rise (negligible and constant), Polar Bear counts (NOT endangered), etc. The planet is NOT in “crisis” and NOTHING needs be “done” by man.

      1. You make good points. She is a prime example of the typical sheep that believes in the global warming scam and approves of taking action…until it impacts her. It’s the “carbon tax for thee, but not for me” philosophy. What makes her so special that she shouldn’t be impacted by a carbon (dioxide) tax but everyone else should?

        1. You and kenji before you say it well. It appears she has swallowed the global warming scam. She is too young to have watched many of the same tactics used in the 1970s when they tried the New York City would be under ice by year 2000 scam.

      2. Most in Canadian ag like the handouts government programs bring. We simply need all that government climate BS shut down immediately and move on to tackling real problems in the country like out of control government spending and waste.

  5. Why are farmers having to worry about anything other than farming? Knowing how many tons of air produced and gets absorbed and blah blah blah doesn’t put food on anyone’s table.

  6. The Carbon tax has nothing to do with climate change or global warming. Its about wealth redistribution. So to the farmer above the liberals have one message – be prepared to give up your farm to a collective.

    But I’m happy the farmer made her posting. Keep it up.

  7. Because the liberal tactic is to attack and embarrass people with subjects, the supposedly don’t know. you know like how they run their farm
    Add to that the arrogance they have and their assumption the farmers are dumb hicks and bingo. You have our stupid current government.

  8. I’m ok with the climate denier comment.
    The climate has changed remarkably over millions of years. That is a constant.

    The climate hysteria that we’re being sold by our political masters is that we humans are causing climate change. We may have some roll in that but they fail to explain why the climate changed in the past. What did the burning of hydrocarbons have to do with the ice age?

    I dont buy the AGW theory being advanced by the UN types but I do agree that climate change is real. I think that maybe the sun might have something to do with climate.

  9. I’m just listening on the radio to Andy 2% speaking from Winnipeg about oil and the government. He is so bloody ineffective, most people would have stopped listening. He’s going to appoint a “cabinet thingy” to “expedite”, although I don’t think he used that word, too risky, to get people on board or something. Mumble, stammer. uuuggggh.

    How about: “When I am elected, I will remove all obstacles to pipelines, make arrangements with those whose lands it will cross as a normal business deal, notwithstanding Greenpeace or any foreign sponsored protests”. “Further, my government will remove charity status for political organizations working under the guise of the enviromental banner.”

    I dream.

  10. Did you notice? This Meaghan lady has already lost. Whenever you hear someone lead with a denial, you know they are already behind the eight ball.

    “I’m not a climate change denier” — this means she accepts the idea of climate change
    “I have black and homosexual friends” — don’t even know what people are hoping to dodge with this one

    You get the idea.

    1. Kevin – 100% agreed.
      I am unable to see the Video, as I am an “undesireble” on Twitter having been ousted over questioning the prevalence of Trans in our Population (A huge Transgression..!!)…..but after some 35 coments, I get the drift.

      Just goes to show how the BIG LIE has been hammered long enough that a huge amount of the population has no idea they have been scammed on this Utter BS of CO2 induced warming…she obviously being one of the said masses.

  11. Ah, I see the lady’s confusion. She thinks Climate Barbie cares or that the Liberal government is serious about making Canada colder by reducing global warming. It’s a tax grab, an insulting tax grab that shows the Liberals take Canadians for absolute morons.

    1. Enough of us are morons to elect these people. The scary part is there are people already dissing the leader of the possible
      replacement for these incompetents. Eating your own never turns out well in politics.

      1. The leader of the possible replacement is only barely less unfit for the office and will not do the country any significant amount of good in either the short or long run. He would do nothing but warm the seat for his inevitable Liberal replacement while ensuring that said Liberal could continue the leftward march of the country unimpeded.

        We need a lion, we got a mouse.

  12. I listened to an agricultural botanist on an American network the other day and he explained that as the CO2 increased in the atmosphere the plants which require CO2 do not need as much moisture to grow. Too long an explanation to go into here but during the interview he mentioned that Dutch tulip farmers have been growing tulips in greenhouses for the last fifty to eighty years with increased CO2 being pumped into the greenhouses. It produces stronger healthier plants and they are produced more economically, less watering is needed. He also mentioned that there is now more green forest coverage of the earth than there was 200 years ago.

    1. Someone correct me if I am wrong but I believe the vegetable greenhouse operators here in North America also pump CO2 in to help with growth and moisture.

      About 20 years ago, before it went AGW, National Geographic also had an article about there being more trees now then before whitey settler colonists arrived. It seems they curtailed forest fires that rampaged everywhere.

      1. pump CO2 in to help with growth and moisture

        Many years ago, while I was working for a certain machine shop, I saw plans for a germination accelerator that someone had designed. The chap had brought prints around to get an estimate on how much it would have cost the shop to build it.

        I asked him a few questions and he explained that the seeds would be put into a tank and CO2 was pumped in to speed up the germination process. In his mind, it would have allowed for later seeding or, if I remember correctly, an earlier harvest.

        I don’t know if that device was ever built.

  13. I imagine “climate change” if by climate change they mean “global warming” would be e net benefit to Canadian farmers. A warmer climate with more CO2 in the air is a net benefit to plants. There is a reason that we grow stuff in greenhouses these days.

    1. A friend of mine in Saskatchewan said he was all for global warming. It would mean he could grow crops such as corn in addition to wheat.

  14. CO2 is the best plant food out there, bar none.
    How it got to be Public Enemy #1 is the scam of the century, is beyond me.

      1. I think the Liberal cabinet should all wear CO2 removal apparatus. Thus they’d all look like Darth Vader. Ethnic, gender etc background would not mater since they would all look and sound the same. This would also save taxpayers money since Turdeau money wouldn’t have to buy so many costumes.

  15. Canadian farmers sequester carbon in grain and it is sent to the shithole world where it is consumed releasing greenhouse gasses. And Canadian farmers are supposed to be taxed. Why us and not them?

  16. Can I get a rebate on my taxes for a CBC deduction? I can barely watch it anymore. The main stories this morning are the greedy Albertans are raising your gasoline prices, just like OPEC does it, by cutting production. The other story is about the lesbian firefighters in small town Pincher Creek. We here in Alberta need to be HATED some more. But keep paying for it as well.

  17. I wish someone would explain to Climate Barbie that the California valley girl accent is not used by normal people anymore.

    1. normal people

      Therein lies the explanation for how she conducts herself.


    Question: What physical effect would the proposed federal carbon tax have on climate?

    Answer: In 2022 global warming would be averted by 0.00015⁰C annually, or 1⁰C per 6700 years. One can get an equivalent ‘climate change’ impact by stepping on a thick carpet or moving two houses north in a typical subdivision. Check the calculations below.

    If all provinces were to fully participate in the proposed carbon tax CO₂ emissions might be reduced by 90 mega tonnes in 2022, according to the Federal Government. With the projected tax rising to $50.00 per tonne the annual cost would be $4.5 billion, or $445 per Canadian family.

    CALCULATIONS – follow the links to original sources:

    The “Estimated impacts of the Federal Carbon Pollution Pricing System” may be found here. The justification for the carbon tax is an estimated reduction in CO₂ emissions of 90 mega tonnes per year in 2022 at a cost of $50 per tonne. You will note that the impact on climate is not mentioned.

    Peer-reviewed studies claim that each tonne of CO₂ emissions increases global temperature by 0.0000000000017⁰C per year. Let’s apply this factor to the projected emissions reduction:

    90,000,000 tonnes / year x 0.0000000000017⁰C / tonne = 0.000153⁰C / year

    Stated differently, the impact of the proposed carbon tax on global temperature would be equivalent to one Celsius degree in 6700 years.


    The government estimated cost to an average Canadian family would be:
    ($50 / tonne x 90,000,000 tonnes) / 10,140,000 families = $444 per family

    Temperature decreases with altitude. This ‘environmental lapse rate’ is 0.006°C / meter. The increase in altitude to ‘feel’ the same impact as caused by the proposed carbon tax is:

    0.000153⁰C / 0.006°C / meter = 0.0255 meters

    This is 2.55 centimeters – just over one inch.

    As we travel North, the climate cools on average. This cooling rate is 0.0056°C / mile in the Northern Hemisphere. The distance north to ‘feel’ the equivalent impact on temperature is:

    0.000153⁰C / 0.0056⁰C / mile = 0.027 miles.

    This is 144 feet or roughly 44 meters, equivalent to moving north by approximately the width of two suburban residential lots.

    1. Canada will meet its Paris commitments by spending billions on carbon credits.
      But wait there is more.
      hidden in the Paris agreement is the point that starting sometime in 2022 or 2023, developed countries are supposed to contribute 100 billion a YEAR to less developed countries to help them mitigate climate change.
      So get ready to cough up people.
      And you wonder why stats Canada wants to access your bank account info. Here comes the Liberal NDP wealth tax

  19. An unpublished letter to the Toronto Star editors.

    Goods once manufactured in Ontario using clean nuclear and hydro power are now made in the Orient with electricity from coal powered plants and shipped back half-way around the world on diesel powered ships. While Ontario brags about local reductions global emissions are up significantly. Our manufacturing jobs and the tax base have been decimated.

    To some degree this happened because of actual and forecast increases in Ontario energy prices.

    Columnist Regg-Cohn celebrates this as a welcome “shift from manufacturing to a more diversified economy!”

    1. …and the the underlying story is that AGW/Climate Change has SFA to do with CO2, our Climate or anything else except for the WILLFULL Destruction of Western Hemisphere Capitalism.

      Precisely what you descibe in your comment….

  20. Trying to argue facts with a Liberal is a waste of time. Their whole platform is lies and bafflegab to start with, you can’t use the truth to show them up.

    Climate Barbie has probably never even seen a no-till system, much less understand what’s involved in using one. She doesn’t care. No-till is just a buzzword to her. If it’s inconvenient she will pick a different buzzword.

    This is why I think the Yellow Vest guys in France are right on point. You can’t argue with liars. At some point, the argument is over, and you move on to the next step.

    I have no idea what that would look like here. Liberals bringing in a carbon tax, nobody is going to show up to riot over that.

    1. I don’t have a yellow vest but I’m going to see if I can get one. I do have an orange vest. Getting time to street protest. I’ve been to two recently and will be attending many more.

    2. Historically I know of no example of a successful “negotiation” between host and parasite.
      I do not believe parasite is too strong a description of those who currently hold political and bureaucratic power.
      As all “benefits” of their “help” approaches zero.
      Canadian curse words;”Free Healthcare”.

      Revolt is already happening,did your tax refund arrive in a “timely” fashion this year?
      Saint Allen Roche has blessed Canada with more caches of guns and ammunition that any time past.
      Distrust in the officials of civic institutions is rampant.
      People clearly see the Uniparty, voting is useless.
      And 500,000 laws,regulations and agencies equal No Law at all.
      Rules are for the little people.

      Canadians do not riot lightly, if we must get angry enough to act violently,we will be very unhappy,thus very cruel to those responsible.
      “Look what you made me do” has quite the history.

      Western Canada has a culture of not making empty threats,generally the will to act is there when the statement is made.
      So if western withdrawal from Canada becomes a thing again,I doubt it will be appeased.

      1. That is what I thought when I moved from Ontario to Alberta so I would be on the right side when the west revolted against the NEP. For years I wondered why that never happened, then one day I stumbled on a quote from Che Gevera,”Revolution is born in an empty belly.” My translation. “You can’t get fat people to revolt.”
        So. My question to you is: if it didn’t happen when we had the most obviously unconstitutional, egregious, blatant theft of western resources ever perpetrated on us by the most flippantly arrogant leaping gnome ever to win an election in Canada. What makes you think it will happen this time? Please convince me. I would soooo like to believe that Canadians are not such stupid wimps.

        1. Loss of hope.
          There was some grounds for optimism in the days of Pierre the Idiot.
          There are no such grounds today.
          Elect conservative=No.
          Balance budget=No
          The Kleptocracy has withstood all attempts to stop the stealing.

          The bill is due and people hate to pay.
          Hunger is coming soon.
          Classic disconnect of our efeet elites,CBC had a ponytailed talking head,banging on about how many Canadians were living in poverty and food insecurity, yet the idiot was using 2014 statistics to blame Doug Ford.
          And I guarantee that fool supports a carbon tax.
          The many who work see all expenses accelerating, now comes a tax on tax on tax,which according to our “Dear Leader” will not cost us more.
          In a country where everything must be transported,a tax on transport fuels is a tax on everything…Sheesh even the French can figure that out.

  21. In case you dont see our insufferable know-it-all Liberal environment minister, here’s what she told the farmer :

    McKenna doesn’t have a clue what she’s talking about so she reverts to the typical arrogant scolding and fear-mongering mode of a climate alarmist. When McKenna mentioned AI, I immediately though she described herself….artificial intelligence. She has no idea how idiotic she sounds to everyone outside her Liberal bubble.

    First the Liberals attacked the prairie coal and electrical industries, then oil and gas and now agriculture. They’ve put thousands of middle and blue collar families out of work and chased out billions in investments. What’s left for Ottawa to destroy in AL-Sask?

    Take those ridiculous carbon tax rebate promises and stick them in your tailpipe.

    1. Liberals have no problem with fossil fuels as long as they’re imported. The same is now true of the agriculture industry. Good news for the US and Mexico, as usual.

      1. So, if AL-Sask separates, Canada will finally appreciate and respect our “foreign” fossil fuels and agricultural industries? Good to know.

  22. Climate Barbie is actually proud of the ignorance of climate and weather that she brings to the task of being Minister.
    I love the total idiocy she shows lecturing farmers on how to farm.
    Meanwhile the feds, believe carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels is bad.
    The citizen must be taxed to a standstill.
    Yet they do nothing to extinguish “carbon emissions” from their responsibilities.
    For over 300 years coal veins have burnt unchecked in Northern Canada,today they continue to spew smoke and ash,polluting the pristine tundra.
    Cannot be more fossil fuel than coal,yet there are zero plans to put these fires out.
    In fact zero acknowledgement of their contribution to the proclaimed problem.
    Another thing you will not see on CBC.

  23. yo, barbi, what we really need is an OXYGEN tax.
    after all, CO2 has TWO atoms of oxygen for *one* carbon.
    and think of all that H2O in the earth, seas and atmosphere (where IT likewise traps heat).
    and the minerals. sand ferfcukssake, silicon DIOXIDE. again, TWO oxygen atoms for 1 of silicon.

    an oxygen tax. makes about as much sense too eh?

    1. Even better would be a sunshine tax. The sun’s going last for only so long (some 4 billion years, but who’s counting?), so if people are taxed into using less daylight, the sun will shine for that much longer…. at least in the minds of people like Climate Barbie and Prinz Dummkopf.

      Never mind that stellar physics dictates otherwise.

      1. But, they actually did Try to figure out how to tax Solar Rays…..Alas, there was NO solution.
        ERGO, “we’ll do CO2 instead”

        Easily monetized and easily used as a hammer against Fossil Fuels….which power much of our Capitalist Infrastructure..so yea, “perfect” they said – the rest is history.

        Its got Fk all to do with Climate – a MASSIVE Bloody Smoke Screen for the real intent behind all this BS. The Strangling of Capitalism…

  24. DSNT falls into a common trap, i.e. assuming that you can reason with a religious zealot such as Climatebarbie. As Jonathan Swift pointed out, it is futile to attempt to reason someone out of a position they were never reasoned into in the first place.

  25. The young farmer lady does not realize that it never has been about ‘climate change’. It has from the beginning been an effort to fulfill Maurice Strong’s dream of de-industrializing the west and transferring our wealth and jobs to 3rd world countries. Strong never hid his project while working at the UN. To save the earth for Gaia, the standard of living of westerners has to be greatly reduced, except for those that are more equal than others such as PM Butts, his dummy Trudeau and of course Climate Barbie.

    The French people seem to figuring it out. Canadians not so much.

    1. BINGO Ken….
      Strangling Western Capitalism & everything that underpins…formulated back in ’92 in Brazil.

      To know that it was a former Canadian that was at the root of this pure MARXIST EVIL is a sickening thought. He had the same thought processes as Pierre-Justin…your Laurentien Elites

  26. I’ll add my take on this.

    What blows me totally away is this….
    If we did not have the SUN….what kind of “CLIMATE” would we have..???
    ANSWER: WE would have a FROZEN BALL and no LIFE would Exist…RIGHT.??
    That some 2 Billion Western Hemisphere Humans have fully bought into the BIG LIE that CO2 is a the primary driver of climate is beyond mindboggling….a Perfect example of not Literally SEEING said TRUTH rising in the EAST on a Daily basis.

    The SUN is and Always has been THE Driver of climate. End of Fkn Story.
    And that my friends is what perfectly illustrates the BIG LIE theory. Anyone still believeing CO2 has anything at all to do with Climate has their head firmly up their ignorant (_i_).

    So why CO2..?? ‘Cause ya can’t monetize or weaponize Solar Rays. And its the PERFECT Hammer to use in order to destroy Western Hemisphere Capitalism. The REAL agenda of the UN. (think it through – it’ll come to ya)

    As an aside: I am of the belief we are heading into a prolonged period of dropping Tempratures. No Sunspots – Maunder Type Minimum coming up. Don’t throw out your whoolies yet….

    I have no words printable for that caricature aka Catherine McKenna.
