16 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. The cause of the 1990-91 recession, of course, was unnecessary monetary policy tightening by the Fed, in the face of the Gulf War oil shock.

    It would not be the last time the Fed jammed on the monetary brakes to drive a Republican who’d outlived his usefulness to Wall Street from the White House. Powell is already plotting to see off Donald Trump the same way.

    1. The ‘Left vs. Right’ and ‘Liberal vs. Conservative’ dichotomy needs to die. And die fast.

      Call it what it is: Good vs. Evil.

  2. They LOVE right wing concession speeches too. If Trump had lost his concession speech would have been the best any media person would have heard. They would have said “if only he had campaigned like this he would have won”. They had that script ready to go for sure. They absolutely gushed over Harper’s concession speech. Best ever.

    1. Back tracking on promises has never proved to be a consistent death knell for politicians, but having another ideological competitor in the ring to steal your votes has. Ross Perot siphoned off 16 million votes and they were not from the Clinton campaign as no one really liked him much. In 1988, Bush won over 400 electoral seats and if Perot was off the ballot, he would of repeated in 1992 and the world would never have had to endure the Clintons.

      1. Bush EARNED my Perot-vote … and the giant sucking sound of American jobs and $$$ going to Mexico (and Canada) came to pass. Just as Perot accurately predicted – despite being mocked by the American Press (and Bush). Bush didn’t need to “read my lips” … I cast my vote in silence.

        1. IF GH Bush would have won:
          The Republican Establishment social engineering would have promoted Colin Powel to Sec of State in 1992 and he would have been President in 1996… The Republicans have shit for brains….Colin was totally incompetent, but GW pushed him again in 2000 and he failed again in 2002 as Sec of State.. Condi Rice replaced the fool…. The 2008 election of Obama was the black stand-in for Colin

          GH Bush was a caretaker for the Republican Establishment and if Colin had been elected we would have been UN citizens today…..

          1. When Powel declared he was not interested in running for President … my mind RACED with all the possible foibles in his past. How many affairs has he had with white whimmen? How much $$$ did he take illegally while serving as Sec./State or as NSA? Which of his diplomas was fraudulent and fabricated? How much $$$ did he take from military contractors? What did he REALLY know about Iraq’s WMD’s? My mind wandered … what must it take for a man who would SURELY be elected POTUS … decline to be nominated? A whole lot of corruption, I suspect.

  3. I was thinking that this morning, as getting my daily dose of MSM propaganda over my cup of java.

    The farcical glowing praise of the MSM alphabets was cringeworthy. But I figured it out quick, they were gushing over a dead Republican POTUS….., that’s why they were so happy.

    In a different time, GHWB was a warmonger and bomber and killer of innocents, wasn’t he, as the MSM is so quick to declare?

    1. Wait until Bush 43 passes. I suspect he’ll be the first dead ex-POTUS that the media won’t be able to praise without gagging, and instead they’ll relapse into the BDS that so infected them during his 8 years.

      And that’ll be tame compared to when Trump passes.

  4. ?
    you people sure turned on dubya I see.
    pay attention next time I call some sort of conservatist a doofus.
    start with NOT making it personal and IGNORING the salient point, m’kay?
