Y2Kyoto: They Were Promised There Would Be No Math


Puzzled by this reporting, I did a rough calculation in my initial reporting on the NCA4. Today’s $20 trillion GDP, growing at a 3 percent rate, would rise to $226 trillion by 2100. With climate change, it would instead rise to only $203 trillion. Americans living at the end of this century would be about 10 times richer on average than we are now, albeit in a much warmer world.

26 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: They Were Promised There Would Be No Math”

  1. Warm is Good. Ask the Europeans what it was like when cold ruled, back in the 1500’s. Oh, Black Death, failed crops, starvation, civil wars. It’s very simple….WARM IS GOOD!

    People need to get it through their thick heads, your government wants you destitute and dependent on government. They will do anything to bring that about and it’s all spelled out in the earlier Agenda 21. The UN has been perfectly open on what they want to happen. They’re working on it in France. The French are learning all about it, as they have been living it for years. In the end, they want you dead, by your own hand mind you, but they set the stage for it to happen.

    Coming to a City here. Mr Butts LOVES this stuff. He revels in it. HE LAUGHS ABOUT IT. Follow him on Twitter.

  2. FOUR DEAD in France because of the Climate riots. Just the tip of the spear starting to pierce…

    1. Yeah … where’s the ‘worst case scenario’ calculation for climate-Nazi revolts? Perhaps there will be far more damage to the economy by MO-rons like MAcron than by all the “EXTREME” weather events combined? Where’s the assessment of THAT horrific political climate?

  3. I wish this was from the Onion…
    But it’s the CBC.

    **Whales are singing in deeper tones to cut through the noise of melting icebergs in Antarctica…
    Global warming has changed how some male whales attract females.

    Jean-Yves Royer, a geophysicist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, and colleagues compared male baleen whale songs from 2002 to 2015 and found the sound frequency changed in areas where icebergs melt due to warmer water and air. When icebergs melt, that’s the loudest sound around, he said.

    So the whales deepen their song, Royer said, to penetrate through the sound of melting ice.**


    1. For the people who espouse Darwin’s Theory of Evolution at every turn AND yell out “science” every time the conversation turns to climate…it never occurs to them that perhaps female baleen whales are more attracted to males with deeper “songs” and thus they get to procreate more than those with higher songs. I remember watching one of those nature shows a few years back about how a female elephant that had gone in estrus rebuffed every male nearby because she “heard” the song of a fully matured bull elephant that was a day or so away (the ultrasonic song which could only be picked up with those big ears).

      1. Every time I read or hear anything about Darwin I always make the observation, that if man is an evolutionary creature then every thing that man does is both natural and evolutionary.

      2. elephants also communicate in the subsonic range by feeling or some way sensing the vibrations thru the ground according to a nature documentary a ways back.

        I weep for the way we have mistreated trillions of other living organisms, all about greed.
        sweep the ocean floors clean of nesting habitat just for a one-time grab for the ‘target species’.
        decimate the maritime cod fishery, tqvm you fcukin’ USELESS various Ministers of Fisheries from BOTH parties. ya thats you you useless lard ass john crosbie.

    2. I was shouting at my Television with a raspy voice during Jerry Brown’s State burning. The smoky air deepened my normal speaking voice. I blame Jerry … not “climate change”.

      1. Yea…happned to me on twitter. Was after (_i_)hole BUTTS and his nazi commentary….LOTS. And all of a sudden get “suspended” over a 3 month old tweet questioning the prevalence of TRANS in the population….”major Faux pas”

        His monitors had to actually search for something to get me on..
        That was in early Aug…still “suspended”.
        “BREAK THEM uP Indeed.

    3. There was no global warming between 2002 and 2015, except in the ridiculous “warmest year on record” GIGO nonsense.

      The CO2 feedbacks that support their ludicrous claims (now up to 14 deg C, because 2 deg didn’t scare enough lemmings) of CAGW “exist” only in their models, theories and phony consensus .

      No matter, their “solutions,” taxes, big corrupt government or $trillions wasted on never ready for prime time “technologies” like wind show their socialist hand, along with eschewing renewables like nuclear energy.

      They claim this great growth in “renewables” for which they cynically include hydroelectric, is further nonsense.

      Let’s 1/10 of a percent “doubles” to .2%.

      Some payoff for $trillions wasted on corrupt rent seekers, partiers and Marxist watermelons.

      There is no observational, empirical nor experimental data that supports their claims of present (gigo) or future “warming.”

      So they can bleat about observing “climate change” from space (deforestation in the 3rd world), not mentioning all the gains in emissions come from the developing world, particularly China and India.

      So spare us all the tut tuts, superiority and self-interested virtue signaling. The theory is at best specious at worst criminal.

    1. keep it a secret, the idiots who are making billions off the scam won’t like the exposure.

      1. Con artists always become abusive and even violent when outed on their self-enriching fraud, just ask Hillary.

  4. From the get go AGW as an issue was appealing as a wedge issue to attack those uber rich Corporate America.
    It was some faceless someone else that would be made to pay for this climate transgression.
    But its not someone else.
    Its the common folk that will be made to pay.
    Fortunately due to the amount of time it takes to actually implement this new world order, the deplorables are getting wise fast and they are kicking the money changers out of the temple so to speak.

    1. Exactly. The hyperbolic fear mongering that constantly emanates from the Climate Doomers is getting tiresome, given the relative normalcy of our seasons and weather. Yet, the more typical our climate, the more shrill these zealots become.
      “ACIDIC OCEANS!!!!!”
      “CO2 POLLUTION!!!!!”
      And they keep spitting out predictions from failed modelling techniques. Al Goreacle and St Suzuki made wild assed threats 20 years ago, if “we” didn’t make huge changes to the use of evil fossil fuels. None of those dire predictions have come close to fruition.
      The best thing we can all do is make no changes.
      A few weeks ago, there was a news report that “CO2 levels haven’t been this high since 100,000 years ago, when average temperatures were 8 degrees warmer”, as if that were some kind of threat. What it really proved was the opposite, that they are not causational.
      It doesn’t matter what the environutters say, nor their modelling wizards, when they are wrong, consistently, apparently they mean well, therefore, we should STILL do what they say anyways, as the Goreacle said, “It’s just the right thing to do”. BAH!

  5. Two details of the NCA4 Report analysis jumped off the page for me …
    1. The worldwide temperature was assumed to be 10 degrees higher in the year 2100
    2. The world population will be 12 Billion in the year 2100
    Wha, wha, whaaaaaaaaat!?

    Seriously!? 12 BILLION people on the planet in just 81 years?! So the population will grow from 7.7 Billion people today to 12 Billion in 2100!. Not even the UN projects that kind of nonsensical number …
    The UN only projects a HIGH estimate of 18 Billion people in the year 2100.

    And 10deg. Hotter?! What utter rubbish. Nothing in the ACTUAL temperature plots from 1850-2018 would suggest such a spike. Ohhhhh yeahhhh … the “computer models” predict such a spike … gawwwwd!!! Who writes this stuff? And even more to the point … where is the legacy media?! The legacy media simply parrots and amplifies such nonsensical “reports” as this without ever questioning the assumptions and therefore in-validity of such utter nonsense. We have no media anymore … save for internet bloggers.

    1. Well Kenji, those are EXPERTS, creating those models. They are not to be questioned, ever.

      The media, politicos and environutters worship these people, they are the high priests, whose opinions are never questioned.

      The ridiculous notion and assumption of the enviroleft, is that they assume that temperatures will spike uncontrollably, turning the earth into a deep fryer, and us into crispy fries, despite the lack of any evidence to substantiate that notion

      Extremism, dire warnings of destruction and threats of “do this or else!”…..hmm, what does that remind you of?

  6. Whenever you see big scary global warming numbers, extreme weather projections, massive sea level rises and big GDP decreases – it means they are using the RCP 8.5 scenario in their computer models.The assumptions in that scenario are completely absurd. You can safely ignore any scientist or economist using it, any reasearch derived from it and any journalist/media that presents it as realistic. It’s climate doom propaganda. The equivalent of a fire and brimstone preacher raging that the End is Nigh.

    In reality, global warming is following the mildest RCP scenario, despite record CO2 emmissions. Nearer the best case scenario than the worst case one. All projections of doom (computer models) would require the actual global warming rate (real, recorded data) to triple or quadruple between now and 2100. The odds of that happening are miniscule.

  7. So if I get this right, they are saying that by not succombing to the religion, the economy will grow to 23 trillion less than it should. To put into perspective, that’s 9% less over 82 years, or a hit of approximately .2% on GDP growth every year. I’d like them to project out some of the more egregious social policies over 82 years and see how they measure up.

    1. How does fighting climate change result in higher economic activity, with regulation, carbon taxes and wasting $trillions chasing wind turbines? This is at best counterintuitive, at worst a complete and unmitigated fraud.
