44 Replies to “December 5, 2018: Reader Tips”

  1. Why Beauty Matters- Sir Roger Scruton


    L- The lack of beauty, and the appreciation thereof, leads to alienation and nihilism.

  2. I’m watching Andrew Scheer give Justin a very hard time over pipelines in Question Period on CPAC. He’s doing a very good job and getting quite a rise out of the PM. Maybe some of the complainers about Scheer should watch QP more often. Many other Conservative MP’s are also good at questions. Justin has frequently been in attendance, often taking almost all the questions. Tonight he’s extra touchy.

    Climate Barbie is sitting behind Justin and looking decidedly pouty. Was she not allowed to attend the annual climate fest recently?

    Oh oh , now the libs are asking cons to repeat their statements outside the house. The speaker is reprimanding. Ms Bardish Chaggar (L) is reading answers now for Justin . And all she seems able to do is ask Lisa Raitt to repeat her statements outside the house.

    1. where does sheer stand on the government giving police nationwide the authority to demand breath tests without cause? how do “you” spell police state?

      1. Too late. The police should never have been given the power to stop honest citizens without reasonable/probable grounds. All these ride checks, check stops – call them what you like are a direct assault on individual rights. These are the actions of a police state.

        Out here in the west the rcmp sit in front of country hotels and pick off the patrons as they leave. Yeah that’s real police work. I’m not defending drinking and driving I’m concerned about the powers of the police. Democracies limit the power of the police.

        Now were giving them the power to demand a breath test with reasonable grounds? Why don’t they come up with an accurate drug test?

    2. Caleo, I fully agree with you. The big media cartel (e.g.CBC News, the Globe and Mail) completely censored the Question period goings-on, even though the pro-Liberal cartel members have fairly large Ottawa bureau staffs. To be fair, the Globe and the CBC instead ran with the Parliamentary Hill story that the Tories and NDP have demanded a special debate on the Librrals’ non-response to Trump’s tariffs. But the two huge media outlets, both very pro-Liberal, censored Scheer during Question Period.

      This is the essence of how corrupt the cartel is. The sleazy media giants censor Scheer, then they lie and say he doesn’t say anything.

    1. You don’t have to buy it unlike the garbage these collectivists foist upon us at far more cost and aggravation. Triggered much?

      I for one look forward to reading it and from what I’ve heard and seen it’s an awesome book, on my Christmas list.

      If not, then I will purchase it after Christmas. Collectivist garbage is often my treasure.

    1. Typical jackbooted thug. Getting away with anything he pleases while the jackboot lickers are squealing with joy.

  3. Rex Murphy on PM SFB and his cabal of shit serving liberals.
    “Is this a uni-gender government? Are there no distressed, underage, education-deprived males anywhere on this troubled planet? The question is impolitic, but the gender lens obsession manifest in Trudeau’s government is more feminist interest-group politics than national governance. If 90 per cent of oil workers were female, Canada would be Kuwait by now; there’d be pipelines running across university campuses, and oil would be described in government press releases as “milk for cars, carrot juice for jets.”

  4. The eastern Canadian media cares about Alberta. Among all its Ford is Hitler stories, the Toronto Star has one of its best Unifor journalists demand that the entire oil sands be shut down. In other Toronto Star news, the editorial is upset that Great Leader Justin is being raked over the coals for giving 50 million dollars away in a tweet. Don’t Canadians realize how wonderful Justin is?

    1. Hey John. I think Justin is trying to kill me with the CBC. I watch the news that my tax dollars go to fund, and my blood pressure is through the roof. The saving grace is that I can switch the channel over to CTV, and I realize that they are also funded by my tax dollars, through CRTC regulation. At least I can shut off the TV, and go read a newspaper, also now funded with my tax dollars. They all have the same glowing stories of our hard working Prime Minister. I am sure glad I don’t have a job to go to, I have lots of time for smokin’ weed and soaking up propaganda. This country will be Venezuela in 3 years. That is my prediction. (And I predicted Trump would be POTUS 1 week after he announced his run).

      1. It’s not as bad as that yet. Most of the governments (Federal and Provincial) are staying under the 3% of GDP deficit spending formula. Because all the countries (USA and EU included) are doing at least that it’s hard to fault Canada. The bigger issue is the hobbling of Alberta’s future economy and the continuing high transfer payments to Quebec.

      2. “This country will be Venezuela in 3 years.”

        I understand the sentiment but no.

        Being a constitutionally organized federation does have some advantages; there’s just no way for a Federal government to ever centralize power in the manner of a Chávez, even if it had the voter mandate (because it would still have no mandate to interfere with purely provincial powers). Look at what a couple of resolute premiers have done to the Dear Leader’s big carbon tax grab.

        Also, let’s face it, Our Dear Leader is no Chávez; he and his little band in the Cabinet actually seem to be a fairly ineffectual group. Indeed, say what you want about Trudeau père, but he was a far more forceful leader than his feckless Bollywood-idol son. Had PET decided to get behind a pipeline, we’d be building it now.

  5. The first sentence of this article on the backlash in France on increasing gas taxes is quite hilarious.


    “The single most effective weapon in the fight against climate change is the tax code – imposing costs on those who emit greenhouse gases, economists say.”

    You could read this two ways. The writer wants you to think that increasing taxes is the best way to fight against the climate getting worse. Other people, like me, think that the government increasing taxes (such as in France) is the best way for tax payers to get upset about paying for global warming.

    But they soon after show their true stripes with these two paragraphs.

    “Even in the best of times, carbon taxes must be carefully crafted to avoid political pitfalls,” said Paul Bledsoe, a former Senate Finance Committee staffer and Clinton White House climate adviser. “In particular, much of the revenue raised must be recycled back to middle-income workers. Macron’s approach put the money toward deficit reduction, stoking already simmering class grievances.”

    Last year, a group of economists and policy experts – including former treasury secretaries James Baker III and Lawrence Summers and former secretary of state George Shultz – advocated a tax-and-dividend approach. It would feature a carbon tax of $40 a ton, affecting coal, oil and natural gas. The revenue would be used to pay dividends to households. Progressive tax rates would mean more money for lower- and middle-income earners.

    In other words, climate change tax is little more than wealth redistribution.

    1. All economists should be dropped in active volcanoes. Sick-minded simpletons responsible for immigration growth to promote economic growth. A world ending Ponzi scheme. Not one POS economist can spell stability. But shoot them first before they get dumped, just for fun.

    2. The feature inherent in carbon pricing scams is they mimic the pay for undulgences scam the Vatican employed a few centuries ago to pay for the renovations on the Papal palace.
      Getting the ceiling fresco done by Michelangelo didn’t come cheap.
      But the masses where assured they could buy their way to salvation if they just paid the fee.

  6. To keep our freedom, we need to accept the truth, as bitter as it is. The left hates us and wants us silenced. But this is our country. If they want it, they have to take it from us because we are never giving up.

  7. This serious Christian man loves and adores Camille Paglia, and she’s solidified my admiration again, by calling Jordan Peterson one of the greatest thinkers of our time …


    Peterson was incontrovertibly one of the most brilliant minds I have ever encountered, starting with the British philosopher Stuart Hampshire, whom I heard speak impromptu for a dazzling hour after a lecture in college. In turning psychosocial discourse back toward the syncretistic, multicultural Jung, Peterson is recovering and restoring a peak period in North American thought, when Canada was renowned for pioneering, speculative thinkers like the media analyst Marshall McLuhan and the myth critic Northrop Frye. I have yet to see a single profile of Peterson, even from sympathetic journalists, that accurately portrays the vast scope, tenor, and importance of his work

    Both Camille and Peterson … “get it”. Now, if I can just convince both that God is REAL, not just a symbolic remnant of our ancient ancestors.

    1. Trump seemed grouchy too.

      He had to listen to a pack of globalist swine pretend to be sorry one of their number had died when he could be doing sonething far more productive, like undoing the damage they’d done. So I can’t blame him.

  8. Another story of media corruption. I am retired, and as a small retail investor I watch the business news. Over the weekend Trump got to meet with China President Xi, and said the two countries reached an agreement not to impose new tariffs for 90 days, and to work for an agreement. Then the anti-Republican Reuters news agency conrived a story saying that there was no hard agreement, and with that the anti-Trump media went into hysterics, claiming that the trade war with Cina was still on. As a result the Dow index fell 800 points yesterday.

    Today the U.S. stock markets are closed. And now Reuters has a story quoting Chinese spokesmen that China thinks a deal can be reached, and that the no-new-tariffs pledge was in fact true. So the U.S. stock futures are back up, and the Canadian stock market is doing well today. But I blame the media cartel for false news, and creating a ridiculous swing in markets. I am a small retired investor, with a very defensive Canafian portfolio. Given the hysterical anti-Trump media, I avoid the U.S. market.

    1. Does anyone think for minute that if Alexander were not criticizing the Conservative position the CBC would have any interest in anything he has to say?? The CBC goes out of its way to do the job of the government (to defend their positions) while attempting to undermine anything the Opposition has to say. In this case, Alexander is naive about the nature of this agreement. It will be used to shape immigration policy. That policy under Liberals will put migrant needs first . . . Canadian interests and concerns second. It does not matter if it is binding or not once you have a government willing to relinquish sovereignty and independence and simply follow directives issued by the UN. Canada is already lost in my view. The globalist driven pact will just make it worse. Has anyone ever wondered why the name for our department of Foreign Affairs was changed to “Global Affairs” — it is because we now put globalist interests before our own. You can sign an anti-UN-Pact petition here, but I fear it is too late. Canadians are only hearing about this a week before it will be signed:
      Keeping it out of the media was deliberate, and Scheer certainly should have been speaking up before now.

  9. There is no doubt of trudeaus intention to open up our borders and anyone that doesn’t think so is naive and very very stupid.He has already started to the tune of over thirty thousand

  10. The Altering of the Deal


    USMCA Entrenches Tech Companies’ Right To Censor


    But USMCA also entrenches tech companies’ right to censor without liability. Article 19.17 of the trade agreement gives tech companies immunity from any lawsuits arising from actions taken to “restrict material it considers to be harmful or objectionable.”

    Section 230 has a similarly problematic provision, which needs to be amended by the next Congress if the censorship of the internet is to be stopped. But the new, even broader censorship provision, will make it nearly impossible for the tech giants’ privilege of legal immunity from any lawsuit that arises out of their censorship practices to be taken away.

    In August, the President warned that “we will not tolerate political censorship, blacklisting, and rigged search results.”

    Yet USMCA protects tech companies right to do exactly that — to bury any content they subjectively consider “objectionable” or “harmful.”

  11. Given the serial abuses of power by the likes of Comey, Clapper & Brennan to name a few around the FISA warrants, one must wonder why the FISC judges haven’t spoken up.

    Possibly because they’re swamp dwellers too who don’t care if a fraud was visited on their court?

    Remember Peter Strozk was friends with a FISA judge, Rudy Contreras, who presided on the Flynn case, but was later removed.

    Strozk texted his paramour they should set up a cover social event to get his ear. I’m not saying he was one of the judges who allowed illegal surveillance on Trump, but just speculating.


    Is this why John Solomon is telling us a sh** storm is awaiting Comey et al? OTOH I’ve heard this many times already.

    “The email exchanges included then-FBI Director James Comey, key FBI investigators in the Russia probe and lawyers in the DOJ’s National Security Division, and they occurred in early to mid-October, before the FBI successfully secured a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.”

    The email exchanges show the FBI was aware — before it secured the now-infamous warrant — that there were intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the main evidence used to support it: the Christopher Steele dossier.”

    The exchanges also indicate FBI officials were aware that Steele, the former MI6 British intelligence operative then working as a confidential human source for the bureau, had contacts with news media reporters before the FISA warrant was secured.
    The FBI fired Steele on Nov. 1, 2016 — two weeks after securing the warrant — on the grounds that he had unauthorized contacts with the news media.”

    But the FBI withheld from the American public and Congress, until months later, that Steele had been paid to find his dirt on Trump by a firm doing political opposition research for the Democratic Party and for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and that Steele himself harbored hatred for Trump.”

    If the FBI knew of his media contacts and the concerns about the reliability of his dossier before seeking the warrant, it would constitute a serious breach of FISA regulations and the trust that the FISA court places in the FBI.”

    That’s because the FBI has an obligation to certify to the court before it approves FISA warrants that its evidence is verified, and to alert the judges to any flaws in its evidence or information that suggest the target might be innocent.”

    We now know the FBI used an article from Yahoo News as independent corroboration for the Steele dossier when, in fact, Steele had talked to the news outlet.”

    If the FBI knew Steele had that media contact before it submitted the article, it likely would be guilty of circular intelligence reporting, a forbidden tactic in which two pieces of evidence are portrayed as independent corroboration when, in fact, they originated from the same source.”


    But, until judges clean up judges and FBI agents clean up the FBI, and rogue politicians clean up politics and until bias addled journalists are held to account for their BS (watching the hateful Mika is a sight to behold), nothing will change imho.

    Until then, the swamp dwellers lie in wait for their chance to regain power and dominion over the serfs.
