23 Replies to “There are Only NPC Women to Date”

  1. Urban and suburban women: yes.

    Rural women: not so much.

    Cross cultural and multi-racial marriages have there own difficulties, many of which take ample time to mature.

    1. It sure seems like a large proportion of millennials are indoctrinated NPCs. I, personally, think it is a direct result of unionized teachers. I used to be a member of a private sector trade union. My time in the union taught me that the Union is there to protect the weak tradesmen. Unions in the private sector have to have a modicum of financial savvy, as the employers have a bottom line to deal with (capitalism). Public sector unions are another animal, altogether. Governments can produce money out of thin air (deficits), so unions see no bottom line (socialism). That leads to exorbitant salary demands, which ends up with teachers running the schools in lieu of the large unsustainable pay rate. Then, on top of that, most of the NPC language and talking points are indoctrinated into their young charges from kindergarten right through to university. A much better model would be to teach children HOW to think, and not WHAT to think. Rant over.

  2. The older I get the more convinced I am that woman is the root of all evil. Money can’t compare.

    The lack of money on the part of most men can ultimately be traced to their women squandering it on things they don’t need.

    1. “The lack of money on the part of most men can ultimately be traced to their women squandering it on things they don’t need.”

      The lack of money on the part of most men and women can ultimately be traced to their women governments squandering it on things they don’t need. FIFY

    2. C’mon AC how can you say these things? Your sounding like a misogynist. And how do you square that with the fact that god is a woman? So there are in fact women in heaven. So there.

    3. @ A Wacko Canadian:
      Well then you should convert to Islam, they keep their women underfoot and under control.

  3. Government is inherently socialist and the socialist goal is to destroy all opposition to government, including religion, familly and other voluntary and naturally arising institutions. It has been recognized as such since the time of Plato, when he wrote his Republic. Those who know what is best for us do not lke opposition and they prefer serfdom on a planetary scale as their economic system.

  4. “Kaptain Kapitalism” and his “clients” are all twenty first century morons. The solution to their “dilemma” is quite simple: go to church.

    1. Find one that isn’t NPC. I looked for women in all the wrong places (bars, etc). Want to find a traditional woman? Go to where traditional women hang. Look for traditional cultures, like Asians. Of course, if you live in Toronto, you’re SOL.

      1. Sorry to enlighten you, buddy. Asian women are only “traditional” before you marry them. Once their hooks are into you, expect to have every minute of your free time used for bettering their lives. Need a bigger house, need a nicer/newer car, the kids need piano/violin lessons, etc. How come you’re not making more money? Why didn’t you get the promotion? And if you don’t live up to their expectations…they know very well that pulling the pin on the DIVORCE GRENADE, will get them money and prizes. AWALT

        1. Twenty years ago, I was quite fond of a certain fellow grad student who happened to be Asian. We were both equally educated and working on our respective doctorates, so I thought she would have been a good catch.

          However, while she was flirting with me, she was busy canoodling with the boyfriend I thought she had dumped…. the same boyfriend who, I gathered, had the approval of her parents. They ended up “playing house” and got married the following year. (The question is whether it was a 12-gauge or a .410 wedding.)

          I sometimes think about what happened and I concluded that they deserve each other. Often, I think “Better him than me.”

          She had two men vying for her hand. Her husband got it. Who won?

          1. You did. Chances are they’re either divorced (and she got all the prizes), the guy is dead from over-work or they’re still together and she’s making his life MISERABLE–because you just know she has or is cheating on him. “His” kids may have none of his DNA.

          2. “His” kids may have none of his DNA.

            I think that’s a possibility. There were signs that her relationship with her thesis supervisor was less than arm’s length, if you know what I mean.

            I met her husband before they got married. He never impressed me as playing with a full deck, even though he had a Ph. D. He seemed to have a hard time finding a job, going from one post-doc fellowship or visiting scholar position to another.

            Around the time they moved in together, he decided to study something that would lead to gainful employment. As it turns out, she’s probably earning more from her job as a professor than he is. I’m sure that’s led to a few “discussions”.

            Like I said earlier, better him than me. Sometimes there are advantages to being the jilted suitor. Then again, Oscar Wilde likened bigamy to monogamy: having one wife too many.

  5. At a family gathering on my wife’s side about fifteen years ago, a young stay-at-home mother prattled on about how exhausted she was, driving kids to soccer, piano lessons, making meals, etc.

    My father-in-law, who during the week had worked off the farm for an electrical contractor, with just a hint of a smile, turned to my mother-in-law and said, “Hey, Evelyn, how did you ever do it? Fifty cows and five kids?”

  6. Training of women. They actually used to do that in the fifties, but PATRIARCHY!! My sixteen year old daughter can’t cook, doesn’t want to learn either. Had trouble working the new microwave to make popcorn. Or to heat leftovers. Not only do they not know, they are taught that they should actively resist learning this because muh patriarchy – my buddy’s daughter is the same. She is 18, want eventually a rich good looking dude to take care of her (while she stays at home), even though she refuses to lean any useful skills. Buddy is trying to put sense in her head, but to no avail. I don’t get it. I started living on my own at 18. Learned to cook, do dishes, wash clothes, etc. It’s called being able to sustain yourself. Heck, soldiers learn this in basic training. So…. what does the modern woman bring to the couple? Debt and a useless degree? I only have a couple of years to set my daughter straight.

  7. Because Country Girls living on a farm know a heck of a lot more then some flatlanders who rarely ever leave the big city area and only take trips to take party in the SAVE THE EARTH protest

  8. Being a successful adult, male or female, requires a lot of hard work. Oh wait, hard work is verboten to many now now.

  9. Captain Capitalism used to be interesting but has turned into a bitter black-pilled sad sack.
    He has good politically incorrect assessments but turns the volume up to eleven leaving no room for nuance.
    His writing says more about his lot in life than the state of the world.

  10. JB: “So….what does the modern woman bring to the couple?” The one thing that all red blooded men want, poom poom. A lot of women are willing to made the trade – sex for security. The quintessential good looking guy with the BIG bank account…. not the big….. Very few guys see this. They think the good times and tail are going to last forever. Wrong!

    The lesson here is to select your mate very carefully. Even then there are no guarantees.

    My advice to young guys is simple. All women have the same equipment. Sample as much of that equipment as you can before you make a decision so you have a base line. The rest of the woman will become evident as you go through the process. Things that ARE important, character, empathy kindness etc. Who cares if they can’t cook. You can, because you’ve learned how. You and your mate must be completely sympatico on core values. Optional values like not cooking ….you can live with.

    When I was a young guy I got to know a gentleman who was with the US occupational force in Japan after the fall of Japan. He was a senior officer and single at the time. He got a lot of ass. I once asked him what that that oriental pussy was like. He paused and said, “Trapper all cats are grey in the dark.” Good advice to a young guy.

    1. “Sample as much of that equipment as you can before you make a decision so you have a base line.”

      Which immediately takes you out of the running with quality women. I wasn’t interested in involving myself with man whores. My daughters are the same. Male sluts are just as unattractive as the female ones.

      My youngest actually cut her waist length gorgeous blonde hair in her freshman year (donation to “Lock of Love” for cancer patients) so the boys would leave her alone because she wasn’t interested in their immature nonsense and was focused on achieving her own goals. Her dad led by chivalrous example and encouraged her to have high standards for herself. She finally settled on her mate when they were both in senior year, and she did the picking.

      Most Asian spouses married to white beta boys I encountered are shallow, superficial and obnoxiously materialistic.
