Showing Up To Riot

Kurt Schlichter;

Now, the protesting Parisians aren’t conservatives in the American sense – lots of their demands have a lefty vibe. But what they do share with us is how the abuse les deplorables have suffered mirrors the abuse America’s increasingly militant Normals have put up with. The French elite has kept dumping on them for decades, impoverishing them through economic mismanagement, cronyism, and corruption, changing their culture without bothering to ask permission through unlimited Third World immigration, and taxing them to increase elite wealth while stripping them of a say in their own government.
Sound familiar?

Macron has promised to come out of hiding sometime today.

Update: Macron promises to give out other peoples’ money.

21 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. After Ofra shooting US diplomats point at UN for failing to condemn Hamas
    One has to think of Switzerland as being Similar to the Trudeauce Muslim-dominated Libral Party FederalCabinet.

    Switizeland hides beyond their real Mountain aerie in the Alps Mountains; Canada’s Bureaucracy puts up Mountains of Body Guards in every part of the Government Buildings regardless of where it is located to protect themselves.___ But! all the Young Girls {islamic gender apartheid} who are not already under the control of Muslim Patriarchy barbarism and have a Christian Family background will be coerced into the Muslim/Islamic Sex-Gangs.

    The future of Canada, because of the usurpation of Canada’s culture and Values, will be similar to what is endemic through out Britain; Sweden; Denmark; France; Germany; Holland; etc.etc. —through the Future European Union’s recognition of Their Bureaucracy ,as the Monarchial Court of the New/Nouveau Courtier Class.

    —–{The origin of the former European Monarchy — including Britain was the Mayor(s) for the Cities of seventh & eighth centuries.— Interesting this is similar to when the Muslim Theocracy established control through Terrorism and Coercion throughout the Coastal Regions around the Mediterranean Sea including Europe to the “Gates of Vienna”.}—–

    If the Reformation of Europe had not set aside the Theocratic control of Ordinary Citizens by Roman Catholicism:___ then one has to question whether the Corruption of selling of Christian indulgences as the shortcut to heaven, and generally only looking after the R.C. Bureaucracy would have been successful in stemming the tide of Islamic/Muslim Tyranny?

    Sound familiar? Possibly; because the corrupted United Nations control of the Voting by the Muslim Dominated Voting Blocs is in full guilty smeaeredia mode &__ Now going after the small poulation Countries of Europe, which do not accept the new pressure of Guilting Ordinary Citizens.

    —-{ Usling the Media Matters –{ get out in front of any subject with False News to control the Narrative}—–.

  2. Socialist.

    Ya can’t live with them, and you can’t live………uh without a million illiterate third world welfare invaders on your streets, apparently.

  3. French generals/admirals and a former cabinet minister are not too pleased with Macron’s idea to sign onto the UN Migration Pact…

    Letter addressed to Macron, asking him to renounce the signing of the Global Compact on Migration, signed by a former minister and a dozen generals and admirals. “You would be guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation.”

    1. When the elites deny the wishes of 80% of their population … and cede their Democratic sovereignty to the UN … to Globalist elites … the ONLY solution is to decapitate these monsters. Sharpen up the angled blades … and lubricate the works.

      It appears as though the French military have already chosen sides.

  4. There was also a sizable yellow vest protest in Calgary on the weekend but I’ll be darned if I can find any mention of it in the state funded media… I guess coverage of such things might find you struggling to get your “legitimacy stamp” for liberal handouts.

    1. Remember those 200,000 strong Tea Party events where nothing bad happened and the crowd cleaned up after themselves every time?

      If it wasn’t for Drudge, FOX and a few more “right wing” outlets, you never would. Mainstream Media can and will bury entire movements of millions of people.

    2. “…There was also a sizable yellow vest protest in Calgary on the weekend but I’ll be darned if I can find any mention of it in the state funded media…”

      Because, for a protest to get any coverage – and for that matter, to do any good at all – it (a) has to happen during the week, and (b) cause considerable disruption.

    3. Rob, I’m usually pretty much aware of what’s going on in Calgary at any point in time, but have heard absolutely nothing about this – anywhere. Can you – or someone – expand on that? Please?

  5. Still he goes on and on of which tax to raise, which bale of straw to throw into the engine of the economy next.

    It never dawns on the imbecile that the vast majority of citizens haven’t asked for these services they’re now so dependent on, nor of rules upon rules that are passed to protect people from themselves.

    Perhaps it is mostly the civil servants that have become most dependent upon these services, these unfunded pensions, these benefits that are paid for by the tax base of the middle class. They’d starve in the dark and find that their “work” is something they’re unable to monetize within a private sector once the heel of over governance was lifted from the middle class.

    Oh! this was regarding Macron in France? How clearly these comments apply equally to Canada’s resident imbecile family, PM Trudeau… and the entire #Libranos apparatus that’s taken hold of our ruling class, our media… on and on…

    1. As far as insinuating that civil servants are somehow receiving benefits from unfunded government programs you should check out when Paul Martin as Finance Minister commandeered 30 Billion dollars thats Billion with a “B: from the super annuation fund. This was ostensibly done to appear that the government was achieving their promised balanced budget. That was the day that the Lieberals put government pension funding onto the backs of the Canadian taxpayer, the super annuation fund had always been self funded and self supporting until the Lieberal snakes stole the money!

  6. The unrest is growing. The eurotrash have already disposed of Merkel. Macron is next and then….lookout no leader will be safe.

    A completely unorganized revolt driven by the incompetence/corruption of the system. Citizens have had it with the elites telling us (the unwashed uneducated deplorables) what it is were doing wrong, how are thinking is not up to date and then taxing us to plenary.

    Canada will not escape the disgust felt for the ruling class. You can see it happening with how the proles feel about bongo, climate barbie, freeland, morneau…. need I continue. I haven’t seen this level of ridicule. It’s gone well beyond satire. They’ve earned it. Every bit of it.

    1. There’s really no evidence of any such revolt brewing in Canada. You’re just projecting your feelings unto the nation.

  7. Macron has no more outs. He has no choice but to resign or face more riots and an exhausted gendarmes that is losing heart. He cannot last through the winter. And now that the yellow jackets smell blood, they will not be satisfied until his head is on a metaphorical pike.

  8. OH, macaroni has the solution at hand. He has asked the employers to give employees bonuses. The incompetent and immature back-hole has no clue as to what the problem is. Hollande had a 10,000 euro/month barber on hand, and macaroni has a similar, and useless entitlement situation. These dimwits just don’t get it !!

    get the private sector to try and buy off discontent for government screw ups

  9. Macaroni might try the Turdeau solution; say he’ll refund the carbon tax so that 70% of the adult population (including university students) get back more than they pay in the new carbon tax.

    1. joe:
      this is a typical LIEberal propaganda pure BS excuse. the ginormous RIPPLE EFFECT in the economy where costs go up at every turn and activity far far outweigh the ‘apples and oranges’ comparison of schmucks ‘getting back more than they paid’.

      because THOSE costs are well and deeply hidden from view, especially from the sheeple who dont *want* to hear about them whilst their throats are filled with the TURD’s . . . er, umm, too XXX graphic . . . .

      jeezuz murphy Lard Almighty pulEEZE drive a bolt of lightning right into the house of commons on a rare moment when the turd showed up. You’re gonna have to hit something other than the head, it contains a vacuum, thus nothing to instantly heat and explode.

  10. But that is the thing tho, isn’t it? The out of touch elites have been built up over the years by the votes of the normals.

    The normals would therefore have to admit they have been wrong their entire lives. How likely do you think that actually is? To admit to yourself that you, your parents, your grandparents, were just gullible fools… That everything they thought they held dear was a lie… That is a tall order.

  11. The proof of this thesis would be that France has a populist who is rising in the polls, and if they elect her.

    Macron wants to shut down 25% of its power (currently 75% nuclear) from nuclear and replace it with unreliables. That alone will boost their carbon output well beyond anything their carbon taxes will accomplish. He’s a complete screw-up on par with the Spawn.

  12. “changing their culture without bothering to ask permission through unlimited Third World immigration”

    No one has a right to a fixed government-protected culture. If it can’t survive (in fact, rather limited) immigration, it should die.

    Further, if the French government actually proposed eliminating the cronyism and such that impoverishes the French, they’d riot just as hard. The author all but admits that when he alludes to their ‘lefty vibe’.

    Oh and this notion that America’s ‘normals’ are increasingly militant is a fantasy. Those people are outliers on the left and right. Trumpism is imploding and the hard left made very very limited gains in the latest midterms. That you have to reach so hard as to include these street thug idiots as “allies” betrays your desperation.
