Y2Kyoto: Uncredible Journey


A car made from waste plastic has been forced to abort its mission to the South Pole because of bad weather.
Solar Voyager was set to be the first solar-powered expedition to reach the world’s most southernmost point.
But despite it being Antarctica’s summer, unexpected heavy snow has meant progress has been slow, and now the team have had to turn around.

13 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Uncredible Journey”

  1. “…their main mission: to prove plastic waste can be put to good use…”

    Actually all they proved was fossil fuels are a much better source of energy.

  2. Waste plastic is still made from fossil fuels is it not?

    Also its incredible that the McMurdo–South Pole Highway exists and is functional but we can’t seem to have any functional roads in our northern territories.

    1. Waste plastic is still made from fossil fuels is it not?

      Yup. Without them, there would be no feedstock to make the polymers which comprise our plastics. Somehow, I can’t imagine the lefties wanting to use freezer bags from woven palm leaves or some such thing. Then again, they wouldn’t use freezers, either, would they?

  3. That trip should have been attempted years ago. Back then, people will have seen the benefits of plastic cars, abandoned their metal IC-engine vehicles, and went around to their nearest Trabi dealer.

    Had that occurred, that darned climate change that caused all that snow wouldn’t have happened, right?

    Speaking of which, earlier today I listened to the latest edition of the Science podcast, which is produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. This time, the hosts reviewed some of the breakthroughs of the year, and mentioned one of the “breakdowns”.

    Can you guess what it was? That’s right, folks, it was (cue trumpet fanfare) climate change. The correspondent discussing it whined that despite all the “evidence” of climate change “accelerating” (no mention of drowning polar bears, though), legislators refuse to enact policies guaranteed to prove Al Gore and Dr. Fruit Fly right. Shame on those politicians!

    What’s embarrassing for me is that I’ve been a member of the AAAS for over 40 years. It’s only since the departure of the Greatest President That Ever Was and Ever Will Be (TM), Barry O’Narcissist, from the White House that the organization has become politicized and unabashedly so. Of course, if the real President was in the Oval Office now, that wouldn’t be happening.

    And here I thought that science was supposed to be unbiased and politically neutral. Silly me….

  4. I found out when I was a kid, that plastic got real fragile in sub-zero temps.
    this led to a great deal of fun and educational times.
    (ps dont forget the line in ‘the graduate’ about PLASTICS.)

    anybody know where I can get a plastic model of a leftist? I wanna do some real violent stuff to it . . . . . .er, him . . . her . . . . xerxit . . . .

    1. “plastic got real fragile in sub-zero temps.”

      Around the same time tires get square and the bead leaks air and propane refuses to vapourize. The joys of subarctic living.

  5. If only there were a technology and energy source that allowed us to travel in good weather and bad.

  6. now I know why I never went back to naderlund, it’s assholes like that that discouraged me.

    I used to recycle plastics. That is what your garbage bags are made off. Clears make vapour barrier, and white for outer used. Your dog schitt bags are also “recycled” material. Just the bags, not the schitt!! Plastic shoes, and a plethora of other shitt.
