24 Replies to “Chinada”

  1. . “It’s a one-party system, managed by a power-elite oligarchy that makes centralized decisions for the benefit of all — but cash is still king.”

    Hm, unlike Canader, which uh………….pretends to have a two Party State, with a third and fourth thrown in to satisfy the radical fringes.

    Of course we in Canada are SO much more sophisticated than those filthy godless devils in China. We Canadians are fairly represented by our political Parties and OUR government , made up of elected MP’s, the Best and the Brightest chosen by the citizens of this country, who deal fair and square for us and to our benefit, only. Their every waking moment is concerned with our well being.

    We’re like kindergarten students.

  2. John Batchelor often has guests and correspondents (such as Gordon Chang) who state that China steals trade secrets and intellectual property. The rule of law in other countries where it might do business means nothing to it.

    I saw that while I was finishing my Ph. D. Twenty years ago, I was a teaching assistant for a certain course, along with another grad student, who happened to be from China. I saw her doing the work of her fellow countrymen who, I assumed, would submit it for credit. Sorry, but that’s not what’s consider “assisting” students in this country.

    I said nothing because I not only didn’t have enough proof that would withstand an investigation, I likely would have faced charges of racism. That student eventually finished her degree and is now a tenured professor at a certain university elsewhere in the country.

    1. ” I saw her doing the work of her fellow countrymen”
      There’s that and they pool the assigned work and apportion it out to each according to their ability. The reason a potential engineer for example, is not supposed to do that is because every student should be able to understand ALL the material they’re presented with.
      There isn’t much that can be done about it especially since the Chinese students pay the full freight for tuition.

      1. There isn’t much that can be done about it especially since the Chinese students pay the full freight for tuition.

        That’s just it. It’s all about money, which is one reason universities just love foreign grad students. They bring lotsa $$$$.

  3. Now!– in how many reports to the Chinese Intelligence Agency does the Name(s)__ Maurice Strong; Pierre Elliot Trudeau; Jean Chretien; Sacha Trudeau; Justin Trudueau;-[Specifically Mentioned– Mandarin level Canadian Bureaucrats become part of the Daily Reporting dialogue?

  4. Well, you just know that Juthtin & Co. are shopping for Canada’ biggest Yank-hating commie judge to preside over what’s-her-name’s extradition process. They’re playing him like the silly putty he is.

  5. The problem is the Chinese woman is totally guilty. She had to choose to do business with either Iran or the US. Her problem was doing business with Iran and lying about it to the US. It’s called fraud – a real crime, not a political crime.

    1. The Saudis are suspected of haveing transported one of their citizens charged with murder out of the US.
      He disappeared while awaiting trial in Portland and is now supposedly back in Saudi Arabia.
      Wonder if the chicoms would attempt the same maneuver with Megs Wazoo?
      Wouldn’t look good on the rcmp but it might be a way outa this for bongo?

    1. I don’t own a smart phone, but in my experience, electronic equipment made in Taiwan or Korea have usually been satisfactory for me.

  6. That explains why the Liberal Party behaves the way they do… they’re simply behaving as all Chinese business entities behave… jTards favorite dictatorship… imagine the Media reaction if PM Harper had stated that his bestest most admired country besides Trudopia was China, not because of Chinas history or culture, but because of its basic dictatorship… Yeah, I’m sure the Media would’ve been just as disinterested and given Harper a free ride just like they do with the JTurd imbecile… hah! Chi-turdia has a nice ring to it… a country of Chi-turds.

    1. “imagine the Media reaction if PM Harper had stated that his bestest most admired country besides Trudopia was China,”

      Heh. Imagine the media reaction if Scheer-the-Steer stood up in the house and said:

      “Three Canadians are in Chinese jails on completely fabricated charges and the Chinese Government continues to threaten Canada. Isn’t it time for the Prime Minister to stand up in this house and retract his statement about his admiration for China’s communist dictatorship?”.

      1. @Jamie Mac
        “Isn’t it time for the Prime Minister to stand up in this house and retract his statement about his admiration for China’s communist dictatorship?”
        If only. Why didn’t Scheer do just that? Perfect opportunity to remind the sheeple of what they voted into power.

  7. With components manufactured all over the world,chances of getting a cell phone completely untouched by China are pretty slim. I thought,in a moment of naivety,that Samsung cells were made in S.Korea, but alas,they are made in six different countries,including China.

    Some day China will own the Toronto Maple Leafs.

      1. On the other hand, if China did own the Maple Laffs, the team might actually win the Stanley Cup.

  8. Tonight’s reminder that the Chinese are the Jews that Pierre Trudeau was warned about by the pedophile Jesuits who initiated him into buggery and anti-Semitism.

    A tribe with no god but money, convinced that they are a master race with a mandate from heaven to take over the world enslave the rest of mankind, and willing to do anything to fulfill that alleged destiny.

    Naturally, they hate the God of the real Israel, and want His Name blotted out at any cost. No wonder Justin adores them so much, just like papa.

      1. @abtrapper:
        A C is just off his meds again.
        Most of the stuff he posts is just insane drivel.
