18 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. “Lithium-ion batteries are a crucial component of efforts to clean up the planet.”

    It’s working. Imagine how clean Alberta will be when it’s oil & gas industry has been fully gutted by the Liberals? Then, taxing lithium-ion batteries coming into Canada to pay for social programs to support unemployed Albertans and transfer payments to Quebec. There is a plan…

  2. If it can’t be grown, it has to be mined. Period. No exceptions. So-called environmentally friendly energy alternatives are still the product of mining – and from places with worse records on human rights, and little to no environmental standards.

    1. Yeah, but for North American radical environmentalists, as long as rampant pollution and destruction happens OVER there, to yellow and brown people, it’s not really a problem, and it’s not really pollution.
      Cognitive dissonance is a feature with the enviros

  3. “Lithium-ion batteries are a crucial component of efforts to clean up the planet.”

    The Stupid! IT BURNS!!!

    1. It should hurt the terminally stupid Canadians. Unfortunately we all get the benefit of their stupidity.

  4. But, but, but … if America had only signed onto the Paris agreement (as the “greatest president in the history of the world, Obama” had) … then America would have $PAID$ to clean up all the toxic waste spilled in the third world to power all the “clean” vehicles driving the streets of Atherton, CA.

    The third world would be “clean and green” … except for Trump. Right?

    1. Because the EPA did it, it’s not illegal. EPA spill turns Animas River Trump Orange as toxic metals leak from abandoned mine opened by EPA contractors.


      The spill occurred in 2015. And what have we learned 3 years later…

      “Why the EPA is now attempting to burden Sunnyside Gold [owners of the mine] with figuring out the hydrogeology of a problem the EPA caused by approving tunnel bulkheads to hold back the water as an approved remediation method rather than simply continuing to process the effluent is unclear.”

      “One of the little-known facts about the mining district is that so many metals lie exposed to surface weathering that creeks in the area were declared “undrinkable” as early as 1874 due to natural contamination. The EPA has yet to quantify what part of the metals found in the Animas river are caused by mine waste and what are naturally-occurring leaching.”

      “Even the Indians didn’t drink the water from some rivers. The word ‘uncompaghre’ in Ute means ‘stinking water.’”


      Go China! Go Peru! Go Congo!

  5. One day the greens will wake up to the environmental damage from mining for green products.

    They will look at the land take for windmills, solar panels, and power lines. They will start protesting all of these.

    Turdeau is trying to remove all legally owned guns so that ordinary citizens don’t revolt as Canada slides into the socialist ideal of Venezuela.

    My first step is to help get rid of Nutley.

    Next I am voting YES in a referendum which asks Albertans if we want to renegotiate equalization.

    1. Wind “farms” are a blight on the visible landscape. Strip mines (coal, etc.) are in remote locations, and the land is put back into a pristine condition after the mines are played-out. Same with Tar Sands, I reckon. But the wind “farms” are EVERYWHERE. An eyesore, and an inefficient pack of energy LIES. Wake up people!! You have been sold a fantasy turned NIGHTMARE. Stop with the FAKE “green” nonsense.

  6. “…what links the battery in your smartphone with a dead yak floating down a Tibetan river?”

    Chinese Communists, that’s what.

    There ARE ways to get rare-earth metals out of the ground safely, just like copper, bauxite, iron, nickel, uranium etc. that we mine here in Canada and the rest of the civilized world. These technologies are well understood. Chicoms don’t use them.

    Chicoms prefer to kill people and yaks with the toxic waste. Its cheaper, easier, and they just don’t give a f-.


    At least they do in the Congo, gainfully employed, some working in the cobalt mines as young as age four.

  8. Reminder that communism is the only economic system that came close to rendering the planet unfit for human habitation.

    There is no room for doubt that human beings destroyed the Aral Sea and poisoned Pripyat. There is also no room for doubt that only communism made such destruction possible.

  9. did ms wynnedfarm know about any of this?
    doesnt matter, she still rammed her ‘greeeeeeeen energy act’ down our throats.

  10. “…what links the battery in your smartphone with a dead yak floating down a Tibetan river?”

    Missed call? Poor network coverage?
