Y2Kyoto: If It Saves One Tree

Ban the printing press.

If global warming is truly the urgent, existential crisis The Times’ editorial board makes it out to be, it should be willing to condemn the use of private jets, right? No one really needs a private jet, and flying commercial usually comes with a much lower carbon footprint.


27 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: If It Saves One Tree”

  1. A posting on this blog had me looking up the word “Sisyphean” one that I had never heard before. The AGW agenda was said to be Sisyphean and I agree that it is true. In the trenches we usually say they are pissing up a rope…It means the same thing…..

    AGW is done…. toast! Ignore the silly remnants held up by silly folks…..They will get tired & go away

    1. But there is something heroic, if futile, in Sisysphus, an expression of the daily grind and human effort in spite of all futility. There is nothing heroic about the money grasping, self-interested elitist persuit of control of the world’s energy supply and usage.

      1. As far as the lefties are concerned, they hold out the promise of change and prosperity for us and we, like Tantalus, reach for it, only to have it snatched out of our reach. Then, like Sisyphus, the whole process is repeated.

        We’re nothing but playthings to them.

      2. That’s like saying there’s something heroic about Judas Iscariot being flayed forever by Lucifer’s talons. Rolling that rock up the hill for all eternity was Sisyphus’ punishment in hell for being a bad person.

  2. If the New York Times and those government types in the WUWT article’s photo gave a rat’s behind about their being hypocritical, I’d be surprised.

    Their main concern – and this goes for ALL the gods, prophets and priests of the Climate Change ideology – is making sure that THEIR world is “sustainable” for THEM.

    They couldn’t care less about you and me.

    In fact, according to them, you and I are threatening THEIR world and we, therefore, need to kicked out of the picture. Tithes and offerings and torah, um, sorry, carbon taxes and fees and government regulations, will make it harder and harder for us to live such that it will eventually be impossible for us to live, the ones who would DARE threaten THEIR world.

  3. “No one really needs a private jet, and flying commercial usually comes with a much lower carbon footprint.”

    And that footprint is even lower when you travel economy class. But how many celebrity activists and government ministers are prepared to give up their first- or business-class seats and perks for the planet, I wonder?

    (Full disclosure: I’m over six foot tall. I take business class whenever the opportunity presents itself for longer flights: space is the true luxury in travel. But then, I’m not making any claims about saving the planet.)

  4. AGW/Climate change has been described as one of the biggest transfers of wealth to the rich in modern history. Wealthy landowners in places like the UK got lucrative wind farm deals. Rich homeowners got subsidized solar panels and above market prices for electricity contracts. Rich car owners got subsidized teslas. Universities and researchers got huge reasearch grants. Well connected business people got green cronyism and carbon trading. Politicians get kickbacks in one form or another from all of it. VIPs get annual climate change meetings in exotic locations costing millions of dollars and emmitting decadent amounts of CO2. Government and its bureacracy gets bigger and more controlling. All of them get to bask the warm glow of virtue signaling while the costs are paid by those with less social privilege and fewer financial resources.

    Regular Joe taxpayers got to pay for all of the above. Consumers got higher utility bills. Drivers get higher fuel costs.The poor got more energy poverty. Blue collar energy workers lost their jobs. Canadian unity is the worst iint has been in decades, Alberta separatism is on the rise, protests are ongoing and populism is growing. Carbon taxes will continue to rise while having zero affect on the climate (as measured in degrees Celsius). But hey….we’re “giving” you a $200 rebate so you should thank your intellectual and moral superiors.

    Great job, politicians. Congratulations, chattering class.

    1. We have a boreal forest rivaling Russia’s and it eats CO2 and stores it in the wood fibre. Where do you think coal comes from?

      Why the hell are we paying carbon taxes?

      1. “Why the hell are we paying carbon taxes?”

        -Canadian politicians are (deliberately?) terrible negotiators

        -the federal environment minister is quoted saying she thinks she’s working for the rest of the world, not Canadians

        -governments, activists, politicians researchers, VIPs, and the ” green” business class are making out like bandits at no cost to themselves.

        -The media supports progressive governments, activists, politicians researchers, VIPs, and the ” green” business class so they don’t challenging these powerful groups. The media couldn’t care less about those being harmed by green policies. In fact, they frequently insult and berate those being harmed…I think this is called punching down.

        There’s at least a dozen more reasons that show the callousness, hypocrisy and greed of our political and chattering class. They disguise their ugly class-based bigotry with self-righteous nonsense. Sadly, we have the misfortune of getting the worst ruling class and their merry band of pompous courtiers that has been seen in generations. They are too blind to see that they’re setting up the perfect conditions for social unrest.

      2. The carbon tax is a plot to destroy what remains of the ability of western nations to successfully defend themselves in future wars against China, being carried out by Chinese dupes and collaborators in high places in western governments.

    2. Yes, and if you recall, that IPCC fraudulent head, one engineer Pachuri, got paid to layoff steel workers in Britain and got paid to move his steel factory to India. Nice gig.

      1. psst, Ken, Indian is not china. Don’t piss on the idiot’s…….I mean Ass Kanadian’s narrative. You may hurt to fools ego!!!

        Right Strappon !!!!

  5. One of the main arguments of global warming is that we [those who have benefited from fossil fuels] must set an example for others [those who are poor]. Me? I’m waiting for the signal, such as Richard Branson shutting down his airline, Leonardo DiCaprio giving away his money, Hillary Clinton giving up her Armada of SUVs and her relentless money-raising schemes, Michelle Obama giving back her $4,000 Balenciaga boots (what does it matter when the Earth is dying). When the truly rich start to lead by example, I may follow.

    1. That’s the only time you’ll hear the explanation that CO2 reductions policies are too miniscule to matter. All pain, no gain. Here’s how it works:

      Rich VIPs being impacted by CO2 policies = pointless, ineffective and stupid populist politics.

      Everyone else being impacted by CO2 policies = important symbolism and wisely being a role model for other countries.

      Expensive, forced CO2 rationing for thee, silly peasants —- but generous CO2 subsidies and an unlimited free pass for me. “We” must save the world.

  6. I agree with all the above comments.
    Jap slapping hypocritical elitists might just be the 2019 resolution the world requires. Either they renounce their hypocrisy or they lose their toys. No helicopters, boats & yachts, vintage planes or super cars. No bullshit rockets. No international travel. And no second, third, fourth homes. If they cannot renounce and will not relinquish then its off to the Pol Pot fields for re-education.

  7. FINALLY!!!! Someone is using the “no one really needs a handgun” argument against them!
    Making them live up to their own rules. I Love it. If you get to decide that people do not “need” things, then it goes both ways now, don’t it.

    No one really needs a private island. No one needs more than one house. No one needs to have electricity.

    They will not like the world they thought they wanted. Nobody needs socialism.

  8. The Grey Lady is selling rides on the private jet to oligarchs, as she is unable to sell ad space in her own newspaper.

  9. Here’s Jordan Peterson’s thoughts on Climate Change. Of course Mr Peterson is not a climate scientist but neither is Al Gore, David Suzuki or the embarrassing Bill Nye but they’re treated as such. They’re given awards and accolades and treated by the media like they INVENTED the science of climate. Mr Peterson, I would contend, has put more thought into this subject by a factor of a thousand than any of those the media holds up.
    It starts with a statement disguised as a question and Mr Peterson’s blunt answer is SO refreshing.


  10. According to my computations, iow,a few seconds with a calculator,the NYT junket will burn about 1.6 million liters of jet fuel.

    I have no idea how many tons of carbon dioxide that will produce. Probably a lot more than my old V-8 gas guzzling Ford.

    Still,I feel guilt,and acknowledge that my Betters should not be criticized for flitting about the world in the name of saving it. I’s just SO grateful to my masters.

    Just curious, would one ‘a them Afghanistan War era Stinger missiles take down a 757? Sure hope they collected them up after it was all over.

    1. don, 400 of those stingers went missing in Benghazi, that was part of why Stevens was there. And I think Fynn may know that, and that is why he was set up and taken down. Insurance policy any one????

  11. New age enviroemntaisms based upon their own insanity caused by going totaly vegan and watching Al Gore or Leonardo DiCaprio’s two fake Documentries

  12. CO2 is Bad.
    Wood,which is photosynthesized CO2, is good.
    So a wooden club used as a clue bat on an environ-Mentalist is double plus good.
    Three blows or more must be triple plus good.
    I think I am getting the hang of this Carbon Tax thing.
    Wood is good,hitting clueless creatures with wood is love.
    Love is good?
    Liberal speak is hard to master, perhaps a full lobotomy would speed the transition?

  13. I flew out of Brussels once on a Monday morning. I spent about 2 hours watching private/business jets fly in…one after another. They were of course bringing all the EU ministers back from their weekend getaways to enact draconian climate change regulations on the little people.
