Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Time, that tattered, shrunken revenant of a once-popular news magazine, continues in its endless decline to delude itself that it has either the authority or the competence to name the “Person of the Year.” Brilliantly it named journalists — “The Guardians” — as 2018’s collective heroes, with Jamal Khashoggi given pride of place on the once-iconic cover. Time neglected to check on Khashoggi and now finds that it nominated a Qatar stooge, whose columns were midwifed by officers in the Qatar government, and whose “journalistic” career was but a distracting pendant to his many more serious activities, latterly as an anti-Saudi lobbyist, nephew to the one-time world’s biggest arms dealer, and a host of other shadowy mésalliances.

Rex Murphy, with a blow torch, in the National Post.

42 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. TIME’s person of the year? Who gives a Rat’s Red Rosey Root? TIME is a collection of malakas sitting around short stroking it to the idea that TIME magazine is considered the du jour arbiter of “PERSON of the YEAR”? …Please… Who exactly is it that think Adolph Hitler or Yasser Arafat were persons of such example that they should be emulated other than TIME Magazine?
    Barack Obama? An example of TIME’s “Person of the Year” that no one who is white could emulate because ALL of Barrie’s
    accomplishments are predicated on the irrelevant FACT that Barry Soetorro is a nigro and are NOT ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Yeah.

    1. Fifty years ago, the crew of Apollo 8 were named the men of the year. In 1982, the personal computer got that honour. Now this.

      Why is Time still considered relevant?

      1. Relevant? Rex Murphy so cleverly used the term … revenant … in his opening sentence, to describe TIME mag. A word which still conjures an image of Leo di Crapio getting buggered by a Grizzly Bear. Symbolic, so he thought, of how Nature will have the last laugh over man.

        Yep. TIME mag. … revenant

        A fabulous article. One which actually DELIVERS the TRUTH which is so intentionally elusive to leftist rags like a revenant TIME rag.

      2. B A, because TIME is liberal-left in its outlook, so the dominant liberal media cartel give the moribund mag undeserved attention. The media are just engaging in mutual back scratching.

    2. We called Time “slime” way back in the early 80’s. The only time I’ve read it since then was occasionally at airports, and each time my slime assessment was confirmed.

  2. I often wonder what the reaction is when Rex walks through the CBC building. Do the CBC’ers nod, say Hi and treat him with normal respect or do they scurry to their desks and avoid eye contact. I suspect there’s lots of scurring.

    1. I also suspect that there are a number of CBC folks, perhaps more technical peeps, who agree with him but are scared to do so publicly last they be shunned or fired.

      1. I bet you are right.
        The culture there must be toxic.
        Shut it down, it’s misusing it’s generous subsidy by not fulfilling it’s mandate anyway.
        Where is the national radio show a la Morningside? That show was where Canadians could have regular installments from across the country, (not hindered by PC bullshit) about what is going on across the country by people who cared. It really was a uniter.
        CBC is also destroying the business of private media by over paying for limited advertising and “talent”.

    2. I suspect those at the CBC who used to come into contact with him wore a sprig of arugula under their clothes to ward off the evil. 🙂

    3. I have an anecdote on that. When I travel, I like visiting bizarre, nasty places, like Jane and Finch in Toronto, or like going to Muslim eateries in Montreal. So one summer, back in the 1990s, while visiting Toronto, I visited the CBC headquarters, that ugly grey building in downtown Toronto. Anyways, there is a newspaper/confectionary store on the first floor. Back then, there were only dead-tree newspapers available. At the store — this was in the afternoon — all the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail papers were sold out; they had empty bins. But the National Post bin was completely full. None of the CBC staffers were open-minded enough to read it.

    4. At one time Rex was as fervent a Tudopian tail wagger as any federal bureaucrat or as everyone else in the Trudopian Media complex… something changed for Rex… common sense? Reality? Who knows what changed for the man, either way having at least one “journalist” telling the truth regarding the diseased and utterly corrupt Media machine that he works for is better than the usual zero. Good for you Rex.

  3. I take it Rex is not part of the Unifor journalist resistance, that will be fighting for Groper this election. Pretty sad for our democracy that the union of journalists have announced that they will be taking sides in an election. And the CBC had its panel on last night, explaining to stupid Canadians the benefits of migration. The panel consisted of the CBC’s expert on everything, Michael Coren, a socialist journalist from the Globe and Mail, and a muslim. The discussion was that its great to flood Canada with legal or illegal immigrants, Trudeau is wonderful for welcoming everybody to our shores, Scheer and the Conservative Party are racist bastards for raising questions about illegal migration, and only a small percentage of Canadians oppose migration. They are racist bastards. And the Toronto Star is excited that the new head of the CBC is a feminist who wants more diversity and feminism at the network. Expect lots programming about whiny indians, feminists, muslims, and socialism.

      1. “so called journalists in a union…”

        Yup. Since when did union become a synonym for flock, eh?

    1. It’s hard to pin down Coren’s beliefs as he changes them so often. He was a good Tottenham lad, not sure what’s happened to him.

      1. “It’s hard to pin down Coren’s beliefs as he changes them so often”
        Remember Coren hosted The Arena with Michael Coren on Sun News and prior to that portrayed an unabashed right-winger on The Michael Coren Show featured on Crossroads Television, a Christian TV network.
        “In contrast to his previous conservative views, Coren now identifies as a Christian socialist. He is also not pro-life anymore, but pro-choice” Wiki
        Coren once took exception to a writer who labeled him a ‘literary prostitute’.

        1. If the shoe fits….

          He’s a turncoat opportunist, and I wouldn’t trust a word he says. He’d be a perfect politician.

        2. I think Michael Coren sold out, given his experience with Sun TV, and its demise. He had a steady job with Crossroads TV, but like all the journalists at Sun TV, took a risk in going to a new, unproven conservative network. The same holds true with the National Post (if one can call the paper conservative). There are very few conservative news outlets for journalists, so they change colours so they can get hired by a lib-left outlet. Think of Don Martin, who left the Post for CTV news. While at the Post Don Martin’s opinions slowly drifted to the left, so he would be employable wherever he went. The Canafian news industry is one of highly concentrated oligopoly establishments, the most powerful of whom are left wing. It operates like a cartel. A corrupt cartel.

    2. I want the CBC working population to reflect the ratios of the Canadian populations in homosexuals, lefties, etc. Of course, that would mean a lot of firings 🙂

  4. Time’s choice was purely an anti-Trump jab. I don’t believe their decision process took them any deeper than that.

    Love Rex, can always hear his voice when reading his words.

  5. Time merely spews forth what the tribe wants. Same as every other Media sewer. Why is anyone surprised?

  6. CBC eh? Last time I watched it was for “Country Calendar” with Joel Aldred.
    Those of you over 70 will identify with that one.

  7. I don’t think Rex works at CBC anymore. I haven’t seen him with his Thursday night comment since Mansbridge left.

    I don’t CBC would let him continue as he always went against the narrative.

  8. Rex is definitely over qualified, over deserving, of the Order of Canada.

    CBC would not tussle with Rex, he is his own man, in a league of his own, they would lose the tussle big time.

    Looking forward to his work for 2019 when all will be trying to add more shine to the Pony.

    1. They deserve credit for their efforts at polishing The Turd.
      However the result is just that, a piece of shit with an absurd glow.

  9. Rex Murphy –
    “Journalism is frequently as wayward as the social media it ritually deplores, propelled by a lust-like drive to the parts of a story that accord with its prejudices and predispositions.”

    The only reason the consumers of “journalism”, note the ‘ism, will never know that the two are, by and large, the same as far as fake news and propaganda goes and in the case of journalism, as opposed to actual news.

    The difference is that the media cartel will take care of any fake news produced in the manufacturing process of it and will insist that the news is real. The media cartel will lock and step in unison to cover for each other in the process of manufacturing, misleading, knowingly and in large part unknowingly omitting the reality.
    It has become apparent of late that the “journalists” know way less or nothing of what they write as though they just got the instructions from the big giant head what to write and don’t know or care what the relevant points are.
    Don’t know what they do at the communist broadcasting corporation so can’t tell what their positions are, though from reading the comments here, it is well based on fake news.
    Watching the global news, well, their daily theater is something else, like the guy that has the world behind him and telling everybody how smart he is while moving across the stage back and forth. It is completely one sided.
    The yearend comments by the “correspondents” yesterday was nothing short of lovefest. Everybody agreeing with everybody else. Not a sign of independent thought.
    That is not how life is, how people think.
    Hell there are people commenting here all day long disagreeing, having different thought on a subject, many times if it had a sound, would be like fireworks going on.
    At the same time generally on the same wavelength and at the same time free of group think.

    The “social media” lives by those that are interested in group think. One group does not care, is interested or knows what the other is tranceing* about.

    *a made up word by your agent to describe those in a trance, a dreamlike condition brought about by the consumption of weed and other such substances, as in out of body experience.

  10. I’m sure that wormy cuck Charles Adler is pleased. He couldn’t cry enough for poor, poor Khashoggi.

    1. So little worth tuning into on 770 chorus radio anymore. Turned off late night with that drek from OZ. Bring back C2C.

  11. I’d pay to see Rex interview PM Justupid . . . live.
    But the “average” journalist does what they’re told. Independence has never been their strength and without that, the truth is cloaked.

  12. Incompossible. Love it. Describes these fools to a tee. Trudeau is the king of incompossible shown by his ridiculous linkages.

    Who and what must “fail to exist” to keep their false narratives of the nation and Trump in trouble, or our boob claiming the Tories want to re-do 2015, aka the Grit temper tantrum and con job on the Canadian people.

    Why would Scheer want to re-adjudicate that while reminding the Canadian people what an actual PM looked and acted like?

    Why, that’s incompossible!!!

    Khashoggi the political operative covering his tracks personifies the present oligarchical socialist movement and its mediocracy sycophants. Quite pathetic really, less popular than Congress and I assume life insurance and used car salesmen.

    Mostly this underscores their intellectual laziness, making them uncurious, along with their confirmation bias; there and here.

  13. Let’s not forget the other “Guardians.”

    —A Filipina hack who told lies to order about Duterte, now facing a long prison sentence for tax evasion.

    —Two Burmese hacks who slandered the Burmese government for the heinous crime of actually solving their damn Muslim problem, on the orders of globalists still furious that Suu Kyi stabbed them in the back.

    —The hacks at the Annapolis Capital-Gazette, who learned too late that defaming innocent men can still have consequences in a country where men still have the right to keep and bear arms.

    Free Jarrod Ramos.

  14. Man there are a lot of cbc lovers on SDA. What’s the attraction? You guys readin’ the onion too…..

    Trump had this right from the beginning. Our foreign affairs minister the kobosa princess was all was bongo. Can’t get anything right.


    Good article on who Khashoggi really was. I saw a “60 Minutes” show on his beloved Uncle Adnan back in the 80’s, immediately recognized the name and wondered. Sure enough, Little Jamal was the nephew of one of the world’s sleaziest arms dealers and a man 60 Minutes claimed brokered every deal that was done in the ME in the 70’s and 80’s. Mafia bosses were angels compared to this guy.
    Such a man has influence, and his family tends to take on the same ethics, so I have no problem believing Jamal was an operative for somebody.

    The msm is blinded by their own fantasy, incapable of recognizing their own shortcomings, or the fact one of their own was just another political scumbag who couldn’t spell “democracy: let alone be an advocate for it.

  16. Lots of shoulder dislocations in the MSM newsrooms from patting themselves on the back, I bet.

    It was bad enough when Mansbridge and Co. used to get all puffed up and tell us how essential they were to our enlightenment. TVO has even taken it a step or ten farther and tells us that they are essential to “growing our minds.”

    Pathetic bastards.
