62 Replies to “Climate Barbie”

  1. I propose that Catherine McKenna and Justin Turdeau wear carbon dioxide removal devices on their heads. A full face mask connected to a CO2 scrubber carried on their backs. They are exhaling pollution and its got to stop.

    Seriously, Catherine and Justine, the least you could do is stop flying and ride bicycles to work. If the PM is worried about security, well he can ride in a bullet proof rickshaw, pulled by mounties on bicycles.

    But since Catherin and Justin both know this is not about CO2, its about wealth redistribution, will the Liberal party please stop Justin’s wild extravagences? For example the tax payer paid to buy: a 17 foot prospector canoe specifically in red, one flat water kayak and one river kayak, two paddleboards, a windsurfer, a sailboat, a pontoon boat, and a ski boat. Given that he gets paid $347 000 a year he can afford to buy his own recreational toys.

    1. So when is Groper burning jet fuel back to Ottawa from his ski vacation, in order to rant about Nazi climate deniers. Hopefully before he burns jet fuel to Davos.

    1. The Liberal and Dippers are masters of this type of “free money” bullshit, but after the program is initiated, 99% of the people find they don’t qualify for the rebates.
      The government promises billions, gives away a few million, rakes in billions in extra taxes, and the media cheers them on.

      1. – But they DO qualify to contribute tax dollars to the programs – that’s fair…

      2. One thing is certain, once Gubmint brings n a tax it is never removed.
        Example Income Tax a temporary measure in ww1, the special one time only 10 cent a litre tax on gas so Pierre the Commie Ass Kisser could pay for Petro Trash. Petro trash is gone you are still paying for Petro Trash tho.

    2. So all you good people give us your money (just to hold for a little while), and then later, we’ll give you back MORE money than you gave us. Trust us, really. And we’ll also give you a free ‘SUCKER’ tattoo across your forehead!

  2. This is one Ontarian family that is telling her to cram it in her front hole.

    Who is stupid enough to believe this horseshit ? I know most people are innumerate fuckwits but still.. that screams scam loud enough for a 4 year old to understand it is made up bribery garbage.

    If you Lieberal scumbags are so concerned with peoples kids and grandkids, stop saddling them with debt they’ll never be able to pay off in order to create… what ? … invisible, imaginary infrastructure ?

    May 2019 see us free of this scourge.

    1. In Canada spending on infrastructure does not mean roads and bridges and sewage plants.
      It means mosques, and cultural events with lots of goats, and much farting and tap dancing, it means funds for Pride Days of Swinging Dicks and perversion, for the kids to watch. And you can damn well shut your mouth and watch as well.
      Canada deserves to disappear.
      Canada the Velvet Gulag.

  3. Idiots will believe it. I met a liberal voter last election who said they were voting liberal for the tax cuts. That’s the depth of stupidity we’re dealing with here folks.

  4. Where does the rest of the money come from? Money you pay < money you get comes from where?

  5. Sounds a whole lot like;”Let them eat cake”.
    Stupidity and arrogance this magnificent cannot go unrewarded.
    Boy Blunder and Climate Barbie are beyond parody, they will live on as the peaking of the idiocracy in Canada.

    Remember the Guillotine; because it is our heritage.
    But those useless whirling crucifixes will serve in a pinch.
    No usable electricity but a tip speed exceeding 200 mph.

    1. lol….whirling Crufixes….love that one..!!
      Definitely a deserving end for that pair…and his “advisor” + the 10 or more Mulsim Brotherhood operatives in Cabinet – Causcus….? Aw shit, do the lot of them..

  6. This is a protection racket.

    This is all that Catherine McKenna is saying:
    “Give me some of your money. If you don’t, I can’t be held responsible for the consequences.”

    1. “Nice climate you got there. Pity if anything should happen to it….”

      She’s a lawyer. I’ll bet her legal specialty is shysterism.

      1. These days a law degree is the equivalent of a “fill-in-the-blank” “studies” degree. There are more Uber drivers with law degrees than practicing lawyers.

  7. She will get eaten alive for this claptrap she keeps tweeting out.
    All anyone has to respond with is
    “So who are you taking money from that won’t get any back?”
    The math is the hardest part for her.
    1+1=2 , 1-1=0
    If you take a dollar it doesn’t magically turn into two.
    And the public unions will demand their cut.
    So who pays?
    Either she knows and won’t say, or she’s an idiot that believes her own bs.

  8. Is there even any need to respond to this utter BS. Will not even the most worn out single mother understand a lie so blatant.

  9. So people in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Saskatchewan will get more money than they pay. Does that mean that BCers, Newfies, Quebecers and Albertans will get less money than they pay?

    Let’s just swing that by the opfucus groups.

    1. No, no, no….that’s not how lefty magic math works….EVERYBODY gets more out than they paid in!

  10. So when are Chinese communist cadres to be asked to cover the carbon footprint of their brand new motor cars, cars that would never pass emissions tests in any western country?

    Let the Chinese pay their own damned carbon tax. Edmonton ought to be giving away gasoline free of charge—which is somehow just peachy in Saudi Arabia—not charging a carbon tax to be transfered to Beijing in tribute.

  11. They think we’re so stupid and maybe we are. This whole carbon dioxide is pollution is easily over 7 years old and it didn’t gain any traction then. Next time Junior talks or has a “town hall” they sould ask him to stop breathing.

  12. This wont sit well with froggy. The list didn’t include quebek…. They are net contributors to Canada. Carrying the country on their shoulders.

    1. ab, I see you have been reading Kaybekers comments elsewhere. They sure are convinced that they pay everyone’s bills, when actually it is Albertans paying all their friggin bills. Isn’t Canaduh a wonderful place?

    1. Because it was 2015, yes.

      More proof, if any were still needed, that women should not be allowed to vote or hold elective office, and that they are only suffered to do so because when men are allowed to choose their own governments, they choose men with the courage to enforce the law, defend the homeland and put globalists and communists where they belong—in prison or unmarked graves.

      1. Even though I nothing personal against women in general. I do have to agree with you, women are not cut out for the harsh world of politics, war, civil uprisings, mass illegal immigration, school safety, racial animus. Saying no the endless beggars at the door of government trying to get more of the money I worked for and was extorted into handing much of it over to be use to buy votes from those liberal beggars.

        Theoretically …
        Women are filled with love compassion men (real ones) are filled with logic and determination. We should consider building on that theme. That is what got us this far … but as we all can see, it’s slipping away.

    2. Maybe Justina is her gynecologist.

      A gynecologist had become fed up with malpractice insurance and HMO paperwork,
      and was burned out. Hoping to try another career where skillful hands would be
      beneficial, he decided to become a mechanic. He went to the local technical
      college, signed up for evening classes, attended diligently, and learned all he
      When the time of the practical exam approached, the gynecologist prepared
      carefully for weeks, and completed the exam with tremendous skill. When the
      results came back, he was surprised to find that he had obtained a score of
      150%. Fearing an error, he called the Instructor, saying, “I don’t want to
      appear ungrateful for such an outstanding result, but I wonder if there is an
      error in the grade?”
      “The instructor said, “During the exam, you took the engine apart perfectly,
      which was worth 50% of the total mark. You put the engine back together again
      perfectly, which is also worth 50% of the mark.”
      After a pause, the instructor added, “I gave you an extra 50% because you did it
      all through the muffler, which I’ve never seen done in my entire career”.

      Smile. Have a great day.

    3. McKenna – Not sure if thats a Vagina or the open mouth of a Rattlesnake….?
      I’m leaning towards the Viper…

  13. Slightly off topic but relevant:
    My sincere hope is to live long enough to receive more from the the US government (in Social Security money) than they took from me (and by the time I retire, that will be a substantial chunk of change). This is much to the dismay of my children who will pay and pay and pay, and never get a dime.

  14. So 4 out of 10 win,all the rest of us;”Screw you losers” must be the message from this “amazing” person.
    For as the idiot boldly states:
    “Families in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Saskatchewan understand we need to do more to protect our environment and the health of our kids and grandkids. Starting next year, with the Climate Action Incentive, families in these provinces will get more money than they pay. ”

    So obviously the unnamed provinces and the Territories are gonna pay.
    Climate Barbie tells them so.

    Where are the so called fiscally conservative Liberals?
    I believe they never existed,that the media party invented them as a foil for Reform.

    At least after Trudeau Two,if you run across a true Liberal believer,you know they are brain damaged.
    More blows to their cranium will not cause any further inability to function in society.

    Your only solution is to punt them across the new border into Liberal loving safety.

    1. There are no fiscal conservative Liberals. Liberals want government for the looting; accountability is not on their horizon.

  15. I can’t tell you how much I hate these people. Trudeau and his Liberal cabinet. And now I’m starting to hate relatives who still vehemently support them. It makes for tough family gatherings when your wife’s father is singing the praises of McKenna, Freeland AND Trudeau while declaring that Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.

    1. More fool you for marrying at all, never mind into a family like that.

      There’s a reason good divorce lawyers cost a fortune. They’re worth it. Cut her loose, and her whole miserable family with her.

      Happy New Year. May it be the last year Justin Trudeau spends outside a prison cell.

  16. Considering that there are personal staff and more than a dozen department officials that approve here messages, she must be the smartest of all of them. Now that’s a scary thought.

  17. Yes, the Canadian government really can actually stop the climate from changing by giving you money!

    No, no, no, they’re not buying votes from the gullible, that’s just a fortunate side effect.

  18. I just cannot believe how stupid the government must consider Canadians, the contempt they must have for them, to brazenly say that Trudeau’s carbon tax will give them more money. OK Gerald Butts’ carbon tx.

  19. Climate Barbie advises us not to use toilet paper this year to conserve trees. Hand washing is much more environment friendly.

    1. Kinda reminds me of Cheryl Crowe and her proclamation that everyone should use only ONE square of toilet paper per bowel movement. I always wished her a life of chronic and perpetual diarreha (stupid bit*h)!

    2. Hey, if she wants us to use BIDETS….? I got no issue with that pls send me my Climate Change voucher, I’ll galdly have one installed one. LOL…

      Thats one thing the Euros have over us in the logic department…. sorry to say. Can’t beat a clean (_i_) in fresh shorts.!

  20. The insanity of the Liberal government is very disturbing but the fact that some electors will believe this crap is even more so! FREE THE WEST!

  21. Climate Barbie needs to explain what they will do with the carbon tax money that will allow them to pay back more than we paid and what is the point of spending all that money to manage this nutty scheme. Shiny says budgets balance themselves therefore this must be the same fuzzy logic being used ….or is it some kind of Ponzi scheme?

    Canadian voters need to wake up, boot these crazy/mad fools out before we have nothing left to even have a cohesive society.

  22. The view from here is that vast majority will not notice, they will notice though the “free money” they get from the * in Ottawa.
    Yeah, let’s vote him in again.

    *the person that for some unfathomable reason managed to be PM of Canada.

  23. turdo and bimbo are symptoms of the real problem: a significant portion of the electorate is as shallow and stupid and they are.

  24. All of the above.

    How could anyone be dumb enough to believe a word Climate Barbie says. A sad state that this country has degenerated to.
