17 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Greenest Generation”

  1. Notice how none of the major environmental or political climate crusaders are leading from the front, i.e. cutting their OWN carbon emissions?

    But maybe it is like WW2, after all Turdeau 1 protested Canada fighting the Nazis.

  2. Or, rather, Beijing.

    Put China and China’s propaganda machine out of business, and you won’t hear another word about climate change.

    May I suggest salting the nukes aimed at China’s cities with enough cobalt to ensure that when the dragon is slain this time, it stays slain.

    Your teenager’s iThing will suddenly become much more expensive, once it has to be made in the US or Canada by people making a honest day’s wage for an honest day’s work. I can live with that. So can your teenager. If he has a problem with that, tell him to go get a job. He will no longer have an excuse not to.

  3. hmph.
    well, regarding hiroshima, I update this ‘precise’ (the noun, not the adjective) annually merely to show the new year, print about 50 copies and plop them randomly in coffee bars etc:

    August 6, 2017 the 72nd anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.

    Thank you Franklin D Roosevelt for your foresight and paying attention to the letter from Albert Einstein in 1939 before the war even started, warning of a potentially devastating new weapon based on atomic fission. Thank you for green lighting the Manhattan Project.

    Thank you Robert Oppenheimer for your brilliant genius and all the other scientists and engineers and their years of tenacious resourcefulness. Thank you General Leslie R Groves, the only one who could pull it all together in time.

    Thank you Harry S Truman for green lighting the mission. What an awful burden. You didn’t even know the Manhattan project existed until you became president. You warned the Japanese, “a rain of ruin the likes of which” but they STILL would not surrender.

    Thank you Colonel Paul Tibbets and your exemplary professionalism for putting together the crew and then putting them in the exact right place in the sky that day. Congratulations on a long happy life and your pristine clear conscience about the role you played.

    Thank you bombardier on the Enola Gay. What marksmanship. Oh to trade places that day.

    Thank you all, for putting a swift end to a war that Japan started in 1931 14 years earlier when they invaded Manchuria, and you all ended in a few days. Your success meant the planned amphibious invasion of the Japanese homeland NEVER HAPPENED. It would have dwarfed Normandy by magnitudes. You cost the lives of over 100,000 Japanese and SAVED more than 1,000,000 others AND the lives of all those American and allied personnel who would otherwise died invading hostile territory. It was NOT like the war in Europe where the fighting was on friendly but occupied areas. You prevented a horrible slaughter on BOTH sides.

    It is a pathetic lie that the Japanese were ‘about to surrender’ and the bombing was unnecessary. They weren’t the ones in control of events. Tojo was and he had no intention of surrendering and facing a war crimes trial. But the shock effect of the 2nd bomb allowed those others the window of opportunity to carry out the ceremony in Tokyo Bay and END the violence. Hiroshima was the wake-up call and Nagasaki was the message and it WORKED. You could set your watch the time lapse it took the Japanese officials to finally see the light. And how bright it was. Japanese officials, in government at the time and interviewed years later asserted there was NO intention to surrender prior to Hiroshima.

    Thank you, thank you all for showing us how terrible these weapons are before they became 1,000 times worse. We cannot plead ignorance and must ensure they are never used again.

    “blessed are the peacemakers” and that’s what you did. You made the peace happen. May it be a lesson to warmongers how badly things can ‘go south’ next time they are itching for a fight.

    A humble and deeply profound gratitude to you all from a 66 year old hippie.

    Thank you.

    1. One angle on the saving of lives from the use of the atom bombs comes from the thesis of VDH in his work on the history of WW2. Gen. Curtis LeMay was preparing to transfer all the heavy bombers from the victorious European theatre and commence 24/7 napalm missions over all of Japan making the losses of Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like child’s play. One raid over Tokyo claimed around 130,000 as an example. The bombs actually saved an horrendous number of Japanese lives.

  4. Much of the wealth and health of the western democracies has been supported by the cornerstone of cheap, plentiful and varied sources of fossil fuel energy. Many of the leading proponents of radical environmentalism are well aware of this. The general populace, not so much. Far too many people are depthless slugs. Food, clothing, transportation, education, telecommunications, space exploration, information, entertainment you f**king name it have exploded with changes getting better, cheaper, more plentiful.
    Every walking talking asshole who follows these eco-sick leaders needs to be irradiated with them.
    That will be a helluva lot more than 85 million.

  5. How many deaths will it take ’til we know
    That too many peeeepull have dyeeed?

    The answer my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
    but apparently it’s north of 100 million…

  6. The Truth is that if Gore & his crazies were able to control the Climate.. That science would be weaponized…If Gore steps forward and makes his claims actionable, every disaster would result in a liability lawsuit against GORE & those who failed to control the Nature of the climate…. MAN UP, OR SHOVE OFF

    BS for kiddies & crack heads

  7. Earned Hypocrisies?
    The charge of hypocrisy against the elite was considered juvenile—given that exemptions were needed for the ruling class to serve us all the better.

    How could Al Gore save us from our carbon emissions without his private jet? How could Nancy Pelosi craft drastic climate change legislation without flying to a Kona resort over the holidays?

    How could Eric Holder stop prejudice without a jet junket to the Belmont Stakes with his kids? How could our Malibu elite nobly sermonize about their loyal gardeners and dutiful maids without walled estates?

    How could Silicon Valley wizards pontificate about the evils of charter schools and the need for teacher unions, without private academies for their own? And how exactly could the heads of our intelligence agencies and justice department officials track down the crimes of Donald Trump without committing greater ones themselves?

    Read the rest here


  8. Why nuke innocent Hiroshima? Why not do the world a favor and nuke Sacramento, from whence all the green zealotry springs.

    Follow that up with a bigger nuke ( the Russian might lend us one of their 60 megaton babies for this) on Beverley Hills and we’d probably get back to some common sense.

    1. It doesn’t come from Sacramento, sad to say.

      It comes from the same boardrooms, university clubs and bathhouses where men still dream of destroying Christian civilization, and replacing it with something both more profitable and more tolerant of their sexual perversions, perversions that would have earned them death by stoning in any society where God’s Word was Law and that Law enforced.

      The same men dreamed up national socialism as a means of destroying Christianity, and made the bomb necessary as a means of slaying their Frankenstein’s monster. Today they feed the Chinese dragon in hope that one day China will succeed where they failed in destroying Israel and Christendom both.

  9. Gang Green always see themselves as the hero in those myths they live in.
    It is a cult, programmed by some serious zombies.
    Demonizing the atomic bomb was easy.
    Demonizing reliable affordable energy has taken a little bit longer.
    Deprogramming the zombies in huge numbers is a major task.
    It might be cheaper to allow them to get what they are asking for.
    The loss of one or two cities and refusing to help the survivors might get the attention of some of Gang green.
    Amputation by banishment is my favoured cure.
    Fence in a block of land and let them live the lifestyles they insist we must embrace.
    I believe the movie/TV rights would actually pay for the security and sentencing courts.
    The first conviction of being an antihuman cultist would gain being sentenced to watch the zombies suffer.
    Second conviction= be one of those living the dream.
    Fossil fuel,hydrocarbon free living,without any of those little luxuries of life that fossil fuels have enabled.
    And we will tax them as well.

  10. The allusion to WWII is a nonsense of course, undeserving of further thought.

    Ignore these ideologically-constipated buffoons; all attempts at a “global response” to climate change will fail.

    1. Not quite.

      There may yet be a global response to the climate change hoax—an alliance of Israel with the Christian world against the enemies of Judeo-Christian civilization from Beijing to the ends of the earth.

      They won’t succeed in forcing us to throw away all the means to resist enslavement by Chinese We will succeed in destroying China and dispossessing and liquidating the globalists. All it will take is a little courage, and leaders willing to do right by their God and their peoples.

      1. Does that mean China is “nuking” us all with every new coal fired electrical generating system they build?
