Harm Promotion

[The province of Alberta] has committed $200,000 to create a team tasked with reducing crime while monitoring the city’s only safe drug consumption site.
Health Minister Sarah Hoffman made the announcement just hours after a report from police showing the crime rate in the Beltline has skyrocketed near the Safeworks Harm Reduction Program, located inside the Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre.
Hoffman said the grant to Calgary’s Alpha House Society is to create a Downtown Outreach Addictions Partnership (DOAP) team “assigned to the downtown core and specifically watching the perimeter of the Chumir and surrounding neighbourhoods.”

“Downtown core”? I have a better solution. Move these things into the gated communities of the elites who created them and spend the money on buses.

23 Replies to “Harm Promotion”

  1. Every City in North Ameria that has tried this utter Stupidity, faces indentical results…crime goes up, streets are littered with hundrds of used needle and often, dead users.

    Wonderful….Your, Socialist & apparently “wonderful” Utopia’s. I.m Wiling to bet that pretty much every Dipper and Liberal in the Country think these are great things to have…in someone elses Backyard of course.

    1. What’s truly SHOCKING about this story is that the government ACTUALLY kept the crime statistics for the neighborhood “near” this asinine do-gooder leftist government-supported shooting gallery!! I’m shocked. Here in America, our government REFUSES to keep crime statistics by Illegal Aliens … nor do our prisons report the number of illegals incarcerated. It’s so much easier to ignore the result of leftist stupidity. It’s so much easier to pack the government full of leftists who completely control the narrative … the facts.

  2. With the approaching Alberta election and the end of Notley’s reign of terror, the NDP will ramp up the stupidity and the wasteful spending that goes with it. There is a huge mess to clean up Mr. Kenney and it’s going to get exponentially bigger. I hope you’re up for it.

  3. It is time to reopen the asylums.

    Best solution for street drug users. It’s cheap too.
    1. Pick them up
    2. Put them in a ‘dry-out’ cell (padded)
    3. Put them on a bus back to wherever they are from
    4. If they are local, put them in a skills training program
    5. If they persist with the drugs put them in a nut house so they don’t harm anyone
    Only an insane person would choose a life of street drug use and violence … so lock up the insane for our safety. I know how much ‘safety’ means to the phony bleeding-heart left, so let’s see it in action.

    1. I mean “If it only saves one life it is worth it right!”

      You suggestion smack of efficacy. It will strip the progressives sense of doing something away from. Results don’t matter to them.

  4. Screw the friggin’ buses. Spend the money on roads. And not the horse shiite that passes as roads these days. Make them functional, and dump the garbage.

  5. Great moments in socialism, Kate?

    Oddly enough, ending China’s drug problem was Mao Zedong’s greatest achievement.

    Mao’s approach was to end production, sale and importation of opium, execute traffickers, and make addicts choose between pulling themselves together or ending their days in a forced labour camp. In the 1940’s something like a quarter of Chinamen were opium addicts. By 1953 Mao was able to declare Red China was drug-free.

    If you’re serious about solving the drug problem, it’s easy enough that even Mao couldn’t screw it up.

    It’s hard not to conclude that someone has an interest in making sure the problem isn’t solved in the West.

    1. I love pointing this out to lefties. When they dismiss the Chinese experience outright I always ask if it’s because they’re opposed to “evidence-based” science, or merely because they’re racist. It’s always a fun moment at dinner parties.

  6. People in the know have said repeatedly that harm reduction is not effective.

    As was said before, move these taxpayer-funded enabling services to the whiter, more liberal and more affluent parts of town if people are confident in their efficacy.

    1. The average price for a place in the Beltline is ~$600,000, though you could probably find a small apartment for ~$250,000ish if you weren’t picky. Rents are cheap though. It’s one of the fastest growing areas of the city and they’ve spent a tonne of money upgrading roads and building stuff in the area. It’s the most urban district of the city and the center of night-life, restaurant culture, etc. Yes, it has a significant lower income population and most of Victoria Park is a dump but it’s not exactly Escape From New York.

      That’s the really insane thing about where they put this site: not only is it in an area slated for major investment as part of the whole East Village/Beltline/Rivers project in Calgary, but it’s at the Chumir, which is an important facility for anyone living downtown cause it’s close and really good. The powers that be in Calgary have a really hard time figuring it out when it comes to allowing this stuff to happen in key areas like on Stephen Avenue.

  7. Safe injection sites, my ass. And they wonder how an opioid crisis came about.
    Oh NOES! We have an opioid crisis! Let’s restrict pain killers for upstanding citizens who actually need them for pain. Bastids.

  8. 20 yrs ago the city relocated HVAC equipment from a fenced alley pad to the beltline building roof, partly because discarded needles posed a health risk to service technicians.

  9. “Move these things into the gated communities of the elites ”

    Exactly….and refugee shelters and half-way houses.

  10. Maybe after the next election Fatty Hoffman can get a job picking up needles and turds around the safe injection sites.

  11. Millennial and their older hipster brethren who live in the belt line voted for this crap in overwhelming numbers. They can live with the crime and drug policies they support.

    Theft and the means to achieve it is just direct taxation.

  12. Hey, Rach is throwing money around as there is no tomorrow. In some sense that is the truth.
    The minister of health, using the term “health” extremely loosely sez that they saved 800 people from death. This statement is so bombastic as to say that somebody like a circus entertainer would say.
    Did 800 people die before there was a shooting gallery?
    The LIV’s will lap it up while she is blowing millions of dollars that the LIV’s will eat like a manna.
    The one thing she know, the free stuff attract those that can’t get enough of it and have the idea that they are entitled to it, as an excrement attract flies.
    While it looks as though the socialist are in for a loss, nothing is sure until the day after the elections.
    The only question remains is how many want “free stuff”.

  13. Is the crime increase real crime or ‘crime’ like doing drugs?

    In any event, this is what you until it’s legalized. When prohibition ends then we can talk.
