39 Replies to “Jussie Smollett: Narrative Watch”

  1. What’s that quote again from Moore the slork?
    Something about Hollywood and telling stories?

  2. It won’t matter if the surveillance tapes show that he was lying, those Catholic kids are still guilty.

  3. What white deplorables are going to hang around downtown Chicago at 2 AM? Just happened to be wandering around in the frigid cold with a noose and bleach looking for a black, gay TV personality to assault? Ridiculous.

    2 AM in Chicago suggests to me has was mugged by the very people he was trying to buy drugs or gay sex from. What better than an anti-Trump story to cover it all up?Anyways, the one thing we have learned from the media, the truth will not prevail here…. because the narrative MUST prevail. TMZ’s promoting of the ‘MAGA lie’ before Smollett ever made a statement to the police about it is a dead giveaway to the phoniness of all this, too.

    1. FAKE HATE crimes cover up a multitude of sins. Oh, wait, leftists don’t “believe” in sin .. or laws, or the US Constitution which declares all are innocent until proven guilty. Today’s gayyyyy leftist activists “believe” that all are innocent until proven guilty … on Twitter

    2. C.O., I was thinking the same thing. White people with any brains would not be walking the Chicago streets at 2 a.m.

      1. Black people with any brains would not be walking the Chicago streets at 2 a.m.

        Muggers ain’t particular.

  4. I tried to draw a venn diagram of white maga people in Chicago versus people who know who this dude is because they watch Empire. But the planet earth isn’t big enough to separate the circles far enough from each other.

  5. It’s too bad there are so few racists out there that lefty nutcases keep having to invent them. I’m not sure I’ve met a committed racist in my life, that being someone who wishes harm to a group.

  6. As I posted at the link,perhaps Smollett and his lover were involved in erotic games involving a noose,things got out of hand and the lover beat the hell outta Smollett,and like the good progressive he is, decided to “never let a crisis go to waste”.

    It’s amazing how the msm will buy into anything anti-Trump,white, heterosexual, Christian, NRA, without ever bothering to investigate the claims further. No bloody wonder con artist Al Sharpton has had such a long time in the sun.

  7. Sure looks like a staged ‘false flag’ event. This doesnt pass the smell test, or is it aroma, or fragrance? Anyways……..he’s an actor, that is red flag #1. And yes, DT Chitown at 2am, sure, the nazis were stalking him………………..

    1. Back in ’64 I used to go out to buy “redhots”(hot-dogs dyed red) from street wagons, at night., in Chicago. I was 14 and white, and by myself…lol.. no issue .. times have changed I know..

  8. The CBC News web page has this story sprayed all over the very top of its main page, replete with angry tweets demanding justice, police action, etc. The Ceeb is playing this for all its worth.

  9. I’m thinking he’s taking a page out of Toronto’s hijab girl’s book but make it happen at 2:00 AM with no witnesses.

  10. If he was assaulted at all, my guess is that he was beaten bloody by members of his own tribe, who are not afraid to treat their own sissies with the contempt they deserve.

    But highlighting black “homophobia” would, ah, not further the narrative and might, um, undermine the unity of the progressive movement. So he sent the police on a wild goose chase instead.

  11. “Chicago police say detectives have reviewed hundreds of hours of surveillance footage but haven’t found any yet that shows the alleged attack on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.”

    Chicago had over 600 homicides every year for the last few years. Chicago PD has a miserable 25% homicide clearance rate. Lies by idiots like this are another drain on resources.

    FYI ABC National News just teased this story at the top of the newscast. Not one word about this being a hoax. They reported it like it was real.

    Update ABC says CPD has a video and persons of interest?

    1. ABC News: Video is of two other people “walking in the area.” They are the “persons of interest”. Still not any video of any attack or any interaction with Smollett.

      I guess they found someone to blame? They were downtown, they must be guilty!

      1. I looked at the shadowy picture of the two “persons of interest”, and one can not tell anything at all from the picture.

        1. It’s impossible to tell whether they are male or female, black or white – all the picture shows is two people in dark winter clothes.

  12. If it was announced in the so called mainline media it’s “bullsnit”. “Actors” have fallen a long ways from John Wayne, James Arness, Lucielle Ball and Carol Burnett, yea I’m old but they had talent, and were only angry when the script called for it. These flitters and fool actors are angry and “triggered” all the time, with no way to back up their anger and rage, (these new actor wimps couldn’t beat up Pee Wee Herman) without running to the police, the very law enforcement they despise.

  13. Better hold your conclusion.
    Once the fog clears and things become clear, you can hit with the truth.
    Not that the truth maters.
    The truth to some is just another word for “Whaaaat?”
    Maybe it will remain foggy and the MAGA will take the blame.

  14. Funny how little I believe that this “actor” was actually assaulted.
    Never heard of him.
    And we have way too many wanna bees and has beens demanding their 15 seconds of fame.
    If his tale turns out to be a lie,what are the odds the Chicago police will charge him with wasting their time and resources?
    Slim and none?
    If his “tale of terror” turns out to be based on reality, who here will care? Any more than I care about some Saudi called Cash Hoggy?
    What was that song”I’ve no more F**ks to Give”?
    Why would a black actor getting mugged in Murder City be news?
    Because he was not shot?
    What is the media trying to tell me?

  15. It’s -14 F in Chi Town overnight. Give or take. That’s -25ish degrees Celsius folks. That’s damn cold WITHOUT the inevitable wind chill. So here we have a millionaire actor staying in a friends “high end” apt that decides at 2 AM he’s hungry and he decides on a…. SUB??? And he’s got no problem getting all bundled up to walk a few blocks to get it? At 2 AM? Minus 25? Now, I can’t say I’ve been to many high end apts but do you think the fridge MIGHT have sandwichy stuff in it? Oh I see, the fridge is empty. Riiiiight. OK, how bout you phone for takeout. There’s gotta be all kinds of menus kickin around this empty fridged high end apt. But no. When you get that Subway craving people’ll do strange things I suppose.
    And if that’s not strange enough…

    ** Investigators said he walked into an apartment building, passing security and boarding an elevator. He would then enter an apartment and that’s where police were eventually called.**


    You’ve been attacked. Bleach thrown on you. A rope wrapped around your neck. All that and you ‘sneak’ past the security guard and slink up to the apartment and THEN phone the cops?
    Not buying what’s being sold here, sorry!

  16. Have any identifiable people with white faces been designated for the wood chipper yet?
    If not, perhaps we could take that as a good thing about this “incident”.

  17. .
    Looks like Smellott won’t hand over his phone to the cops..being he said he was on the phone and his manager overheard someone yelling “MAGA”!

    Hmmmmm wonder why?

  18. Ah yes, MAGA country. Where all 20 of the the State’s electoral college votes went to Hillary.
