24 Replies to “Proof Of Life”

  1. Max Headroom?

    Trump better get that list done and whittled quick.

    Nothing like “working from home”.

  2. Enjoying, God willing, her new career as the latest girl in hell’s brothel.

    Scream louder, Ruth. The demons spend faster that way.

  3. Her situation is grave.

    How about some of those ideologically osified supremes in our country? Are they alive?

  4. They’re working feverishly to get her double up to snuff and substituted before announcing her death.

      1. Right John, duh, what was I thinking. They won’t announce her death because they want people to believe she’s still alive. They’ll just dispose of her body secretly.

  5. My question is … How long? How long can the psychotic, dishonest, left HIDE her from the public while chastising those who would “disturb her recovery”?

    Kate ! We need an Over-Under on the date of RBG’s appearance … dead or alive …

    By the way … I want a full autopsy … which includes RBG’s TIME of death … not a quick Scalia cremation.

  6. She’s out at Reagan Airport being used as a wheel chock for a Jet Blue 737. Yasser (Yes Sir!) Arafat is still out there, too.

  7. Speaking of proof of life, I pretty much knew what it was going to be, but I watched about 10 mins of that Adam Bhala Lough ‘Alt Right Age of Rage’ thing. It was funny just how blind to their own selves these left wingers are. I think this Adam Lough dude actually thinks Micheal Moore is going to make room at the hot dog stand or something.

    The reason you have guys Richard Spencer coming along, and finding an audience and a following, is because of everything you have done your whole lives left wing dudes. Everything you have said. Every cause you backed. Every crooked Hillary you foisted on everyone else.

    You did not want to listen to Gavin McInnes, or Rush, or Glenn Beck, or Mark Levin, or Victor Davis Hanson, or Thomas Sowell, or any of the vast crowd of far more reasonable people who have stopped to get yelled at by you over the years. So now you get progressively less reasonable people, who are less willing to be yelled at. And more willing to escalate than you.

    You have only yourself to thank.

    1. Ha, you beat me to it…. at least the “Weekend at…” part.

      What I really wanted to point out is that after watching the left’s actions just in regards to Kavanagh and the Covington students, I ACTUALLY NOW BELIEVE that they are capable of somehow ‘faking her life’, hiring actresses, faking overseas trips to clinics, postponing autopsies, losing death certificates, faking videos, etc, etc, all the way until the next election.

      The Dems are pure sleaze where any means justify the end.

  8. This reminds me of Louis XV standing on a balcony at Versailles to show in public that the French State still existed.
    If I were Trump, when time comes, I would replace her with a FDR-style, Wm. O. Douglas appointee: Trump should do now to America what FDR did some 80 years ago.

  9. Judges “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour”

    Just have the existing judges declared the position vacant by reason of prolonged absence, a lack of good behavior. Who are the Democrats going to appeal it too? The Supreme Court? We know impeachment will never fly so just bypass Congress.
