44 Replies to “This Is My Brother Mohammed, And This Is My Other Brother Mohammed”

  1. If someone hadn’t pointed this out,I would never have known. In my upbringing,small town Manitoba 1950’s, Arabic wasn’t studied in our school.
    I suppose we were some kind of phobic, but didn’t know it.

    Now if you really want trouble, make the replacement shoes with “Jesus” printed on them.

    1. In a related story, The Steph Curry model of Underarmour’s $110.00 US basketball shoes has a moulded depiction of the Christian Cross with a diagonal “NO” line slashed across it … and yet not a single Christian called for murder of the Underarmour Execs


      Oh, and the three lines on the heel means RESIST TRUMP NOW!!! Don’t go to Trump’s White House!!

  2. Unfortunately___ for the world and especially the Oil Rich Monarchial Countries trying to keep the Richness for themselves; “Who do They Think They Are–European Union Bureaucrats of the Seventh Level?

    Any way one Mohammed Brother has been indocrinated with __ The Return of The Caliph __ e.g. Shi’ism–Iranian Theocracy and a couple of even further brutal Sects __ Wahhbism or some such.

    The other Mohammad Brother is still wistfully pining for the Ali –actual blood relative Family nephew– as real as the British ex-German Monarchial claim to be earring the sinecures of the many now disenchanted Elites of British –English dominated — Fomerly the World.
    Any hoo; this sunny side of the poached egg and calls itself Sunny-ism. Anyways the Shi’ites estranged Brother has always been a little weirder and keeps on Keeping – on to regain the power of the Persian Empire and creating some kind of conflagration which naturally only affect the Sunny’s and any one brave enough to not even want to be Serf to either Theocracy Dictaorship.

  3. Yes,,, Nike should recall all their shoes and melt them down, disposing them in adherence to Sharia law of course(because allah, is obviously written on the soles,,,of all places!).
    Then create new shoes, making sure the leather used complies with halal rules.

  4. …snowflakes all trying to out snowflake each other

    Muslims are a hoot….claiming to be big brave strong…..and so delicate and weak they are offended by everything

  5. I give Nike a month before a recall after the pressure from the Islamic world or bombs and riots will start.

    Remember the Muhammed cartoons and Charlie Hebdo

  6. Nike better step on it (sorry, couldn’t resist), and fast, there may be dire consequences
    Will someone explain to us how anyone would even know that spelled Allah?

    This is the sort of stuff that causes wars when you have people so deep into their religion they have lost the ability to reason and live life among people who do not share their theology. We in free democracies have to decide how much freedom we are willing to give up to accommodate such nonsense.

    1. “We in free democracies have to decide how much freedom we are willing to give up to accommodate such nonsense.”
      That should be…none.

  7. The Shia and Sunni have been killing each other for 1400 years. Surely that is insulting god if not Muhammad?

    I’m waiting for Muslims to declare abortion an insult to god. Then I will enjoy watching the left and Islam duke it out. “O Muslim there is a leftist hiding behind that tree”. “Hey Comrade a Muslim is hiding behind that rock”.

    Meanwhile I’m thinking maybe I’ll start a go fund me campaign to send Svend Robinson to northern Pakistan for a pride parade. Sarc

  8. They say it spells Allah on the sole. But they’re worried about the word being on the footprint of that sole in mud etc. The idea that typesetting needs to be reversed in printing is lost on them…

  9. Like I really give a rats ass what the followers of a murdering, mentally ill, pedophile prophet rant about.

    1. I don’t either, but too many limp wrists will cave and bow obedience to the pedophile.

  10. The real point of all these protests and demands is about normalizing that “anything we want, we should get”.

    It’s about control.

    It’s about the insidious creation of “no go” zones and a de-facto veto over all aspects of society – not theirs (they presume and enforce that already; often brutally) – but ours.

    As with Socialists and their love of democracy while not in power, theocratic religions are a huge boosters of tolerance and the rights of others (really, only themselves), until they achieve dominance; then its “Our way or ….”

    1. ding ding ding we have a winner.
      I wholeheartedly agree with “The real point of all these protests and demands is about normalizing that “anything we want, we should get”.”

    2. It’s right out of the Muslim play book and they know that the institutional left, including PR sensitive corporations, make good dhimmis. It’s why everyone in the west should display Mohammad cartoons.

      1. Did you know that every single computer chip contains an insult to Muhammad? Just look at the circuit.

        Muslims give up your computers, and cell phones, cars, anything with a chip in it!

        You must wait for muslims to develop Islamic compatible computers.

  11. I cannot wait to see a new Crime show on the ID Channel depicting detectives taking crime scene shoe prints which reveal the “unusual tread pattern” related to the Islamic Holy God … then holding a lineup of full-bearded known Islamic activists who live near the crime scene. Hahahah ha … I amuse myself.

  12. Just tell them the shoes were specifically designed for Islamists to help Allah properly stomp gays and feminists. They’ll keep them.

    Also, I wonder if they will make Kapaernick walk through the metal detectors when he visits Nike HQ from now on.

  13. I believe in the early 1970s Pirelli had to change the tread pattern on one of its tires, that left a similar imprint on wet or mud….So nothing new from the religion of the perpetually aggrieved.

  14. I believe that, a few years ago in the UK, some brand of pudding had to be recalled because someone claimed to see in the squiggles on the lid some name sacred to Islamists.
