He Admires Their Basic Censorship

Seems legit.

…on Wednesday morning several Liberal cabinet ministers convened a press conference to announce what they’re doing to do combat “fake news,” disinformation and foreign interference in the upcoming federal election.
The plan includes $7 million to fund workshops that aim to teach Canadians how to sort through potential disinformation as well as “critically assess online news reporting and editorials.” […]
That’s not the end of it, though. The feds also unveiled something called the “critical election incident public protocol.” If the government becomes aware of an “interference attempt” during the election, a panel of senior bureaucrats will be convened to figure out whether it’s serious or not — “a substantial threat to a free and fair election” — and, if so, a press conference is held to inform the public.

Related from the CTF;

The Notley government is trying to muzzle freedom of expression by forcing organizations, like ours, to register and disclose donor information if we want to complain about their carbon tax. But we’re not going to let that fly, we are challenging the government’s violation of the Charter right to freedom of expression in the courts.

41 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Censorship”

    1. Al, I think your insight is bang on. “Watch out for what WE label as misinformation. Other stuff that may come from our ‘friends’, not so much.” This is scary sh*t.

  1. Now, comrades, repeat after me: “The government is good. The government will take care of me. Everything the government tells me is true.” Conform and believe, or it’s Room 101 for you!

  2. The scary thing is we all know that the Russians would support Turdeau because his incompetence is the most disruptive to society.

  3. Where do I sign up for one of these workshops?
    It might be interesting to report on what goes on in them.

    1. Yepper! scar; except I think it Started with the Bureaucracy under cover Prime Minister Lester Bowles Pearson. But I guess it was Perason who brought in the Three Wisemen of Quebec; Trudeau, Marchand; & Pelletier. The other member of the College Team Rene Levesque was left to be the opposition for the Game of Separatism.

      D’yall think it was just a means of off-setting the development of a real debate on the Confederation of Canada and the Role which Quebec Citizens wanted in the Confederation. is the reason for P.M. John Diefenbaker stating the “Two Solitudes” is the real situation of a Canadian Poliltical Future for all Canadians. Not just Ontario & Quebec and the Maritime Provinces of New Brunswick; Nova Scotia and the Municipality of Prince Edward Island; correctly reduced to P.E.I., when referred to as a Province with greatest per capita Representation. Easily bought off for Pocket Change by the Liberals standard of Brokerage Politics. Plus of course the Province with longest name; Newfoundland & Labradour.
      The “Rock”__ Anglo-Canada’s proud and always welcome only politically aware Provincial Voters. Except for Quebec when there is another opportunity to squeeze the Liberal Brokerage Political vote buying, such as in October, 2019.

  4. The Liberal Party’s plan for the Federal Government to prevent interference in the Re-election.

  5.  “The plan includes $7 million to fund workshops that aim to teach Canadians how to sort through potential disinformation as well as “critically assess online news reporting and editorials.”
    This is outrageous. Why would the government assume we are not able to sort through disinformation without their help? We are grown ups and most of us have finished high school. Isn’t this basic literacy? Will the bureaucrats be developing these? Are they supposed to be smarter than us?

    My own reading is that it is the Liberals who are responsible for much of the “disinformation” out there. I would not be surprised if they used conservative sites as examples of poor analysis on issues. I have no doubt that leftists will be hired to develop the workshops. Who is supposed to take them? Really any responsible media source must keep an eye on this.

    1. Nailed it.

      So it took internet users 24 hours to rip apart the fake news story about the Covington boys, buy Boy Blunder thinks we need his bureaucrats to spend 7 million on our money to figure out fake news (that the lib/left puts out)…??
      CBC wins again.

      1. Another good one was the fake Bush national guard docs that the non-media debunked in less than a day.

      2. I understand some of the workshops are already at work.

        First they want to get to the bottom of who used fake news about budget deficits and recessions during the 2015 election.

        Apparently there was also another problem with an adolescent puke hijacking the PM debates with talk over points and childish behaviour in general, with the “moderator’s,” tacit support, impairing voter’s ability to make an informed choice.

        The workshops are buzzing as we speak.

        It seems also there is a lot of concern about fake news outlets camped out at an insignificant trial, for which the defendant was later acquitted, with another party stealing 6X as much, instead actually covering the election, so depriving voters of a clear choice?

        And then if that isn’t bad enough, the miscreant fake news jerks weren’t outed until after election, after their damage had been done. Is there any doubt the Russians and their agent in Washington were behind the whole thing?

        No that doesn’t make any sense. Umm, Harper is a Russian bot and plays hockey on a line with Putin. There you go.

  6. We have the same system of government as the U.K. What has happened there will happen here. There are no checks and balances, and we’re a stone throw away from a dictatorship. No elected senate, no regional balance on any level, a supreme court appointed by one man, and a bureaucracy designed to serve the Liberals, and eastern Canada. No longer does the West want in. Now they want out.

  7. I don’t believe that is true. Putin has enough issues in his own country to solve. I believe he has little interest in Canada. A bigger problem for him is the deep state and the crazy Democrats in the US who will start a war if someone does not keep an eye on them.

  8. They have never demanded any donor information from protestors. Correct response to sny government request is ALWAYS: go pound sand.

  9. What category would Teresa Spence’s ‘All You Can Eat Hunger Strike’ fall into?
    Would it be considered fake news when she didn’t lose 5 ounces in 42 days of her ‘hunger strike’?

    How about Wafergate?

    1. … or “duffygate”… or “16 dollar orange juice gate”… remember when every Media outlet in the country declared how “scary” Stephen Harper was? Was that fake news that could only be interpreted by a Liberal Party bureaucrat or someone from PSAC or Unifor? It seemed Canadians were able to see through that Liberal Party fog of deceit, without a bureaucrat’s “help”…. China is Turdholes favourite dictatorship though, so… Turdholians will love more election interference (the right kind of interference of course, Soros, China, Unifor, Media Guild) and continue to vote for the Turdhole dictatorship.

  10. So, $7 million to counter the $600 million to make the fake news.

    How do you tell if a Liberal is lying? If it’s talking, its lying.

  11. So another unaccounted for Liberal campaign expense?
    Few million here few million there and soon you are talking real money,even in Canadian Dollars.
    The additional bribe to CBC 1.4 billion?
    Buying the Canadian Media Guild $600 Million.
    Setting up a elections truthiness council,$700 million
    Cost of importing Liberal voters?/ Priceless?
    And the free campaigning against parties Not Liberal by the American Slander Machine?
    I guess we would need to audit Tides and friends to ever find out.

  12. It would be awesome if 10 million Canadian’s rose up and complained about CBC everytime they produced a news article swooning over the Liberals as Fake News.

    1. turdlala has been on cbc for 2 hours tonight. Who is paying for his blatant campaign mewlings.

  13. Remember the vet that asked for money to help the injured vet’s at home. And was told you are asking for money than we have, Trudeau can spend Millions on censoring all news as Fake News that he doesn’t like. VOTE OUT THE LIE-BRALS IN 2019…VOTE OUT THE LIE-BRALS IN 2019…VOTE OUT TRUDEAU IN 2019…VOTE TRUDEAU IN 2019!! Trudeau will force people to go underground to get their messages to the people!!

  14. 2 perfectly acceptable reasons (of a possible hundreds) as to why the Constitution of Canada is a piece of shit.

    Without even having to mention the idiocy and lies from the CBC.

    And it smacks of desperation when done in the lead up to a very embarrassing trial, concerning Admiral Norman and the former Liberal cabinet ministers right before the election.

    The gov’t has no business with what’s in the papers. Full stop.

  15. We could always show up at these “workshops” and redpill the NPCs.

    Hopefully there’s a tip line for the committee that can go horribly wrong.

  16. I await my instructions from Commander Vladimir, together we will take down this country using only my facebook posts and a few pithy comments I make on

    boy that was fast

  17. I do want to make a more serious comment (satire is serious though) …

    This meme developed during the 2016 election and Brexit referendum, that “Russian trolls” were directing vast disinformation campaigns, was probably just shorthand for this more accurate statement …

    In recent years, the alt-right has gained considerable power by using the internet to communicate ideas that are essentially anti-globalist. The government of Russia is anti-globalist too for reasons that may not always match those of western conservatives. So there tends to be some sympathy for points of view even though many of us come from anti-communist backgrounds (globalism, after all, is more or less communism lite) and we might suspect Putin has not moved that far away from his origins. It’s a complicated business but by no means is there any truth to the idea that Russia is directing any campaign against the west, they might see merit in some aspects of the anti-globalist fight and might in their KGB sort of thought process imagine that if they give some encouragement it will change motivation or enthusiasm. I suspect it would do neither, people want out from under the liberal mind control and would do exactly the same thing regardless of attitudes taken in Moscow. And none of this means that we support some of Putin’s darker policies, those are not what we are looking to duplicate here at all.

    I find it offensive to be confronted with this stupid meme by people who, in their younger days, turned a blind eye to every negative aspect of Soviet or Cuban or Chinese communism, and where applicable, still do so. It is more than the pot calling the kettle black, it is a giant industrial smelter calling a microwave the fires of hell. Perhaps we should have a committee of bloggers to give press conferences whenever we see evidence of a false Liberal (or any other party) narrative. But that is what an internet forum is, in fact, a continuously active press conference that the public can attend if they so desire. Clearly the government (and the U.S. Democrats) want to crush that desire. As I heard once in Ottawa, freedom is speech is such an American concept — and it was not said with any trace of either enthusiasm or irony.

    This announcement of our government sounds like a step in the Chinese direction towards “social credits” and other odious concepts that only a Mao-lover could truly appreciate.

  18. Then if all is lost, then there is only one solution.
    This country will have to reach the point where it runs out of other people’s money.

  19. Any minute now Andrew Scheer will call a press conference and denounce this as oppressive and Orwellian. He will accuse turdo of copying the tactics of Noriega and Ceaușescu.

    Oh Man, I hate that…..now where did I put that joint…..?

  20. The liberals are going to do what they can to stop fake news, teach Canadians how to spot fake from real news and prevent outside interference in our election. Isn’t this how liberals have gotten elected again, again, and again for decades. If they are going to do all this for the voters they must want to lose. The best part is the committee who meets investigates and reports back, right after the election I’m sure and after providing rich tax payer funded job for useless millenials and liberal hacks.
