29 Replies to “The SJW Future That Awaits Us”

  1. We desperately need more people like Lindsay Shepherd or we are going to lose our society to a cultural Marxist nightmare of wearing grey smocks and speaking in whispers.

    1. As far as I can tell, we have already lost to the cultural Marxists by not managing the education system properly. That is where this all begins. For the past 40 or so years, pseudo-intellectual hippies from the 60s and 70s have been poisoning young minds. There are not enough of us left to win it all back especially with most of the rest of the world hating our guts. Half of us are obese and the other half can’t get their snouts away from the various devices that have mesmerized so many.

      It’s all over but the loading into the boxcars. Wait for it.

      1. Duke, you are prophetic, and it is scary…


        PS – I know Kate doesn’t control it, but the captcha is really annoying, 7 clicks to tag all the buses I saw.

  2. Well, she did spend the first, what, 20 years of her life fighting alongside the people who are now her enemies? I don’t know if she ever took, or helped someone else take, a scalp. But she did run in those scalp hunting circles…

    It will maybe help some who are on the fence about going full SSJW retard, if they see what is happening to an apostate, they may actually form a thought about what they are actually doing. Maybe, just maybe, the example of Lindsay “the apostate” Shepherd, will stop someone before they start down that path.

    But anyone who already voted for an Obama, or a Hillary, or sent a tweet in the first 5 mins of the Covington thing, is already fully committed to the cult of SocialJustology.

    What is the appropriate New Speak work for Shutzstaffel Injustice Warriors? English socialism became Ingsoc… SocJuice? That does sound nasty enough…

    1. Kevin you are far too judgemental on the young lady.
      You overlook the advantages she brings.
      Her sense of betrayal by the truths she used to live by,is invaluable.
      She speaks the language of this cult of empty headed political correctness.
      She can hit them where they live.
      Most of us are far too cranky to bother with this kind of idiocy,sooner a Liverpool kiss than have to attempt to reason with the emotionally unsound.
      Lindsay,in her youth and ignorance was a member,now she begins to see how monsterous the world of these self serving do-gooders really is.
      Once she finds her own truths,this woman will be invaluable in deprogramming many innocent victims of our cult of education.
      Who knows,she might even become a tradesman.

    2. I agree with Kevin. She was one of them. But what made the difference is the recording of her meeting with the other profs, which made her an instant hero and revealed the others to be idiots. Without that she’d have no choice but to be silent (you know, for the greater good), or worse come out with a whimper and become a pariah and a mere brief footnote in the SJW world.

      You can be sure that this goes on all the time, but few have the prescience to anticipate the beat downs and record (and publish) the proceedings. That is what has made the difference.

    3. Yes Kevin, she should have spent her life like you, wallowing in ideologically pure fantasies about Free Alberta Air Force bombing Toronto and Vancouver, instead of actually, you know, taking the real fight to the enemy.

  3. Talk about frivolous & beyond childish BS from some psychotic gender bent kunt…(I use that term Androgenously). Taking a personal dislike and turning it into a Planetary Calamity – unreal….poor little cupcake. Where it me, I would find the place & time….with no one about in ordrr to explain in a “robust” manner for said cupcake to Fk off and stay that way.

    Why anyone would even want to consider going to Any University…or College and be subject to this maxist insanity, is a total and complete mystery to me. What a colossal waste of time & coin.

    This country has lost its Balls…and not just figuratively.
    We need a DRAFT. 2 yrs mandatory service Male & Female.
    But I fear it is too late….

      1. I have a nephew in Petawawa and I don’t think he would appreciate an invasion of beta males and fat lesbian draftees in his town. It’s still somewhat, a macho area …. Thank heavens there are still some men and women who do not have a pathological fear of firearms.

      2. Val Cartier broke a lot of really tough guys during my days in the military. Three months shattered them, and then they were dishonourably discharged.
        Does that place still exist or did they shut it down for being too…harsh?

    1. … but how do you REALLY feel!? Nice tirade, Steakman … so well deserved.

      Let me break it down really simply. “Ethan” … IS … (not “was”) a fat, fugly, unlikeable, unattractive … FEMALE. So SHE decided to “become” a “man” in a desperate attempt to “find love” as a Lesbian pretending to be a man. “Ethan” HATES LS because SHE is just the kind of an attractive, sexually alluring, WOMAN … that “Ethan” was NOT. “Ethan” is bitter over HER unfortunate “looks”, and wants to punish society, and mostly … beautiful women who attract men’s attention. “Ethan” is a mental patient who should be on anti-psychotic medications, not testosterone injections. Doing so would provide “Ethan” the “protection” SHE says SHE needs.

      Here is a picture of “Ethan” …


      Now tell me I AM the one spouting LIES …

      1. Hah! Ethan the Giant Vulva. It sounds like something a porno version of Dr. Suess would have invented.

    2. To be honest, I actually … f-e-e-l … bad for a woman who is born so unattractive to men … that SHE does this to HERSELF. But I feel bad about people who contract other life threatening diseases as well. I AM a compassionate Christian. But altering society to “play along” with this mental illness is just utterly destructive. I am SO GLAD to hear that Lindsay prevailed in this ridiculous lawsuit by a mental patient … who happens to be a “professor” infecting the minds of our young, impressionable college “kids”. Time for this social experimentation to end.


      I don’t believe I am SAYING anything that people aren’t already THINKING, but have been repressed and restrained by government for uttering out loud. Governmental thought control NEVER lasts long … as mankind is BORN FREE … with an innate spark of PERSONAL LIBERTY that cannot be extinguished by tyrannical control.

  4. How can someone who believes themselves to be male still be such an insufferable bitch? Something didn’t take.

  5. Over the past several days a debate has been raging on my FB page over the British police investigating a gentleman over some of his tweets. I was appalled that The State is involved in such investigations.

    But lo and behold, an SJW-wannabe in Toronto went on & on & on that it is perfectly fine for The State to monitor and control all verbal and written comments to the point of imprisoning anyone who doesn’t comply. I have little doubt that she believes a major injustice has been done to Dear Ethan by Ms. Shepherd.

    Sadly, I suspect the aforementioned Toronto woman represents a significant portion of Canadians in 2019.

  6. Ethan Jackson is just insanely jealous of Lindsay Shepherd because not only is Lindsay gorgeous, she has a giant set of balls that Ethan will never have.

  7. Always remember my dad talking about his military training and the sergeant leading their troop. The sergeant said many times to guys that didn’t live up to his standards, “You may have broke your mother’s heart but you will never break mine!”

  8. “She harassed me” — through my liberal decoder ring means: “I lay on the floor kicking and screaming, and threatening to hold my breath until I turned blue, and generally making a pathetic, immature spectacle of myself, but everyone pretty much blew me off and went on with their lives.”

  9. You know what annoys me about this? U Laurier spent taxpayer money on this complaint.

    Also its a shame Lindsay didn’t b1tch slap the little twerp. Hint for trans, you wanna be a Man you better learn to take a punch.
