33 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: State Of Anorexia Envirosa”

  1. Prior to my hip replacement surgery, I went on a Medically supervised diet to present as a leaner patient on the operating table. It was a low-carb diet that allowed me to eat any quantity of fresh vegetables my heart desired … although with NO MORE than a whopping 1oz of olive oil in my salad “dressing”. Each and every evening I was allow 8oz of LEAN meats … including beef. By the sound of it … I was eating like a PIG on my diet compared to this INSANE “eco-diet for a small planet” nonsense. I lost 10lb in the first week and stopped the diet 6-weeks later – 40lb. And yes, I “felt” much better … if you happen to enjoy “feeling” hungry most of the day.

    The diet described above … is INSANE!! After 5-days on THAT diet … I would become a homicidal MANIAC !!!

    1. not sure how a low carb diet includes unlimited fresh vegetables…sounds like low fat. but i agree, prisoners eat better than this diet

      1. To clarify, muffy … starchy vegetables were NOT allowed. I was referring to “salad” vegetation only. Taters were verboten

        1. “I was referring to “salad” vegetation only.” but you didn’t state that originally. maybe if you had said leafy green, i would have understood. i’ve been following the atkins diet for twenty + years, so i know the drill. you can also have larger amounts of fat like heavy cream, butter and olive oil on a low carb diet, since they satiate better than protein or carbs. you said a “whopping” 1 oz of oil, that’s why i mentioned it…and was ‘muffy” an attempt at condescending humor? fail

          1. Muffster … nothing disrespectful intended at all! Yes, my initial wording was clumsy. Of course you are correct about leafy greens and your Atkins experience. I was on a rapid weight loss diet, which restricted everything (fats esp.) caloric. It worked, because I was disciplined. My sister in law was impressed by the weight loss and asked if was easy? (She wanted her own chubster husband to hear how easy it was …). Unfortunately, I told her it was hard as hell, and I was miserable … NOT what she wanted her husband to hear. Discipline is never easy … unless you retrain your mind to focus past the immediate “feelings” you experience.

  2. Agriculture has a larger impact on the planet and the “natural” environment than any other human activity, including building cities. End airculture I say. But these enviromentalists want more agriculture in the form of eating more harvested crops in the diet.

    Vegetarianism as an idelogical component is just wrong. The biggest threat to humans are busy-body ideologues. They should read Plato’s Republic. But, then again t would be pointless as they consider themselve the smart ones who would rule.

  3. Maybe we really do need a famine to shift the focus back to reality. It’s obvious we are over feeding ourselves with far too many choices that may be causing brain damage. How else can we explain the craziness with so many “experts” coming out telling us what we should eat, one contradicting the other?

    Then there’s Dr Oz… a cardiac surgeon who moonlights with a TV show, we really are overly confused, confusion makes big bucks for them all.

    Then, we have the new Canada food guide, a real beauty for vegetarians/vegans….put down that glass of milk, go crack a coconut, not on your head please!

  4. Yeah all we need are even more cunned stunts stumbling around in a mental fog because they are malnourished.

  5. A famine is coming and it will not be pretty or voluntary. Those at the top who think they will avoid the pain and suffering are delusional.

  6. From a historical perspective, this closely resembles the diet of a feudal serf. Personally, I’m not interested in the Serf Diet Plan. Does anyone think our ruling class will change their decadent, taxpayer funded lifestyle and diet to save the planet? I’ve not seen any evidence that they are restricting travel or giving up expensive, full course meals.

    I went through a vegetarian phase in my early 20s and I felt awful both times I tried to maintain a vegetarian diet. I’ll stick to a protein heavy diet of meat, eggs, nuts and cheese with a side of salads or fruit. BTW, I’m pretty sure those of northern European descent and Canadian aboriginals are well adapted to high protein diet considering the realities of winter food options for the eons up to the modern era. For hunters and gatherers of the north, meat was always on the menu.

    1. Medieval serfs ate better than this. This is more like death camp rations.

      “Funding for the initiative came from the Wellcome Trust in the UK and the EAT Foundation, the private foundation of Norwegian billionaires Gunhild and Petter Stordalen.

      Draw your own conclusions.

      1. Regulatory capture by rich, woke progressives is epidemic. I’m slim but I’d rather be morbidly obese than follow a serf diet.

        “Medieval serfs ate better than this. This is more like death camp rations.”

        Yep, woke progressives would like us to eat bugs instead of beef, pork or chicken. Odds are it’ll be on the next national food guide. Did feudal lords try to “nudge” their subjects to eat grasshoppers and crickets? Haha

      2. Curious to know how they became billionaires. Norwegians and Swedes look down upon success and achievement with disdain. It goes against their desire for equality of life. These two must be a nasty piece of business.

    2. Look no further than North Korea.

      A grown man was expected to live on 900 grams (3.8 cups) of food a day. The amounts were smaller for women, the elderly and children. Throw in some mismanagement, a few famines and a controlled media, one has the makings of a dictatorship where the people are too weakened to fight back.

      Food isn’t only practical tool of control, it was a political one, as well.

  7. I ignore all such nonsense, whether from the Canada Food Guide or from whatever this “Eat Foundation” pretends to be.

  8. The sheep that do exactly as they are told should all be castrated and have their hysterectomies. They are too stupid to be allowed to breed.

    1. judging by the negative population growth of Western societies (not counting Muzzies, and LaaaaaaTinos) … we are voluntarily castrating, de-egging, and aborting children. Hence … an INVASION of cheap labor who out-breed the INVENTORS of Western society.

  9. Years ago I listened to a radio program about farmers and local food production. Their argument was that your food should come from no more than 150 km around you. While this can be done for meat and milk products, most of the fruit we eat (bananas, oranges, lemons and limes) and the vegetables come from California, Mexico and South America. This presents a special problem for Canadian vegans as 100% of their diet is imported from other countries, at least in the winter.

    Around the same time I heard another interview with farmers who were busy exporting poinsettias around Christmas. They bragged about how far away their markets were. No mention of global warming as in the previous broadcast. I wondered if these were the same farmers pushing the 150 km limit plan.

    People have absolutely no idea where their food comes from.

  10. This “green” diet is a figleaf for the actual belief of the eco-cranks—that Westerners should be starved so everything worth eating can be exported to China.

  11. The Soviets had a sure fire guaranteed dietary policy in the early 1930s, in fact during all of their their experiment with the socialist utopia. It was particularly effective in Ukraine, but also worked well throughout the Soviet Union.

    I do believe that some would like to replicate that experiment here.

    1. The leftist control freaks are after every fundamental aspect of our lives. They want to control the ENERGY that powers our industry, homes, and transportation. They want to control our INCOMES through punishing taxation. They want to control our HEALTH by seizing control of our Doctors, and Health insurance choices. They want to control our transportation and FREEDOM of movement by pushing “self-driving” autos, and shoving mass transit down our gullets. They want to control our MORALITY by destroying religion and redefining morality as doing what leftists demand … from “green” imperatives to erasure of borders. They want to control our SEX by redefining “genders” as “flexible” and “fluid” … and homosexuality as “normal”.

      And now, the left wants to control our DIETS which have successfully fed more people on the planet than ever in history. Starting with Paul Ehrlich, the Left has predicted FOOD WARS, starvation and pestilence … due to “rampant” capitalism. Since the exact opposite is reality … the world is “overfed” (if anything) … the left will simply make their predictions come true by deliberately STARVING the world’s population.

      If you get off on megalomaniacal CONTROL of other people’s VERY EXISTENCE… then you may be a Leftist. You may be sick in the fkcuing head. You HATE FREEDOM and LIBERTY.

  12. Steve from Rockwood
    “People have absolutely no idea where their food comes from.”

    Sure they do it comes from Safeway….. LOL

    1. Spoiled vegetables and repackaged meat past the expiration date is what I get from Safeway …

  13. best line from the article…
    “The idea is to save a million lives but I was almost ready to kill someone at the end of it.”

  14. wanna keep the weight down? try the hb diet:
    get born in an uninsulated wood frame house with no central heat.
    thus one’s metabolism is hard wired to burn it all off in body heat.
    went to an all-you-can-eat with a native buddy who watched me down 4 plates of entree and 3 plates of deserts.
    I am an unrepentant glutton, with a fondness of roasts piled high with squash, gravy, taters, etc.

    my weight has varied between about 185-195 for the last 15 years. one day I will ‘cut back’ to not stuffing my face when I feel like it.
    body heat. burn it all off in body heat. I did my ice diving qualifications in a std 6 mil wet suit. -1 C for 3/4 of an hour. instuctor never saw anyone ever do that.
    adversity makes one very tough indeed.

  15. also, the day approaches when men will beat each other unconscious for a stale sandwich.
    that should make the new dietitians happy.
