The Libranos: SNC Lavalin

Globe and Mail (behind paywall);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office attempted to press Jody Wilson-Raybould when she was justice minister to intervene in the corruption and fraud prosecution of Montreal engineering and construction giant SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., sources say, but she refused to ask federal prosecutors to make a deal with the company that could prevent a costly trial.
SNC-Lavalin has sought to avoid a criminal trial on fraud and corruption charges stemming from an RCMP investigation into its business dealings in Libya. Prosecutors alleged in February, 2015, that SNC paid millions of dollars in bribes to public officials in Libya between 2001 and 2011 to secure government contracts. The engineering company says executives who were responsible for the wrongdoing have left the company, and it has reformed ethics and compliance rules.
After the charges, SNC-Lavalin lobbied officials in Ottawa, including senior members in the office of Mr. Trudeau, to secure a deal known as a “deferred prosecution agreement” or “remediation agreement” that would set aside the prosecution. In such deals, which are used in the United States and Britain, a company would accept responsibility for the wrongdoing and pay a financial penalty, relinquish benefits gained from the wrongdoing and put in place compliance measures. “It is unfair that the actions of one or more rogue employees should tarnish a company’s reputation, as well as jeopardize its future success and its employees’ livelihoods,” SNC argued in a brief to federal officials in October, 2017.
But in October, 2018, SNC-Lavalin hit a major obstacle. The federal director of public prosecutions refused to negotiate a remediation agreement that would have resolved the Libyan fraud and corruption charges without prosecution. SNC-Lavalin has asked for a judicial review of the decision, citing “the extremely negative consequences the underlying legal proceedings have had and will continue to have [even in the event of an acquittal] on [SNC] and innocent stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, pensioners and stakeholders, in the absence of an invitation to negotiate.”

So Jody Wilson-Raybould got shuffled out to Veterans Affairs. Huh.

@MaximeBernier“The Lib gov amended the Criminal Code last year to help SNC-Lavalin out of its legal troubles following fraud and corruption charges. And Minister Wilson-Raybould was shuffled from her post because she would not cave in to pressure from the PMO to help the company.”

Stay tuned…

Background (from 2018).

100 Replies to “The Libranos: SNC Lavalin”

  1. I see a pattern developing.

    The recent discoveries all have the same sub text. The PMO, not necessarily the PM, seem to be imposing on the various ministries to do some questionable acts.
    And just before these bits of info sutrface, a cabinet shuffle or a new ministry is created.
    This is starting to seriously tarnish the liberals one and only campaign platform, justin, and if it gets worse they are going to need one huge crisis to take attention away from any perception that the Sockmonkey had anything to do with it or that he was so blissfully ignorant when he should have been minding the actions of his inner circle.

    1. “This is starting to seriously tarnish the liberals”

      The Liberals are so deep in the muddy realm of swamp that it seems as though they need straw to breathe.

      It being their nature, they think it is the life of paradise.

      Little bit of projection never hurt nobody. Heh.

      1. Nothing can tarnish them because their ridings are crammed with people who vote as they are told, hence the “irregular” immigrants and the old-stock they will replace.

    2. He probably was ignorant of events.

      Would you trust any sensitive information to Mr. Foot-In-the-Mouth? His handlers need him to be as Teflon as possible, something that can’t happen if he opens his fool yap.

      Nevertheless, the buck stops with him.

      1. Thats seems the most plausible.
        The guy with the shady history is Butts. He was working for Mcguinty during the gas plant fiasco and was the architect of the green energy act.
        If this goes south and contributes to an election loss for the liberals expect Butts and Telford to have an escape plan and a room of comfy fur somewhere.

  2. Now that President Trump has banned Canada from bidding on infrastructure projects. What are these crooked liberal bastards going to do?

  3. Whoever said “justice” isn’t political?

    If you were expecting “justice” this side of heaven, that would be a gross error.

    We have a ‘legal’ system, if justice happens that is purely an accident.


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. “If justice happens that is purely an accident”… right you are sir… how much justice was doled out regarding the Adscam affair ? How did the Liberal party pay the price for setting up a scheme to steal 100″s of millions of taxpayer dollars to enrich themselves and their corrupt Party ? They didn’t pay any price and they still haven’t paid the money they stole from the taxpayer back and they never will. With the exception of a few low level bureaucrats that payed a small price in the adscam affair the Liberal Party got away with it scott free, there wasn’t any “justice’ served…. the Libranos will get away with this crime too.

  4. SNC Lavalin is a company that is practically a branch of Liberal government.
    It was always funded by the Canadian taxpayer to do work around the world.
    Not unlike another branch of Liberal government, Bombardier.
    Actually it’s called fascism.

    1. You are partially correct; the liarberal party of Canada is actually owned by Power Corporation, Bombardier and SNC, with a minority interest by the Irving family.

      1. C in the B, and the beauty of it all is those same people own the CPC as well!

        Some of us prefer a politician wearing a blue tie versus one wearing a red tie,though.

        And THAT is why Canada isn’t going to “become Venezuela” as so many conservatives cry. The guys you mentioned simply will NOT let that happen.If they tire of Justin,he’ll be gone in a minute.

        1. Chris and you are right. They just let a conservative have the reins for a while to make it look good, and they sure reined in Harper when he threatened to clean up some of their cesspools.

          You are also right about not becoming a Venezuela if they can help it, but they are no doubt part of the effort to have a post-national states as part of a UN controlled super state.

  5. The Globe and Mail ran a full front page prominent headline. Just for the heck of it, went to CBC news. Top Story: Day Care costs. Then went to CTV news. Top story: Day care costs. Global news: Hire more women police officers.

    Well, I guess we know who will be getting the support cheque for “reliable” news sources this year

    1. The MSM has just flown to Junior’s defence. The CBC, CTV and Toronto Star just published front-page stories with big headlines proclaiming that ”Trudeau denies allegations!’ (the CBC reports that he issued five denials, three in English and two in French – as Goebbels was fond of saying, if you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it).

      1. Agreed. After getting scooped, both CTV and CBC news web pages are saying that they “cannot independently verify the Globe story”. And can one can wonder how hard these two pro-Liberal agencies will try to find anything out. It will be hear no evil, see no evil.

        1. Btw, those who can access the Globe article (a good read), trry reading some of the comments beneath the article. Two hours ago, there were 410 comments, all of them angry at Justin Trudeau.

  6. Talk to any engineer. Its common knowledge that SNC-Lavalin is as corrupt as they come. Its also Quebecois. Do the math. We all knew there had to be a pretty serious reason for Butts to shit can an Indian Attorney General.

    1. I was about to say the same thing. SNC-Lavalin has a lousy reputation in the engineering business.

      I remember talking to someone from the Montreal area right after SNC took over Lavalin around 30 years ago. He wasn’t impressed. SNC was the smaller firm but it was in better financial shape. Lavalin, the larger of the two, played fast and loose with its money and got involved in a number of business activities of dubious merit. Eventually, it became horribly in debt and, so, SNC’s takeover was more like a bailout. If I recall correctly, he figured that Lavalin should have gone out of business.

    2. Right on Bob. That’s the company our city hired to ‘find’ a landfill. The site they settled on broke important environmental regulations (beside a lake trout lake, no clay basin – it diffuses into adjacent lakes, wetlands and streams), but got the ‘go-ahead’ because it was politically expedient. My guess is palms were greased.

  7. Yesterday Kindersley had an Ag and Oil Forum that was in the West Central Events Centre ! It was well attended! Vivian Krause spoke , she informed us how foreign groups like “The Rockefeller Foundation” , and Tide Foundation have pumped millions into Land locking Canadian oil!

    She told us how the head of the CRA came to ask her about these Charities ! The 3 CRA executives apologized to her saying that days before they came the Liberal party changed the charitable act making these donations legal! Another group sponsored by the Rockefeller foundation was rewarded for their efforts of defeating the Conservatives and Prime Minister Harper and stopping Energy East, with taking about 20 of them to Switzerland!

    Miss Krause also tied Mr Butt into this,as he received about Four Hundred thousand dollars from the World Wildlife foundation . The WDF had received founding from Rockefeller Foundation!
    The liberals changed the Charitable act to hide these foreign investors whose purpose is to kill Canadian Oil ! This has to get out Kate and is very similar to what the Liberals tried to do above!

      1. “Why aren’t people in the streets?” … This is Trudopia, the place where the governed passively accept any and all levels of corruption from the Liberal Party… just like the Media.

    1. That is s REAL bombshell — more incriminating than the Lavalin shenanigans, in my view. Where is Scheer? Why is Krause not interviewed on the CBC? or TVO? She does outstanding work. I have never seen anyone attack her claims. The strategy seems to be to just ignore her.

      1. LindaL, yes,the best strategy is to just ignore Krause. Butts knows she will be heard by probably 50,000 people maximum, while the Liberal viewpoint will be front and center on every venue in Canada, seen or heard by probably five million people.

        The Harper era decision to NOT force the CRTC to put Sun-TV on the mandatory coverage list looms ever larger as Canada lost the only non-Left Wing news organization we ever had.

  8. sooooo expensive legal battles are a consequence of corruption and skullduggery?
    isnt THAT what the fcukin’ legal cystem is all about in the first place?

    not according to LIEberals, it’s an excuse to dodge said consequences.
    the cranial gymnastics those rotten shyts engage in. THAT is the telling aspect of LIEberalism.

    and what do tell have the ‘polls’ to say about this?

  9. Politicians are scum, but behind-the-scenes mofo’s like Butts & Telford are giant scumbags and the LPoC is Scumbag Central Headquarters. PM ScumbagLicker has his limp-wristed hand in this as well and its all par for the course in K Bec business.

    1. Why would Weak Andy say anything ?

      He owes his position to a corrupt Quebecois group not much different than Lavalin.

      Weak Andy 2% is a less photogenic Little Potato in an ill fitting suit.

    2. JM, we should have one of those in Ottawa and every Provincial capitol,just to keep politicians honest.

      Be a damned good job there for someone good at sharpening things,as his skills would be very much in need frequently.

  10. Back in the day of T1 I had a buddy who was a very sr civil servant. The libranos had just been defeated by joke lark. They had not anticipated defeat and rushed to cleanup certain ‘obligations ‘.

    My buddy received a visit from his minister who explained he needed to quickly approve and sign off on a project he was working on.

    It was a promise the minister had made and was completely outside the rules- in other words illegal. My buddy refused and after about a week the minister paid a 2nd visit. He explained how a refusal would be very damaging to my buddy’s career.

    My buddy refused again. The gov’t changed, joke lark lasted 9 months and the libranos came back to power. My buddy was fired on some bullshit accusation. He sued. The libranos paid

    1. “The Liberanos paid” — happy ending there, but too often these behind the scenes manipulations and corrupt dealings go unpunished and the public is none the wiser. In doing consulting work for the government, I once came across a Nova Scotia company newsletter quoting the company owner announcing to his staff that he had discovered that the way to get contracts was by generously donating to the government party (Liberals again, but I am sure Conservatives have also done the same– though more often, they are caught and shamed. Libs are very seldom caught. ) Publishing the quote from the President in a publically available was very naive. Sorry I did not save it.

  11. Trudeau has denied this….I guess it’s fake news. Scheer is having a press conference shortly.

    1. “””Lametti served as co-captain of the Oxford University Ice Hockey Club alongside Mark Carney,[12] and was a youth soccer coach in Montreal leagues.[13]”””

      The UK can keep Carney… revoke his passport.

  12. The Globe says SNC-Lavalin met with Gerry Butts and one Matthieu Bouchard, Turdeau’s senior advisor for Quebec, 12 times! Wonder what they talked about?

    Turdeau, Butts, and Bouchard are undoubtedly meeting to plan their strategy on how to deal with this.
    1. Blame Harper. This will be suggested by Gerry Goebels Butts.
    2. Point out they are doing this to protect employees’ jobs.
    3. Deny any interference and point out some fantasy that interests Justin.

    Hopefully Wilson-Raybould will decide to jump into the fray and stab Turdeau and Butts just like Brutus did to Caeser. 🙂 Ya I know I’m dreaming!

  13. Good to know this corrupt Canadian Construction Co. won’t be building any of America’s new infrastructure projects. Thank you President Trump!!

    1. heh heh!! good one!!
      jeezuz murphy, at least SOMEONE in n america is ‘doing their homework’.
      if anybody has a direct line to the oval office, could you pls ask POTUS Trump to
      slap the potato upside the head next chance?

    2. “Good to know this corrupt Canadian Construction Co. won’t be building any of America’s new infrastructure projects. Thank you President Trump!!”

      True! It’s only fair that corrupt American Construction companies should have the field to themselves..

      1. No doubt !

        In a related story … Dianne Feinstein’s husband is “building” California’s moderate-highway-speed train. It is a neverending $$$$ project full of political graft.

        At least Feinstein’s Construction Co. doesn’t need to go to Libya to commit their corruption

    3. I wish the US would give SNC-Lavalin the Alston treatment. Alston had to pay a $775 million fine to the US for bribery.

  14. Has Godfather Justin blamed Harper yet?? Time for the CBC to deflect attention from this scandal, with another muslims are wonderful story tonight.

    1. Hm, good idea. I wonder if the LPC would pay me a few bucks to go paint some filthy graffitti on the local mosque?

      It’s just down the street a few blocks so it would be easy, and Trudeau might even visit us to decry “Islamophobia”, SWOON!

      Btw, should “Islamophobia ” be capitalized, or is it okay to call it “islamophobia”?

  15. The liberals and snc have had their hands in each others pockets for a long time.

    ” The inquiry was told that managers at the company donated more than $1 million between 1998 and 2010 — divided almost equally between the Quebec Liberal Party and the Parti Québécois.”

    “The vast majority of the money contributed between 2004 and 2011 went to the federal Liberal Party. According to a 2016 compliance agreement with SNC Lavalin, the Liberal Party of Canada received $83,534 while various Liberal riding associations received $13,552.”

  16. If paying bribed is illegal, why bid on contracts in countries where the only way to win the contract is to pay bribes? Why waste your time?

  17. We will of course note the deafening silence from the formers justice minister and her faithful adherence to the Liberal Brand.
    Justine is only the symptom,those loyal little liberals in every riding are the true problem.
    Represented by our courageous Liberal Members of Parliament.
    Standing up for their constituents and Canadian Law and Order…
    Never mind.

  18. The Libs COULD NOT get away with this sort of corruption without the near full complicity of our major Canadian media. Our taxpayer-funded national broadcaster is aiding in multiple cover-ups of serious misconducts by members of the current sitting government. Just think about that for a minute.

    CBC is the absolute ENEMY of Conservative Canadians and Scheer STILL seems effing blind to it. If there is no Bernier candidate in my riding this next fed election, I swear I will spoil my ballot before I will support that little chickenshit CINO. For you see, I don’t think a Scheer government would do a goddamn thing to fix this country. Like Harper did, he would probably just drag the brakes a little on our ultimate journey to a socialist fate.

    Nope, I would rather we Conservatives spent another 4 yrs in the wilderness getting the right people in place than 4 yrs of the political correctness appeasing Scheer, which would then just assure us another 8 – 12 yrs of swift Liberal decay.

    1. I disagree ,CO,at least under PM Dimples,we wouldn’t have our guns seized and we might actually see some pipeline built. Scheer will also not enact a carbon dioxide tax,and will generally be a lot less invasive than the Liberal government.

      Scheer has also said he won’t agree to the non-binding (LOL!!!) UN agreement on refugees and immigrants that Trudeau will use to flood this Country with Muslims.

      Schher ain’t much, but he’s better than the alternative. We cannot afford to give the Little Dictator Trudeau another term, even if we have to elect Howdy-Doody PM!

      1. Sheer will not build pipelines. Oh, he`ll say he will but then talk about all the stakeholders following the environmental process and blah blah. Notwithstanding is not for him. National interest is not for him.

        He just wants the comfy chair, just like the Liberals.

        Oh, don`t you believe that Sheer isn`t into global warming taxes, he just will do them differently from the Liberals.

        In fact. all his policies are Liberal policies, but different.

  19. I was angry and upset ! Such corruption in Canada?
    Then someone posted that Scheer would soon be on to this outrage.
    Scheer will get to the bottom of this. I’m sure a number of his most trusted MPs are all over this issue right now.
    I’m ok now. I feel like a silly schoolgirl.
    I started to feel better as soon as I heard Scheer……..”the Avenger”

    1. Liz J, you should be a comedy writer for Mel Brooks! Resign?!!! It is to LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

      One more term and the sonofabitch will have effectively removed every check against his authority, even the few we have,and there won’t even be internet outfits like Rebel Media to speak the truth about his regime.

      We have to get this bastard OUT of Office, anyone else will be better.

    2. Several of the Liberal ministers have been caught lying — nobody forced them to resign. I don’t think that is the Liberal way.

    3. Unless it’s in writing, Liberals don’t resign for lying. Think all the way back to Francis Fox.

      2020 headline: SNC – Lavalin, the winning contractor for a new series of dissident warehouses prisons announced by PM Trudeau in a Decree from the Dictators Inner Sanctum media release from the PMO.

  20. We had better drain the swamp in October because if we don’t Canada’s future looks pretty grim . Don’t waist a vote on max ,it will only ensure a victory for that waist of skin in Ottawa . If you must , hold your nose and vote for scheer .

    1. It’s our only hope, if we don’t vote for Scheer we guarantee a win for the worst mess in memory. Total incompetence.

  21. “Don’t waist a vote on max ,it will only ensure a victory for that waist of skin in Ottawa .”

    Don’t waste a vote on Scheer-the-steer, it will only ensure the victory of yet another politically correct coward.

  22. I have a number of observations on this:
    1. Bribery is business in Libya
    2. Liberals being Liberals.
    3. SNC-Lavalin are almost as much a part of the Liberal party as Power Corp and the Desmarais familly.
    4. Bombardier are outsiders and they are a`so Montreal.

  23. Jamie – you a Conservative? Libertarian?
    Liberal? NDP?

    How do you propose conservatives vote?

    1. Get Stephen Harper to come back and unite the Right.
      Hey, haven’t we ‘been there, done that?’

      NOW, THAT, would be El Justinoducci’s worst nightmare!

      Steve’s theme could be: “I’M BACK!”

      1. Get Stephen Harper to come back is one of the best ideas I have heard in a while. Not likely, but a nice thought anyway. One thing I appreciate about Scheer is that he has never bad-mouthed Harper, and media regularly try to pin him on that. I think he respects Harper. A real challenge is getting people to appreciate the value of conservatism when so many people in the country lean left. They are sitting ducks for the globalist agenda. Offering conservative strategies in small bites seems most practical. Canadians won’t go for an apple-cart upsetter like Max. I so wish Scheer had understood the value of a sh*t disturber like Max. Now we have a dilemma.

        1. LindaL:

          Good. I thought I’d get crickets. I recall that we both agreed about Harper in the not too distant past.

          Under Harper, people mostly whined about Bev Oda’s $16 orange juice, and l’affaire Duffy. Small potatoes.

          Trudeau has taken us to being in a dictatorship and now a fascist one. This SNC Lavalin thing isn’t going to go away soon. On CTV they were talking about having an Inquiry into this smelly affair. Trudeau is squandering money we don’t have. This post country is doomed to become Venezuela II…..

          It is very worrisome.

          On the other hand, that said, if the allegations are true about the PMO trying to influence the Justice Department, I admire the fact that former Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould would not compromise her Office. If there ever was a reason to cross the floor to the Opposition, this is one of them. That would blow this thing wide open. I know it won’t happen any more than Harper coming back. Unfortunately.

    2. “How do you propose conservatives vote?”

      Small c, real conservatives? The same way Classical Liberals/Libertarians and anyone who adheres to principles will vote: Max.

  24. I’d describe myself as fiscal conservative/ libertarian. I like Max.
    Problem is Max cant win. No small c conservative party can win in Canada.

    I’ll be holding my nose and voting CPC. My expectations will be low. This is a very liberal country.

  25. “Problem is Max cant win….”

    Let me finish that sentence for ya….

    ….unless everybody who says they like Max better than Scheer, but will vote for Scheer, smarten up and vote for Max.

    1. Yeah I’ll smarten up and vote for Max….thanks.

      If I’m wrong on this I’ll be the first one on this site to admit it. You gonna do the same JM?

      Max will be lucky to be around for the vote. The media are starting to ask him some uncomfortable questions about who is is associating with.

      I guess we’ll see. I don’t see any Max traction taking place.

      1. “If I’m wrong on this I’ll be the first one on this site to admit it. You gonna do the same JM?”

        Wrong? Not following you.

        In the last Ontario provincial election I voted Libertarian. Ford won and the Libertarians didn’t get a seat and only got a handful of votes in this riding.

        Since then our local MPP – a nominal Conservative from the outset – has left the PCs to sit as an independent, and the Ford Government has just decided to appeal a court decision that removed the OSPCA’s tyrannical powers.

        Was I “wrong” to vote Libertarian?

        1. JM your commitment to principles is admirable but when politicians commit I’ll reconsider my position. Until then I’ll act in my own rational self interest.

          Remember Max is a Power Corp guy. Dont expect principle.

  26. To be clear: according to Liberal and Quebec politicians, Alberta’s oil industry and Alberta blue collar workers are “dirty” and will never get a social licence for a perfectly legal product so they won’t lift a finger to help -but- Liberal and Quebec politicians will move heaven and earth, change laws and fire cabinet minsters to help dirty white collar criminals from Quebec industries avoid legal consequences for their crimes.

    The transmountain purchase only helped kinder morgan and the shareholders, it didn’t do squat to help energy workers, Alberta or increase pipeline capacity. How often did lobbyists from KM have meetings with the PMO?

  27. Again, Stephen Harper!

    Get A.S. 2% and M.B. to unite.
    It is the only chance.
    United we stand, divided we fall.

    Otherwise, it’s Venezuela II.


  28. “To know, who rules over you. Find out who, you are not allowed to prosecute.” – Canadian Political Proverb.

  29. To the Max.
    Vote unity with Scheer.
    Will either make a difference?
    Corruption is what our governments do,Liberal,Conservative,NDP they all have a fine record of systemic corruption.
    Reform was a reaction to the decades of theft from and contempt for the Western Provinces.
    Reform got in,by joining the Eastern Progressive Conservative rump,survivors of Brian Mulroney’s reign.
    The reformed conservative party held power,no one went to jail for past crimes.
    None of the systemic corruption of CSA,RCMP or Elections Canada was corrected.
    High River ring any bells?

    SNC Lavelan/Royal Lepage take turns holding the federal building maintenance contracts.Depends who is in office.Under new management!
    But the personnel never change .You are talking to the same people in the same positions at the same contact numbers.
    Same with the federal bureaus, they do what they do best,steal from you the taxpayer.
    For your own good of course.
    The parasitic class all talk about;”The public interest”.
    Shame the taxpayers interests are not part of that picture.

    1. I have to agree. Will voting for Scheer make any real difference? AS much as I loath the Liberals , I have lived under Conservative and NDP governments and nothing changes. My taxes never really go down, services never get better, and my freedom in almost every aspect of my life is eroded by regulations and rules. So whats the point? Canada is a corrupt socialist country and we are just too willfully blind to see it.

  30. Don’t get too excited about this SNC Lavalin thing. By the end of the month the media will have buried it.
