12 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I suspect she hired an infinite number of monkeys. They went to work and you know the rest.
    Although I’m surprised they finished that soon.

  2. Let’s see if anything is done at Ryerson University. Probably not. I think I will type out a complaint on this.

    1. I did a quick Google search, and it is Jill Abramson — an ex New York Times bigwig — who is doing the plagarism in her new book “Merchants of Truth”. Should be fun watching her on the hot seat. Er, what hot seat? Since she is an ex-NYT corporate exec, one could see the U.S. establishment media circling the wagons to protect one of their own. She is, after all, a Liberal Democrat.

  3. liberal, NDP, Greens, socialists, communists, dictators, all in the same box with the same ideology, just a slightly different progression towards the goal.

    1. You forgot Conservative Party of Canada, Republican Party, and all the other political parties out there.

      The game is rigged; a political party is, by definition, collectivism. You cannot champion the individual, from a collectivist stronghold. At least not without some kind of supreme focus and ability to ignore both Scylla and Charybdis to get through to your goal.

      It is as simple as that.

      Anyone who tells you anything different, is lying to you.

      Some more truth bombs:
      Catholics do not believe in God, they believe in the Pope.
      There are a lot of commenters here, who fall into the same category. They don’t believe in whatever they say they believe in; they believe in Andrew Scheer. They use the same language as people who believed in Jim Jones. I find it creepy.

  4. Yeah well, what did you expect. Its Ryerson Poly tech and it has never been an academic institution. Its not a real University because it obviously does not have academic standards, like plagiarism. And, its a Journalism school. I mean honestly. Anyone who expects standards and ethics to come out of Journalism at Ryerson is whack. Not going to happen.

    1. Agreed. Ryerson is largely a komsomol breeding ground. And to think in my youth I contemplated attending there to study journalism. Shudder, I might have turned out a good little Marxist vanguard flag bearer like the vast majority of its graduates.

      In this particular case, the possible plagiarist quoting of McInnes, Kate is right, it was flattery. McInnes comment had even more exposure.

      1. “Ryerson is largely a komsomol breeding ground.”


        So imagine how low someone has to sink to plagiarize drivel from Ryerson.

  5. Well. It’s not as if your typical journalist has had an original thought in her life. She figures out what the globalists think, and then thinks that too.

  6. Abramson claims it’s not plagiarism because she cited the works she ripped off. But that’s not how it works. You have to make it clear in the text that it’s a quote, either through quotation marks or a block quote.
