70 Replies to “What is Justin Afraid Of?”

  1. “Let” her speak? Here is your big tall glass of shut up juice. Either she is a Liberal, or she will do the right thing. If she doesn’t just start talking, she gets the same firing squad as Trudeau.

    She will either be entitled to her entitlements, or she has a principle in there somewhere.

    She can either try the “I was following orders” defence, or she can stop serving evil.

    I suspect that 30 pieces of silver will be enough for her silence.

    1. kevin, there you go again with your over the top bullshit. She has taken actions that show she has some integrity, now we need to wait and see were things go. And idiots like you do not help in the matter.

        1. Yes, definitely not sainthood material just yet. A smidgen of integrity does not qualify for a halo.

          1. The normal LIEBrawl way is to appoint her to some cushy Crown Corp position or other overpaid figurehead post, to shut up.
            Pony has been outplayed, and continues to be.
            If he continues to obfuscate and ignore, he’s clearly hiding something. If she talks, it’s game over.
            Looks like Mithter Middow Clath has been caught protecting his 1% friends

      1. After the Colin Boushie trial? Another LPOC nut case. Integrity? Like hell! When it’s convenient.

        Her job as Justice Minister was a stepping stone to something bigger. That’s pretty obvious to me. She balked at this Quebec “request”, or “maneuvering” via the LPOC (that’s really what it is considering the provincial government involvement in SNC, federal infrastructure bank, Quebec civil servant pension plan – read up on it at Brian Lilley) because it would impact her elevation to something higher.

        Don’t want that kind of stink stuck to you, when you’re aiming for something higher.
        As for the LPOC – doing what comes naturally to them, especially the Quebec branch office. Tranna ain’t much better, just less obvious.

        1. Maybe she realized all eyes and blame would be on her so she bailed and now wants to clear the record.

          She seems genuinely upset with Mr. Trudeau. A smidgen of integrity remains. Was he setting her up?

          I sense something big here, but my only real evidence is her father stepping up large in support of his daughter.

          Something bad is brewing. If Trudeau has lied, we have a real scandal on our hands, iow the Tories’ only hope.

          BTW, the media is indignant (yawn) and are clearly sure they can clear the matter up well before the federal election.

          Then again, journalism isn’t inhabited by many geniuses. Or is that any? Close enough?

          1. No, the urinalism world is filled with those, who were referred to often, in Deadwood monikers.

    2. Kevin, did you read the comment at the link that said,” Jody for Prime Minister”?!!!

      Geezuz H.Allah, people have short memories. This woman is a Native activist, her Father was a Native activist. If we want to become serfs in our own Country,with an aristocracy of Indians, vote W-R PM.

      She may have modicum of integrity, but her “First Nations First” agenda is indicative that she is not the person to look to as a political saviour.

      1. Exactly. That would be going from the frying pan directly into the fire.

        I can see it now, settlers, get out.

      2. Actually… it would be funny to foist that on Quebec. I am already third or twelfth class in Canada (being a male, from the west, etc.). So not much would change for me. But Quebec might actually feel a kick in the teeth like that…

  2. Justin is afraid of the truth. Hopefully the lies and deceit of this government will be the cause of its demise!!!!!….Steve O

  3. What Justin is afraid of is quite obvious, he’s afraid of the truth. Why else would he have done the shuffle? It’s all unfolding as an attempt to cover up what seems to be endemic with Liberals and Quebec. This is a true scandal and unless we accept corruption we need to demand resignations of those in government who are involved from the top down to the back rooms.

    1. The problem with this affair is it could cleave the Quebec vote with a guy named Maxime ready to benefit, among others.

      The Quebec voters are sick of the insider corruption, have punished other offenders and this is amongst the worst things the fed Grits could do right now, with alternates to Liberals available and possibly sinking the party to its Isle de Montreal enclave.

      Canadians are sick of government by the rich and famous who don’t follow the rules. Voters are wary.

      He played them on fake change last time.

      If there is anything to this, Trudeau will have to play out the clock until October, with the mediocracy as his referee.

  4. Juthtin reads his lines over and over until he believes them. That’s what actors pretending to be Prime Ministers do. He’s not allowed to adlib.

  5. Theives of private property pass their lives in chains; theives of public property in riches and luxury. Cato the Elder

  6. It is not merely Justin who is afraid. It is instead all of “Law Enforcement” and the “Legal” system as well. They understand that if the truth comes out in THIS matter, the culprits exposed know full well how much other fraud, corruption, treason and sedition has been going on for YEARS, and will publish the details which will bring down their entire system. Don’t be surprised if “Friends of Bill” events start to occur if it looks like anything might come of this…

  7. Everyone’s being narrow-minded about all this, sure, there may have been a serious crime committed by Liberal operatives but have we considered all factors under the “social justice” and “social licence” parallel legal systems? Maybe doing anything to keep Liberals well-financed and in power is in the best interest of fighting climate change and making Canada a post-national state?

    1. Sarcasm bordering on satire. Good.

      As we hand over power to the great anywheres*, as we the revolting somewhere serfs escape our freedom, let us not forget our allegiance is to the post national leader, the unelected and corrupt one, as per the UN default position, whoever that is.

      Think of it as your Venezuelan moment. They seem patriotic. I can see the water cannons now, and it is such a hot day.

      Remember, work will set you free with re-education facilities provided free along with the non-provision of social benefits.

      Just remember this, if you’re not guilty then you have nothing to hide. * – hats off to PM Stephen Harper

  8. I of course agree with the comments here, over this, and the anger Canadians are showing across the country. I watched a lot of CTV and CBC News yesterday, and it was hilarious watching the Liberal shills attempting to peddle Justin Trudesu’s line. CBC News had on one John Duffy, a Liberal lobbyist, and he was over the top.

    Today we have the House subcommittee holding an emergency meeting. Before Jody W-R’s resignation the thinking was that the Liberals would shut down any committee hearings. But after the resignation yesterday’s chatter has it that the hearings will proceed. One should look for the Liberal majority to rig the hearings somehow, perhaps by limiting who will appear, or the scope of the hearings. I suspect the Liberal majority on the committee will refuse to hear from PMO insiders and key government officials. For what it’s worth, I heard this morning from the TV that the Conservatives are replacing some or all of their three sitting members with more “aggressive” MPs.

    We should view having House hearings as a plus. It keeps the scandal in the public eye, and even the establishment media cartel will have to report on it. It’s analogous to the AdScam hearings. Still, don’t count out Trudesu’s chances in this fall’s election.

    1. and yet another SNC-Lavalin investigation (from the original link above)
      On Feb. 12, 2019, it was revealed that Quebec prosecutors are now working with the RCMP on the possibility of new criminal charges against SNC-Lavalin tied to a contract to refurbish Montreal’s Jacques Cartier Bridge.

      Perhaps we should try to find an SNC project where corruption was not involved.

      Would be nice to see the provinces all say no more contracts to SNC

    1. A temporary condition, I’m sure.

      Good read, though. A bit of insight into the Canadian uniparty through successive “changes” of government.

    2. Gord, a good opinion essay from Mr. Wells, and thank’s for posting. A large part of my conservative thinking stems from an alienation driven by the corrupt dominant elites in this country. Many conservatives miss this, in advocating for a small government. Like this current scandal, the dirt was first unearthed by a lib-left media outlet (the Globe and Mail). Conservatives must learn to dig for scandals. In the U.S., Michelle Malkin is one conservative who has smelled the coffee.

      In short, Barack Obama as president constructed a vast, corrupt Tamanny Hall organization, built along the lines of Chicago writ large. Gerry Butts and Justin Trudeau brought in Obama types to replicate the Tamanny Hall set-up up here. Some conservatives on this SDA site call it the Laurentian elite, which is fine. But there is a vast government-academic-media-justice-corporate elite governing this country. With the appropriate payoffs, of course. Paul Wells, in his unique writing style, is discovering this crooked system. Which is fine.

      1. If Paul has had an epiphany that is well and good, but where was he the last few decades. I subscribed to Macleans at one time and Paul Wells’ sycophancy helped drive me away. Mark Steyn and Barbara Amiel kept me there for a while.
        The Liberal Party of Canada is a corrupt organization from top to bottom and has been for decades.

    3. Gord…many thanx for posting that. Absolutely fascinating read.
      Is anyone surprised at the disgusting amount of Corruption in Quebec and Ottawa….I for one am not.

      More and more inclined to Believe it will never been cleaned up.
      And a big reason why I believe our Province (Alberta), must leave this cesspool of a country to create our own Republic.
      There is absolutely no Reason to stay.

  9. Trudeau is viciously bullying that poor aboriginal woman.
    It’s 2015, er, 2019, for crying out loud!

  10. “I am not a crook.” Richard Nixon 1973

    “I am not a crook.” Justin Turdeau 2019

    I tried to post this 4 times, I guess I finally got past Gerry Butts censorship.

  11. Canadian governments and the Canadian people have been blissfully ignorant or deceptive about the level of corruption and influence peddling involved in the affairs of this country. The Liebels will ultimately try and sell their involvement as a need to preserve jobs at SNC. It will ignore any potential bribes that might have taken place to individuals who could influence the decision making process.

    Here in BC we are expected to accept the money laundering that has taken place in casinos as a ‘cost of doing business’ by the government of BC. The province makes $1 billion per year from gambling and did not want any exposure of the money laundering operations as it might threaten that cash flow to government. Add to that the organized crimes use of Vancouver as a drug entry point to North America to the tune of billions of $’s. Add again, to a Canadian society that has no problem robbing wealth from Alberta to support provinces like Ontario and Quebec. Hopefully the inequity of these activities will not be lost on the citizenry.

    IMHO all of this boils down to national security. There is a class of people in Canada who are quite willing to sacrifice national security to line their pockets and secure their political futures. At some point a national discussion will happen, unfortunately for forced reasons. Canada’s governments are failing. That process will accelerate with a Alberta/Sask separatist movement. Unlike Reform this movement will have the support of industry. This movement will have a far more sophisticated intellectual capacity.

  12. Whose afraid?
    Presuming that the PM is afraid.
    Lets also presume there is staff in the PMO that are looking over their shoulder.
    There are members of cabinet and the liberal caucus that don’t want to see their careers sunk over this.
    SNC Lavilin is concerned that because this issue has put a laser like focus on them and has made using remediation a political third rail, which follows that ….
    The voters in those Quebec ridings that will lose there jobs (aka knowing what its like to be an Albertian).
    Which means if this could cost the liberals a great many seats in Quebec and hence the best they can hope for is a slim minority …. if they can hold on to seats in Ontario ….. Ontario just became very very important to the liberals and any decision they make or have made the has adversely effected Ontario will be a deciding factor in the next election. Like imposing a carbon tax.

    If I’m going to make a prediction its that in the near future Ms Reybould is going to be leaving the liberal caucus. On her own or by directive is up for debate, but she will at the very least be sitting as an independent.
    Oh, and she is the only one that does not appear to be afraid. Even if she is, she appears to be covering it very well.

  13. The chiefs of all first nations in canada have to rally their members to get out and vote in october to kick these criminals out.

    1. In the last election the Groper said he was going to give $ billions more to Indians and he hasn’t delivered. He’s toast to Indians already.

  14. What is Justin Afraid Of? The only thing that Liberals are afraid of is losing power. That is it. everything else is irrelevant. They don’t care if they get caught they don’t care what the price so long as they do not lose power. Know this, know a Liberal.

  15. How in Hades can Trudeau claim to be surprised by the resignation, she was demoted and they both know why. What other possible reason for the cabinet shuffle but to scuttle the truth?
    It’s sad to think this gang that can’t shoot straight think we will not catch onto what they are up to. Even Liberals should be angered by this.

  16. Admittedly, I excoriated JWR when she rolled on with the pot legalization without a clear plan but, right now, she’s kind of a hero to me. Resigning from a corrupt cabinet is a big move that could be political suicide, given the libranos penchant for punishing those who fail to toe the butts line.

    1. She might make an NDP prime minister. She could be their first leader since T. C. Douglas who isn’t stupid.

    2. She’s no hero. Her playbook is all about her.

      Her record as AG is poor. Lousy legislation. She’s the one that gave the cops the power to force everyone to blow.

  17. Rumours are fife this morning. From bourque.com You can decide for yourself how much of this might be going to happen. Remember, it’s just rumours.

    As snow swirls around Parliament Hill after an overnight blizzard, so too are rumours after the resignation of top indigenous female cabinet minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, a marquee personality that evoked all the promise bundled into Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election win .. >>> This morning, overheard at Nate’s Deli one block south of the West Block in downtown Ottawa, is a savory suggestion that at least 3 and as many as 7 Liberal MPs are ready to bolt from the Liberal caucus if Jody exits the team, including one high profile cabinet minister .. >>> And perhaps equally troubling is news out of the PMO from a person extremely close to the action that heads are about to roll inside the bunker, including the abrupt exit of one of the PM’s top adjuncts (a power struggle is underway), possibly couched as a diplomatic posting to some exotic location half way around the world. Apparently the natives are restless and the leadership is in full panic mode .. >>> Lastly on this file, and perhaps most importantly, is news that a “Factors not to consider” clause (715.32(3)) in the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, the very same ‘Remediation Agreements’ section SNC-LAVALIN & the PMO fought Wilson-Raybould over, was booby-trapped in the fine-print in a way that specifically excludes SNC-LAVALIN from any remediation agreement. Intrepid scribbler Brian Lilley hints at it in his story headlined below. Stay tuned on all that .. >>> But in other news, is there any veracity to the suggestion that junior cabmin & Trudeau acolyte Dominic LeBlanc may be leaving elected office, possibly to take a diplomatic posting far away from the developing Mark Norman narrative ? ..

  18. This problem sounds a lot like President Trump’s conundrum over declassifying the dastardly deeds done by the FBI, DOJ, and other Deep State co-conspirators. I wish us both luck.

  19. The posted Wells piece gives a very good outline of how Lavalin orchestrated their request through the budget omnibus bill, all legal apparently. Highly paid MPs from all parties voted on that bill; did none of them bother to read it and wonder why a criminal code provision was tucked in with a budget bill? Really wonder sometimes if these back benchers earn their salaries.

  20. “…the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, the very same ‘Remediation Agreements’ section SNC-LAVALIN & the PMO fought Wilson-Raybould over, was booby-trapped in the fine-print in a way that specifically excludes SNC-LAVALIN from any remediation agreement.”

    Heh! Sabotage! Somebody writing legislation for us has a heart. Bless them.

    Teach these pukes who we pay as our “representatives” (all Parties)….to READ THE GD BILL!!

    JWR obviously didn’t, so it passed in the HOC (quel suprise!), only to come up in “discussions” later. They are all culpable. ALL PARTIES to this. I’m not cutting any of our politicos any slack on this one. EAT IT, Sheer. You want status quo government (see Milk Cartel) when the status quo has been blown up lately. I’m not voting status quo anymore.

    1. As part of the benefit of being in the government caucus when it comes to government legislation you must vote in favour.
      Because it was stuffed into the budget bill, the onus is on the FM as he would be the author of said legislation.
      But let us see the big picture.
      This is creating a dynamic that up ends the way business is done in Ottawa.
      The whole business of using remediation and the attendant scandal team Sockmonkey finds itself in is due to having hid the law inside an omnibus bill instead of letting it be a stand alone bill. Its self inflicted.
      The side benefit is that all this attention has made invoking said “law” to allow SNC to get away with a fine for acts the little people would see hard time for, a third rail.
      But it is also a poison pill for any party that doesn’t invoke it, because if SNC is criminally convicted they are looking at huge layoffs in Quebec.
      That translates into electoral loss for any government that does it.
      Right now the opposition wants the criminal prosecution to proceed before the election so the liberals take the hit.
      The liberals want to slow walk it so it takes place after the election.
      An existential threat to the lpc and quebec politics status quo.
      Final note
      Harper proved you can win a majority without Quebec, but liberals have never won without Quebec.

      1. The last point is well taken. I’m sure Mr Bernier can be of assistance in Quebec.
        If this has any legs, the LPC may have mortally injured themselves and could be ousted, at least by a minority government.
        That would be fun, watching Grits gripe about coalition governments with similar policy based parties on the centre-right.
        Maybe the LPC won’t benefit from some saving external event as happened to Harper as he finally went down to defeat.
        The media seems quite confident they can cover up the whole thing but I notice they are hedging their bets this time.

  21. She doesn’t need to speak.
    I don’t know if you realize it yet, but by consulting with a lawyer, she’s basically confirmed that the G&M report is true. If it were otherwise, she could have simply said it’s nonsense. No lawyer required.

    1. I understand that is a matter of law. There’s no privilege in denying something that didn’t happen.

  22. Ken 10:08

    The LPOC is corrupt from top to bottom.

    And Truedope is no Canadian.
    He is a traitor!
    The Lady in Regina was bang on!

  23. “We must always believe the woman”

    Little Potato, 2018.

    The Kokanee Groper versus The Granville Squaw.

    Come on my dear, do the right thing. For once.

  24. Let’s just say it aloud, we have a corrupt government. I also have a problem with the disrespect they show how much they care a damn about Veterans Affairs by the people they choose to represent them. It’s a dumping ground for useless tools and I’m thinking Jody Wilson-Rabauld is well aware of that. Trudeau and company had no place else disposable in their time of need for this attempt at coverup.

    1. I’ve been saying that aloud for twenty- five years. I’ve also been saying time to say goodbye.

  25. Now that it is clear that Andy Sche(m)er is part of the uni-party paving crew that is working to put this scandal 6 feet under, maybe the fine members of the business community could see fit to putting Sche(m)er in as at least head of a minority government, come October.

    So glad Andy is the top Conservative . He will be there, the next time his assent is deemed necessary before the law is bent to the purposes of the crooked and powerful. ( As long as there’s a Pristanski or other former Conservative pitching it, as there always will be. )

    The crookedness of deferred prosecution agreements, commonly used to excuse bribery of officials of 3rd world shitholes, has now been brought home to excuse bribery in Canada, through the connivance of both parties.

    Can anyone remind me why Max is such a threat to everything good in Canada?

    1. Max is from Quebec. Quebec is hopelessly corrupt. I doubt Max will campaign on cleaning up the corruption in Quebec because he knows if he does Quebecers won’t vote for him.

      1. I believe the opposite is true. Cleaning up Quebec corruption is a winner issue there right now.

        So Bernier stands to benefit without hurting the Conservatives elsewhere.

      2. Politically, Max is from Beauce. He only needs to worry about the voters of his riding.

        1. “He only needs to worry about the voters in his riding”.
          Not if he wants to do anything, he’s trying to become PM. However, it would be interesting to see him campaign on cleaning up Quebec corruption. And even more interesting to see how Quebecers react at the polls.

          1. Last time I checked, Max was seeking Federal, not Quebec office. His is not a province-centered strategy.

  26. Again, the Liberals lie, cheat and steal.

    The Liberals have rigged the system, especially now, so that if they are caught, they can weasel out of it. This is why Justin is not too worried about the outcome.

    Jody Hyphenated Name isn’t a hero but she is a victim of what Liberals do when others don’t do as expected of them.

    Canadians are more than willing to tolerate criminality as long as they have their weed and dollar beer. Ask the average Canadian what is going on right now. If he even knows, supplant Harper’s name with Justin’s name and see what he defends.

    As much as I would like for this to end with Justin being some biker’s b!#ch-boy in prison, it is unlikely that it would happen unless an independent party rules against the guilty and Canadians stop tolerating corruption.

    1. Nothing will happen

      just like nothing happened after Adscam or after the Charbonneau commssion ( quebecers re-ected liberals -Philipe Couillard – a couple months after the charbonneau commission revelaed how the liberals were criminals in every sense of the word )

      most people are too dumb to care
      Liberals are above the law

      by the end of this month not one media will be talking about the SNC Lavalin thing or about that whistle blower Jody something

      people will go back to watching tv shows

      liberals will be counting the money they stole and laughing all the way to the bank

      Trudeau will get re elected next fall ( in part because of voter fraud and allowing non citizens to vote )

      nothing will change

      actually it will change in the sense that every year it will get worse

      liberals will be more corrupt, the media more quiet about that corruption, and the people will become dumber and dumber caring more about the next i phone or the next new tv show

      1. Exactly. Nothing to add to that. That is exactly how it will play out.

        And the people slept.

  27. With Liberals, and socialists in general, I go with presumption of guilt.

    Jody is either angling for maximum hush money. Or Jody is in as deep as Trudeau, and it is cover your butt time for them all.

    If there was guilt, and there was integrity anywhere from top to bottom, we would already be seeing jail sentences handed out.

    A driver, a guard, a maid, an accountant,… someone somewhere would have already spilled.
