Break Them Up

Into a hundred thousand million pieces:

The social-media giant collects intensely personal information from many popular smartphone apps just seconds after users enter it, even if the user has no connection to Facebook, according to testing done by The Wall Street Journal. The apps often send the data without any prominent or specific disclosure, the testing showed.

7 Replies to “Break Them Up”

  1. You have already lost denis. Over the years and decades and centuries prior to this, you, your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents, … have never voted to cut a single precious public “service”. All everyone has done, every election, is vote for bigger government. You vote to “protect our crowns”. You vote for “single payer health care”. You vote to stop anyone ever touching any sacred cow in any way.

    And now you get to suffer. Now there is no stopping it. You willingly registered your guns. You registered your savings. You registered your car. You registered your house. You registered all your property. You registered your children.

    Registration, leads to confiscation. Always has, always will. Liberty was traded for the illusion of security; and no one anywhere has either anymore. Except for the people who will never go hungry in government, as we are pushed out of our cars, and go without power, without fossil fuels, without food, without medicine, without water, as they feast and private jet to conferences about how terrible we deplorables are.

  2. Leftists LOVE the surveillance State. And you thought they were AGAINST surveillance … silly silly sheep!

  3. My FSB Book account has been dormant for years but apparently that doesn’t matter. Not a WSJ subscriber. Which apps are selling this info?

  4. It’s a pity custom ROMs like Cyanogenmod went dormant, because flashing one’s Android phone with clean fimware was the easiest way to fix this. Once you’ve got root you can block anything outgoing you want.
