57 Replies to “Bang! Zoom! You’re Going To Da Moon!”

  1. When I first heard about Trudeau making a space announcement today, I figured he’d inform us SNC-Lavalin and Irving were getting a contract to design and build a giant catapult so the Liberals could throw Jody Wilson-Raybould into the sun.

  2. “It will allow us to go to Mars and beyond”. Turdeau is already there. He lives in his own corrupt dishonest world, unfortunately it’s not on our planet.

    1. So as conspiracy theories go.. Did JWR throw Turdle under the bus to perhaps get his job, and as a westerner. Did she throw sand into the gears of SNC as some retribution for what the Turdle did to western enterprise.. Whether deliberate or not..Both are true.

      1. And will Gerry Butts throw Turdeau under the bus? Or will he try to throw JWR under the bus.

        If he does the later, I hope JWR has some tapes.

        I’m buying some more popcorn.

    1. derp, derp.. middle class… derp, derp…free money… derp, derp… feminism !!!!

        1. Sorry I must correct your spelling. It’s …


          DOP is for Dirty Old Perverts. Hey, we have rights too!

          1. Hey Robert, you missed the ‘N’ for necropheliacs! We absolutely must be inclusive in this day and age, no?

    2. *
      #BelieveAllWomen… unless they work for you…

      “Trudeau, whose ‘moral authority to govern‘ is now
      rightly being questioned, has already dismissed the
      explosive testimony Jody Wilson-Raybould dropped on
      the justice committee on Wednesday, and has basically
      called her a liar.”


        1. SNC Lavalin gets off because of government interference.

          They all win…

          Canada and all Canadians lose…

    1. ” It’s time for a completely different approach.”

      I agree. No more God damned Frenchies in Canadian politics. They’re all stupid and corrupt, every one of them.

      1. Fuck you!

        Stupid Albertans Letting The NDP In…

        Let’s put everybody in the same racist bowl…

      2. NDP? Is that the Federal party that never in history reached Official Opposition status until Queerbeckers put them in the second party seat while the rest of the country gave the CPC their first and only majority? Yeah, I remember that.

        This Bernier freak can’t even be bothered to learn to enunciate English properly and he wants Albertans to vote for him?
        Maxine can take his Froggie “People’s Party” and shove it up his faggie French ass. Commie idjit.
        No party that has a Froggie for leader gets my vote. Remind me, how many seats does the “People’s Party” occupy?

  3. “Canadarm was espential, er um Canadarm was essential…”

    What a buffoon. Can’t even read 36 pt type off a sheet under his nose.

    1. No strap the French Artiste/Knob Gobbler to the front of an oil rig workers 4×4 get the boys drunk and tell them they can’t get up that mountain side or through that slough to the bar with the outdoor shithouse. The Rodeo Song a tribute to Justa Turd from Alberta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX6ggRByE8g

    2. Any trip into space will do as long as Turdeau goes for a space walk without a tether to the space vehicle.

  4. Oh, Justin, all is forgiven, let’s forget about that Indian bit** and go to the Moon together!

    Was that the applause of the media, trained seals, LPC operatives, or all three?

  5. Look! Shiny thing!!!

    Hurrah, Bombardier is selling another piece of 1980s technology to NASA. Yay. I’m so proud. Wonder if it still runs on a PDP-11?

  6. Gotta pay for those Quebec votes one way or another.

    And Richard, you’re spot on – “look, a squirrel !!!”

    I wonder where he thinks the money will come from, now that he’s shut down the cash flow from Alberta……oh, silly me, he’ll just borrow it of course, and in the meantime the budget will balance itself.

    1. Not just QueerBec votes, east of Northern Ontario is wall to wall HOG TROUGHS. NS. PEI, New Brunswick and Good Old Newfoundland they all get their asses greased by the Liberals or no votes. The whole damn country is one big Pork Barrel of goo and grease. And all the political parties are corrupt. Canada has been run this way since 1867.
      Canada can not be fixed by Canadian Politicians who are the problem or the stinking Liberal Judges who the Liberals appointed. Or the Politically corrupt RCMP maybe hire a dog catcher and let him figure out the cesspool.
      On 2nd thought just end the damn fake Country and start over. Demand whoever is elected Prime Minister of Alberta that he seek support for a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) so he has a hammer to get equality for Albertans or the hammer to leave the cesspool.
      And Canadians look down their noses at Americans. Shame.

  7. Well, this might not measure up to Bill Clinton’s sending cruise missiles to Afghanistan when he was in hot water, but you have to give Trudeau an E for Effort here.

  8. Worse yet, Canada’s the first country to sign on with LOP-G:


    I guess he figures that since he dropped out of engineering, he has more than enough technical expertise to commit us to that white elephant. And if it provides jobs (which will translate into votes) in key ridings, what’s not to like? Besides, who cares whether it results in something useful?


    1. I had changed the channel on HRH today so I missed what he was announcing. With his antics lately, I was indifferent to more of what he had to say.

      He is again spending like there is no tomorrow. It seems a little stupid and wasteful. Where’s Climate Barbie when you need her?

  9. Justin’s going to Jupiter
    To get more stupider!

    What he really needs to do is go for the proverbial long walk in the snow…preferably along Kokanee Lake.

  10. Toronto has major problems with their new Bombardier streetcars, taken out of service.
    New York City has major problems with their new Bombardier subway cars, deliveries halted.
    What could go wrong? Especially where there are no repair facilities on the way.
    It’s not like Bombardier has to actually sell a useful item to stay in business, the Canadian taxpayer can bail them out, AGAIN.

  11. we need rivers of blood and politicians/bureaucrats/left wing activists heads mounted on pikes
    If Vlad the impaler was alive today I would crowdfund his election as dictator

  12. ….and if we’re really…really lucky Trudeau will nominate himself to be the first Canadian astronaut to go. That way he could be a great Canadian hero, do something his father never could and speak French from moon orbit. I’d vote for him……..if it were a one way trip !

  13. So if I want to be above the law and partake of corruption all I have to do is hire some staff and pay a fine?? I mean if rich Quuerbeckers can break the law and be above the law cause they employ people how many people will I have to hire to be above the law?

  14. It’s not even been half a year since cannabis legalization and Canada’s PM is publicly demonstrating the utter destructive nature of pot consumption. What a space cadet.

  15. Keeping it all in family which consists of Bombardier, SNC Lavilan, Laurentian Elite, Ottawa bureaucracy, Liberal Party, and much of the media.
    This cabal makes the 1800s Upper Canada Family Compact look like pikers.

  16. Never mind Bombardier, watch for Heroux-Devtek on this one. Built landing gear for the Apollo Lander and extremely tight with the Libranos.
