23 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

    1. I am NOT losing my hair. My shower drain does not collect ridiculous amounts of liberated hair follicles. My hair is not thinning so much on top that my head gets sunburned when spending time outdoors. Nope … none of that is happening.

        1. Louis ! That was AWESOME! I didn’t know the tune or the man … now I do, thanks for the knowledge.

  1. At one time, the insane were shut away in institutions to protect them and society.

    Now they’re just another demographic that politicians must pander to.

    1. The insane are the main demographic being pandered to by at least three political parties in Canuckistan.

  2. Here’s how it’s gonna happen: “If a child can choose his/her gender, they can choose whom they have sex with.”

    1. john70, yeah,I wonder if that isn’t the object behind it all. Paedos have been trying to think up ways to make sex with kids legal since the early 1970’s that I’m aware of, maybe even earlier. Remember NAMBLA?

      It’s kind of a shame that we have evolved beyond tar, feathers, ropes and trees.

  3. Bob & Doug noticed that Sodom’s buggers are always try’n to Go More eh. Their hunger’s grown bigger than the 12″ meatball sinwich.

  4. Since age is a “social construct” under the current political fashion. Suppose someone decided they were “in early transition” bi-identification of being both older and younger.

    Could they then qualify for both old age pension and fed/prov. government monies for raising children?
    Regardless of their pre-Cult. Marxist/post-modernist age?

    Technically, such persons are both parent/guardian and child, in effect, by raising themselves.

    Just asking for a friend.

  5. Claiming that you are younger than you are will keep you working forever. Claiming that you are older than you are might make you a lot of money. Oh I see our first poster beat me to that.

  6. In any other era, this would be considered insane. But considering what passes for reality these days, hell why not.

  7. Look on the bright side, after the government allows people to identify as whatever age they want, legally, they’ll finally have to throw in the towel on social security.

  8. What planet does the left live on exactly? A planet that hasn’t been discovered by mankind or a planet that doesn’t exist yet?
