Time for a criminal investigation

This is not just morally wrong, it is potentially criminal.

Section 139 of the criminal code defines obstruction of justice as “everyone who wilfully attempts in any manner to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice in a judicial proceeding.”
Did the PM, Gerry Butts, Katie Telford, Wernick and others “willfully attempt” to change the outcome of a criminal prosecution for political motives?
Hell yes.

More here…

86 Replies to “Time for a criminal investigation”

  1. Forget it, there will never be a criminal investigation, Trudeau has said they did nothing wrong. Does that mean Wilson Raybould is making stuff up?
    I’m sure we will soon be hearing this is Stephen Harper’s fault.

    Trudeau isn’t too sharp but he is very arrogant. When he speaks of jobs we know where those jobs are he’s concerned with. It’s certainly not Alberta or anywhere else West of Ontario.

    1. Furthermore, your “Law Enforcement” and your “Legal” system will do WHATEVER they are told, as long as that paycheck keeps comin’ in. Do you REALLY think they are going to “investigate”??? Just how naive ARE you, anyway?

    2. Yeah, Trudy is such a lying POS.
      Quebec jobs threatened? He will break any law he can.
      Ontario jobs lost at auto plants? Oh well, lousy conservative government.
      Alberta jobs lost and still bleeding? Where’s that? Oh, those rednecks in the wilderness, whatever………
      And where is the RCMP? Ever try to file a complaint? Their website is a joke. I hope some intrepid reporter (Lilley, Ezra) or a CPC MPmarches down to the Ottawa HQ and files the complaint. Stop the hot air and get on with it already!

      1. I can’t believe that Canadians can’t get Judy Sings Like A Bird on a stand under oath and jail every Liberal in the country above Capo.

        And everyone lived happily ever after.

    3. Nine thousand Jobs indeed!… Where was Mr. terdo’s EVER so laudable concern for the jobs of tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of innocent employees when he burdened Canadian energy projects with upstream and downstream enviroMENTAL “STUDIES” while placing no such burdens on energy imported from, ever so ethical, Saudi Arabia, Venasuela and other such contributors to the cause?

          1. SNC Lavalin owns CANDU and in big deals to promote CANDU in China.
            Remember it was Pierre who gave the Nuclear technology to India, China, Korea, and Pakistan. Pierre Trudeau did more to proliferate Nuclear Bombs than anyone in history. All sold at a discount and wrote off against Canadian Taxpayers.. Sold to India, India used to make its Nukes. old to Pakistan, Pakistan used to make nukes, sold to China, China used to make nukes. Good old Pierre. The father of the Pakistan Nuke was trained in Canada. http://www.snclavalin.com/en/snclavalin-signs-mou-with-the-cnnc-to-develop-project-opportunities-in-china-and-abroad

    4. Scheer the Steer is an idiot. I quote. “The PM has to step down, the Liberals have a duty to govern without him.” Scheer to stunned from the ass both ways, the Liberals have a Duty To Govern without Trudeau? Come, come my man. Almost all of the Liberal front bench is involved. Demand an immediate election you stunned useless Liberal In Scheer.
      I see another Joe Clark. I will govern as if I have a majority. Don’t be Joe Clark my man. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/02/28/justin-trudeau-election-1229686

  2. I hope Canadians do the right thing in October and show this Clown the door……………………..

    1. Agreed.

      Now the Canadians have serious violations by the elite rulers, of section 139, Obstructions of Justice.

      Either get rid of them or spend the next two years trying to put him or others in a prison cell.

    2. For the moment, he appears to have lost his lapdogs in the print media, given the lack of any sympathy there in English Canada. When you’ve lost the Red Star and Mope and Wail……
      Now in corrupt French Canada? Well, different story.
      CBC? Protecting dear little pony, they are as corrupt as SNC Lavalin…..

      1. I listened to a CBC Radio newscast this AM, they started with about 4 mins of Canada’s new earth-shattering story, then they jumped right to at least 10+ mins of Cohen’s superfluous Trump-bashing. They were SOOOO excited to attack Trump that I doubt they would have dedicated more than 4 mins to Trudeau even if he were caught on video murdering an Islamic transgender.

        Somebody please tell the apparently still oblivious Scheer that… CBC IS THE ENEMY!!!!

  3. if JT says he didn’t think it was undue pressure and that the decision was hers alone, then why did he remove her from the ministry?

    That means clearly she was removed because he/they wanted her to come to a different decision. Which means her options were: make the “right” decision or you are fired.

    If that’s not an unethical – perhaps illegal – level of pressure I don’t know what is.

  4. No Special Enquiry make sure they get the same measure of justice as anyone else. Otherwise Canada is without rule of law. No Gomery Enquiry were Justa Turd can scratch his nuts and talk about golf like the wee Crook Chretien in the 300M Adscam Theft of tax dollars. Make the wee Groper famous. Go for blood now. Scheer the Steer needs to call in the RCMP himself, as soon as the flower opens some more. Don’t staunch the wound and the blood to fast.

    1. Scheer has no authority to call in the RCMP. The RCMP,since Mulroney spelled it out clearly to his toady, Norman Inkster, answers to the Prime Minister, not the Law.

      Brenda Lucki owes her job to Trudeau, I doubt she would conduct much of an investigation on the man who made her Chief.

      Trudeau is going to try to ride this scandal out until something else catches the attention of the media, then run on “jobs,jobs,jobs” for Quebec complete with stats from Statscan showing we have never been in better shape employment wise. They just have to tweak the stats so that anyone who works 20 hours a week is considered fully employed, and if they work 40 hours,why that’s TWO full time jobs!

      Yes, under Justin we have legal marijuana and a 3% unemployment rate! And if re-elected,Trudeau will increase the OAP by $1 per month, a 30% increase over the last raise! The handgun seizure and the lack of gun violence in any Canadian city will prove again that guns were the problem, not the thousands of drug gang members from exotic countries who now make their homes in our cities. And Pipelines! The Liberals will get’em built! Just ask them.

      Hopefully, Mikey (the Weasel) Wernick was WRONG, and there will be NO assassination attempts during this election cycle.

  5. He’s using the groping defense again, he and Jody and all the rest of us, just see things differently by golly.
    But then again…
    Trudeau was and is prepared to re-write law to benefit Quebec and Liberals,
    but will NOT do the same to benefit Alberta, all Canadians, our economy and the future prosperity of our nation.

    With our resources(oil,mineral,water,forests), wealth and technology,
    this century woulda, shoulda, coulda belonged to Canada.
    We as a people, as a nation are being lied to, robbed blind, stifled and denied our prosperous future by globalist socialists who have other plans for OUR resources.
    Even Kinsella is calling for the RCMP to investigate,
    Me thinks the Turds days could be numbered.

    1. Yes.

      And PM Honest Judy will lead real Liberals to victory.

      Who needs Fake Feminist/Fake Aboriginal Supporter PMs?

      Gun control? Who cares?

      Internet/Free Speech censorship? Pshaw.

      Budgets? Ha!

      Figuring out the real owners of Canada?

      Now you’re talking.

  6. well Brian, I think you hit the nail on the head with that piece. Those in here who thought this was not as bad as add scam didn’t/don’t get what this all about. And no, this does not compare to Watergate. I would sure like to see our so called con posters quit being like libtards. This shit is real serious, as it goes right to the heart of our judicial system, and confidence in that is already low

    1. 1000% Correct NME.
      Adscam was a casual walk in the park compared this.
      The 11 Persons that “pressured” her are Guilty without a Doubt of Criminal Obstruftion of Justice…and if there is NO INvestigation….??? Then you know that Finally the Corruption has climbed to such a scale as to equal what has Transpired in Venezuela. If that is the result – there is only 1 thing left.

      History has shown time and time again, that DESPOT’s (which Justin Trudeau most certainly IS, have a tendancy to double down…and I have no doubt that PM Dipshit will do the same – he has already done so by flipantly shrugging off 3 prior Ethics violations…with an attitude of “pah, doesn’t apply to ME..!!”

      REVOLUTION may well be required….no BS.

  7. The day I see a Liberal going to jail (why do you think they are against the death penalty) is the day after the world has ended. Like Clinton, no Liberal in Canada is ever going to be punished for anything.

    The only way forward, is out of the failed post national geographic region.

    1. Kevin, I agree with your sentiments, but I think a few, only a few, Quebec Liberals went to jail because of AdScam. Am I wrong in this? I’ll check on the internet.

      1. Bureaucrat Chuck Guite took one for the team, serving 7 months of a 42 month sentence.

        Jauques Corriveau, Liberal Party friend and fixer (described as the man most likely to be found in bed between Jean and Aline) died while appealing a 4 year sentence.

        Little known fact:

        Details are sketchy, but apparently “and swear never to publicly mention Adscam” is just one of the secret phrases sworn by every candidate for entrance to the Canadian Media Party.

  8. Which leave Canada parties still exist in the west. There are still registered domains for Western Canada Concept, and Western Block, but they don’t have any years on any of the dates mentioned on their pages.

    They also have links to their facebook page; so that tells me they do not value freedom as much as they claim to…

  9. Looks like there is also a western independence party of Saskatchewan. But all they have is facebook.

  10. And Brian, please do some very serious, deep, thorough and unmerciful digging into why Scott Bryson quit government and shuffled off to look after his adopted girls?
    Oh yes, and take a position at the Bank of Montreal. How much has Bryson been involved in the wiping of financial transactions relating to all the money laundering associated with these scandals??

  11. Pathetic. He’s on TV now promoting some space thing…wrapping himself in the flag. Best acting job I’ve seen him do so far.

  12. No one in Toronto, Edmonton, Regina, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, the Maritimes, is going to stop voting Liberal over some nothing burger organized crime crap.

    The first thing we need to do is seize the donor lists. Then, once we are out, and we have our own nation and actual rule of law, it is civil forfeiture tim for anyone who has ever donated to the criminal party of Canada. Our new republic will definitely need the death penalty. We should start with every voter who ever bought a Liberal sign in Ralph’s riding.

    Canada cannot be reformed. Cnada cannot be saved. Canada has long been a failed state without rule of law. No one in Ontario or Quebec, or any of the other socialist cesspits will ever let the rule of law exist. All you will get from those halfwits is mind numbingly stupid catch phrases like “the media needs to do their job”, or “people need to wake up”. People who use phrases like that are definitely into negative IQ territory.

    1. Government towns are always a big problem, in any jurisdiction where they exist. The new western republic needs to immediately put a hard limit on the size of government. I say, 2.5% of the adult population is the maximum size your government can be. And that is all levels together. If you have a million adults, and you want 200 levels of government, that is 25,000 people total at your federal1, federal2, federal3, … federalN, provincial 1, prov2, prov3, …, provN, municipal1, muni1, … muniN, 12 block, 13 block, … government levels that you want to set up. So each of your 200 levels of government could employ only 125 people.

      And there has to be a limit on tax collectors; you CANNOT allow a system where cities can impose tax, and provinces can impose tax, and feds can impose tax, … There is only one tax payer; therefore, there can be only one entity that can impose tax. If you want more layers of bureacracy, they have to go begging to that one source that you pay tax to; they cannot coerce you directly.

    2. “We would line up people to write op-eds”? ”

      Change the name to Banada.

      Brunswick News which owns pretty much all news sources in New Brunswick, has a benign headline below the fold and buried, accompanied by no editorials or commentary.

      Liberals forever in Canada UNTIL the corrupt Canadian Media is addressed.

  13. Well said Brian, and other commenters.

    I do not hold out much hope for a criminal investigation as the tentacles of the Liberal cesspool are deep and in every justice department in Ottawa. I recall High River.

    1. How true. Is there a police chief anywhere across this land that is not a politicised lickspittle just waiting for their reward. Bill Blair ex Toronto comes to mind. Fantino another. On retirement they should be prevented from assuming any public office. Trust the RCMP ? Why do you think Ford in Ontario appointed a Toronto Superintendent to head up the OPP. And why the cries of outrage from the entrenched OPP brass. Because, after the McGinty era, he knows full well where the loyalty of the OPP resides and they are not to be trusted.

  14. I am sure SNC does not want any criminal investigations…it is infested with the Quebec mob. How much money do you think they spent on Justin’s campaign? How much influence do they have over Trudeau? I would imagine both SNC and the Liberal party would prefer he step down at this point. Is Justin’s ego and arrogance going to be an unclimbable mountain for them?

    1. The Liberal/ SNC connections are very deep rooted and are probably responsible for their success. Maurice Strong used them way back when he was involved and living in Africa. Think CIDA. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

  15. As for any possible investigations; how many present and former supreme court justices have donated to the Trudeau Foundation?

    How many public prosecutors and judges got their jobs/appointments/sinecures after such a donation?

    How many people in the civil “service”, who openly celebrated after the Trudeau win, will be actively covering up now?

    How many high ranking RCMP are “Friends of Justin”; ie. have FOJ stamped on any requests they send in?

    The simple likely facts here, are that every federal agency and department in Canada has long been Liberal party tools. The RCMP, the CRA, OPP, CBC, everyone and everything has most likely been working for the Liberals for decades.

    This is what rule of Liberals looks like, as opposed to rule of law.

  16. Liberals have been appointing Liberal judges to the bench for most of Canadian History. They have been your masters for 75% of the history of Canada..
    If Canadians can not find the juice to demand justice. Meaning a real Criminal Investigation like everyone else in Canada has to face then you have no Justice system in Canada. You have the Elite and the peasants, the Little People.
    Why do you think, the old crook J.A. MacDonald abolished the Grand Jury system back in the late 1800’s. He got his fingers burned in the railroad scandal. His solution was get rid of that system where the elite had to face their peers.
    Special Enquiries is not Justice, Special Enqiries are not available to any average citizen. That is all a scam and a smoke screen.
    I said before Canada is not repairable. Alberta needs to get the hell out of the Crime Family. The level of taxation and theft in Canada at all levels is incredible.
    Chretien went to Ottawa as a small town lawyer without a pot to piss in, and left a multi millionaire.
    End all forms of corporate welfare including the CBC and all handouts to all media. The statement by Telford is very telling. Quote. “I will arrange some supporting OP EDs from the media” The media carry their water.
    They control the state Propaganda Organs. Any media that takes tax dollars is not a Free Press. They are bought and paid for for many many years.
    The True North Is a Criminal Enterprise. Not Strong and sure as hell not Free. And even the damned RCMP answer directly to the PM.

  17. Are you saying that laws actually do apply to Gerald Butts, Justin Trudeau, Bill Morneau and the rest of the gang?

    That the privy council can’t be shaped according to one’s own partisan interests?

    1. Thank,jon. 80% YES right now. And this is in Vancouver!

      Resign, you arrogant sob,and let Chrystia Freeland become Canada’s second female PM, the LPC ‘s version of Kim Campbell.

  18. I remember when the RCMP was highly respected around the world. Tourists loved to take photos of them in their crimson uniforms, or better yet, have their picture taken standing beside a Mountie. How the image has fallen. It’s a shame.
    My grandson is a Mountie and is completely frustrated by the fact that most of the rank and file (at least the ones he works with) are conservative and by the book law enforcement, while the upper echelons are left leaning toadies. He told me he’s glad not to be in Quebec, being ordered to carry luggage at the New York border. He has a degree in business and is trying to get in to the major crimes unit.
    But he does not hide his conservative views and it may be difficult to advance in that direction.
    An RCMP probe into this Trudeau mess is highly unlikely.
    Such sad times in this “post national nation.”

    1. Why doesn’t he try to get a job on P. Hill? He can sit in a patrol car and text his buddies and snooze and check out Lulu Lemon bums on Wednesday Yoga day . . .

    2. Tell you grandson to learn fwench and keep his politics to himself. The rcmp are a political police force and if he’s not careful he may be assigned to some hell hole as a lesson to himself and others who are deemed ‘difficult’.

      You want to get ahead in the outfit you kiss ass. Advancement isn’t based on merit.

      Tourists still like to take a pic of a Mountie with his reds on. It’s about all they (rcmp) are good for these days.

  19. Brunswick News. Garbage. The Irving papers are horrible. Not just below the fold story, it was second page second section. Prime Ministerial corruption and they bury it. But then again they only ever use Washington Post articles about Trump. It is a rubbish lazy rag.

  20. Trudeau is still repeating the same excuse for firing Wilson Raybould ….If Brison hadn’t quit she would not have been shuffled. He’s lying big time, he wanted her out because she wasn’t co-operating with them.

    We cannot accept corruption in this country or we will get more of it. Force the bum out.

    1. If Brison’s departure created the vacancy that Wilson-Raybould had to fill at Veteran’s Affairs (succeeding … not Brison,) David Lametti was just as qualified for Veteran’s Affairs as she was. So it must have been that she wasn’t as qualified for AG as Lametti is.

  21. This is gob-smacking:


    The real question is one of the Liberal caucus deciding if Mr Trudeau has a place there.

    Ms Wilson-Raybould was so magnificent that I am still digesting what she has done. But one thing for sure, her testimony is the rock that will be Mr Trudeau’s hard place.

    – The Clerk has to go; if he has not gone already. And the only excuse for him not to be before the committee today or tomorrow, under oath and free of any legal impediment to answer questions, is that his conduct is now the subject of a criminal investigation. And he is but first on a long list.

    – The PM cannot defend the indefensible. He needs to resign. He is toast and the longer he stays the blacker it will be when it finally pops out.

    – The Cabinet is similarly tainted by this; by virtue of doing nothing. They have a very short window now to recognize the reality of what is now public and act accordingly. I expect that some will show (belatedly) the same grit that Ms Wilson-Raybould has and will leave; the rest then stand with their leader and will share his inevitable fate.

    – The caucus has the same challenge, and in the face of Trudeau’s defiance, may well split. Those, like the tone-deaf lynch mob of suicide bombers who read their prepared scripts in questioning Ms JW-R yesterday; who apparently could not see that politics as usual is finished here, will pay for their sins. How many rats run up the lines as the ship sinks will be interesting.

    So far, Scheer (and Rait, who did well in the committee) are bang on; although the press still tries to ignore them. The NDP lead at the committee did impressively well too; although Cullen spoiled this with a somewhat lesser attempt to butt in.

    This is going to get real interesting, real fast. If Trudeau has not handed over power to someone else (see my point about the cabinet above) by the weekend, it will get exponentially more interesting. Who the new PM will be, and what will happen next are the big questions of the moment. Also, if this was what Trudeau was prepared (under pressure) to let out; what else is there that we still have not heard? And what about the Norman case? Both the manner in which he was witch-hunted and the drawn-out prosecution that has ensued parallel exactly what Ms Wilson-Raybould has described. And what else is there; the history of this regime being littered with curious events; questions never properly asked; and answers never given.

  22. Trudeau is MAD, he’s now pondering whether Wilson Raybould will remain a Liberal, he disagrees with her statements, translation:he’s going to boot her. She may want to jump the gun on him but it would be even worse on him if he does it.
    He insulted her intelligence, demeaned and demoted her, rather odd actions for an avowed feminist when she did nothing wrong.

  23. I was surprised by JWR and her testimony yesterday. Given her carefully crafted testimony I believe she has more to reveal after she was demoted. Enough to garner the Drama teachers resignation. Frankly, I believe it was the true motivation for her actions. She remains a Liberal. In one fell swoop she has managed to discredit a substantial portion of the Liberal power structure. The rest will see a pathway to keeping their jobs and fall in line. I think she is being totally underestimated by nearly everyone. We are witnessing a coup. I acknowledge I may be totally wrong. It is likely she will be our next PM , it is the only way she can remain a liberal and she has told you she chooses her words carefully.

  24. Justa Turd says let the Ethics Commissar do their job. No let the Rotten RCMP do their job. Criminal Investigation only and now. Before all the crooks can parlee and get the same BS story cooked up.

  25. Andrew Scheer has just released a letter to the Commissioner of the RCMP requesting a criminal investigation into JWR’s allegations yesterday. Flawed or not, the RCMP cannot dodge the firestorm which would float their way if they do not investigate.

    1. The whole group in the DOJ knew/KNOW about the interference… If Justice existed in Canada Trudeau would have already been Perp walked, fingerprinted and attended a bail hearing…. The whole System is compromised…

      You can’t fix stupid!

  26. Liberals must be getting nervous that the real dirt will come out once the media stop covering up for them.

    This JWR thing is by no means their worst ethical violation (the softest term you will hear all day for what happened, but all the Liberal faults are of that general variety).

    Over many years, some of the others would rank as exponentially worse. What we need is an independent judicial inquiry without Liberal Party member judges involved, to look into every complaint that any Canadian could bring against the Liberal Party and its civil service allies, where power of the government has been used against Canadian citizens. A class action compensation suit should be part of this, and anyone found to be complicit should be appropriately disciplined. It would rock the whole national establishment to its core, so I wouldn’t look for much support for this idea from anyone already established in public life in Canada.

    By the time this process was finished (it could take 5-10 years) the JWR incident would look like small cheese.

    In my opinion, the biggest Liberal scandal of all is the fostering of the climate fraud agenda. If this large national party had taken a more balanced approach, then the political support for carbon taxes would be pushed out to the Green fringes. But the Liberals used their allies in the civil service and the media to push this globalist agenda on our country with disastrous results. Almost everyone is affected. I would say we are all paying 20% too much for our gasoline and 50-100 per cent too much for fuels and hydro, all because of this fictitious excuse for high taxation. And where has that money gone? Into the pockets of the public sector for their higher wages and pensions. Not one cent of it has been used to change the climate, in part because it can’t happen anyway, but if they had at least tried we could just be laughing instead of litigating.

    Related scandals have to do with abuses of the justice system and tenure or access to employment. I doubt that I’m the only one with evidence to give about this. But even in court it’s difficult to give the evidence, any potential witnesses refuse to say anything. Once an individual is tainted with the Liberal brush, they remain that way for life. This JWR apparently never got the standard cult brainwashing that most Liberals receive, on their way to NPC status.

    I would think there must be a third stack of scandals involving failures to fix problems on native reserves. This is somewhat more of a two-party affair as it never changed much under Mulroney or Harper. The guilty in that sector would be high ranking public servants, and corrupt bands and their chiefs and councils. Public money that was supposed to fix widely acknowledged problems on isolated reserves never got used to solve those problems, but it got spent anyway. The job of a public inquiry would be to find out where and by whom.

    Western independence sounds like a good option if there isn’t any real change in the thinking down east. I’m sure we could govern ourselves more effectively than this Ottawa government can possibly do even without this level of corruption but with it, there is no sensible reason to stay in confederation, we will just get taken for everything and told that it’s our fault for being free enterprise supporters who aren’t woke, or some such mumbo jumbo.

    If this is woke that we are seeing, I would prefer the sleepwalkers of the past.

    1. Harper at least tried to force reserves to perform public audits so individual members and the public could see where the money went. Trudeau cancelled that in the first month or so.

      1. They (Trudeau) also cancelled the CRS auditing of charitable status for various groups who were actually activists e.g. anti pipeline etc.

  27. I’m sure there will be less interest this year in what Trudeau’s family is wearing for Halloween.

  28. It is time Indians fish or cut bait. There is a limit to what the taxpayer can carry. The Indians no more own Canada or a Province than anyone else does. I would give them 1 generation to become Canadian citizens or I would end all funding. Only those alive today would get funding. It would not pass through the hands of the Chief and Council. All the funding that now goes to Indian Reserves would end. All that money not for critical infrastructure would end. Each Indian would get a monthly check directly. The Chief would get the same amount. If the tribe still wanted a chief. The Chief would no longer manage projects or get anything beyond that check from the taxpayer. Each Indian would be finger printed and photographed and dna’d the checks would end in 1 generation. No more victim. The original reserve land, not what has been claimed illegally lately would be given in a property deed to who ever is living in that house on that reserve. It would no longer be communal property. It would be up to them to stay or leave. I would end flying in subsidized food or clothing or anything to them. They can take their checks and move wherever they want. Their funding would no longer depend on a head count on the reserve. If they want to live in the bush go ahead you get the same services as anyone else. If you have to move to town move. Nobody cares about your failed bullshit culture. There are no traditional Indians anyway. They all eat KFC, drive Fords watch TV and love the Whiteman’s culture. Kids born today would have their check held in trust until 18 years of age then paid out in a lump. End it all and become a Canadian citizen and quit your welfare culture. You are not even true Indians anymore anyway, you have become prisoners of an elaborate welfare scam. There are no Freedom Loving Great Native Leaders they are all milkers and welfare scam artists. Break the welfare cycle and become Free and Independent. You would get exactly what any other citizen is entitled too. Your a disgrace to all freedom loving people and your so called sacred ancestor’s.

  29. My understanding is that the threshold for guilt on this kind of charge is actually relatively low. If JWR’s accounts of events were even close to being accurate, it would take further and even more severe political meddling in the Canadian justice system to protect these Liberanos from prosecution. And we will be watching.

    Sure, none of the Liberal Mafia may actually go to prison over this, but the process itself will be extremely ugly and damaging for the Liberal brand. We have some very, very interesting times ahead.

  30. It’s now saving 9000 Canadian jobs. Not Quebec jobs. Ha, ha.

    Why reward a company that engages in breaking the law? What about the companies that don’t?

    1. This construction company bribes politicians with money.
      I can’t believe that after killing the auto industry in Ontario and the oil industry in the west that Trudeau’s motivation for breaking the law regarding section 139 and potentially destroying his carreer and everyone around him is jobs.
      Trudeau taking bribes from the notorious briber is more much reasonable.

  31. Breaking now. CBC News is reporting that Gerald Butts has just tweeted a letter to the House Justice Committee that he wants to go to the comittee to testify.

    Note that the comittee is Liberal run. One thing to worry about is that the committee could call a whole slew of Justin Trudeau flunkies, to deny JWR’s allegations, and bias the hearings through sheer numbers.

  32. Turned on the truck radio this morning just in time to hear lawyer/political analyst Ari Goldkind on CFRA . He assured us that turdo, Buttsie, et al were guilty of no crime, and he reserved his vitriol for taking Scheer-the-steer to task for demanding turdo’s resignation. Even the radio show host, a putz of the first order, took him to task on that one; reminding him that it would be a judge, not a lawyer, that decided guilt or innocence.

  33. Not just QueerBec votes, east of Northern Ontario is wall to wall HOG TROUGHS. NS. PEI, New Brunswick and Good Old Newfoundland they all get their asses greased by the Liberals or no votes. The whole damn country is one big Pork Barrel of goo and grease. And all the political parties are corrupt. Canada has been run this way since 1867.
    Canada can not be fixed by Canadian Politicians who are the problem or the stinking Liberal Judges who the Liberals appointed. Or the Politically corrupt RCMP maybe hire a dog catcher and let him figure out the cesspool.
    On 2nd thought just end the damn fake Country and start over. Demand whoever is elected Prime Minister of Alberta that he seek support for a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) so he has a hammer to get equality for Albertans or the hammer to leave the cesspool.
    And Canadians look down their noses at Americans. Shame.

  34. Lipstick on a pig.
    Trudeau as LPC leader.
    This was the LPC response to the collapse resulting from adscam. That this change of face succeeded to the degree of winning them the one election is a very bad reflection on the Canadian electorate. And now the LPC are back to the same adscam era situation.
    Now however we have not even a remnant of the
    Reform Party. The CPC have the organization. Max has the platform and voice but is starting from a way back. I try to ignore the NDP and Greens. The LPC will fracture.
    The situation is chaotic.
    I do not see a strong leader able to seize the moment.
    JWR seemingly is making a bid, but will not be acceptable to the powers-that-be back east or the Quebec voter (or me).

  35. There was that bit in her testimony about that meeting she had with Butts at the Chateau Laurier where he said something about a law that Harper passed that he didn’t like.
    So I did some digging.
    Turns out the office of public prosecutions was passed into law as part of …. wait for it ….. the Accountability Act.
    The Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) is a federal government organization, created on December 12, 2006, when the Director of Public Prosecutions Act, Part 3 of the Federal Accountability Act, came into force.
    So in essence if it wasn’t for a law passed by the government of Stephen Harper this may have never come to light.


    1. Don’t gloat too much. The Harper government passed this act as a means to try and circumvent the Libranos after the Gomery inquiry, remember that scandal. But typical Libranos they have tried to do an end run around the office that is supposed to be beyond the powers of Parliament, and is supposed to be apolitical and unbiased.

  36. The narrative that ‘we did it to save jobs’ is the only thing they’ve got. The moral high ground no longer belongs to the Libranos.

    Bongo is the face of the Linranos. He is the party. There is no understudy in this drama.

    The Librano pollsters work every night. By now they must have a feel where this thing is going. If quebek support (not Montreal island) starts to slip everyone in the PMO is at risk. They will all have to be sacrificed to save the leader. Then the libranos bring in some heavy hitter with credibility (who dat?). All stops will be pulled to save the election.

    Butts knows this and he also knows where the bodies are buried. I’m thinking he may be trying to save himself. If JWR has more on these guys – and it comes out there could be some jail time. Dalton McGuinty’s chief of staff went to the bucket and Buttsy knows it.

    If it looks like something incriminating is about to be revealed then all bets are off.
