Environment Canada’s Senior Wrongotolist

“You’re a hack, Almanac.”

Days after the Farmers’ Almanac released its winter forecast calling for “teeth-chattering cold,” Environment Canada’s senior climatologist has teased a more moderate outlook that is sure to be welcome news to many Canadians.
Senior Climatologist Dave Phillips said Environment Canada is expecting a “milder than normal” winter this year, thanks to El Nino. The routine climate pattern related to warm water in the Pacific Ocean is projected to be weak to moderate this year, Phillips said.
“It’s a little bit uncertain right now, but we certainly think it will seem shorter than last winter and maybe not as tough as it was last year,” he told CTV’s Your Morning on Friday.

From August, 2018. Nice tip, Harley.

33 Replies to “Environment Canada’s Senior Wrongotolist”

  1. Environment Canada said this region would have a warmer than normal fall and warmer than normal winter with less precipitation.

    Well, the first half of the fall was colder than normal but the second half was warmer. The first half of winter was warmer than normal with little precipitation but the second half has been colder with lots of snow.

    So were they right or wrong???

    The way I figure, predictions of weather more than two days out are pretty much a crapshoot.

    Farmer’s Almanac only seems to have predictions for southern BC, not here.

  2. We’re well south of the 49th with temps in the single digits Fahrenheit and a driveway lined with four feet of frozen climate change (h/t Instapundit). It’s snowing again Saturday. Golf seems like a distant mirage.

  3. So happy that I left for Arizona in late December. It’s been cold even here, but not like Alberta has been.

  4. Supposedly the second coldest Feb on record here in Calgary. But how long until the saint Suzuki crowd alters the data to make it look warmer?

    1. Interesting, …I record temps for EC for Okotoks, and have 30 years now….’94 was our coldest Feb, followed by 2104, 2018, and then this year….all within a few tenth’s of degrees though.

      1. sorry, I correct myself….got home and added up the numbers, and yes, 2019 was our coldest….I had in my mind reversed some numbers….this Feb in fact blew away the record (1994 which was -13.5C and this year -18.4C)

  5. each year I have less faith in the government weather forecasts. I am approaching negative faith levels this year.

  6. We are having a worse winter than average, but not as bad as it was a few years ago when all the great lakes froze over. It’s still early though. We won’t know how bad it was until it’s over.

  7. Environment Canada has been renamed “Environment and Climate Change Canada”.

    There are 2 Farmer’s Almanac, the original (old) Farmer’s Almanac and the Farmer’s Almanac.

    From the Farmer’s Almanac web-site…

    “For most of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and westernmost Ontario, temperatures will average much below seasonal norms. The coldest temperatures are expected during February 2019, when -40°C, or even -45°C, may be possible. So bundle up!”

    “It will also be an unusually cold February in eastern Ontario and Quebec, with the coldest temperatures running south and east across the Great Lakes to the Laurentian Plateau. Only British Columbia will see near-normal temperatures through the winter.”

    Seems like an accurate forecast. It’s -15 C near Guelph this morning. That is very cold for this time of year and that is the kind of weather we’ve been having.

    1. Saskatoon area for the winter until February was up and down as per usual, with Christmas/New Years very cold. However, February was very cold, longest cold stretch in almost ninety years. The rural school buses did not run for much of February.

      It is -22 here at 8:30 am.

  8. “Phillips said weather patterns have become more complicated since he began studying climate more than three decades ago. He said the Earth’s changing jet streams and melting ice in the North has greatly affected the planet’s climate and scientists’ ability to predict it………..
    The new normal is to expect the unexpected”
    So David Philips ‘climate change’ is your excuse for the reason why you suck at forecasting the weather.
    Why should people pay any attention to your stupid pronouncements?

    1. Somebody should tell the Farmers Almanac guys about climate change and jet steams and CO2 and melting ice and what about those contrails?

  9. Instead of measuring the ppm of CO2 and believing that is the main driver of weather perhaps Environment Canada should include the sun in their climate models.
    The sun was free of sunspots for the month of February. January had 15 days where it was sunspot free.
    In my area of NW Sask the rural school buses didnt run from Feb 6 to Feb 25. This time period included the spring break . The only reason bus service resumed on Feb 26 was because Environment Canada said it was -29C. The Weather Network and my thermometer said it was -36.7C.
    There is a saying amongst meteorologists “those who cant forecast the weather switch to climate science.”

    1. BINGO.

      Anyone that buys into the IPCC BS mantra of CO2 has allowed him/herself to be sold on Leftist Snake oil. The SUN is and always has been the one and only driver of Climate. To think otherwise is to believe Trudeau on anything.

      From NASA no less:

      “It drives the Atmosphre, Oceanic Circulation patterns, Powers Photosynthesis for plant growth, Causes Convection Currents to carry Warmth & Moisture into the sky to form clouds which give us rain. It drives EVERY ASPECT of climate.

      Earths orbit and orientation towards the Sun changes over many thousands of year spans. In Turn these change orbital mechanics & force Climate to change as said mechnaics alter where and how sunlight reaches Earth. Thus, Changing Earths profile to the Sun forces Climate Change.

      According to numrous Scientists (REAL Ones), Models of the Earths Orbit – Orientation to the Sun and the complete absence of Sunspots suggest we are entering a prolonged colling period (Maunder type Minimum), and possibly even…. an Ice age..”

      As most here know: The UN’s IPCC agenda is to use Climate Change to Destroy Western Hemisphere Capitalism. So I say good luck to the Latte Sipping Virtue Signaling IMBECILES who shun CO2 producing Fossil Fuel Vehicles in faour of EV’s.

      I for one, shall continue to drive my ’06 Duramax, (straight piped Turbo back, EGR deleted, EFI’d), & 22mpg hiway rig well beyond its current 550,000 kms….& stay warm to boot. (fyi – have a Webasto Diesel fired Coolant Heater installed..no need to plug it in @ -40 – Programmable & works like a charm.) If ya drive a diesel…best investment you’ll ever make on it…especially should an Ice Age a cometh.!!

      yea, I love my truck….

      1. Well said steakman, treat yourself to a top sirloin. The IPCC & global warming crowds claims that the sun has no effect on earth climate is a clear sign of insanity and for many years Environment Canada statements have clearly showed that they are in bed with this bunch and the Weather Channel is no more accurate of the true reality. I’ve always just looked out the window and checked my own therometer to determine the weather. As far as climate on the prairies; winters are (more or less) cold and snowy, springs rain and warm and summers hot and dry. Wind is a factor of all seasons and that all comes from being in a continental climate zone, and that’s geology, something we can’t change.

  10. Phillips: Canada’s Global Warming Propagandist-in-Chief.

    A few years ago the National Energy Board released our propane reserves to the US because this dickhead had predicted a warmer than normal winter. That turned out well.

    Oh well, the uncurious, lazy, and gullible media will continue to churn out his bullshit.

  11. As my father was known to say, “Only a fool or a newcomer predicts the weather in this country.” Canada is a big place with only a handful of weather stations. Almost none in the north. We might as well follow the Almanac, or divine chicken bones.

  12. This is a bit OT but CKSW 570 radio out of Swift Current once broadcast the Art Wallman Show every afternoon.
    Art is retired now but he had 2 pet peeves; modern country music and Environment Canada and their weather reports.
    He claimed his ‘old weather rock’ was more reliable; a rock tied to a string.
    You know the rest: rock wet-rain, rock moving-wind etc.

  13. Environment Canada has been seriously infected with the AGW/Climate Change wealth redistribution fraud.

    1. I predict Dave will still keep his government job with his 6 figure salary and gaurenteed pension regardless of how poor his forecasts are.

    1. Heh. Over the years Philips has always given the impression that he’s polishing something.

  14. The only reason I listened to Dave Phillips was to count every time he said “my gosh”. Usually 8 – 10 per conversation, until someone must have clued him in and he managed to curb some of them. And that was back in the days when I listened to CBC.

    I quit listening to CBC when the liberals won, and the gloating and boasting and turdeau-polishing became too much for me to bear.

  15. I forget the actual inciting incident, but I stopped listening to anything Phillips had to say a long, long time ago. I realised you could trust nothing that he uttered. Nothing. It’s kind of like listening to the ongoing, glowing reports on the Canadian economy and record-low unemployment.

    He’s birds of a feather with Jay Ingram and Bob McDonald, and they should all be roundly ignored.

  16. here’s a prediction that rarely goes wrong:
    “Tonight, dark. Tomorrow, light. Temperatures are expected.”

  17. well jeeze louise, it WAS warmer than usual.
    in my shed when I fergot to unplug the heater on xmas eve.
    just kidding !!! but seriously, the TURDoh clan are counting on the long term
    memory deficit of Canuckistanis.

    it all reminds me of George Carlin’s early schtick, ‘the weatherman’. the predictions had similarities.

  18. I think to be fair the weakness of the El Nino (which usually is a lock for mild winters in the west) caught almost everybody in the weather business by surprise this winter. There still is an El Nino signal out over the equatorial Pacific but it got shoved aside by the strength of cold air masses that began to form over Alaska and Yukon mid-winter. Once that happened, we lost the faint warm signal and got into the severe cold that had been dominating other regions earlier.

    It does not look like this pattern is going to change fast either. Expect it to stay quite cold in most of Canada all through March (relative to normal). When change does begin to develop it will probably lead to heavy snowfalls at the end of the winter because the change won’t be that strong, just strong enough to bring in moisture from the Pacific to ride along the southern edge of this cold air.

    A blog admin might want to look into the details of the post about the Saskatoon police etc, material like that can be added to threads by enemies of the blog to form a basis for lawsuits. Unless it can be proven, it shouldn’t be in the thread, and if it can be proven then I’m not sure what the relevance to this subject matter would be.

  19. We moved cows yesterday. Brought them home to calve. It was a nice day (relatively) to be horseback.

    The weather went out over night and the neighbour called and asked if I could help him get a cow in who was calving. It was nasty. -20 with a stiff wind.

    It’s been darn cold out here in the buck brush. Lots of frozen water lines. Cows are going through the feed. Wood piles dwindling. Baby it’s cold outside. Hey it’s winter.

    1. One of my sons-in-law is doing the same stuff you are. He enjoys the calving season.

  20. I just bought tickets to the Calgary Friends of Science show for April 10, featuring Dr. Susan Crockford (of polar bear research fame) and Dr. Willie Soon (astrophysicist) named “Polar Bears and Solar Flares”. She has been vilified by the alarmists for showing that the bears are doing just fine, thank you, and he has been crucified for suggesting that the sun has something to do with the Earth’s temperature. I wouldn’t doubt that Antifa may make an appearance. If they get aggressive, I may get to practise my self defense moves.
