44 Replies to “March 1, 2019: Reader Tips”

      1. If he goes after JWR I hope the lady has tapes. However, me thinks JWR has more in reserve. She could be letting key Liberals hang themselves.

        On the other hand maybe Turdeau brings JWR back into cabinet. It’s what a smarmy Turd would do.

        1. One thing for certain JWR has the biggest set of cojones among the Libranos. And she isn’t stupid either.

  1. Re Parker and Stone and Team America: it contains the best love scene ever, look for it on your own risk (it is on youtube, uncut), definitely NSFW, and probably as the Southpark line goes “should not be viewed by anyone”.

  2. Liberal MP allegedly said “F*ck steelworkers” and kicked reps out of office

    According to the Hamilton Spectator, “at the height of the incident, said Jim McColl, Bratina shouted, ‘F— the steelworkers’ and ‘F— Jake Lombardo (a Local 1005 grievance chairperson),’ and also kicked a chair and banged his table, before ousting the five-person delegation from his office.”


        1. But how many steelworkers are there anymore? Unlike the public sector unions.

    1. ah, ol’ ‘baby’ sheila copps former stomping grounds.
      figures !!!
      hint: a LOT more undesirables in east steeltown than steel *workers*, thus the ‘calculation’.
      also, that byelection triggered back when by Big Mouth sheila, could have booted BQ OUT of opposition,
      and put Reform in that spot but . . . .
      liberals being liberals, POWER triumphed over the well being of the nation to demote the BQ.
      (gee, that sounds familiar)

  3. I was just reading several stories about various men who are now competing & winning in women’s sports. It is truly insane what is happening. I’m beginning to think that this is the tipping point that will be the Left’s downfall.

  4. After JWR’s surprising testimony I started thinking could we be witnessing Boy Blunders over throw. She is smart ,prepared, tough and she has a goal . Justin and Andrew are both totally out of her league and are painfully unware. The testimony was the first class execution of a prosecution including significant powerbrokers in the Liberal party. I am pretty sure most of us here aren’t going to like her agenda. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=325268615000584&id=368207216617214

    1. JWR is likely telling the truth. But don’t be fooled. She is a moral relativist just like Shiny. Look at her biased interference in the Gerald Stanley case. That’s why I find dangerous comments like this in the Mop and Pail : “There is certainly a faction within the party today who believe that it is someone of Ms. Wilson-Raybould’s integrity and moral standing, if not the woman herself, who should be leading the Liberals into the next election and not Mr. Trudeau.”

      JWR is an all-in neo-marxist just like Shiny. It’s just that her chosen ruling class is the the Indigenous Overlords not the Downtown Montreal Overlords. Same bag of shit — Different boss. Her “truth” leads to her being in power. That’s the way neo-marxism works.

      It’s predictable that they are in-fighting to determine who is the new King.

    2. EXACTELY….Was she not the AG who was “Aghast” that Stanley was aquitted by a JURY no less…did she not say that Changes needed to be made..yea, damn Straight she did.

      Was she not the Ag when this stealth Revision was first suggested..?
      Was she not a Senior Cabinet minister at the time.?
      Was she uninformed as to WHO this Revision was Primarily directed at.?Was she Totally blinkered as to who the largest Lobby Ever to lay seige to Parliamentarians were..??

      She fkn well knew…ALL of it.
      I find this to be most interesting and I think it shows how cunning a stunt this was…..no pun intended. But I think she saw a way to clear a path to her possibly becoming PM…and that my friends should scare the living shit out of anyone.

      1. And She is going to be a lot harder to defeat than the present leader. However , I believe the only real answer is to not be part of this confederation.

    3. I have a suspicion, based on absolutely no information, that she currently has a lot of support in the Librano establishment which will disappear in the inevitable leadership race. Justin Competant was selected merely as a pretty face to keep the party alive while they rebuilt, pretty sure they never expected him to win an now he is an embarrassment and probably not in line with Liberal establishment figures. I suspect that they have used JWRs ambition and ego to con her into being an expendable weapon against Trudeau and his cadre of what they would consider interlopers.

      The real question is who among the Liberals has name recognition while being blandly corrupt enough to satisfy the party power brokers.

      Another strike against JWR as leader is identity politics. While it works at the riding level, and as a platitude nationally, choosing a leader from one of the identity politics groups will likely piss off all of the other groups who don’t like each other. They don’t want just a POC, they want one of their own.

    4. JWR reaction to what took place with bongo and the PMO was law school 101. She, to her credit, remember the division of power and the rule of law. Good for her.

      JWR is also the same person who shepherded the new impaired driving law through parliament….you know the one that allows the police to demand a breathalyzer test from every driver they stop even tho there is no reasonable or probable grounds for one. The same law extends to the police coming to your house and demanding a breath test up to 2 hours after you arrive at your destination.

      JWR as AG was also the same person who was outraged at the jury in the Colton Boushie case. A jury of ones peers is at the heart of the judicial system. It is the basis of law. Nothing in law is more profound than being tried and acquitted by a jury.

      JWR should be lauded for her stand against the cabal of criminals that occupy the PMO. I hope her position is honourable and not motivated by some other principle? As for her running the country…..

  5. Three ladies (Housewives with Heels) fraudulently book $3.6 million in revenue to George Costanza’s Vandelay Enterprises (among other companies) and recover over $260,000 in HST refunds before CRA catches on that:

    a) a restaurant booking almost $500,000 in sales for 3 months after it had closed is unusual;
    b) selling $1.5 million in cookbooks and salad dressing in a few months was unusual for a Halifax-based company;
    c) selling $1.4 million in hair pieces with no inventory or record of buying any stock was unusual for a business.


    Revenue Canada has now caught on.

    “In some cases, Young [one of the accused fraudsters] told the CRA the sales claimed were “estimates.” In others, she said outside businesses had been invoiced, but had not yet paid their bills. Young, who now runs a small charity giving cooking classes to children, at one point told auditors that everything was done in cash, which was kept in her home.”

    The fraudsters, not so much.

  6. Someone posted the following yesterday and I do not recall who, but it is worth watching. It shows who the master puppeteer is. Just past the the 23 minute mark the lady shows who is really pulling the strings in Canada.

    Prime Minister’s Office Directs the News


    1. There will be a huge aftermarket in larger tires. The speedometer looks at how many rotations per minute, so bigger tires means slower speedometer.

    1. Yeah just read that article. Such a succinct statement.
      ‘ “Bend the rules, you will be punished; break the law, you will be charged; abuse the public trust, you will go to prison,” Stephen Harper said at the time.’
      The rule that Gerry Buttshole told Jody he didn’t like. Jesus Christ I wonder why? What a POS. Can’t wait till one of the non-liberals on the committee asks that smegma-breathed prison candidate why he doesn’t like it.

    1. We are all – “NON convicted Individuals residing in the Community”

      Corrections Canada Quote.

  7. Buford T. Justice for Canada’s Attorney General!

    Rosco P. Coltrane for Canada’s Minister Of Justice!

  8. France’s Macroun is running as fast as he can, because Marine Le Pen’s Nat. Rally Party is closing on him.
    Are the yellow vest protestors causing him nightmares about being stung by giant bees, as they mark their ballots in the upcoming May elections?
    The National Rally(Marine LePen’s Party) is running a close second to Macron’s Republic on the Move (LREM) party in the European parliamentary elections to be held May 23 to 26.

    An Ifop Fiducial opinion poll in January found that 23 percent of voters said they would back LREM in the elections, with 21 percent saying they would support the National Rally.

  9. the south park talking turd was a real turn off for me, so I did not watch any of it at all.

    little did I know we ‘blame Canada’ folks would wind up with one in the PMO . . . .
    life imitating art? happens all the time !!!

    1. The previously enjoyed trailer park princess is a hollywood liberal. I’ll bet Queenie hates her.

  10. I see Lawrence McCauley is now the minister of veterans affairs.This guy is making history as the first human to be revived from cryogenics. This guy is as old as a fossil

  11. There might be more to the LOP-G deal than what Prinz Dummkopf said yesterday:


    Also, the robotics division originally belonged to Spar Aerospace, whose headquarters were in St.-Anne-de-Bellevue in the Montreal area. Spar had a reputation for being pretty tight with the federal government, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that influenced the awarding of the contract.
