11 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Here in Saskatchewan we have signs posted on our highways: ‘Deer Crossing Next 4 Miles’, or ‘ Moose Corridor Ahead, Beware’. This is stupid! They should put these signs up on the back roads that nobody hardly uses so the 95% travelling public doesn’t have to deal with this non problem!
    A win for motorists, a win for wildlife!

    1. You would rather that the moose and deer jaywalk, rather than cross at the signs? (/snark)

  2. https://www.theonion.com/my-vote-is-not-for-sale-at-these-prices-1823358144

    “This is the United States Congress, after all. Have some respect. I’m not some broke first-term rep from one of those shit-poor rust belt states. I don’t go around backslapping anyone who’ll cut me a check for four figures. Five figures, maybe, but even that’s lowballing it. How dare these corporate thugs think I would dishonor this office for so little!”

    Ummm, is that Trudeau?

  3. You can either leave California, or you can grab your ankles and think of the queen. Got no sympathy for people who will not take up arms to throw off their oppressors.

  4. My advice is ignore the law. Anyone who gives you trouble, or tries to enforce the law on you, set fire to their place. Any police come by bugging you, burn their neighbourhood down. Pretty soon everyone will see things your way.

    Go to the mansions of all the legislators who support this, and burn their properties down. And block the road so the fire departments cannot help them. Or get them to sign on with you, and simply refuse to respond. Burn the legislature down. Set fire to San Fransisco, after you cut the water supply.

    I think attitudes might just change, when their insane policies start to rustle their own jimmies.

    This is war. Start acting like you believe it, or sod off.

    You need to be roof Koreans; not Fredocons, or French surrender monkeys.

  5. Save the planet, don’t eat meat. And oh, by the way, don’t grow plants. I can’t wait to see the irony of wagon trains full of the starving heading east.

    Thousands of folks out west they say, are leaving home most every day
    Beatin’ the hot old dusty way for the Oklahoma line.
    Across the deserts sands they roll, gettin’ out of that old shit hole
    They think they’re headin’ for a brand new home, but here is what they find

    The police at the port of entry say, you’re number forty thousand . . . for today, hey!

    If you ain’t got the Do Re Mi, boys . . .

  6. Wildlife corridors!? Through suburban farms? Really?! No fences allowed!?

    For what?! Bison herds?! Antelope herds!? Wild, wild herds of horses, we’ll ride them someday!?

    Newsflash! There are NO wild herds of any of the above migrating through these farms. So what large animal is left? Deer? Newsflash! Wild deer jump my own suburban fences to munch on my tasty landscape. Their “corridor” is the same ones I travel. Newsflash! Humans are here to stay, and they’re living in the wilds. The animals will adapt or die.
