25 Replies to “Russia! Russia! Russia!”

  1. Canada has a choice: rule of Lavalin, or rule of law.

    Looks like America is headed for a civil war over their choice between tyrants or liberty.

    1. Kurt Schlichter in his novel “People’s Republic” also thinks so. The USA will be split into two parts.

        1. That is exactly correct. The cover has the split map of the broken country. The east and west coasts are the ‘People’s Republic’ and the center is still call the United States.

          You can see Kurt’s description of how the People’s Republic will function evolving on a daily basis in front of our eyes.

  2. In a show down between people willing to break the law to win, and Fredocons who would not wear a tie that was of a color their enemies did not approve of? I will put money on the “by any means” side.

    1. “by any means” always wins over measured moral behavior.
      but dying is not moral. losing civilization- is not moral. letting your children become slaves- is not moral.
      when facing such an attack- just win (“by any means”).

      opposing “by any means” groups will compete until one group is is no longer able to resist. examples: the dzungars were ground down by the Qing. stalin used holodomor to crush the ukraine. the armenians were ground down by the turks. the uyghurs resisted the chinese, but have now become their slaves. the japanese in ww2 were devoted, but they were ground down at great cost, firebombed, and then nuked. and, the muslim seige of vienna was terminated on 9/11/1683, only though overwhelming effort. attrition is brutal. submitting to slavery is worse.

      those initiating aggression expect that they can manage the carnage and win: in that, they “own” the carnage they deliberately initiated. hate the attacker for what they make you do to not become their slave.

      just win, “by any means”. that’s the only way to beat an attacker using “by any means”.
      or enjoy your shackles.

  3. The scripted comments … filthy, dirty, idiotic, comments … read off a page by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (the killer) at the Cohen Hearings proved that Useful Idiots are now in the Halls of Congress. And seated at the table of Powerful Congressional Committees.

    The very future of Western Civilization is hanging on the life of a single man … PDJT.

    1. we live in interesting times.
      – h/t to purported ancient chinese curse

      “It is convenient to have a system of laws where everyone is a criminal.”
      – Adolf Hitler

      “Remember, everything Hitler did was legal.”
      – Martin Luther King, Jr.

      “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
      – Barak Obama, 2008

      “Every Communist must grasp the truth, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”.”
      – Mao Tse-tung, November 6, 1938

      “In every generation there are those who want to rule well – but they mean to rule. They promise to be good masters – but they mean to be masters.”
      – Daniel Webster

      History may not repeat, but it rhymes.

      1. “Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.”
        – John Locke

        It’s what we explained to the Tories and their army of enforcers.

  4. Must admit, I have not followed this whole Michael Cohen thing too closely. But what I have seen makes me think he is eminently qualified to work at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, The New York Time, The Washington Post, LA Times, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum ad nauseum

  5. Meuller team threatened to put Cohens wife in jail for 30 years if he didn’t cough. This seams to be the MO with these crooked assholes.

      1. And we know for certain, that he did the same thing to Flynn … threatened his son with a life-wrecking lonnnnnngggg Prison sentence. So Flynn rolled over. On HIS OWN … lack of candor

        Hey! If the FBI can euphemize the word ‘LIE’ … then so can I.

      2. Jeff Bauer, right on queue, you libtards seam incapable of change, along with incapable of “truth” that does not fit your narrative

        Jeff, a smart person can usually say I don’t know, or I was/am wrong. Libtards not so much, and that is why they are not considered smart. And you are proof of that

        1. NME666:

          So quick to judge. For shame! My long and consistent voting record proves you have me incorrectly categorized.

          Knee jerk much?

          The query I posed was merely because I hadn’t run across that story before. You attacked me, but didn’t provide a source.


          Thanks for the link! Appreciate it.

  6. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-28/jared-kushners-multibillion-dollar-plot-give-saudis-nukes?fbclid=IwAR2D2CnZWWiZZ5pWEDsPOie4qLRWIiSWslN0SohDwTlJj6VPV7GEhdge8G4

    Jared Kushner’s Multibillion-Dollar Plot To Give Saudis Nukes


    The House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Reform has issued a report on a plot to make billions of dollars by selling Saudi Arabia sensitive American nuclear technology that could allow the Kingdom to develop nuclear weapons. The scheme required breaking US law, which forbids technology transfers that might allow nuclear proliferation.

    The plot was pushed by a “company” formed for this express purpose called IP3 International, which doesn’t seem to have actually existed except as a sort of shell for lobbying the Trump administration. IP3 was, according to the committee, helmed by “General Keith Alexander, General Jack Keane, Mr. Bud McFarlane, and Rear Admiral Michael Hewitt, as well as the chief executives of six companies— Exelon Corporation, Toshiba America Energy Systems, Bechtel Corporation, Centrus Energy Corporation, GE Energy Infra structure, and Siemens USA—“ All “signed a letter to Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The letter presented ‘the Iron Bridge Program as a 21st Century Marshall Plan for the Middle East.’”

    Bud McFarlane? That is Ronald Reagan’s National Security Advisor who was up to his elbows selling arms to Khomeini in the Iran-Contra scandal, and thought up the idea of sending Ayatollah Khomeini a cake shaped like a key and a Bible (along with a few T.O.W. anti-tank emplacements)! Like Elliot Abrams, he was pardoned by George H. W. Bush, who seems to have created a factory for 21st century further scandals.

    The point man for the plot was General Mike Flynn, who called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up at the Republican National Conference in late summer of 2016 and glommed on to Trump, becoming his first National Security Adviser. Flynn had visited Saudi Arabia in connection with the IP3 plot to transfer nuclear technology to that country that could help Riyadh make a bomb if the royal family felt they needed to do so to remain safe

    Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, appears to have picked up the scheme once Flynn was fired for having lied to the FBI over his contacts late in 2016 with the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The committee report says that whistleblowers allege that in March, 2017, a meeting was held…

    “Also present was a career NSC staffer who later informed colleagues that Mr. Harvey was again trying to promote the IP 3 plan “so that Jared Kushner can present it to the President for approval.”

    1. If Iran has Nuclear Weapons… The Middle east players must also be able to defend themselves….Same is true of N Korea…Japan Must have Nuclear weapons… It is a simple balance to prevent obliteration… Best if all don’t

  7. Not very many people go into politics or the higher echelons of the civil service for that matter with altruistic motives. They go in because they want to get ahead, get their friends and family ahead, and sniff the intoxicating scent of power. The sort of lawyer who makes sure his or her career points to the bench is similar. They basically want to boss the other lawyers around.

    I’ve met a few people in public life who were different from this to some extent, but let’s face it, the sort of person who would enter these professions with only altruistic motives would probably present to others as some sort of eccentric crank who was at least partly mentally defective and unaware of the reality of the world. So it’s never going to change because anyone who could demonstrate a different approach would never get into power in the first place.

    The challenge for the voter is to pick the least of all evils. They will end up with somebody governing them for less than saintly reasons but at least they might get somebody who tolerates a certain amount of public service while enriching himself or herself. If the person is not a radical ideologue, at least their intersection with our lives will be no more than larceny. If they also propose to “lead us down the right path” we can be 99% sure it is the wrong path and bad things will happen.

    I think there is a solution in this age of modern technology. We must be able to create a government that is forced to govern according to the wishes of the people, through a constant monitoring by the voters of promises made and programs adopted. People in power would hate this because it takes away their ability to control and direct, but if we just had the power ourselves to turn them into (actual) public servants, then they would just be specialists in delivering government, and if we were in charge of them they would be fully answerable to us.

    The notion of elections to provide that review is flawed for two reasons. People forget all the bad things that happen by the next election. And also, the elections are turned into false narratives about hot button issues that the parties know can distract the voters from being more careful about getting promises in writing. Eventually each election gets decided mainly by low information voters who only take a slight interest in politics for the two weeks of the climax of each campaign, then wander off until the next time they are summoned to “do their duty.” Perhaps their real duty would be to stay home and let only informed people vote.

  8. That Mueller continues the witch hunt and Hillary isn’t in an orange jump suit confirms that the US justice system is thoroughly corrupt. I’ve been saying this for two years and I suspect I’ll continue for another two. The leviathan state is as corrupted as the fourth estate. As bad as Canada is today, I don’t consider the US any better. The institutional left dominates the culture and politics is downstream of that.

    1. They don’t have rule of Lavalin, but they got some American specific alternative to rule of law. Maybe rule of Clintons. Maybe rule of Weinstein. Whatever it is, it is not rule of law.
