Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Candice Malcolm;

I recently learned that Canada’s state broadcaster spent resources trying to investigate me and my social media. And the Prime Minister’s Office took an interest.
The CBC attempted what amounts to a smear campaign against, among others, myself, Ezra Levant and Barbara Kay.
You might have seen the story online. The alarmist headline read: “Twitter trolls stoked debates about immigration and pipelines in Canada, data show: 9M troll tweets released by Twitter reveal foreign campaigns to influence Canadians’ opinions.”


95 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. From the article:

    You see, the Trudeau government is planning to censor and regulate free speech online. … Instead, the report was a dud. But count on the CBC to peddle more fake news in the future to help the Trudeau government crackdown on free speech.

    – Yeah, this is sorta’ how they do gun control, too. And after $600 million of our dollars was handed them, the CBC is happy to help.

        1. Yeah, speaking out against massive nation destroying “immigration” is not allowed in Turdholes Canada… how open and transparent… well the asshole did say he admired Chinas basic dictatorship and people still voted for the stupid prick… this country is a mess.

  2. Corrupt Liberal Scum will say and do anything, and I don’t discount murder, to get and stay in power.
    When Juthtin talks about concern for jobs, he means his own and those of other Corrupt Liberal Scum like Butts, Telford and PMO staff and Morneau, Freeland, Wernick and probably at least 95% of high ranking bureaucrats.
    The CBC is Canadian Fake News.
    WTF is new?

    1. Well, it’s obviously not NEW but needs to be repeated and REPEATED for the potential illumination of folks for whom it is NEW.

  3. Well, someone has to debate immigration and pipelines because the CBC certainly won’t.

  4. This is why Harper and all Conservatives have it wrong in Canada.

    Harper had a majority government and he kept the CBC. He and all Conservatives need to understand. When you get a majority, you take up the axe and cut root and branch that is why you were elected.
    Do not think your enemies love you they hate your guts. And when you have the power you destroy them.

    Harper like all Canadian Conservatives tinker around the edges trying to appease their voters and not anger the Liberal/Communists.

    Destroy the Commie bastards and break all their tools. In this case the taxpayer funded tools like the CBC who are not needed and by supporting the CBC with tax dollars you bankrupted the former legitimate free news sources who could have protected you.
    And allowed the Communists/Liberals/NDP a major voice even when out of power.
    The CBC and all state funded media in Canada support all Liberals, and do the bidding of the Liberals.

    Just like Trudeau’s Chief of Staff Telford said “I will line up some OP Ed’s to support Trudeau.” Can it be any more plain who controls the media.
    The supposed Free Press.
    Are you all that stupid. END THE CBC and let the CHIPS fall. Who gives a shit how they howl. Who cares if thousands of parasites are suddenly off the taxpayers payroll. If you are a tax payer you should rejoice. Let them flip burgers who cares.

        1. And the second biggest mistake was allowing Bell Canada to create a near monopoly in broadcasting while Craig Oliver and crew did a weekly hatchet attack on Harper.

          The third biggest mistake was not supporting the Sun cable news channel. It was the only news media in Canada that wasn’t inventing an irrelevant “scandal” every week like $16 glasses of orange juice. I’m sure the Canadian government has bought tens of thousands of $16 drinks without a blink.

          Will this change if Scheer is elected? Not likely. Harper was intelligent. Scheer is a braindead sack of shite.

          1. Yes, your Harper is an impressive individual. He seems to be keeping a hand in.

        2. Hindsight is 20:20.
          You can’t possibly know that he would have been successful doing that.
          The leftist backlash would have been epic.
          Easy to say now, harder to do then imho.
          Now? If the boy blunder implodes to give Scheer a majority – then cut all the cords and disband the ruling class.
          Including the deep staters and assorted establishment parasites, especially the climate change cabal – they all go.
          If Trump’s experience teaches anything applicable here, it is that.

      1. I disagree. That was his second biggest mistake. The biggest was not filling the Senate when the attempted reformation failed.

        1. He had a duty to fill the Senate to keep Liberal stupidity under control and he should have selected 30 year old observant Mormons and Pentecostals to keep it conservative for the next 45 years. Same with judges.

        2. Yes to all the comments on Harper, and NO,Scheer won’t do a damned thing differently. Harper was timid in his last two years in Office, and pissed off a huge percentage of his base, but the CPC can’t be convinced of that today. I know, I’ve tried, and am met with the blank look that says,” that’s just YOUR opinion” and a change in subject.
          As I’ve mentioned here many times, when I questioned my MP on the CBC, he told me that Harper considered the CBC a sacred cow in the East, and thus untouchable. IF Scheer wins, he will leave the CBC in place, probably increase their funding, then he’ll be puzzled when they attack him every day. An awful lot of Conservatives don’t believe Kate’s theme,” pleasing your enemies doesn’t make them like you”.

          Why Harper didn’t fill the Senate with Conservatives is unknown to me, but I suppose he remembered Brian Mulroney’s shot at Turner in the debates on Senate seats that Trudeau filled before he left, “you could have said NO,sir”, which essentially portrayed Turner as just another Trudeau toady, quite correctly.

          I believe Harper left 22 seats vacant, which could have made a huge difference in delaying the passing of any Liberal laws such as the upcoming Handgun Ban. No one has ever asked Harper the question, but wtf was he thinking leaving the chamber of sober second thought open to the whims of the incoming Liberal PM? Surely he didn’t actually believe he was going to win another majority.

          It’s funny how one’s perspective changes over time on a politician as more of their virtues and failings become apparent by the impact on our daily lives due to the pol’s actions or inaction on issues.
          I won’t even mention Harper’s huge failure to conduct an inquiry into High River.

          Now I just have to convince the CPC to NOT bring Harper into the 2019 election campaign, when so many of them consider him “the greatest PM in Canadian history”. There isn’t much hope of that.

          Watcher, right on.

          1. Well said. Those are also my main issues. Now it is the Paris Accord globalist fraud that that Milquetoast Scheer whipped his MPs into supporting.

          2. don morris, good points. I agree Harper was and will remain a political enigma, unless we assume that politicians are window dressing and there are others who make the actual decisions. Which I think is a common sense assumption.

            I can’t explain why Harper didn’t fill the Senate when he had the chance. I don’t think the Turner episode should have influenced him, as the situation was different. At the time the appointments were announced, there was consternation about the quality of individuals Turner appointed, as they were all politically motivated, and all Trudeau’s former hatchet men, including Bryce Mackassey, whom Mulroney aptly described when he quipped: “there’s no whore like an old whore.” Trudeau had as little as 12% national approval when he quit, and was viscerally hated by many across the country, so there was outrage that a new PM should do his dirty work. Turner was weak and inept for falling into Trudeau’s trap, and even stupider for not having a better response in the PM debate when everyone knew that Mulroney would call him out on it. Turner, however, was not Trudeau’s toady, although he was probably partly responsible for Trudeau getting party leadership.

            I don’t see how any of this could have dissuaded Harper from making his own Senate appointments. Perhaps Harper, although certainly one of the most intelligent PMs (not a high bar admittedly), just had poor political instincts, as Deb Grey once hinted.

            Uniting the right (over Joe Clark’s politically dead body) was certainly a great accomplishment, but even so Harper would never have been PM had the Liberals not imploded over their Chretien/Martin feud, which in many respects was the same old Trudeau/Turner party feud.

          3. Just to correct the record, among the patronage appointments PM Turner made on Trudeau’s behalf, some were senate, and some were diplomatic. Bryce Mackasey was appointed ambassador to Portugal. Mulroney cancelled the appointment, and he was also right about Bryce: he was a good old Liberal whore, and was given comfy fur whenever temporarily displaced from elected office.

        3. Harper’s biggest “mistake” overall was playing by “the rules” when he should have known they didn’t.
          They, the LPC establishment, see themselves as brilliant with the only moral right to rule us the ungreat unwashed.
          As AOC succinctly revealed about the left, being correct is less important or convenient than being “morally right.”
          But hard working bigots with good paying jobs are permitted to finance their largesse, waste and crony corruption.
          It they and that doesn’t come to an end after this year, then Canada comes to an end, imho.
          This incessant moralizing, bleeding and milking of our resource industries will not stand any longer.
          The media will poo poo the idea, being so wise and connected to the enlightened class, but we are smarter than them.
          They want to go to the moon with philosophers and social justice warrior leading the charge. Pie in the sky to divert.

          1. Exactly!

            Conservatives get a chance every 20 years or so.

            Harper blew it.

            He was incompetent, played like a fool by the Libranos and their Media, and accomplished nothing of consequence.

            Just another Conservative Bust!

            In my lifetime:

            Robert Stanfield, Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, Kim Clark, Jean Charest, Peter Mckay, Preston Manning, Stock Day,Stephen Harper, Andrew Scheer.

            That’s it.

            Fine contributers in every way to a very Liberal Canada.

            Probably missed a few. Pretty forgettable lot.

            Canada be hooped.

        4. I concur !

          During the Chretien/Martin Liberal regimes, the Conservatives had enough Senators to slow down and expose some bad legislation, even effect amendments. Additionally, it led to their lower priority perfidy to get dropped by the Liberals, as it was not worth the hassle/time to get that passed.

          Harper’s failing to fill the Senate vacancies with competent and loyal Canadians (e.i. Kate 🙂 , has allowed Justin Trudeau to fill those vacancies with Liberal Lapdogs. It will be a long time, until it will be able to function as the Chamber of Sober, Second Thought.

        5. Lance – you are absolutely correct and as you may have noticed they are being filled “tout suite” which will have concquences even if the Liberals are defeated.

    1. watcher, go to the effing churches and pound that into their brains. The “conservative’s” big problem is bible thumpers, Full Phukking Stop!!!!!

      1. It is atheists that are destroying western civilization,not “bible thumpers.”

        1. iamcanadian, your stupidity is noted. I have a few liberal friends who support the Turd, and every one of them is a catholic. It’s lefties who are doing the destruction, and most of them are also religious. But on the Con side whe have thumpers who’s first and foremost “duty” is spread the “word”. And the word has nothing to do with their job of running the country. Pelosi, catholic, Schumer Jew, Reed Mormon, Deblasio catholic, Saunders Jew, and the list goes on. But these are not the milktoast cons that think we need to be kind and considerate. People get into politics with an agenda rather then the need of a job, which is serving the people. If cons dumper their religious bullschitt, they would almost immediately increase their appeal by 10%
          Even some chritians are turned off by the thumpers, butt fools like you are like liberals, unable to see the forest for the trees

    2. Watcher You aree 100% Correct.

      They do hate our guts and will do anything to ensur th Libs retain power.
      The CBC does not need to be Defunded.
      It needs to be Completely Obliterated – Its Emplyees FIRED – Its Leaders Charged with TREASON – Its Property SOLD & its NAME DELETED from history.

      That’s how it should be dealt with…. But it will never Fkn Happen in this CON Federation run by the QUEBEC-OTTAWA Political Power Cabal. (Power Corp and the Desmarais Family to whom all of the above Bend the Knee to)

      Western Separation must occur.
      There is ZERO reason to remain.

      1. There is only one way to rid us of the CBC. Fire almost everyone immediately and auction all the property in small lots within 90 days including the licenses. It cannot be sold as a whole because the new owner would inherit the unions making them immediately non-viable. Any broadcaster who hired one of the former CBC employees would be a complete fool. It would be wise if the new owners did not buy a license and a facility or welcome union. Keep a few hundred mostly accounting staff around as the things winds down. And to save hassles, legislate severance in line with recent court rulings – otherwise follow union contract.

        The Government of Canada has a duty to ensure the rights and wellbeing of Canadians;
        The maintenance of our borders and limited merit-based immigration are essential to our rights and wellbeing;
        Polls consistently have shown the majority of Canadians reject illegal border crossing and subordination of our citizens’ needs to those of illegal aliens; and
        Several of our allies notably the United States of America, Poland, Hungary and Austria have withdrawn from the United Nations’ global migration pact citing its threats to their sovereignty, peace, order and good governance.
        We, the undersigned, Canadians, call upon the Government of Canada to likewise withdraw from the Global Compact For Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
         Member of Parliament
        Maxime Bernier
        People’s Party
         History
        Open for signature : October 24, 2018, at 5:01 p.m. (EDT)
        Closed for signature : February 21, 2019, at 5:01 p.m. (EDT)
         Signatures (68563)
        Province / Territory Signatures
        Alberta 17725
        British Columbia 11177
        Manitoba 2069
        New Brunswick 969
        Newfoundland and Labrador 601
        Northwest Territories 66
        Nova Scotia 1205
        Nunavut 17
        Ontario 20447
        Prince Edward Island 183
        Quebec 10610
        Saskatchewan 3132
        Yukon 113
        Other Countries 249

        Petition Closed

    3. Watcher: EXACTLY…Harper should have privatized the CBC. When the Conservative’s get in this Oct. 2019 the first thing they “DO” is PRIVATIZE CBC…NO FUNDING GONE!!

    4. How come none of you in the Media are mentioning the part of Katie Telford who said “if Jodi is nervous we would of course line up all kinds of people who of course would write op-Ed’s saying that what she is doing is proper” end of quote.

      The Governing Party of Liberal or Conservative can and do control what the media says. We have no free media so stop believing in any of them.

      Watch it here at the 4:00 minute mark

    5. Agreed Watcher… I’ve always wondered why the Reform Party committed suicide just as they were on the verge of a possible election victory… this country is so corrupt.

  5. I follow Candice Malcom / True North on their various media platforms including the fail book, always interesting, she seems like the “good people” we sometimes meet in coffee shops.
    Probably a dearth of “good people” out there these days..

  6. Somebody in Alberta, maybe Jason Kenney, although I think Albertan’s will find he is just another Fake Conservative like Harper or the Simpering Parson, Preston Manning. Harper and Manning did more harm to Alberta than any other Politicians in many years. “The West Wants IN” What a joke what a scam. The West Wants In, into what the corruption the cess pool of Ottawa. Those 2 destroyed the lives of a generation of Albertan’s. Instead of demanding equality for Albertan’s they descended into the cesspool with the turds and tried to change the cesspool. They became smaller turds. The Cesspool of Canada can never be cleaned. It is the most corrupt and managed scam in the world. Quit drinking the damn Kool Aid. Lift your head sheep and look around. You are FOOked. And you can only blame yourselves. Somebody needs to tell Justin Trudeau what Pierre told Albertans “mange le Merd” Justin

  7. Harper’s biggest mistake was to only cut CBC funding, instead of selling it off in parts.

    1. Harper the Timid, had a majority in both Parliament and the Senate. And he choked. He pissed his pants.
      He was in the position to set the Communists in Canada back 50 years.
      When he started to tinker with CBC, and Gun Control the Communists howled, and Harper stood there and wet himself.
      When he tinkered with the Native Welfare scam they howled and he wet himself. When he tackled the Environmentalists they howled and again he wet himself. He tinkered with immigration and left chain Immigration and the fake refugees alone.
      He effectively managed Canada for the Liberals while they were out of power recovering from Chretien and Martin and their criminal activities.
      He was a Liberal a Wolf in sheep’s clothing.
      He tinkered at giving the West equality of votes in Canada the east howled and he wet himself again.
      Can you not see what the only real solution is for Alberta and the west. Get the Hell Out of the Criminal Cabal called Canada.
      If you woke up and found that you had been working for the Mafia for years would you do nothing or just keep working for the Mafia. Clean House. Get Out. Politics will never fix Canada it has been a crooked operation for ever. Not one adult man or woman in Canada ever got to vote on anything of any consequence in Canada.
      You have not been asked and never gave your consent since 1867. Ever major piece of Liberal Legislation ever passed you were not allowed to speak.
      Multicult, Bi-Lingualism, changing the Flag, Equalization, the Constitution none of it, you were just told to pay up and shut up. Pay your fooking taxes and shut the hell up.
      Your so called Conservative MP’s promised you heaven and hell if you would support them, and as soon as they got to Ottawa they ignored you and did as the party told them.
      They take more of your income than you are allowed to keep for the necessities of life, food, clothing and housing and still you turn your asses up and drop your pants. I am beginning to think you like it that way.
      You look at your pay stubs and scratch your heads. And wonder what happened. Well you have to support Quebec and Eastern Canada is what happened and you do not get a equal vote. The only way you can change Canada and the criminality that is Canada is by your Provincial Government.
      Your Provincial Government has to have a mandate to tell Ottawa NO.
      Or we will leave Canada.
      Canada needs a rebuild from the basement to the roof. And I assure you Ottawa and none of their greasy politicians will ever do that unless you force the issue.
      Elect Provincial Governments that will defend your rights up to and with the possibility of breaking up Canada.

      1. Been pretty clear for a long time now.

        You can stay Canadian, and have rule of Lavalin.

        Or you can have rule of law.


      2. Nice rant. Pretty accurate too. Easterners are trying to ‘bonzai’ us to keep us from getting too big or powerful. The CBS definitely needs to go.

    1. james, and what church does scheep the steer attend regularly?????????????????????????????

    2. I DID vote Max at each level of the preferential ballot. And he lost by, what, 2%? That, to my mind, is the single greatest shortcoming of preferential ballots – you get a compromise candidate, minus the passion of a leader and the passionate support of the populace. Witness (in Alberta) Don Getty, Ed Stelmach, Alison Redford, Jim Prentice. Losers all. Andrew Scheer is a nice guy, but we need a street fighter! We could have had that with Max.

  8. And in other shocking news: dogs bark! Water runs downhill! I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that the ministry of truth is in charge of lies.

  9. The following is directly related.

    Someone posted the following yesterday and I do not recall who, but it is worth watching. It shows who the master puppeteer is. Just past the the 23 minute mark the lady shows who is really pulling the strings in Canada.

    Prime Minister’s Office Directs the News

    1. George the Old Nazi Soros. If you think about it makes sense. Canadians tolerated Obama interfering in Trudeau’s election in Canada, he send his handlers to manage Trudeau’s campaign. And Soros was one of Obama’s puppeteer’s. Harper was OK with that he allowed that as well. Foreign meddling in a Canadian Federal election. Harper knew and was OK with that, think about that now. Also know that in order to have an Official Deputy Prime Minister it would require a change in the Constitution. But of course the Constitution does not even mention the Office of Prime Minister at all or his powers don’t believe me go look it up. I said a couple of days ago on here that The Nazi Ukrainian Sausage would be your new PM. That is what is coming. Instead of Scheer the Steer forcing an election now he is working with the Liberals to allow them to continue. He said so himself. Canadians are fooked.


        Or, some such drivel. Moe, is not going to push leaving Canada; in fact I guarantee he will fight it. Same for whatever CBC approved replacement they vote for in Alberta.

        If you want different results, you have to do something different. Voting for the same people, the same promises, the same speeches, the same parties, putting up the same signs, and expecting different results is not going to work.

        You have to put a price on your support; if you do not get results, you move your support. NO SECOND CHANCES. NO BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT.

        If your support depends on ending the CBC, then shop till you find someone who ACTUALLY DELIVERS. If your support depends on ending infanticide, then shop till someone actually delivers. Do not donate until that first delivery is actually made.

        Canadians have been paying for a bathroom renovation for decades, that keeps being promised, but never actually starts.

        Seriously. If you paid to reno your kitchen 12 years ago, and nothing had even began yet, would you not sue?

        1. Only vote for Max in ridings with no hope in heaven of having a credible conservative win e. g. Vancouver Centre, Burnaby south, Nanaimo etc. Anyone in a riding with a good conservative candidate should vote for that person, not PPC.

          Max did get cheated by that terrible ranked ballot leadership process, as it is a system by which the voter has no control over the outcome. I complained as soon as I understood how the process works – it is designed to get a compromise candidate. Very flawed. All cpc members should call for an immediate change!

    2. Ken (Kulak) Thanks for sharing the video just as I thought and we the people need to make sure Canadians find out the truth by word of mouth and any other way a person can do it!

  10. Scheer the Steer, needs to go to the Gov. Gen. and demand that the Liberals can no longer Govern due to rampant criminality. Half of Trudeau’s Cabinet is involved in Criminality along with himself. This is unprecedented in Canadian History. Scheer do your job defend Canadians. Force a snap election NOW. They are not ready and are mortally wounded. Decimate them all. And demand the corrupted RCMP investigate Trudeau and his crime family. Liberal Mafia.

    1. – Won’t happen. Canadians are too busy keeping a roof over their heads, and far too many of them (I know – I’m related to several) still get all their news from the CBC, and believe every word; and no matter how often I tell them CBC is lying to their faces, “The CBC’s government-owned – they would NEVER lie to us!”

      One news source I frequent, put it best. “If you think it’s time, grab your rifle and head out the door. If you’re the only one out there, IT’S NOT TIME.”

    2. Scheer! Really? Trudeau was bought by SNC Lavalin and Scheer sold out to the Milk Cartel. Same friggin Quebecers if you ask me. They all sell out in Ottawa. All of them.

      1. Trudeau as EVERY other Qubec Based PM is Beholden to POWER CORP… the REAL power that rules Quebec, and by association, CANADA.

        This Cabal that included, Chretien, Martin, Both Trudeaus, & Mulrooney….All instructed by the likes of Maurice Strong and now the Desmarais Family – Canada’s Rockefellers. All have Bent the Knee at that particular altar. So the SNC Lavalin affair is just business as usual in Quebec…and as the Quebec Dailys will tell you, nothing to see here – move along. (Expect Justin or his replacement – Freeland..? to sweep Quebec in Oct.)

        Corruption is a Genetic Trait of les Quebecois as it always was.
        Been there and seen that first hand.

        We need to get out from under this Eastern Financial SLAVE Market…and form our own country…ASAP – it will never, ever change

        1. True. But don’t forget Soros’ roll in all of this.
          The Milk Cartel is small fry.

      1. Yes I know, Julie payette is a piece of shit. But still for optics Scheer needs to do this, and if she says no wave that in the Liberal/Communists faces as to why we no longer need a unelected Head of State. And then every MP should walk out of Parliament and never go back. Shut the doors on the hog pen. Can you imagine the backlash everywhere especially internationally if all Opposition MP’s boycott Parliament. Refuse to sit and followed by all Senators. And all caused by Liberal corruption and Criminals. Un Fooking Credible.. Do it you useless Greasy Bastard’s go home.

    3. That didn’t happen with the sponsorship scandal, even though people did go to jail, but it make the Grits flinch, first by dumping Chretien, who never would have lost, for the first benevolent philosopher King Paul the first, but he then took the second derivative of flinch by calling the Gomery inquiry, along with a flinch library during the election, and the Liberals ended up losing power. So give Trudeau room to screw up, but their loss should it happen will be more like the Martin fumble.

      Plus public funds were absconded during the flag fraud. I understand they still owe the taxpayer $millions and $millions.
      So, no this government won’t be resigning until the writ is dropped in the fall. Maybe they’ll try to hold on for five years?

      The gong show that is the DeMarxist and their CNN henchmen is being repackaged for northward transport as we speak.

  11. It is that time; live on your feet fighting, or die on your knees. MAKE YOUR CHOICE. Do you want rule of Lavalin, or rule of law for yourself and your children? Rule of Quebec, or rule of law? Rule of Toronto, or rule of law? Rule of Vancouver, or rule of law?

    Find a candidate committed to getting Saskatchewan/Alberta/your riding out of confederation; then all ahead flank and damn the torpedoes. They are employing any means necessary; you are losing if you are not willing to go that far and farther. It would be suicide to include Victoria/Vancouver in a free west, so splitting BC is necessary; we can only take the sane parts with us. We need Manitoba, cause life without the labor day classic and the banjo bowl is not worth living. Ontario has the same choice as BC; cut the insane socialist parts loose, and split the province.

    A truly free nation SHALL NOT include any part of French civil code. We already know where that got Canada.

    1. “”cut the insane socialist parts loose, and split the province.””

      But, but… won’t you miss Calgary and Edmonton ?

      lol.. whatta fantasist.

    2. I agree Kevin and have said so for almost 30 years. Many folks did not like my speech because I am an Alberta Redneck or so they say, tone it down, talk pretty, blend in. We are talking my Freedom and Liberties here and you all can kiss my ass. You all referring to bed wetting Liberals and others of that ilk. In the new Alberta if the people wish, and I strongly hope and pray they pick a model of the Swiss Constitution, were the People truly have the power and the greasy Politicians are nobodies and do as they are told. I would want a Country with English only no French of any kind, French would have no status, only English. If you want French or any other language fo your kids you would pay for it yourself. no multicult or special status. If you are Native you get 1 vote like anybody else and if you are able you get your ass to work just like all the other boys and girls. No special deals. Big deal if you are Black, I could give a rat’s ass, same no matter who you are. That is called Equality. The Constitution of Alberta would have to be voted on and accepted by all voters. And it could not be changed except by another vote. Alberta a place were dogs run free and greasy politicians are chained.

      1. I third that.

        It is obvious Canada can’t be fixed. The Laurentian Elite have too much power.

      2. That is actually a bad idea. California has something like that, where to raise taxes you have to have a referendum. They can never raise taxes, but everyone always agrees to new spending.

  12. More – please remember how the federal government really works.

    A quote from the article, to save you reading all of it: “I can’t remember any party leader winning an election with his caucus divided. If the caucus can’t even agree, how is it that they can govern?” Well, that’s really simple. In Canada, a Prime Minister with a parliamentary majority can literally do whatever he wants; Parliament is there to rubber-stamp it, and the Senate is stacked by the party-in-power as always.

    A Prime Minister with a majority, runs the country like he owns it – because under Canadian law, HE DOES.

    1. Y Not yes Canada is a Slave Ship and we are all chained to the Oars. Chained and gagged and held to ransom. A Slave Is a Man Who Waits On Another To Free Him.

    1. Which one of the 72 genders will the kid have?

      I’m adding a 73 gender; stupidious

  13. Yep, many of us would like a revolution,but none of us know how to start one, including me. Take your rifle and head out the door, and you WILL be the only one out there, until the local SWAT team, slavering at the very thought of shooting down an old white guy, riddle you with so many bullets you are declared a lead mine after you’re buried.

    But conservative Canadians want a nice peaceful revolution, where we turf the bad guys, and expect it will be done by members of The Establishment,like Jason Kenney or Scott Moe. It is to lol! No politician in Canada is a revolutionary, why would they be, THEY are doing just fine!

    No, revolutions are NOT begun by nice whitebread people who are the establishment, they are started by the guys we revile here almost daily: Mao,Castro,Ho Chi Minh, Che, and many other ruthless bastards who recognize the fact that when you revolt, you don’t do it by the Marquis of Queensbury rules. We here decry the brutality, the ethnic cleansings,the death squads, the concentration camps, the secret police squads, etc., all the tools used by successful revolutionaries, while we sit here and bitch like a bunch of dithering old men, because that’s what we are.

    If a real revolutionary came along,we here would be revolted by his methods, which would NOT be pretty, and sure as hell NOT peaceful. The Establishment would NOT give up without a bloody battle, and their private armies, the Police Forces across Canada and the Military, would slaughter as many of us as necessary to retain power. Power al are not about to give away their lifestyle to a bunch of peasants from the West.
    So, much as we like to fantasize about “revolution”, we aren’t capable of fighting one, and most of us here would shit our pants at the methods of the guys who would do it successfully. There isn’t a real revolutionary here or anywhere else in this softened country, just a bunch of angry old men who wish we were fifty years younger and lived in tropical paradise so we COULD take to the mountains and wage a revolution. My first action would be to find a buxom senorita to accompany me to the hideout to keep me warm at night.

    I am resigned to that fact. If any of you have a real workable solution, I’ll be glad to listen, maybe even join up, but don’t tell me to take my rifle and step outside,I have no desire to be featured on the local news tonight,”Deranged elderly conservative white man starts shooting, gunned down by 30 members of the RCMP SWAT team”.

    Followed by “Safety Minister Bill Blair announces total ban on firearms in Canada”.

    1. Here is your Revolution Don.
      Canadians need a total ban on Stupid Liberals like Bill Blair. Canadians need to call their MP’s and tell them all to go home and stay their until Trudeau calls an emergency election and tell them if they do not go home no support and no vote when the election comes. Shut down Parliament shut down the Hog Pen on Parliament Hill. Go home and stay their you greasy crooked bastards. If all Opposition MP’s refuse to be apart of the criminality and shut er down and go home maybe just maybe the world will know how crooked Canada has become. And maybe these MP’s will regain a little respect and dignity. Go Home.
      And with this tactic maybe we can force equality for every Canadian.

    2. Maybe the revolution needs to look more like Atlas Shrugged than The Long March.

      BTW as far as that convoy to Ottawa goes, it was a useless waste of time. What they should have done is stopped at the Manitoba/Ontario border and blockaded the TCH and both rail lines.

    3. All true Don, and my replacement hip is not supposed to become overstressed … according to my surgeon … or he’ll have to replace it again. Next time by an Obamakkare Surgeon, who was a janitor last year.

      However, this very story speaks of another type of Revolution. The Revolution of IDEAS. Look how HARD your leftist government is fighting against Conservative values and politics. Same with the leftist org’s of Twitter, Google, The government-media-tech Complex are ALL fighting the Trump Revolutionaries. Your deep leftist government is fighting Revolutionaries like Levant, Malcolm, Kay … and Kate … lest they spread a Canadian-style Trump Revolution like your southern neighbors. So they fight you according to the same playbook as SHE did … Russia bots! Macedonian content farmers! Putin, Putin, Putin!!!

      The government-media Complex are attempting to quash the Revolution that is already happening, that has already happened. We wealthy Westerners live in the Information Age … not the bloody Bolshevik age (nahhhh, Antifa are just pikers with bike locks). We tip our caps to the New Revolution being waged online, on social media platforms … not on soapboxes on urban streets. The CBC and TruDope are trying to quash the old Constitution. Meanwhile, we all smile and grin at the change goin round, pick up our device and say … we won’t get fooled again.

    4. Guilty. Didn’t Kate used to have something on her masthead about “failure to riot”? We’re too busy working, raising kids, paying taxes, you know, living our lives. How did Glenn Beck get hundreds of thousands to DC on a single day?

  14. Michael McCallion
    18 mins ·
    Remember please; the Carbon Tax scheme to help the European Bureaucarcy “One World” gambit to direct the immigrants leaving the Cruelty of the Oil Nation’s Wealthy Class– is the Primary Focus of the Liberal Party of Canada Campaign to be re-elected.
    Rep. Deane Rykerson’s attempt to impose a 40 cent per gallon “carbon tax” on gas and heating oil is crippled.
    Instead of a $600 million tax hike, your voices were heard, and it is now being turned into a “study” for future legislatures to review.
    When we started fighting this bill, more than half the Democrats, including Speaker Sara Gideon (shame on her!) had signed on as cosponsors. They are now running away from the bill as fast as they can in the face of strong opposition from hard-working Maine people.
    Yesterday, on the day of the hearing, more than 60 people testified in opposition to this destructive tax. Only two people, Rep. Rykerson and one other, testified in support.
    Opponents to the bill filled overflow rooms after the committee room filled up.
    Together, we saved Maine’s people and small businesses from one of the largest tax hikes in Maine history, and economic ruin.
    I want to give a special thank you to Cathy Nichols, our Policy Outreach Director, for working with so many people to oppose this bill, and really educating people about what this bill would do. She was on the job early, and reached out to tens of thousands of people raising opposition to this carbon tax.
    Also, Maine GOP Vice Chair Nick Isgro for rallying everyone to the hearing and making sure their voices were heard.
    Several groups also got involved fighting this bill, including Maine People Before Politics the Free Maine Campaign and Restoring Maine’s Future.
    But most importantly all of you, who spoke up, signed our petition, sent in testimony or braved the cold to give the Legislature’s Energy Committee your perspective on Rep. Rykerson’s destructive proposal.
    We have a lot more work to do, and the path is still long and dark to protect Maine’s economy from terrible liberal proposals, but today we proved that we can, and will, mobilize to fight back and win.
    So to everyone who raised their voices, and to the groups that joined the fight to protect Maine’s hard-working people – THANK YOU!
    Now, we move forward and prepare for another battle.
    God bless.
    Dr. Demi Kouzounas______________________________________________________
    The Disastrous Carbon Tax Scam is being– sent packing — wherever a group of the Political Class recognize Just in thinking is a crime against Ordinary Tax-Paying Citizens. What’s another $ 800.00 or more for the Trust Fund Trudeau kids– Justin’s Brother doesn’t work either–. However pulling $ 800.00 or more from the Ordinary Working Class Tax-Paying Family means the possibility of a Summer Vacation for Their Family becomes in Jeopardy. It also means the Vacation $$$$ being spent in Local Businesses never arrives and slides into yet another Liberal Crony insider’s ability to buy an upscale car. That is if the Crony hasn’t been provided a Tax-payer funded government vehicle.

  15. Well CBC has to spend the money SOMEWHERE. And you know damn well they ain’t gonna spend it investigating Soy Boy.
    After all, he is doing EXACTLY what his tribe owners want. Soros and Zuckerberg and Bloomberg and the rest are getting what they paid for!

    1. They stick the loot in their pensions. Freedom55 has now changed its slogan to FreedomCBC

  16. I have been telling my local idiot UCP clown candidates that I will not vote for them unless they agree to hold a non-binding (to start) referendum in Alberta on independence. Unless they do that, there is no point voting for any of them. That is how I think we can start the Revolution.

    1. Yep So What. UCPeeee running down their legs along with Jason Kenney. Another Ottawa stooge Like Harper, Like Parsiminous Preston Manning leading the lambs back into the fairy tell about how wonderful Canada is, Like a stupid Molson Commercial “I Am Canadian” Tax the living shit out of me and take food from my kids mouth for KBekkers and UN Multicult

      1. So, ironically, our current hope is from Quebec, Mad Max from La beauce. PPC!

        1. Exactly, but we have to vote en masse for Scheer in ridings where it matters, as another 4 years of Trudeau is havoc. In the coming recession, he will place Canada into ever more debt. Butts has only resigned from his job; his influence will continue.

          1. I cannot vote for scheer and look at myself in the mirror the next day. That putz repulses me almost as much as ditz. Bought and paid for by quebec milk mafia. Scheer will try to make friends with the enemy and get us nowhere. He is a useless smiling idiot.

  17. Another K-Bec company to look out for: Pomerleau. F**king filth. Number-shopping mother f**kers. And one of their board members is . . . Dalton McGuilty.

  18. No I have not Ken…the Money behind PM Dipshits election.

    I think JWR is a very very smart cookie…

    Was she not th AG when Stanley shot and killed Couton Bushie (rightfully so)..and decided on the basis of his aquittal without any research into that case to make big changes to our Ciminal code.?
    Was she not the AG long before this Revision was written into a Budget Bill.?
    Was She not AG the 2nd or thitd most powerful voice in Cabinet.?
    Was she totally Blind to who had the largest Lobby Effort in History going after Parliamentarians to ensure this revision becae law.?
    Did she at any time say no, this does not belong in Canadian LAW.?

    Absolutely she was – she knew. Now I think her Federal Prosecutors basically told her to poiund sand when she likely first appoached them to do so. Then, upon some careful discussions with similarly smart operators, decided, nope, gonna take the high road on this one….because she knew it could very well mean the downfall of a corrupt POS and put her into such a POSITIVE light as to see Calls for HER to be PM..?

    If you believe that didnt enter her mind, your not thinking like a LIBERAL. Cons within Cons within Cons…

    1. Quite so Steakman, which is why, as I’ve mentioned before, I am a bit suspicious of this lady’s motives. Also, who are backing her?

  19. To all the people who immigrated to Canada in the hopes of escaping dictators and hoping to go somewhere where they could speak freely without fear of the government. I am sorry that we are letting you down.

    1. Quite the contrary … THOSE new immigrants came to Canada to raid the treasury. They’ve come to “transform” Canada (just like here in America) into the Socialist Nanny State that they’ve always dreamed of in their shithole countries of origin. They’re gonna bleed you dry, and takeover everything the white man built. Sorry, but we’re fkcued. They outnumber us now. Goodbye beautiful Canada. Goodbye America the beautiful. Welcome parasites. Bienvenidos parsitos! Ning, nang, Ning, nong parawingnings!

  20. Trudope and his minions have been heavily influenced by Obongos minions, during their campaign and as they rule.
    And look at how it is playing out on both sides of the border. The Deep State is slowly being exposed in the US, while in Canaderp, our citizens are in a deep sleep.
    Explains why 3700 Quebec jobs are the end of the world, while 70,000 Alberta jobs are……ho-hum, ho-hum………..

    1. Yes, and this is something that the CBC and their listeners do not understand. After all, no one from ALberta attends THEIR dinner parties, that would simply be beyond the Pale.

  21. The CBC and to a slightly lessor extent, its private sector clones, are agents of the Spawn and or the Liberal / NDP / Greens. After their performance in the last federal election, it should surprise no one that they are attacking their “deplorable” partisan enemies. I sometimes wonder if instead of this western separatist mental masturbation, we directed all our efforts exclusively at the CBC, flouding them with comments, tweets, constant criticism, heckling their “reporters” and scrums etc. The “News” would soon become “the war on the CBC”.
