21 Replies to “Erotic Catnip”

  1. “Socialist men don’t date socialist women……..”

    It’s like Stalin dating Hitler, it’s hard to micromanage someone who’s trying to micromanage you.

  2. At this rate they will all die out in a generation, unfortunately socialism won’t.

    1. Yes, socialism is an extremely virulent and contagious mental infection. If a socialist ever gets within 3000kms of you, you are in serious danger of getting the socialism on you.

  3. “Socialist men don’t date socialist women……..”

    More proof that natural selection works. The weak die out. I doubt soyboy socialists have the testosterone in them to want to date any(one)(thing).

  4. God is love. Socialists deny His very existence.

    Socialists don’t want love. They want to screw.

    Everybody knows most of the bastards of prostitutes in the far East were got by well-to-do “male feminists.”

    They should all have themselves neutered and spayed and be done with it. They’d be happier and so would the rest of us.

    Who knows? They might even turn to God and be forgiven. The saints are like the angels—there’s no sex in heaven. Me, I’m looking forward to leaving that nonsense behind on earth.

    1. ” The saints are like the angels—there’s no sex in heaven. Me, I’m looking forward to leaving that nonsense behind on earth.”
      Poor you. Done correctly, and with a respectful and knowledgeable partner, this gift from God salves many of the vagaries of living. Looks like you missed out.

      1. ‘a c’ talks like that ‘type’ that WANTS to miss out.
        pathetic uber narrow minded.

  5. Socialist men don’t date socialist women. They date other socialist men because they’re more feminine than socialist women.

  6. From the comments, a new nickname for AOC: Chiquita Khruschev.

  7. I’ve noticed that a lot of socialist “men” aren’t really very manly. Biology and that which we are “hard-wired” for is a real hurdle for those who wish to believe that gender is due to social conditioning–those socialist women’s “lizard brains” automatically default to be attracted to men who look like men, act like men and do manly things. Much like the majority of hetero men’s “lizard brains” are automatically attracted to slim, younger women (late teens to early 20s), with the proper waist to hip ratio (no land-whales need apply).

  8. Great comments above.

    That socialist men avoid dating socialist women is not surprising as what red blooded male wants to have a female spouting Karl Marx ideology while he is attempting to woo her into an amorous endeavor.

  9. So, on balance, even socialist men, such as they are, can be credited with more taste than socialist women, such as they are.

    Then again, aren’t socialists telling us that all our assumptions about gender are wrong? Why do they think they’ll get a pass?

    Oh, right, they’re DIFFERENT.

  10. A good rooster stuffs them all. True story, a friend of my son’s, a 6ft 2 in Polish Canadian. He had been cat skinning on the fire line all summer in northern Alberta. Almost got burned to death once. At the end of fire season he came home and he and my boys went to the local cowboy bar. The waitress was a lesbo. The big Polish Kobassa was right after her between games of pool and drinks. Her butch broad showed up and sat down and on break the lesbo sat with her. The Polish sausage went after both of them. He had no idea they were both lesbo’s. Here he is leaning over their table trying to pick up the waitress. The butch broad is getting upset. Finally the big Polish salami, 6ft 2in blond blue eyed ox says to both of them look, I will take you both and just want to stuff you both. The butch broad all she can do is hiss and squirm. Overwhelmed and surrounded by Rednecks and cowboys all laughing their asses off at her and the big galoot. A good rooster services them all even the scabby assed ones.

  11. from this I take it socialist boytoys will still aim their gun barrels inward as socialists-commies do,
    but not the gun they are born with?
