19 Replies to “Climategate Revisited”

  1. OT
    I am sick and tired of people with Solar and Electric cars claiming they have nearly ZERO carbon footprint.
    Last I knew there was x-amount of Carbon backlog for each of those products. Say manufacturing Solar panels was three years of Carbon backlog that would start one at negative three years Carbon footprint.
    What truly bothers me is, after taking into account exhaled CO2, these poor souls still disregard everything else manufactured they own. Do they live naked in caves and gather windfall fruit and berries to survive? Even the Amish have a Carbon footprint.
    I would really like to see a breakdown on how the most popular goods, brand name clothing, electronics, food, cleaning products, and literally everything else costs in Carbon value.
    Why has no one run the cost of mining and manufacturing resistors and capacitors? Then totaling everything that goes into an iPhone or any electronic product?
    Everyone has a vast Carbon footprint yet these smug bastards pretend they don’t.
    As South Park recently pointed out no one wants to give up Soy Sauce and Red Dead redemption 2 so ManBearPig will return in five years.

    1. Carbon footprint of ordinary products is why Turdeau et always want a carbon tax. Plus they get oodles of money to spend. 🙁

      Just to be clear I support global warming! The earth has been a lot warmer and a lot colder, and the planet, people, wildlife, and plants have done fine.

    2. What difference at this point does it make?

      The sky is falling, Why pay 70 trillion dollars for carbon footprints in 10 years?
      AOC, Occasional Kortex said the earth will end due to climate change in 12 years.

      I am going to buy a 5 kilometer to 3 liters of gas ‘Land Rover’ and party like it is 2029.


  2. Supporting global warming is a no-brainer. The earth was far warmer and had 16 times the atmospheric CO2 of the industrial era during the Devonian, and that was when bony fishes developed. The biodiversity was absolutely staggering, and there were enormous coral reefs everywhere despite what “must” have been “catastrophic” oceanic acidification (sarc off) .

    1. One man’s “dirty” oil is another man’s “richly carbon saturated oil”. If you’re an “Eco” NGO … then our oil is a horrifying mess. If you heat your home, purchase manufactured goods, or drive an automobile … it’s a fabulous energy rich resource!!

      Sadly, all of the latter group living in California … prefer to signal their “Eco” virtue and will VOTE to shut down ALL oil operations within the State.

  3. This petty squabbling between Global Warmists and Skeptics will all soon become moot … after Arnold Schwarzenegger WINS his 1st Degree Murder lawsuit against “Big Oil”.


    Soon … the Oil Companies will lose their “murder weapons”, and we can all live in a WONDERFUL clean, green, carbonless, healthy, future. A future FREE from; cancer, respiratory diseases, auto-immune diseases, etc. A future where we hold hands with the forest mammals and sing happy songs to Gaia.

    1. How did Schwartznegger get roped into this? I used to think he was sensible — relatively anyway. Maybe it is yet another person being bought to publicize the cause.

  4. ‘A lie will be halfway around the world, before truth can get it’s boots on.”
    That in the age of steamboats.
    Today we have almost 3 decades before the truth starts to gain, but gain it does.

  5. Moore concluded, “It’s taking over science with superstition and a kind of toxic combination of religion and political ideology. There is no truth to this. It is a complete hoax and scam.”
    Also cherry picked from the comments…
    CO2 levels are not unprecedented in human history. They’ve only been collected for less than 200 years out of 200,000 years of human history. Socialist “scientists” selectively rejected high CO2 measurements to try to increase the impact of CO2, which is another reason their models don’t predict anything but their own dishonesty.
    Also paraphrased this…
    Sun Tsu says… know your enemy’s weaknesses.
    “Residents of cities will starve if fossil fuels are not available to bring them food”.
    Patrick Moore says… Get the hint?

    1. When someone suggests to me that we now have these very high levels of CO2 (greenhouse gas and all that) I am inclined to wonder why we have not seen much warming yet. If real greenhouses did not trap heat the way they are supposed to, farmers would demand their money back. Could it be that CO2 does not really turn the atmosphere into a greenhouse. I believe that is the case, even though CO2, methane, etc. are designated “greenhouse gases.” I believe the analogy (with actual greenhouses) is not correct.

      1. CO2 definitely is a greenhouse gas. However, the existing CO2 already traps all the heat that it ever will, as it is already trapping all the incident light that CO2 can absorb. The only way for more CO2 to trap more heat is if the sun’s intensity at those frequencies rises.

    1. I just emailed the link to Rand Simberg, who is part of the same lawsuit (Steyn is part of the suit because he quoted Simberg). We’ll see. The request for an en banc hearing was made two years ago and just denied, which pretty much negates the whole purpose of anti-SLAPP legislation.

      The process is the punishment.

  6. CO2 greening good; carbon pollution bad. An obvious conclusion but inconvenient because it couldn’t be used as an excuse to crush capitalism, increase government coffers or give China a pass while admiring how they get things done.

    No reputable scientist in the field of climatology or meteorology accepts the notion human induced climate change effect is anywhere near catastrophic, or imminent (twelve years? Always in the future) as predicted by the watermelon doomsayers.

    If climate change is an existential threat, even with Canada at 2% and Chinese growth alone eclipsing ours and some other nations’ entire output, that we have to shut down our fossil fuel activities, then ban coal exports to China, develop 4th generation nuclear and build a pipeline for Canadian crude to our refineries instead of from across an ocean and up the St Lawrence.

    I await the response of the watermelons and their boy blunder water carrier. BTW, how hard is it to interpret a thermometer?

  7. I for one can interpret thermometers just fine and even better, can read the historical extremes published every day at the Environment Canada website. I’ve been doing this for the last two years, and aside from the overall picture of being completely random noise (just as one example, today’s extremes in my locale were one year apart with a 36.3° variance, and this is in no way unusual), the warmest temps BY FAR were in the 1940s.

    You have to figure that our government knows that hardly anyone is bothering to do even this much, never mind do a deep dive into the whole subject. They assume everyone is as immature and narcissistic as they are, and hopefully we’ll live to see the day when the stupidity of that assumption comes home to roost.
