Showing Up To Riot

Tom Shepstone, Natural Gas Now;

When the DAPL pipeline opponents were burning bridges, destroying property, vandalizing equipment, leaving tons of garbage and costing North Dakota millions, I wrote a post titled “DAPL Vandals and the Trendy Elitists Who Coddle Them.” I pointed out the rioters and vandals had monetary support through a group called Rising Tide North America, which was funded by the Max and Anna Levinson Foundation (guilt-ridden, virtue-signaling heirs of an oil company) and the Tides Foundation. One of the biggest funders of the latter, in turn, has been Warren Buffett’s kid, through the NoVo Foundation. The Buffetts, of course, own trains and DAPL is competition when it comes to shipping oil by rail.

Now, there is the prospect of similar protests in South Dakota as pipeline opponents rise to fight other essential infrastructure needed to move Bakken and Canadian oil to market. The Badlands state isn’t called that for nothing, though. Governor Kristi Noem has propose two bills that are now before her State Senate that would potentially go after these funders, enablers and “riot boosters.”


22 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. They also funded Suzuki and many Indian Chiefs as well. Including some Greasy Politicians.

  2. In truth the Canadian Tax payer Funds Suzuki in most cases against their will. Yoou see he has had this cozy arrangement with the Tax Payer funded CBC for years and years and years.

  3. So how many f*cktards went to see Obummer in Calgree the guy who refused to let a pipeline be built that was even approved by the EPA? Pretty hard to be sympathetic for westeners.

    1. In every province you will have your token idiots….however, I’m also betting a great many of them are ‘imports’ from Liberal provinces, and haven’t lost a job due to PET or JT….

      1. Yes. But did any of the non-idiots protest peacefully outside maybe with ‘Remember Keystone XL?’ written on it? OBama cited National Interest meaning he wanted American oil, not Canadian, when he disallowed it. At least not at a fair price. He’s no friend of Albertans or Canadians anywhere.

        1. Who!? Thought it was wise or necessary to pay $400k to hear our MOST FAILED ex-President prattle on about anything!? Who wrote that check!? Against whose funds?!

      1. Got it! So the average ticket price was only $30.00 (was that US or Can.?) … proving that Obama is NO Rock Star. As no Rock Star sells tickets at $30 ave. … that’s more like a County Fair performer whose kettle is long off the boil.

  4. Wait until Obama’s wife runs for POTUS. More of the same only worse as they have experience now.

    Bottom line is the Americans do not need what we have to sell the way they did. In the real world Canada will
    find life a lot tougher. We have no built in advantage although we think we do.

  5. When the oil companies actually fight back, wake me.

    What is needed, is collusion from the oil companies.

    Step 1: get the names and addresses of protestors, enablers, driver, bus rental companies participating. friends, family, neighbours…
    Step 2: identity checks at gas stations and database searches
    Step 3: $500,000 per litre, for the rest of time, whenever a private jet, bus, car, boat, train, generator, reservation gas station, … wants a fill COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT. FOREVER. Their children, grandchildren, to the seventh generation, WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN, NOR FORGOTTEN.

    Until there is a cost attached to their cult tactics, there will be no change.

  6. There is no law, anywhere in the world, that they are not willing to bend, circumvent, or break.

    Until you are willing to do the same, you lose. Until you find a leader, or police member, or civil servant willing to back your efforts, you lose. Until you start bringing guns to their knife fights, you lose.

  7. Montoya and Reznicek are part of the Catholic Workers Movement, and they said Monday that their actions were meant as a nonviolent response to unresponsive regulators, elected officials and media

    Might I suggest the Catholic Church be sued as well. If the Catholic Church has anything whatsoever to do with this … they should be stripped of ALL tax exemptions. They’ve ceased to be a non-political religious entity.

    1. You can include a number of Lutheran synods in that as well. While I was a grad student at UBC nearly 40 years ago, I attended worship services at a certain Lutheran congregation (quite foolishly, as it turned out). There were no qualms of any kind about engaging in “civil disobedience”–in fact, it was encouraged.

      All that was required to believe that a certain law was “unjust” and anyone opposing that law would have been given support. And that law didn’t have to be in B. C. or Canada, for that matter. It was all about virtue-signalling and backing any leftist misfit or screwball anywhere in the world.

      Unfortunately, it hasn’t improved since then.

      1. Of course. I am not singleing-out the Catholic Church for this treatment. Shut down any and all churches who support and promote eco-terrorism. Not to mention illegal immigrant invasion terrorism.

    2. Agreed. It is time for an all out offensive against these international terrorists.

  8. Wait—they’re going to fine the bastards? People with more money than entire nations and with the international financial system at their beck and call?

    Do they consider it morally wrong to use live ammunition on the rioters? That might actually work. I don’t care how much Buffett pays his rent-a-mob, none of the little cowards cares to die for him.

  9. I suggest putting these Eco-Freaks to work if their so interested in helping the enviroment then let then Build some Bird Hoses plat some trees and clean up a highway instead of breaking t he law and getting arrested the proplem is they crave the Paparazi and the Media attention

  10. You mention “tax free” status. It has always been a trap. Never ask for it. Never accept it if offered.

    You will ALWAYS dance, with the one who brung you. He who pays the piper ALWAYS calls the tune; tax free means you ain’t paying no pipers now, doesn’t it.

    The long march through the institutions included EVERY charity you have ever donated to, or thought about donating to. Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, heart and stroke, cancer, diabetes, … EVERY SINGLE ONE. It is why I stopped giving to any and all charities years ago. Any money you give will be used to fund a socialist cause.

  11. This is stupid at best and oppression at worst. They money isn’t important. Harsh deterrence against the ‘protesters’ is all that’s needed.
