The Libranos: SNC Lavalin

Watching as Liberals profess a new and desperate devotion to saving other peoples’ jobs, I’m beginning to wonder if the real fear surrounding a potential SNC-Lavalin criminal trial isn’t about electoral politics at all, but about what might come out during testimony.

This company has a history of bribery, lest we forget…

Bumped for this update: my spidey senses may be correct. (Sorry! linked fixed)

Is the true purpose to prevent a public trial, rather than save jobs?


[…] Is it because Riadh Ben Aïssa has been cooperating with authorities, and his and others’ testimony at trial might be much more damaging than anyone can guess?

96 Replies to “The Libranos: SNC Lavalin”

    1. Both parent firms of SNC Lavalin were involved with the original James Bay hydro projects. So it might have gone back to the early 70s.

    2. Check out Natterings at Nates. Where are the 9000 jobs? Also Justa Turd considered resigning.
      Thursday, March 7

      About those 9,000 SNC-Lavalin jobs at risk
      Fly on the Wall sat down at a table right next to the well-known lobbyist and a familiar media personality. Fly expected an interesting conversation from the two. Lobbyist was likely trying to plant a story and Media was likely looking for one.

      As he motioned to a passing waiter, Fly glanced at the menu and was ready to order matzo ball soup and a Coke as soon as he arrived. Once that was done, Fly began to listen in to the two at the next table. In the interest of privacy, we’ll omit any names, but both were eating smoked meat sandwiches and sipping Sprites.

      As Fly listened in, Lobbyist was proudly telling Media about his find.

      “I went thru the MD &A and AIF for SNC for 2018 and scanned their web site”, Lobbyist said matter-of-factly, “Revenue 2018 $10 billion of which 29% in Canada .. 2018 loss had a $1.24 Billion loss re impairment .. Global employees 2018 52,435 .. 8,762 employees in Canada from their web site .. About 1500 employees in USA”.

      Media nodded, but Fly noticed Lobbyist looking at Media curiously, as if he saw a glaze in Media’s eyes. A blizzard of numbers, yes, but much of it mumbo-jumbo at this point in the conversation as far as Fly could tell.

      Lobbyist pressed on.

      “Apart from World Bank problem with corruption also African Development Bank for 2 African countries.”

      Media nodded as he ate his sandwich, feigning indifference. Not much to say at this point.

      Lobbyist pressed on. Again.

      “Current Projects in Canada as per web site:

      Canada Line BC
      Tucker Lake Prairies
      Stoney Trail Alberta
      West Alta Transmission Alberta
      Highway 407 Ontario
      Darlington Bruce Power Ontario
      Canaport LNG New Brunswick
      John Hart Genrating Station BC
      James Bay Quebec”

      Lobbyist took a breath and tried to gauge if Media was following the thread or was merely enjoying the free sandwich. He leaned back.

      “You following all this ?”

      Media nodded, looking bored.

      Lobbyist pressed on. One final time. The grand finale, actually. The main point of the numbers, the list of projects, in fact of the lunch itself.

      “So of 8,762 employees in Canada, just one project out the 10 top projects is in Quebec.”

      Media looked up from his sandwich. Lobbyist finally had his attention.

      “And .. ?” Media asked as he took out a small notepad and began scribbling feverishly.

      Lobbyist offered up his coup de grace.

      “Most employees have nothing to do with Quebec, The 9,000 jobs Trudeau & Butts have been waving around without any semblance of proof. The ones supposedly put at risk by Jody Wilson-Raybould. They don’t exist. Of that I am sure.”

      Media stopped scribbling and took a gulp of his Sprite. He shook his head, looked at his notes. Then, after a moment, he said:

      “This is explosive. Can we go over all of that again please ?”

      Lobbyist, finally satisfied he had hit a bullseye, nodded, and began to repeat himself.

      At the next table, Fly on the Wall was busily emailing ‘Natterings’ a compte-rendu of what he had just overheard. In doing so, he became an ‘Official Natterer’, which comes with a resulting boost in self-esteem, but not much else.

      You see, sometimes some of the most intriguing nuggets of private info come from those closest to the action. Those within the sphere of confluence and those who just happen to be ‘accidentally’ at its edge.


      Postcript: After Natterings went to press the afternoon of March 7, other media began to question the mythical ‘9,000 SNC jobs lost’ (see CBC March 8), which begs the question: did any recent witnesses lie to Parliament during their Justice Committee testimony ?

  1. “Article 5 of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions states: “Investigation and prosecution of the bribery of a foreign public official shall be subject to the applicable rules and principles of each Party. They shall not be influenced by considerations of national economic interest, the potential effect upon relations with another State or the identity of the natural or legal persons involved.”

    As highlighted here and prior posts here and here, OECD Convention signatory countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have seemingly violated Article 5 in connection with certain enforcement actions, so it is not surprising that Canada (also a signatory country) is also having an Article 5 moment.”

  2. There are three knowns, only one of which has been widely discussed. That is the fact that SNC-Lavalin having a history of paying bribes to get big government projects. Another known is that Quebec’s civil construction industry is rife with corruption, as was shown in the largely ignored Charbonneau inquiry. Then we have the known that must always be unspoken- The Liberal Party of Canada, the Libranos, is a criminally corrupt organization.
    So, what happens when the party that’s been bought by SNC screws up and allows it to be prosecuted? Well, historically, the aggrieved party goes all scorched earth on the ass of those who didn’t stay bought. Justin and his inner circle have been doing nothing but trying to pour water on tinder dry ground for the last month.
    My advice is to hold on to your shares in Big Rock and Orville Redenbacher’s for a bit longer.

    1. Yes, I’ve been saying that since this story broke. Here’s what I think is going on:

      The Liberals don’t raise money as well as the Tories, and the Liberals are currently far behind with an election coming.

      SNC has a long history of donations, legal and illegal, to the Liberals.

      SNC is intimately involved with Quebec construction.

      Both the Charboneau inquiry of 2015 and the UPAC inquiry of 2011 found – without naming names – that organized crime was involved, and that illegal contributions were being funnelled to political parties. Think about that for a second –
      money is flowing from organized crime in Quebec to political parties, which means to the Liberals at the federal level.

      How hard do you have to connect the dots to figure SNC is still making illegal contributions to the Liberals, who need the cash badly. When the Liberals couldn’t deliver on the DPA, SNC starting making noises, saying the cash was going to dry up in 2019, right before the election, unless this got changed. Worse from a Librano point of view, SNC might have threatened that if they’re going down, their books are going to be opened for all to see, which means that evidence of this cash flowing to the Libs would be public. That would probably end the Libranos at the federal level for years, much like Mulroney killed the PC party.

  3. “This country, it belongs to us” – Justine the Turdhole… it sure does Turdhole, just the way your Daddy wanted it … not in the least bit surprising is the fact that the Liberal Party plus every business in Queerbek is corrupt to the core… Peeairs country is all about Queerbek… I would say this country is as unremarkable and just corrupt as any other french colonial shithole… Once positions of influence and power are based on “identity” or “language”, corruption is sure to follow.

    1. Yea, I’d love to know the % of Quebec Based, French born bilingual employees in the Fed & Ont. Civil Service(s) .??? I think they freaking well OWN both & 99% of whom VOTE Liberal.

      1. T1 ethnically cleansed the civil service. He made sure that if you wern’t fluent in fwench you couldn’t hold sr positions in the federal government. This guaranteed quebekkie career paths and good paying jobs – ostensibly to make them feel more Canadian.

        The effects of this legislation were immediate on the rest of Canada. Our best and brightest were shut out of sr government. We’ve forced our children to take usless french lessons taught by french teachers who couldn’t order a cup of coffee in France with their ‘ dis, dat, doez and deez fwench.

        No, Canada doesn’t belong to Canadians, Canada belong to quebek.

      2. Steakman – It would be if this wonderful was limited to Ontario and Quebec. While not bilingual , most of the civil servants I know believe they are overworked and underpaid and do the job much better than anyone working in private industry would. Most are summarily hard core Liberal/NDP.

  4. Juth-tin is wrapping himself in the cloth of the MIDDOW CLATH to hide his protection racket for his 1%.
    The polls have turned dramatically against, a 10% swing to the CPC. Even with some erosion, that’s a sweeping change to what was a solid LIEBrawl lead of 6-7 points.
    We will see if his mediot fluffers return, somehow, I don’t think they will, largely. The myth has been shattered for those that saw only rainbows and unicorns

  5. Vice Admiral Mark Norman Can’t Get Access To His Own Emails To Defend Himself. So Why Did Gerald Butts Get Access To His?
    L- Good question, now how long to wait for a plausible answer?

    How much longer to actually get the truth?

    Are there any Opposition leaders smart enough to promise a full scale inquiry, if elected in October?
    Say during the Leader’s Debate ?

    1. This is a Trudeau tradition.

      Older SDA readers may remember the name Peter Treu. As I recall, he was involved with security work for the federal government (under PET). I don’t recall the details, but his clearance was revoked without his knowledge. The result was that he was charged with espionage for holding classified documents without permission.

      It took him several years to clear his name and, among other things, it cost him his marriage. The whole matter was rather sordid and was one of several events at the time that tarnished the reputation of the RCMP. (Another was its habit of burning down barns.)

      The whole matter was a travesty of justice and even Peter Worthington condemned what went on.

      It was shenanigans like that which resulted in the RCMP’s role being re-defined and the job of national security and counterintelligence was taken over by a new agency, CSIS.

        1. Maggie: Thanks for the article very interesting! The Liberal gov’t is very corrupt and has been for quite sometime by the looks.

        2. Thanks for the reference. People need to be reminded of what the Fiberals are doing now is simply an old tradition.

    2. Larry: Exactly…why is Norman not getting the information his lawyer has asked for, for his court case coming up in August. His lawyer said she will subpoena Justin and Butts if they don’t hand them over. This case involving Brison, Davie ship building and Irving ship building. This Case of Norman stinks to high heavens lies lies lies…Trudeau’s gov’t involved. I think Trudeau and Butts are hiding something ONCE again. More light needs to shed on this showing that the Trudeau Lie-brals are not to be trusted!!

      1. The Norman affair will get a lot uglier.

        The Liberals are stonewalling re providing information. Why? So they can do a thorough job of erasing all the relevant info. Gee where have we seen that behaviour before?

        Me thinks Butts and Brison resigned so they could say that to their knowledge there was no info of the type Norman requested. AND if evidence of deletion is uncovered, they had nothing to do with it as they were no longer in government. Remember it’s not the crime that trips up politicians, it’s the coverup. So I’m thinking they may be trying to insulate themselves.

  6. If that stupid idiot Scott Brison hadn’t quit politics to work for the BMO and JRW spoke french then none of this would’ve happened, or something.

  7. Too bad Justines Daddy corrupted the RCMP too… good for the LIbranos, but not so good for the country… is there anything that Peeair touched that didn’t turn to shit ? Scummy ways.

  8. Was wonder this as well.
    In spite of the “jobs” claim team Sockmonkey basically sacrificed every meme that is the basis of his political capital into the incinerator for this one company. This defies logic.
    Doing so can only be for one of two reasons, he is really that naive or he’s being blackmailed.

    1. Or he wants a good ‘job’ with SNC after he steps down as PM. Me thinks Justin is getting tired of having to learn his lines each night. It’s so boring.

      Now a consultant job with SNC would be more his style. That is if he couldn’t get a plum UN job.

  9. If Jody Wilson Raybould is not allowed to speak I guess we can conclude Boy Justin and his gang need to protect themselves from her truths.

    1. You’re dead right about turdo la doo and Buttsie-boy not wanting the truth to come out. But if JW-R has more to say, the only thing preventing her from speaking is JW-R herself. She has options other than this silly little committee.

      1. “She has options other than this silly little committee”. Very true, but consider the damage to the Turdeau brand if she is not allowed to speak by Turdeau. The swing voters are more likely to remember this the longer it stays in the media.

        While I did not agree with many of her policy positions, I think JWR is playing this well. I suspect she has more info to share. The longer she can keep this in the public eye, the worse it is for Turdeau.

        All it takes is one Liberal member on the committee to decide they’ve had enough of Turdeau to make it really interesting. Imagine if the opposition puts forward a motion to have Turdeau testify and one Liberal votes for it! The Liberals will replace that member but again the Turdeau brand will take another hit.

        Political death by 1000 cuts.

      2. And THERE is the CRUX of the this whole stinking pile of SHIT.

        A: she did NOT Cross the Floor. Why.? Cause she retains Aspirations for becoming PM as a LIBERAL.

        B: Even if allowed, I doubt very very much she would burn down the Entire Liberal Barn…she needs Said Barn to house & protect her.

        Lets keep in mind these little tidbits:
        She said SFA against allowing Beastiality
        She Said SFA against allowing Sodomy for 14 yrs olds (a Justin special I fully believe) .
        She said SFA about Tori Staffords Killer going to a Healing Lodge
        She Screamed Bloody blue murder when Gerald Stanley was acquitted for capping a 2 bit punk gang banger.
        She said SFA about Open Borders, UN MIgrant BS and pretty much ANYthing that PM DipShit has pulled…Fkn NADA.!

        A SAINT, she sure as shit AINT. This is one Calculating Politial Operator whose ideology mirrors Justin……nothing more.

        We will be in a much deeper pile of shit should this person ever attain the PM’s Chair….! Think land claims – criminal code – prisons to start.

        1. steakman, YES X 10! Relax though, JWR will never be PM, the Quebec cartel simply won’t allow it. Some of them must be as pi$$ed off at Trudeau as we are. The guy had a simple case and he f***ed it up.

          A PM with brains, such as Godfather Chretien, would never in a million years have given such a sensitive job to a career professional Indian agitator, especially one whose Father had locked horns with the current PM’s Dad, and had little good to say about him!

          Allah almighty, what in hell WAS Trudeau thinking when he gave this A-G/MOJ to an outsider?! It was/is beyond stupid, frankly it’s the biggest blunder I can ever remember in a PM’s appointments.

          I wonder if the Quebec cabal actually let Trudeau IN on “our thing”, possibly they knew better than to let him in on all the operations. So maybe the dumb schmuck was just floundering in the dark and virtue signalling to the heavens when he appointed JWR to this position.

    2. Liz J: I do believe she can speak in the House of Commons and not get punished, maybe she will soon. She maybe wants Trudeau and Butts to squirm a little longer. We need to keep this story going for awhile so people really get the message about the LIE’s the Trudeau gov’t is covering up!!

    1. I’d like to know this.

      Why is she in Hiding..??

      ….and who or what is Justin boinking..? I dont buy for an instant this slimy POS is your “normal” hetrosexual type. His predeliction for hanging out with paedophiles – Islamic terrorists and other such “above board” types has me curious.

        1. You don’t need singing lessons when you’re learning to call hogs.

      1. He’s got a “lover” in Vancouver or there abouts. Whether he brings canola oil to the date or not, I don’t want to know.

  10. Canada exists to serve K-bec and funnel wealth to it.
    The eastern provinces are enthralled.
    Why the west remains is unclear. There is 0 benefit.

    1. Bingo….Why indeed..??

      After survinging not one but now a second PM DIPSHIT…I’ve been ready to vote YES on Separation the day I got laid off – Xmas Eve 1981.. as the Frac Fab shop I was working at, Shut down and closed its doors – pretty much the whole Alberta fabrication Industry.

      That Communist phuque cost me a house and 7 yrs of not being able to work in my trade at the time. This one has done similar. Personally, I’d see him hanging from a MEAT hook on a Bank Street Lampost…right beside GMButts. 2 that most definitely deserve it…

      1. Something satisfying with voting someone out of office like Mussolini and Ceaușescu. True democracy.

        1. scar,yep.

          Say, who put the last three bullets into Mussolini?

          500 Italian sharpshooters.

      2. Canada has a very long list of DipShit Leaders. Ask yourself why was Canada set up the way it was…..Answer J.A. MacDonald made his BONES creating a FOOKED UP place that was totally anti American. Canada’s whole existence has been to refight the US War of Independence from North of 49. By making us all colonists and chained to a very FOOKED UP Royal Family. MacDonald’s Revenge.

      3. Very sad how much deference Canadians give to the Office of PM. A position not even mentioned in the Canadian Constitution. Yet the same bastard appoints your Head of State, seeing as no one, in Canada male or female of voting age is mature enough to elect their own Head of State.

          1. Joseph: You have seen him in the House elbow a lady member then swear. I imagine he gets very HOT HEADED when he doesn’t get his way. Stupid is as stupid does!

  11. SNC Lavalin CEO Neil Bruce wrote to Justin Trudeau the same day, October 15 2018, that SNC Lavalin board chair Kevin Lynch spoke to PCO Clerk Michael Wernick:

    A copy of the letter was submitted to the House Justice Committee’s files — but the Globe did a good job here digging it up and putting this on its front page today. So far the broadcast media (CBC and CTV news) are not reporting this. It figures.

    1. The G&M (Bob Fife) own this story. We Canadians would know nothing of SNC-L and JWR if not for them.

      The cbc, ctv and global networks are lazy posers who are more interested in looking good, eating well on expense account dinners and being invited to all the right librano dinners than doing any honest reporting or investigative journalism.

      Good for Bob Fife.

      1. Bob Fife??? We would know nothing of it had JWR or someone at her behest had not chosen to leak it. The Globe knew full well someone would have run with it had they not taken the opportunity first. Fife is simply an opportunistic weasel.

        1. Concerned

          No argument from me re your weasel comment.

          My point is he did run with it. Who knows if any other in the whole sordid slacker mess of the Ottawa press Corp would have?

          Bob Fife didnt carry the water for the libranos – good for him.

          1. AB, agreed. Plus, Mr. Fife must be putting in long hours, undertaking investigative work in the midst of a political crisis. Plus, Mr. Fife (and others on his side) are on the side of moral good. Justin Trudeau, Michael Wernick, Gerald Butts (and others on their side) are on the side of immoral evil.

          2. Frankly, I was surprised. Makes me wonder what the end game is for the leaker and G & M/Bob Fife exposure. Liberal Party civil war going on?

          3. Interesting seeing Fife’s name. Never had much use for him, but wrote him off a couple years ago . Don’t know if video still exists, but he had to interview the Iranian (I think Iranian) woman MP that was put in charge of reforming elections and it turned out she might actually not even be Canadian citizen, her parents having lied on their immigration application. Fife asked her if she was citizen. My memory hazy about interview, but clearly remember the big grin on her face answering “I believe so.” and clearly remember the look on Fife’s face accepting that non-answer. He was being the obedient lackey, helping the Lieberals skate through, but he was not happy about it at all. If he is on the attack, looking for redemption, and if his superiors that forced him to shield the Lieberals are allowing (encouraging?) it….gives me some optimism story won’t disappear real soon.
            Occurred to me as writing that too, G&M as a whole are probably wanting to not appear bought after that big payday Princess Justin gave them. Maybe G&M were against the bailout altogether, the money they receive being a tiny part of their budget, but greatly helping their smaller competition that they’ve been squeezing out?

        2. Or is Fife a John Turner, not Pierre Trudeau, Liberal? The ON wing of the party might want someone from there to take over the reins of the Country.

      2. More accurate to say Bob Fife didn’t carry water for JT –
        never forget Fife called Reformers ‘knuckle dragging neanderthals.’

        1. Maggie:

          I’m not forgetting who Bob Fife is or what he’s done/said in the past.

          He’s done the country a great service on this issue. That’s all.

        2. Thank you. Now I remember why the hair on the back of my stood up when I read he was involved in this.

          He, just like JWR, is no friend to conservatives. Better they do each other in.

    2. Kevin Lynch is also a senior official at Bank of Montreal. Did he help Scott Brison get a nice job (vice-chair of investment and corporate banking) at BMO?

      Is this an attempt to secure better access to funds for SNC? Or is it perhaps a reward to Brison for ‘services rendered’? I’m sure it’s all a matter of perspective.

  12. “Watching as Liberals profess a new and desperate devotion to saving other peoples’ jobs…”

    The messaging isn’t working though: the more party hacks and talking-head bots the Liberals throw in front of the cameras, the more absurd this line becomes.

    The credibility score is still Wilson-Raybould 100, our Dear Leader, Butts and the rest of the Liberal Borg 0.

    (By the way, I love that the substance of our Dear Leader’s defence rests on discrediting an indigenous woman! Hahahaha!)

    1. And PM PuckeredArsehole is up north crying about how tuberculosis has ravaged his todays favorite people. Meanwhile tubercular irregular travellers are coming in over the NY border with no health restrictions.. And when are we going to do a deep dive into Bombardier.Just asking for 33 million friends

  13. Canada, unlike other countries, is simply a system set up to benefit Quebec. It is a neat arrangement. English Canada provides wealth and money and other benefits for Quebec. Quebec provides bilingual civil servants and prime ministers……..

    But more seriously – nowhere on the planet is a better example of why multiculturalism is infeasible. Even goody-two-shoes Canada, desperate for the multiculti madness to work and desperate to placate Quebec cannot make the French and English get along in Canada even though, unlike the Mucking Fuslims and other weirdos, the culture of French Canada and English Canada are quite similarly.

    Still evidence to the contrary has never deterred a committed Liberal or lefty. After all facts are so Right Wing.

  14. Let’s say (not so hypothetically) that to play you must pay. If you want to build a dam in Africa you will HAVE to line the pockets of some corrupt officials. After all the money is coming from the World Bank and the corrupt officials have to have some way of getting money. Let’s also say (not so hypothetically) that this takes place in every country in Africa. You want to work in Africa, right? Your competition (from the US, China or India) will gladly make those payments. So what to do… If you get caught you can’t acknowledge this problem because you will be left out of the tenders for all future World Bank projects.

    My only question is … do you think the World Bank knows about this (not so hypothetical) practice? Interesting that proposals are never asked to break down the line item “contingencies”.

  15. People have to understand that it’s just not ONLY SNC Lavalin whose corporate Lifestyle is based on “Corruption Inc”. This is a Facet of evryday freaking life in Quebec and Eastern Ontario.

    Bribes, Payola, under the table deals, buyers on the take, sleazy Trade Unionism (whereby a select group of the Agents buddies work 12 months of the year, and the other 1500 members swing between 6 weeks work, 11 mo. EI and are told to go on Welfare as opposed to taking a temp non union job when there’s supposedly no work…. Have seen & lived it first hand….11 years as a Tech Sales rep based in Cornwall Ont. working Eastern Ont. and Western Quebec.

    That this particular shit comes NOW as a surprise to the country…?? Simply Laughable. It’s been going on for Decades with this rotten French Culture..and should you happen to be an anglais…?
    You’re considered uh…. ?

    Well lets just say most often, you’re not considered at all. And I’m one that got by with passable french & zero accent.

    The WEST must Separate from this Quebec – Ottawa based Cabal of Corruption…were simply the financial slaves and THAT Kiddies, will never Ever Fkn change. There is NO Fixing this…try..? and people will begin to a Hillary like fashion. Far too much $$$$ involved.

    1. For sure, remember the movie, ‘The Barbarian Invasions?’ Denys Arcand made it and I am sure he knew of what he spoke.

  16. Why is it that every Frenchman they put on the CBC to talk about the SNC-Lavalin affair, says there is nothing to see here? I wonder if they don’t mind a little corruption, as long as it is the English are paying for it. And then good old Ontario voters are more than happy to shift Alberta’s contributions to this country all straight to Quebec. This country needs a HARD RESET, maybe some new international boundaries, between the Prairies and Ottawa, to stop the rape of the people of the Prairies. I, for one, am sick of this SCAM known as Canuckland!!

    RE-ELECT TRUDEAU 2019 !!!!

  17. After watching young Fidel give a non apology yesterday I can’t believe the smug arrogant prich is still the PM.What bothers me the most is he views us as stupid enough to believe his rhetoric

    1. Yesterday, one of the commentators created the expression “Lies and Flies” in response to Prime Minister Trudeau’s early morning press conference. I have added Lies, Cries and Flies (the perfect trifecta!) and I have told this to about 5 people already. I truly hope this expression goes viral, it is so apt! Thank you to the person who created it.

  18. I wonder if young Juthtin is going to come to Alberta for an apology tour, for all the jobs he destroyed with his pipeline decisions. Yeah, didn’t think so.

  19. During his non apology word salad not one reporter asked whether the SNC is set and there will be no DPA. or will they just play it out until the Court throw the whole thing out due to delay. Just like previous SNC cases.

  20. So, from what I’m seeing, the Canadian economy, through the independent decisions of various people, created about six times the number of jobs that Justin Trudeau has claimed, over the exact same period of time, to have been trying to protect.

    I’m just really tired of being lied to.

  21. The whole idea that Butts had access to his emails is just bugging me to no end. JWR testifies late day Wednesday Feb 27.

    Butts sends email requesting to testify on Thursday, Feb 28.

    Justice Committee meets afternoon Feb 28, and adds him to agenda to testify on Wednesday March 6.

    Until the Justice Committee invites Butts to testify, he had no legal need for his government emails. Presumably, Mr. Butts went to his lawyers to request his emails on Friday, March 1.

    Mr. Butts claims he didn’t have access to his emails…someone else tracked them down.

    So, in a three-day period (Friday, Monday, and Tuesday) we are expected to believe that Butts lawyers put in a request for “relevant emails/texts”, someone in the government received the request, the request was properly approved, all of his emails and text messages were pulled, someone (who wasn’t him) went through all of his emails and pulled all of the relevant documents, the documents were forwarded, and Mr. Butts had enough time left over to analyze the docs, pull the correct ones he needed, and write his speech for Wednesday morning. Without any help except from his lawyer and a friend if I recall correctly.

    And come in looking like he had a good nights sleep.

    I just went through a privacy request with a company. Law gives them 30 days to comply. It took them four and a half months to send me about 50 documents. Once they had them it took them two days to send them to me because the “emails were too big” “they had problems with transmitting due to encryption” and “passwords to view files need to be transmitted separately than the files themselves”. And that was 50 files. How many emails and texts do you think the PM’s principal secretary accumulates in a four month period?

    No way in hell did all of this happen without him having full access to all of his emails in advance of JWR’s testimony.

    This is additional proof that the Liberals bend or break the rules to benefit themselves.

    1. The rat Wernick said after Butts in his testimony that they sequestered all SNC Lavalin correspondence after the letter to RCMP and out of the blue threw out ‘that must be how we got Butts his emails so quickly’, nice attempt to save your buddy but so obvious it was contrived.

      1. Did they do that for Mark Norman? I’ll bet they did and then they shredded all paper files and deleted all electronic files. Similar to what the Liberals did in Ontario over the power plant scandal.

  22. Why didn’t the idiot Turdeau just pass a law removing the penalty of a ban from government contracts for commercial bribery? Is he too stupid or did he just want to give his big supporters a pass and hammer everyone else? Penalizing 10,000 workers for the sins of a few greedy bosses doesn’t make sense but the idiot has made it worse. Exactly who is going to commit to a several year contract with SNC-Lavalin in the present shit storm?

    1. 10,000 workers now Scar that is up from Trudeau’s claimed 9,000. Do you have the missing report that May and others have inquired about?

      Anyone with half a brain knows that no jobs in Canada will be lost. The rat Wernick was watching SNC Lavalin’s stock price as he noted in his testimony. It is shareholders who are at risk. The public projects will get done by another firm and if they need employees, guess where the SNC Lavalin employees can get work! Same with suppliers (just supplying someone else). Maybe a few fat cats lose their gig but Trudeau surely has a few senate appointments for them (after they suck out as much blood from the company as they can).

  23. I call bullshit on not penalizing the workers. I’ve known people who worked for SNC because it was all they could get and they got out as soon as possible. SNC has a culture of corruption that permeates all levels of management. SNC wins bids because they are corrupt, allowing them to undercut competitors. People working for ethical companies lose their jobs because they can’t compete with unethical ones.

    SNC needs to be punished hard until they clue into the fact that corruption is not okay. If they are allowed to just fire the guys who get caught and pay a small fine, there will always be an endless stream of boot licks willing to do anything (wink wink nudge nudge) to fill the Vice President position of the guy who just got tossed.

  24. Get back to me when Justin and Gerry are sentenced and Chrystia is put on a plane bound for Russia.

    A prosecutorial service genuinely free of political influence would have little trouble scaring up the evidence needed to send every important living Liberal either to federal prison for a long time, or back to his home country after relieving him of his invariably fraudulent Canadian citizenship.

  25. “Joe”, an SDA poster on this site, posted on the previous “Libranos” thread that Kevin Lynch, a former PCO Chief Clerk, from 2006-2009 and currently Board Chairman at SNC Lavalin, is also the Vice-Chair at the BMO Financial Group. This is an important fact that I did not know. “Joe” asks, in the previous thread, that could Kevin Lynch have had anything to do with former Liberal Cabinet Minister Scott Brison landing a plum job as vice-chair at BMOs investment an corporate banking.

    Here is Mr. Lynch’s bio:

    on the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, where he is also a director. Scott Brison resigned from cabinet, where he was the head of the Treasury Board. Note that Mr. Brison, as the senior MP from Nova Scotia, was the Liberal regional minister of the province, which means he was the person who delivered government pork-barrelling to Nova Scotia..

    As Treasury Board president, Mr. Brison had significant say over government contracts nationwide — so he would have been in a good position to oversee the Department of Defence contract work — such as the naval contracts. There is some media scuttlebutt that Mr. Brison intervened to attempt to change the contract awarded to a Quebec shipyard, to the Nova Scotia Irving shipyard, for the first supply ship. This is at the core of the Mark Norman trial: Vice Chief Mark Norman is charged with leaking cabinet information underpinning the government attempt to void the naval contract, to the Quebec firm.

    And here Mr. Lynch was lobbying the Trudeau government while at the same time Brison was preparing to jump ship to the BMO financial group.

    Also, note that the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada lobbies for closer ties to China. Quebec Liberal Jean Charest also is also on the board of directors of this lobby group.

  26. Re: Job loss
    Barring SNC from government contracts for 10 years would not cause the loss of a single job. 100% of the jobs SNC may have to terminate would become new jobs at other engineering/general contracting firms because the government projects are not (I hope) contingent on SNC’s participation. It’s the projects that create the jobs NOT SNC!

  27. So here is what I want to know: has anyone called the Ontario Securities Commission on this file? I mean they broke Home Capital for a F#ckton less than this sh#t. Also I think there may be a bona fide complaint re misleading shareholders….

  28. I wonder if there might also be some sort of Benghazi-like connection to all of this.

    1. Nothing should be considered outside of the realm of possibilities on this.

      I’m reminded of a picture Paul Martin had with Gaddafi during that short time as PM which coincides with the start of these shenanigans.

  29. I hope Riadh Ben Aïssa has some very trustworthy bodyguards right now.
    I also hope he doesn’t get on an airplane anytime soon.

  30. “…would not cause the loss of a single job …” That’s not quite true. Several Liberal MPs would lose their jobs, probably including cabinet ministers, and the Liberal Party of Canada would have to cut some staff to reduce admin costs because of the donations and kickbacks lost.
