The Libranos: SNC Lavalin

And then, as if by magic, a proposal for deferred prosecution agreements was buried into page 202 of the 2018 federal budget.

The DPA circle was now squared—and with barely any scrutiny. A little over two weeks later SNC met one last time—on July 5—with both Bouchard and Marques, the latter now also in the PMO.
All that was left was for SNC to be offered its deferred prosecution agreement. Only the offer never came. On Sept. 4, 2018, the government said it would not offer a DPA to SNC.
The shock must have been immense; to the company, to the political staff who took the dozens of meetings and to the bureaucracy that had done the same.

Recommended reading.

30 Replies to “The Libranos: SNC Lavalin”

  1. Why didn’t the idiots just take 10 year ban from government contracts out of the sentencing options? Now they’ve royally frigged it up. Who really wants to do business with SNC Lavalin now?

    1. umm… the shitty of Ottawa ?

      “”SNC-Lavalin wins $660-million transit contract from Ottawa (the city, not the feds) as bidding future remains uncertain””

    1. “While SNC-Lavalin has the right to be assumed innocent and to a fair trial, it has “no right or entitlement” under common or criminal law to be invited to negotiate a remediation agreement, the director said.”
      A big F.U. to PM ShitForBrains, Gerald Buttshole, And Katie KissMyAss Telford. Get your bullet-proof vest on Wernick you floor-mopping slap head.

      1. Exactly. As Trump would say, this could be huuuge. A number of closet sins could be exposed.

  2. I have to say that I’m reasonably impressed with how the generally Librano-friendly Canadian press is handling this issue. It’s almost as if they actually have a moral compass or something…

    1. I’m also (reasonably impressed with how the generally Librano-friendly Canadian press is handling this issue).
      As to why?
      There’s no-where to hide, no-way to justify, no-possible way out if you support this blatant fraud, corruption by
      the Liberal elite that everyone, (EVERYONE) can see.
      Except Liberals.

      1. On CTV yesterday there was someone who spent 10 minutes slobbering praise on the brilliant ‘play’ the Libs took on this issue. It was so over the top I thought at first it was a comedy sketch.

    2. I’m pretty sure that’s because he went after an “Official Indian”, who is also a woman. It may have forced them to experience things differently.

  3. Look at the bright side: as long as these lying, scheming, self-serving bastards are on Parliament Hill, trailer trash will always have someone to look down upon.

  4. Article was off on JWR being the only one between SNC Lavalin and the DPA. The DPP first decided no to a DPA. JWR next refused to overrule the DPP (which would have been a first and may have resulted in resignations in the DPP).
    If Lametti now overrules the DPP, that would be a real big stink.
    Kate may be onto something, why oh why are the Liberals so desperate for this not to go to trial?
    Is this stink less than what a trial would reveal?
    With Omar getting the $10.5 million, it saved Goodale and the other Liberals from discovery (actions complained about were pre-Harper) but that was civil and this one is criminal with the DPP running the show.

    Both the creation of the DPP and the 10 year ban via integrity regime are both Harper creations. No wonder Butts does not like “Harper law”. Missing Harper yet?

  5. Here are your gems:

    “Wernick knew Wilson-Raybould better than most, having been deputy minister at Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development for most of the Harper government, a period which included the raucous Idle No More protests. ”

    “The calls for his resignation certainly won’t be reversed on his most recent evidence. Wernick was skewered by Murray Rankin and Lisa Raitt, including a memorable sequence when Raitt had Wernick tied in knots over his admission that he accepted a phone call from Kevin Lynch, SNC’s chairman, after earlier saying contact with SNC would have been inappropriate. Raitt had the Clerk sucking and blowing.”

    Mr Wernick, formerly of Aborginal Affairs, has been playing the part of hissing snivel serpent!
    His CYA mission for Prime Minister Don Corleone has fallen flat, and yes he is likely wearing Liberal underwear.

    Truly it was a “Royal Comedic & Merriment Production” (RCMP)!


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  6. Wernick is compromised. There is nothing that will restore his integrity. As an impartial public servant, he is an abject failure. I too am a public servant, but unlike this creature, I still own my soul and my ethics are not for sale.

    1. Hi Chris from another Chris,
      Just a question that maybe you can answer if you work for the feds; If you, in your duties, are caught performing an illegal act (i.e. a contravention of the Criminal Code) what can happen to you? Firing, loss of benefits? I am most curious as to what would happen to your pension benefits.

      1. Easy answer. Still a citizen and still subject to the criminal code. However, I have seen plenty of wrongdoing that is never prosecuted nor any action taken because the very senior leadership is too cowardly to admit there was something wrong on their watch. Better to shuffle the deck, reassign the miscreant, or hope for a retirement. It becomes a matter of being willfully negligent. They know there was a criminal act but they choose NOT to deal with it. Usually its done for political optics. Everyone who serves as a public servant knows what I am talking about. We have all seen it at one level or another. This whole SNC garbage is no different.
        Works the opposite if there is something to be gained and you end up with an Admiral Norman case. Of course neither of these scenarios serve justice.

  7. This confirms something for me.

    The folks at the top, where so convinced of their plan that not one of them had the temerity to actually read the “solution”.
    The ones that did read it are the same ones that had the task of taking orders and knew this didn’t pass the smell test. That and the memory of Paul Martin blaming a few rogue bureaucrats for Adscam is burned into the collective memory of the public service. They could see this thing going south and as consultations are part of the process, the underlings in charge of writing said law went to the underlings at justice to get some information to insulate themselves from future repercussions.
    I concur that JWR wasn’t the first to halt this, but that was the beauty of the law, she only has to concur with a decision of the DPP not decide for the DPP.
    The smart ones at the top never read the law, or they would have known that.
    Now, speculating on outcomes, and what we know about the shiny pony branding, what leverage does SNC have that the liberals would put that at risk for one firm in Montreal? I know about the political angle, but that defies logic as the liberal campaign plank, Justin, is the one that they are sacrificing to do this favour.
    Why go to this much trouble for SNC when they didn’t have to?
    Its either blackmail or incompetence at a level I had never thought possible before.

  8. Any other companies apply for a DPA?

    I think it reasonable to assume the DPA legislation was drafted, tabled and passed for the benefit on one company (client) only.

    1. Yes, clearly the DPA amendment was passed for the benefit of a single, well connected corporation.

      However, as an unintended consequence, will other companies, foreign and domestic, thus see the Liberal DPA, as a “get out of jail free” card, for doing similar business in or from Canada and abroad?

      Note- unlike Canada, many third world nations have seen major increase in GNP, massive decreases in poverty over the last 20 years or so. Thus part of that growing wealth is being spent on the infrastructure required permanently lift them out of poverty, which attracts SNC-Lavalin et al. .

      However, most of what really keeps 3rd world nations impoverished is political corruption. Hence, why the OECD agreed to suppress corrupt commercial practices that developed nation’s companies have with the 3rd world. Therefore, it does not support the plight of the 3rd world, (you Liberal hypocrites !) to allow your corporations to engage in corrupt practices e.i. bribery.

      1. The AG could waive criminal charges or mitigate them somewhat under normal prosecution rules if, despite substantial probability of a conviction, there was a reference to the “national interest” of greater import than normal justice.

        But under DPAs, charges cannot be mitigated/dropped in that way because the “national interest” provision doesn’t apply in that case. Meanwhile Grits were saying don’t punish the company, punish the executives, which they did, but two have already had charges because the Crown did not proceed with a speedy trial. More like dragged their feet intentionally.

        But, this could still have gone away if Trudeau hadn’t demoted JWR. It’s not a leap of faith to assume he was looking for a compliant AG to let SNC off the hook?

        Trudeau’s OK with apologizing on our behalf for the past, whether we agree or not, but not for his present peccadillos.

        Trudeau as a person is not sorry; he’s just a sorry person imho, quite thin skinned and tin eared all at once.

        I will not say whether or not Trudeau has been truthful, other than to say the public does believe JWR, so by logical extension, they don’t believe him.

  9. Scratching Along Commenting
    1 hr ·
    I have listened to former Special Senior Advisor to P.M. Justin Trudeau, as Mr. Gerald Butts laid out the well prepared speech for the Half-Hour presentation to the House Judiciary Committee. My opinion of Mr. Butts remains the same, as previously commented. He is not a nice person.
    His presentation in fact was a steady misdirection away from having even a residue remaining of how much pressure the former Attorney General faced from both the PMO & the PCO. We were even allowed into the cutesy colloquial term, AJAC; being used by the PMO to have their smile about the Attorney General. This {acronym?} allowing the Committee and presumably the ordinary Canadian Citizen to share Mr. Butts world. Even with a smile this little sharing, was overshadowed by the __ everyone __but Mr. Butts; is responsible for this great tragedy to fall onto the Prime Minister’s great table of woe.

    Mr Bryson’s reason(s) for leaving Cabinet were not provided. Is it because of ill-health, age related in general, or dissatification with the indifference to ethics which has become increasingly evident in the Prime Minister’s Office–P.M.O.?

    We do not know; but!__ we do know there was a great deal of pressure brought to bear on Cabinet Minister Bryson, for not running in the 2019 October Federal Election. Plus Mr. Bryson’s resigning His Cabinet Position Just in thinking piling up more and more on the PMO.
    Actually when reviewing the details provided in Mr. Butts presentation, it does seem if nasty Mr. Bryson had not concluded to resign none of these events under Mr. Butts responsibility would have occurred.

    I also find the reference by Gerald Butts to Climate Change a confirming of my opinion of Mr. Butts as a not a nice person. This recollection bringing forward my memory of an Anglican Rector frequently referring to; and I paraphrase ;– ——-‘But it will provide jobs! when the recommendation to place Solar Panels on the Roof of the Rural Churc.h. An opportunity to take advantage of the ability to gather in Ontario Tax-payer funding if we did this. Repeated several times, as if it was oblivious to a group of a Church Senior members deciding this was not appropriate.

    Mr. Butts has been a major player of placing Ontario in the terrible Financial Deficit Ontario is now trying to correct. In fact Mr. Butts was forced to rescind an Expense Claim of $ 500,000.00 –half a milion — Ontario Tax-payer funds for making a move from Toronto to Ottawa.
    A decision He and another staff member decided it was to their advantage, when the Liberal Party become the Federal Government in 2015.

    The presentation by Mr. Butts to the Judiciary Committee essentially settles in as; 1/. it is really Mr. Bryson’s fault, regardless of how much pressure was applied to convince Bryson to change his mind, He won’t. 2/. The fomer Attorney General is a bad person for being forced to set aside Her Dream and to ignore Her life-long understanding and opposition to the perpetuation of cruelty to the First Nations by the Indian Act. The ongoing Liberal Party policy of harm to Canada’s Indigenous {Mr. Butts’ Wording} People. 3/. The only People who have not been contributors to this unfortunate situation placed on Gerald Butts’ best friend Justin Trudeau are the temporary People under Mr. Butts’ control.
    Mr Butts I am still of the opinion, You are not a nice person.

    1. Has anyone filed a complaint with the OSC? There HAS to have been wilful deception by the Senior Executive at SNC, and the stock has taken quite the hammering since the Globe broke the story. Remember, guys, they broke Home Capital for a F+CK of a lot less … I guess HC was not Frenchie-poo Gag-nasty (as demented ole grampa in Southpark would say) enough?

  10. Another trial the pissants in the PMO want no part of is Vice Admiral Mark Norman.

    They thought they’d show him who’s boss…..yeah right. Norman is a man of character- something bongo and the PMO have no experience with. He fought back and wasn’t about to leave with his reputation besmirched by a bunch of pissant politicos.

    Look for the libranos to throw in the towel, drop the charges and offer a settlement to Mark Norman so large that he will forego reinstatement and give the libranos a way to say, “yes we settled but he wasn’t reinstated.”

    That might be the way out of this for bongo and avoid another embarrassment.

    1. What’s an Admiral who is falsely disgraced worth? You are talking Muslim terrorist kind of cash.

    2. I can as a fellow RMC grad and in my first year, Admiral Norman’s father was the Commandant, the values of ex-buds continue beyond the “Truth, Duty, Valour” ethos of the Canadian Military Colleges (CMC).

      That is important because even if Admiral Norman did leak documents and tried to hide that, once he was accused he was honour bound to fall on his sword and TELL THE TRUTH.

      So if he is guilty, he obviously has to have lied to the military, the Crown and the Canadian public, repudiating his integrity.

      If he is a scumbag then fine, but that doesn’t seem the case. If he lied, he is persona non grata to CMC types and CF members.

      IOW, lacking any evidence to the contrary, I believe Admiral Norman, which if I’m correct, means more bad hair days for Grits.

      1. I agree with your last sentence enough that I contributed to his fundme campaign. One does not get to his position and rank by being a scumbag.
