38 Replies to ““Why should I sell your canola?””

  1. Here in the Bridge, Richardson’s has a very large crushing and processing facility employing quite a few people with good paying, steady work.

    I wonder if Le Dauphin is going to fight for their jobs

    1. C in the B, IF Richardson’s has every employee make the max donation to the LPC, $1600 each, I bet Trudeau would fight for their jobs, not as much as he would for Quebec jobs ,as Quebecers are a superior lot compared to us unwashed masses in the West, but I bet he’d make one ‘a them “Sunny Ways” speeches right in your hometown!

      Just think,YOU could have a selfie taken with the PM!

  2. Now Chris. You wouldn’t want our illustrious Prime Minister to accuse you of playing “Divisive Politics”, would you? That is going to be his entire re-election campaign. Captain Canada vs Evil Western Seperatists. Those dirty oil, planet killing Albertans need to be put in their place. Re-elect Trudeau ’19 !!!!!!

  3. 17 automated tweets?

    Chicom agitprop. They, like the ruskies are master propagandists.

    They have a pretty good stockpile of canola right now but over the long run their processor’s will start to run out and need supply.

    They did the same to US beans. Huffed and puffed and said, “that’s it, no more US beans”….until they ran short. They also have the option of back door purchases- Canadian canola through 3rd party countries – same move they did with beans.

    It’s all political. The chicoms are ratcheting up the pressure until Canada caves and releases Megs Wazoo. Once that happens they will continue to punish us until the quebek mafia (the Power Corp boys) negotiate a truce and the stealing resumes.

    1. Hence I have NEVER enrolled onto Fackebook or Twitter, or any other masshole platform. However, I do have some compassion for those who are unable to think for themselves.

  4. In a way this demonstrates what a useless platform Twitter is.

    As for our manchild PM, let us not forget he loves the commies.

    And let us also not forget that we have a PM who is now totally out of his depth on many files, and his seedy partner and chief string puller Butts is a bit preoccupied saving his own rear to assist.

  5. Ignoring the supposed causes of each, isn’t it interesting how the economies of the non-Catholic parts of Canada are being systematically isolated and destroyed?

    Perhaps potash is next.

  6. Trudeau has shown commie China they can have their way with him, he also admires the way they can turn their economy around on a dime. Who in the world with a brain beyond that of a turnip could take him seriously?

  7. Nothing special. For the Chinses communist government, trade is a form of warfare, that is why they control commerce and industry in their country. They’ll avoid a shooting war if they can subdue us by non-violent methods, but they do intend to become so dominant that they in effect rule the world. If that weren’t their aim, there would be no point to ruling their country as they do, they could just work for themselves getting rich and enjoying it.

  8. the chirese have utter contempt for others, including other chirese as they proved for the last, oh, whats about, mmmmm, gonna trim it a bit and say 4,000 years.

    its the warlord syndrome for the modern age. THEY are ‘warlord’ to the rest of the world.
    and they hold grudges for centuries. mebbe some ‘karma’ involved in relation to the 1800s and early 1900s. google ‘opium wars’.
    and tq tq tq for that sordid episode dear brittania.

  9. The tweets appear to be from legitimate insurance companies, re-tweeting an anti-canola blurb in the mistaken belief that policyholders are killed before their time by eating oils and fats.

    In reality oils and fats are part of a balanced diet—as opposed to refined sugar, which has no known health benefits and is solely responsible for the obesity plague of the western world.

  10. Canola oil is not in the same league as butter or olive oil. It is used in a way similar to vegetable or corn oil, often for deep frying. Who deep fries with butter or olive oil? Who puts canola oil on their salad? Who puts canola oil on their sandwiches? They sell canola in buckets, olive oil in bottles and butter in one pound blocks. The people who wrote that tweet are not interested in your health.

    1. In my experience, the vast majority of people who claim to know what’s good for YOUR health … have no idea whatsoever they’re talking about.

    2. Margarine made with canola oil is a thing, as is salad dressings. Go read some labels at your local grocery store.
      It’s not just for frying.

      1. You should never eat margarine or store-bought salad dressing. I thought the world knew this. The latter is full of sugar and fat and is high in sodium. Only “salad” with high quality single-pressed extra virgin olive oil and use unsalted butter for cooking. Otherwise you will get fat and ugly.

        Canola oil, like vegetable (mostly soybean) and corn oil is highly processed to remove any taste. Why would you eat something that has the taste removed? These oils are very cheap and that is the primary reason people buy them.

        1. canola is grown in fields slathered with Roundup. It is processed with heat and varsol to separate it from the chaffe.
          Pure poison. It isnt good for you. Should be used to power diesel trucks only.

    1. Ah yes, her 100% Canadian father. Not her mother, the bastard of a runaway “Ukrainian” Nazi by the whore who passed as his wife so she wouldn’t be put down like the dog she was by the Red Army.

      Reminder that Chrystia Chomiak is not a Canadian, she is an illegal immigrant from Russia.

  11. Nefarious or not, I must agree with those tweets. Canola oil is terrible stuff.

  12. There might be a bit more to this than economic warfare. Rumor is that China is have a major African Swine Flu epidemic that is taking out large chunks of their livestock. As a result, there was significant drop in soybean imports (major component of pig feed). By, shutting down rapeseed imports (Canola), there would be a growing need to increase (stabilize) the soy imports. The by-product would be to put pressure on Canada, of course.

    Simply put, Soy Canola and corn based livestock feeds all were decreased over the last fiscal year due to a reduction in livestock requiring the feed. The main motivation may be to stabilize one of these industries at the expense of the others. Soy was the likely choice because it is much more of a “cash cow” for China. China has a history of understating the negatives of their country. It’s possible that the Swine Flu was much more devastating that stated in their controlled press.

  13. The Chicoms must have a healthy inventory so they continue to throw another f..k into Canada, a nation they have little respect for given its virtue signalling, poseur, PM c/w paper tiger military. Good thing the Spawn’s father dropped recognition of Taiwan to give us an inside edge with them. sarc/off. Selling anything to the Chicoms includes lots of attached strings, some, not worth the bother.

    Like all commodities, unless the Chicoms are changing their diet, they will eventually be back in the market for Canola resulting in demand somewhere for Canadian production.

    Perhaps the producers should look at adding more Canola into farmed-fish feed and convert it into something much tastier.

  14. Those anti canola oil tweets are prime examples of the misinformation about many subjects that is so prevalent these days. For decades ‘studies’ showed that Canaola Oil was among the healthiest of the cooking oils, now suddenly it is not good for us…I call bullsh*t.

    I posit that maybe the Chinese cut off canola products from Richardson’s because the Richardson firm has been in the Liberal Party camp for many decades. These was even a Richardson family member that served as a cabinet minister in Trudeau senior’s government. Can’t remember his name…Otto Lang maybe?

      1. Exactly, and in fact, as is mentioned in the wiki article, he supported the Reform Party in its infancy. Richardson would certainly not fit in with the progressive/Marxist Liberals of today.

        So I may be wrong about the Richardson family being in the Liberal camp. In that case it may well be because the Richardson firm is probably the largest all Canadian owned firm.

    1. Otto Lang worked for Richardson’s after leaving politics.
      Yes, the Richardson family is still closely tied to the Liberal Party of Canada and Manitoba.
      Hartley Richardson (nephew of the late James Richardson, MP during the Trudeau years.) became the public head of the family, after the death of his father George in 2014. George was a low profile person, not a flashy public figure like his brother James.

      1. Maybe the family is split like many are, with some being conservatives and some being liberals.

  15. PM Juthtin hands out canola oil by the gallon at all his pride parades for later on when the fun moves to the back alley.
    They don’t call it rape seed for nothing.

    1. hb, this type of article was featured on the evening news a few nights back, but the frustrating part is they didn’t show the fakes ,only said that if you bought cheap olive oil ,it was fake. Local auto dealers claim if you don’t buy their most expensive model, you aren’t getting good quality,so who to believe?
      And they don’t give a price level,so is the $4/liter @ Walmart definitely counterfeit? What about the $15/liter at the specialty market, is it as pure as the $21, or $30, or $40/l olive oil? How much do you have to spend to be guaranteed it’s the real stuff? They weren’t very helpful, just spreading fear and confusion.

      The article say Tunisia is taking up the slack in the market from Italy due to the tree destroying bacteria ravaging Italian olive crops in Puglia,the main region for genuine extry whirgin eye-talian olive oil. So,I have no reason to distrust the Tunisians,and if their product is cheaper for a variety of reasons,I’ll buy it. Or just go with grapeseed oil.

      1. correct on ALL points don.
        that pattern of flakey inconclusive unhelpful ‘reportage’ is, I find, endemic to media.
        seems soooooo much can be relegated to ‘sound bite’ category. this has been true a VERY long time.
        how often is some scandal announced, a fire investigation, payola thing, muckraking etc up the wazoooo . . . .

        and no followup *whatsoever*. I have at times attempted to contact the reporters for some sort of same,
        the response is usual no response.
        no follwup, no ‘headline part 2’. whole lotta NUTHIN.
        aka today’s media presents !!!!

  16. The he’ll with China. All of us in business have lost big customers at one time or other. When it happens we gut it out and find new business. I know it’s stupid Canadian policy that caused this but we have to keep going. Part of keeping going is pressurizing provincial premiers to call for separation referenda.
