Dead Rose Country

Licia Corbella;

The circumstances surrounding the appointment of anti-Alberta oil activist Ed Whittingham to the Alberta Energy Regulator are even more troubling than initially believed.
Whittingham, the former executive director of the Pembina Institute from 2011 to 2017, was appointed to the five-year, part-time, quasi-judicial AER board on Feb. 12 by Alberta Energy Minister Marg McCuaig-Boyd.
As a board member, Whittingham is one of the bosses of the AER’s interim president and CEO, Gordon Lambert. The problem with that is Whittingham and Lambert are co-founders and business partners of Academy for Sustainable Innovation (ASI).
If that sounds overly cosy, it is.

27 Replies to “Dead Rose Country”

  1. Notley’s NDP have been working to shut down the oil sands for years. I had meetings with NGOs in 2004 where members told me their objective was to land lock Alberta oil. At that time I became aware of the US funding of that goal.

    What is even more insidious is the appointment of numerous environmental anti-hydrocarbon activists to positions in government. This week I heard a radio interview where someone has compiled that list and it is truly stunning.

    I was driving, so I couldn’t write down the name of the person being interviewed, so I apologize for not providing a link. Perhaps someone on SDA has a link to this info?

      1. All ties into Trudeau advisers Butt, McKenna et al; all were funded by these Foundations including the Great Manatee Elizabeth May. A Global Plot to Landlock Alberta.

      2. Watcher, thanks for the link to the pod cast. Much appreciated.

        I hope the people at will publish the list so everyone can see it.

  2. Alberta oil and gas industry overseen by people who want it shut down.

    At some point we will need a reckoning with the imbeciles who have their slimy grip on the levers of power in this country.

  3. Boards stuffed with anti-Oil partisans such as these can be very effective mechanisms for giving cover to politicians who pretend to support the Oil and Gas sector in public. They are actually downloading the de facto killing to such Boards resulting in harassment, delays, and calls for endless studies. Whittingham has been described as Tzeporah Berman 2.0 and this is right out of the NDP playbook.

    1. I posted this last week. 32 Trillion to be wiped out in oil and gas investments because of enviro activists controlling the Boards of these huge oil and gas companies. Think of Alberta’s Oil and Gas Industry in the same context only the enviro’s ie Notley are running the Oil and Gas in Alberta. Elections have consequences. Also this am on Oil the Norwegian 1 Trillion Oil and Gas Fund is getting rid of all of their oil and gas stocks. Kinda ties into all of this story.

  4. In reply to Joe, I heard part of the same interview on CHQR. The name of the group is Action Alberta ( and I was hoping their website had that list posted but I couldn’t find it. It was a very revealing list the guest talked to the host about. I’m sure you could find it in their podcast.

    1. The broadcast was on March 7 on Afternoons With Rob Breakenridge, titled Who’s who. The host interviews Bob Iverach who started Action Alberta.

  5. Further to the Reuters article. I read the same report from statscan and the Financial Post, but after all the huffing and puffing the last line clarifies that there were fewer overall hours worked but more workers supposedly do the same job. If you remember the original Statscan chief resigned in 2016 because the Liberals were telling him to fudge numbers. It looks like the new guy doesn’t have any ethical impairments.

  6. The Pembina Institute received Millions from US Trust Funds and basically the same Trust Funds that fed Millions to Suzuki, the Indian Chiefs and the various so called grass root Environmental groups to oppose pipelines and oil and gas. This was all reported as far back as Harper and Harper did nothing about this foreign interference.
    I do not think UCP will do anything either Jason Kenney is another CON a shade of Canadian Communism.
    The sheep must be managed for the Globalists.. They do not care who is the leader of the sheep. The message is the same.

  7. I’ve been saying this for years. When conservatives take power they need to clean the bureaucratic stalls and install conservatives. Ezra Levant running the CBC etc.

    Grow a set ffs!

  8. Jason Kenney is going to have to spend tens of millions firing Notley’s stay behind network. Everyone with a communist activist background should go Day One. Every day now and likely up to the election Notley is announcing the spending of hundreds of millions. Kenney is also going to have to walk all that back.

  9. Read about this in a different publication the other day. Actually prompted me to write an email to the Premier. Suggested she should either grow a brain or call an election. I expect neither.

  10. Make sure all friends and family hear this Podcast. Before it disappears. Jason Kenney needs to provide answers on what he is going to do about this. SNC Lavalin just bought TransMountain Pipeline. All the appeals against TransMountain by Indians and Enviro Groups were funded by these Foreign Trusts. Over 40 Enviro Advisers to Trudeau Government who had all been funded by these trusts embedded in Trudeau Government. Same in the Alberta Government. This is big.
    Alberta needs to get the FOOK OUT of Canada. Meantime Alberta needs to close off all rail lines going east and west, it needs to shut the TransCanada to all truck freight east and west. It needs to BOYCOTT all Canadian made Products.

  11. If I was in power. Here is what I would do.

    I would incorporate a Transfer Payment Tax. In other words to help us pay the transfer payments to Quebec and other provinces I would put a hefty Transfer Payment tax on any oil sourced out of Alberta to the rest of Canada. In other words any oil sent to BC would have a transfer payment tax, and any oil sent out of Alberta to the East would have a transfer payment tax.
    This would achieve 2 things.

    1. It would immediately raise the price of oil to the rest of Canada waking them up about the plight of Alberta and its energy industry.

    2. It would raise money by way of taxing the rest of Canada to help us with our lost revenues from the lack of pipeline approvals.

    1. I like how you think, but before you do that you need to kick Ottawa and Eastern Canada and BC in the nuts. Shut down all rail and hwy transport. Also close off all BC gas pipelines crossing Alberta. Shut in all gas and oil flowing to the east. Bankrupt their refineries. Sell them only refined products. It is just the same as the CWB and wheat. The CWB made millionaires by controlling the western wheat, the raw wheat went east to be ground into flour and the western farmer paid the freight. And accepted the price the CWB set for them. They even paid storage on it while it sat around in silos. Force the Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic and BC refineries to buy offshore oil. Make them subject to offshore tankers. Sell Alberta oil to the US only.

  12. The NDP is poisoning the well…..they know they are doomed and are essentially trying to pull an “Obama” and install their operatives throughout the government sector. Job one for Kenney will be to go after them hammer and tong.

    1. Actually, I think they took their lessons from Dave Barrett’s Dippers when they were in charge in B. C. in the early 1970s. For example, ICBC, one of abominations courtesy of Fat Little Dave (as he called himself), is still around. It would have cost too much money and effort for Bill Bennett’s Socreds to dismantle it.

      Similarly, Red Rachel is embedding her acolytes into the Alberta civil service and putting them in so deeply that it’s not worth the time or money to can them all.

      1. BA, re it won’t be worth the time or money to can them all. I think all the NDP environmental appointees should be given offices solely powered by wind and solar. As I write the wind power in Alberta is at 2% of capacity. The Brooks solar plant has finally started to produce electricity. It’s now at 50% of capacity, but for all of the cold weather in Feb and Mar it was producing 0.

    2. Re: The NDP is poisoning the well. Joey you are so right.

      The NDP 2018 budget predicts the budget deficit reaching 96 billion if the NDP are re-elected. That’s $22,000 per Albertan. The interest payments will be huge.

      1. And to think that Ralph Klein paid off the debt, and posted surplus’s year after year some of them as much as 14B. Not bad for a guy who dropped out of High School and was called a drunk. Instead the Communist PC Party of Alberta got rid of him and installed the old bastard Commie Stelmach. Jason Kenney will have his hands full and I do not expect much from him.
        He has the remnants of the PC Commies infested inside the UPC of Alberta.
        And he has spent years in Ottawa. An old Harper Commie Cast Off.
