The Libranos: SNC Lavalin

Andrew Coyne;

Wait, I thought it was all Scott Brison’s fault.
The usual anonymous sources are now whispering to reporters that the reason Jody Wilson-Raybould was fired as minister of justice and attorney general in January had nothing to do with her refusal to kill the prosecution of a Liberal-friendly firm in a province critical to the party’s election chances, as the prime minister and a phalanx of top officials had pressured her to do. No, according to reports by Canadian Press and CTV, it was because of her pick for a judicial appointment. […]
Several points are worth noting about this obviously deliberate leak. One is the casual violation of the very confidentiality provisions that are supposedly so sacred to Trudeau that he cannot fully release Wilson-Raybould, even today, from their clutches.
The second is the willingness, in the service of undermining the credibility of the former attorney general, to smear not only her — apparently in addition to being “difficult” and “in it for Jody,” she’s a crazed social conservative — but a sitting judge.

Sounds cordial.



They had to ask?

80 Replies to “The Libranos: SNC Lavalin”

  1. The Liberals are trying to blame one of their own as the culprit of why SNC affair was started but it’s all bullshit. The liberals are in a power of who will control fight and some are gunning for Trudeau’s head for they want to lead the party. The women liberals want to wrestle control away from the liberal men is what my gut feeling is telling me for all the women reporters are also pushing their own women narrative.

    But remember the real reason SNC started was for Big corporations can now avoid criminal prosecution in Canada – so long as they’re big enough to afford lobbyists.

    As of September 19th, 2018 the Criminal Code of Canada was quietly altered to allow for what’s called a ‘Deferred Prosecution Agreement’ (DPA), essentially a special plea deal for the well-connected.

    Don’t remember hearing of this? That’s because the Liberals did their best to keep it quiet by burying a clause allowing DPA’s in a last-minute addition to their 582-page Omnibus Budget Bill.

    In the 2018 Federal Budget, the Trudeau government quietly included an amendment to the Criminal Code allowing for Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPA’s). By June 21st, 2018, the government passed omnibus Bill C-74 which included this amendment. As of September 19th, 2018 the Criminal Code now allows for the Deferred Prosecution Agreements that SNC-Lavalin was lobbying for.

    But that was just the 1st part of the battle for SNC-Lavalin. Not only did they have to lobby to get DPA’s introduced into the Criminal Code, they also have to lobby to get the prosecutors to invite them to negotiate a DPA instead of continuing with the criminal court case.

    The liberals are self destructing but if they have a woman take Trudeau place as leader all bets are off.

    1. “real reason SNC started was for big corporations to avoid criminal prosecution”?

      I think the briberals are afraid of a trial for SNC, cause someone may start singing like a canary and some liberals will get caught.

  2. when I hear Iacobucci is under criminal investigation………………………………………..

    1. Yes Ken:

      per Mercedes Stephenson@MercedesGlobal 9h9 hours ago
      “Justice Joyal says the reason why he withdrew his application from consideration for a Supreme Court position was his wife’s metastatic breast cancer. #cdnpoli #SNCLavalin”

      So the feminist fop PM Don Coreleone ties the Justice Joyal’s sick wife to the train tracks as well.

      Ooooh I’m sure that’ll play well with all fair minded folks…the power lust constitutional bun fight is ON!

      What a pack of hapless wonders running this complete and utter LIEberal train wreck.

      Well I will say that the ‘drama teacher’ has delivered an overwhelming amount of drama; but not in a good way.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

    2. May the smell continue to waft through the coming campaign, and may the Dear Leader and his children’s crusade of a government be consigned to the records of Canadian parliamentary history.

    3. “The stink from the Liberal cesspool is becoming overwhelming.”

      True, Ken. But only for that increasingly small percentage of the electorate that is repelled by the Ivory Tower Incest and the smells of excrement and carrion.

  3. JWR was the AG/Min of Justice when the Deferred Prosecution Agreement was drawn up and inserted into the ’18 budget. She might have worded the document herself. As Justice Minister she certainly knew the DPA well.

    Given this knowledge the argument that she needed a 2nd or 3rd opinion is specious.

    She blocked SNC from being offered a DPA for a reason.

  4. Buffalo Chronicle is back…

    Jacques Bougie, SNC Lavalin board member, informally lobbied Morneau’s wife

    A well placed source tell The Chronicle that Jacques Bougie, a member of SNC Lavalin‘s Board of Directors, informally appealed to Nancy McCain, the wife of Finance Minister Bill Morneau, to inquire whether there was anything she could do to help the construction giant secure a deferred prosecution agreement.

    source claims that McCain placated Bougie with niceties, but never intended to lobby her husband in any serious capacity, while encouraging Bougie to reach out to her husband directly.

    Bougie sits on the Board of McCain Foods — the world’s largest manufacturer of frozen potato products, the family-founded firm in which Nancy McCain retains a controlling stake. He serves on the Board with, among others, four members of the McCain family. His role on SNC Lavalin’s Board includes service on the Ethics Committee and Human Resources Committee. His compensation with the firm surpasses that of the firm’s Chairman Kevin G. Lynch.

    Bougie also sits on the Board of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.

    Story #2

    SNC Lavalin CEO’s wife, employed by Stephen Bronfman, to leave Canada imminently

    Emma Griffin and Neil Bruce, the CEO of SNC Lavalin, sold their Montreal home on March 14th for more than $3.3 million. They have not purchased a new home, and Journal de Quebec is reporting that the deed of sale for their Westmount home states that “she will soon become a non-resident of Canada”.

    It’s unclear if her move abroad is motivated by fear of criminal charges. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has had an open investigation into the firm since it was indicted by Swiss prosecutors in 2012.

    Bruce, as far as we know, does not intend to leave the country. He has said publicly that he plans to remain in Montreal but is in no rush to purchase another home.

    It was reported by TVA Nouvelles last month that Griffin was working as a non-executive director of Claridge Inc., the investment arm of Stephen Bronfman, the son of the late billionaire Charles Bronfman and the heir of the Seagrams liqueur fortune. Bronfman is a Liberal treasurer and has been described as a close friend to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In response to that report, Trudeau publicly denied that his office ever discussed the SNC Lavalin case with Bronfman.

    The Bronfmans have been the Liberal Party’s chief financiers for nearly 100 years.

    “Yes, she is on my advice,” Bronfman confirmed to Le Journal. “She is a very good businesswoman who provides considerable expertise.”

    Though she has no presence on the investment firm’s website, her move abroad is not expected to affect her employment position with Bronfman.

    Bronfman’s cousin, Sara Bronfman, is married to Basit Igtet.

    In 2010 Igtet founded the Independent Libya Foundation (ILF), an organization focused on supporting the fledgling rebel movement, and upon its founding, the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC).

    Spearheading the Bronfman financed campaign, Igtet lobbied for support from the international community to augment the process of recognition of the NTC as the sole legitimate governing body of Libya, following the assassination of Momahr Gaddafi in October of 2011.

    Earlier that year, in March 2011, Igtet hosted General Abdul Fatah Younis, the former Interior Minister of Libya under the Gaddafi government. Younis would become the leader of the rebel armed forces shortly thereafter. Igtet facilitated dialogue between Younis and NATO during a critical time for the rebel movement — which ultimately benefited from a NATO-led military intervention in 2011 to “defend the Libyan people from Gaddafi forces”.

    On November 19, 2011, Igtet organized an ILF delegation in Benghazi, Libya to present strategies for rebel re-integration. He aspired to become the leader of Lybia.

    1. This is leading to Benghazi people…

      Fawzi Bukatef, the leader in Benghazi of the rival Islamist militia February 17th Martyrs Brigade, claimed that members of the organisation had been responsible for the assassination of (Abdul Fatah Younis)

      On 24 July, Younis was reported by Al Bawaba to have been killed under “mysterious circumstances” on the first day of the Fourth Battle of Brega without specifying where they got such information.[12] Younis denied this report in a radio interview the next day.[2]

      On 28 July, Younis was placed under arrest to face questioning in Benghazi, the de facto capital of Libya under the NTC, on suspicion that his family had contacts with the Gaddafi regime.[13] The NTC said that he was summoned from the Brega front to answer questions regarding the misuse of military assets, but he never made it to the meeting.

      Later that day, Younis was killed under unclear circumstances. His body and those of two other officers were found dumped on the outskirts of Benghazi. They had been shot, and the bodies burnt afterwards.[6][14] NTC head Mustafa Abdul-Jalil said Younis was killed by pro-Gaddafi assailants, and the head of the group responsible had been arrested.[6] The Libyan government gave another version of the event, saying that Younis had been killed by the rebels because they thought he was a double agent.[15]

      In an email to Hillary Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal stated that “In July and August 2011 NTC ‘security officers’ discovered evidence that Younis was in secret contact with Saif al Islam Qaddafi. In response to this report a sensitive source stated that Jalil ordered NTC security officers to assassinate Younis while en route to a meeting at NTC headquarters. Jalil then reported that Younis had been killed by Islamist dissidents among his troops.”[16] Another leaked email by Sidney Blumenthal reports that French intelligence DGSE was informed that Jalil was responsible for the assassination of NTC military commander General Abdul Fatah Younes.[17]

      At his funeral, Younis was hailed as a hero of the revolution by his nephew. However, as he was laid to rest, his son broke down and yelled: We want Muammar to come back! We want the green flag back![18]


      A member of the rebel special forces and close aide to Younis said that he was killed by another group of rebels known as the 17 February Martyrs’ Brigade as a revenge attack for incidents that occurred when Younis was interior minister.[18] Finance Minister Ali Tarhouni, a high-profile member of the National Transitional Council in Benghazi, said that the suspect arrested in connection with the murder was a rebel militia leader, who confessed that his subordinates shot and killed Younis, instead of bringing him to Benghazi for questioning as ordered. Tarhouni added that it was not the militia leader but his lieutenants that did it.[19]

      According to the NTC, Younis was “summoned from the front by a committee of four judges with the knowledge of the NTC’s executive committee, the rebels’ de facto government.” However, the NTC said that it didn’t know “why this arrest (warrant) was issued”, “who was present at the meeting when the decision was made”, or “on what basis the decision was made.” According to military spokesman Colonel Ahmed Omar Bani, the judges who summoned Younis “did not have the authority do so” and “the defence minister had written a letter recalling the arrest warrant.”[20]

      A rebel official, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity, said Younis was brought back to the Benghazi area on 27 July, and held at a military compound until 28 July, when he was summoned to the Defense Ministry for questioning. When they left the compound, two men from the security team escorting the detainees opened fire on Younis from their car with automatic weapons, said the officer, who was at the compound and saw the shooting. He said the two men were members of the 17 February Martyrs’ Brigade and shouted that Younis was a traitor who killed their father in Derna, an eastern city. “The men’s leader was shouting, ‘Don’t do it!’ but they shot Younis and his two aides, and took their bodies in their car and drove away,” the officer said.[21] The NTC has confirmed that Younis was shot after he was released following questioning.[20]

      Tarhouni said it was not members of the 17 February Martyrs’ Brigade but of another brigade, the Obaida Ibn Jarrah Brigade, who had killed Younis. Rebels say the Obaida Ibn Jarrah Brigade was composed mainly of former prisoners of Gaddafi’s notorious Abu Salim prison in the capital Tripoli, who had always distrusted Younis. The brigade is named after one of the companions of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, and according to Reuters, the group is likely to have Islamist leanings. One rebel commander said Islamists whom Younis had targeted as interior minister may have killed him in retaliation.[22]

      Gaddafi’s government claimed that a rebel militant group aligned with al Qaeda killed Younis.[22]

      In an email to Hillary Clinton, journalist Sidney Blumenthal stated that “Zidan’s efforts are complicated by the ongoing legal problems of former National Transitional Council (NTC) leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, who will be questioned by both military and civilian prosecutors regarding his role in the July 2011 assassination of General Abdel-Fattah Younis, Gadhafi’s former interior minister and one of the first major defectors from the old regime. Jalil and 10 other NTC officials have been charged with Younis’ death, though none have been arrested”.[16]

  5. Well we all remember how the papa was with the ladies — love em and leave em.

    Maybe Justin decided to eliminate the first part.

  6. Bronfman heir launches Canada-Libya trade initiative

    An heiress to the Bronfman fortune and her Libyan fiancé have launched a trade initiative between Canada and Libya, saying they want to break the legacy of corrupt deals under Colonel Moammar Gadhafi.

    Sara Bronfman, 35, daughter of the billionaire Edgar Bronfman Sr., met a former civilian pilot named Basit Igtet, 41, over lunch during the height of the Libyan revolution last summer while he served as a diplomatic envoy for the Libyan rebels, helping them gain official recognition from foreign governments. Ms. Bronfman became passionately involved in the country’s troubles, even visiting the eastern city of Benghazi for what she calls “a few very intense days” in November.

    On Monday, they announced the creation of the Canada-Libya Chamber of Commerce, with Ms. Bronfman as president and Mr. Igtet as chairman. Their group doesn’t yet have a office in Canada or a functional website, but Ms. Bronfman says they have already decided to avoid dealing with SNC-Lavalin or other companies that are alleged to have had close ties with the Gadhafi family.

    1. Interesting find… no surprise the crooked Bronfmans are involved… there is a lot more to the Raybould firing then the Liberals or their Media want the public to know… I have zero faith in the RCMP, they’re as corrupt as their bosses in the Liberal Party… I wonder how much drug money, money laundering works its way into the Liberal Party or the Trudeau Foundation. Hopefully when the Turdhole wins the next election the west can finally put an end to Peeairs demented fiefdoms of Queerbek and get out of this corrupt french colonial shithole.

      1. That the Bronfmans are involved should not surprise anyone. All part of the Corrupt CABAL that is the true power in this country – Centered in the Otawa – Quebec City Corridor.

        We will leave this beyond fkd up country…or there will be civil war.

  7. So, let me get this straight — Trudeau, the alleged feminist, who didn’t bother to read his own bill on DPAs, did “research” on Justice Joyal, but didn’t notice that Mr. Joyal’s wife had breast cancer?

    “That story beggars belief!”, would be an understatement X 12.

    Dead man walking.

    1. It’s easy to see how an oversight like that could happen, when the extent of his “research” likely amounts to, “Gerry, how much has Mr. Joyal donated to the Liberal party?”

  8. Did you read the Bio’s of Joyal or Sheila Martin the SCOC pick. Telling. Joyal gave a speech about how the Charter of No Rights was impacting Governance in a so called Democracy. And how the Judiciary through the Charter were your new rulers not Parliament. Martin is a Globalist Multicultists, Farting Tap Dancing Quebecer, Diversity Diversity and Feminist Horn swaggler and Injun rights. Ha Ha Ha. Trudeau’s much worshipped gift, his Turd on the top of the BNA has made Canada ungovernable and you may as well start electing judges as they are the ones making law not your elected monkies.

    1. “may as well start electing judges as they are the ones making law not your elected monkies”… yep… exactly as Peeair intended.

  9. Brings a smile to my face that Trudeau is being brought down by two women. Either women can’t be trusted or Trudeau screwed them over. Either way I’m a winner (well people like me who enjoy irony).

  10. I read an article the other day that said that SNC is part of a large cabal of ‘international construction’ companies that have been cut off by the world bank so they are using Trudeau to set up the Canadian Investment Bank and are using it to bilk billions from Canada and Canadian taxpayers. Of course they had to get Justin elected and then they needed to control Justin which they have but now their toddler is destroying the furniture trying to stay in power after having done their bidding and tried to get SNC off the criminal hook. What I find interesting about the Judge is that this discussion was supposed to be part of cabinet confidentiality. The PMO is leaking cabinet discussions.

    Can the west just separate NOW?!

    1. Hey Joe the Albertan. No, you can’t separate until Justhtin is re-elected in October. Then it might be a stampede for the exits.

  11. Coyne? This guy?

    So, the dude did his best to help elect Justin Trudeau, (and was praised by the CBC, TO Star and other “principled” people) and now he’s going to speak “truth to power”?

    He HELPED bring the SNC-Liberals to power. He aided and abetted corrupt totalitarians. He helped screw over Alberta to the tune of hundreds of thousands of jobs. He’s been all in on the MSM agenda.

    You can trust him NOW though. Yup.

    He’s changed his tune BUT has he changed his agenda?

    Andrew COyNe.

      1. O.T. and Markon, Andrew Coyne is a puzzle. I would characterize him as a “pro-clean-government Liberal”, where he supports Liberal policy, but where he also supports cleanly-run government. I followed the AdScam scandal, back in the early 2000s, closely (I furnished the National Post and the Globe and Mail with unpublished documents from Public Works Canada), so I kept a fairly large news clipping file. And Andrew Coyne back then was a severe critic of Jean Chretien-styled corruption.

        Another strange bird is Paul Wells at Maclean’s. Unlike Coyne, Paul Wells developed crony relations with powerful Liberals (e.g. Scott Brison, Justin Trudeau). Typically his columns regurgitate Liberal policy points. Yet during the LavScam scandal Wells has been a screeching attack dog. Go figure.

        1. I remember those articles about Chretien and his influence pedaling and crooked dealings in Shawinigan PQ.
          Joe Clark and Andrew Coyne were right on point throughout that entire fiasco.
          The articles were so good I saved some of them.

        2. Yes, both Coyne and Wells have surprised me with their candid reporting on this story.

          Maybe there are some principled Liberals. Who knew?

          1. What’s going on now is something quite different. What’s happening now is we’re finding out who are still water-carriers for Spawn and his lackeys and prepared to spread rumours about JWR and Philpott. Thus far, Joan Bryden and Glenn McGregor have outed themselves as prime PMO fart-catchers. While Coyne and Wells are having nothing to do with the Spawn PMO spreading lies and character assassination.

            It will be interesting to see just how much of the MSM dogsbodies get dragged down with Spawn. SNC has already labelled him a liar, insisting that they never mentioned the loss of 9,000 jobs to Spawn’s flunkies. So even the supposed partners in crime are denouncing Spawn. So watch this space carefully, as there’s going to be some shakeout in the Canadian media establishment as well, as there’s now a growing separation between those who lie on Spawn’s behalf and those now denouncing it all.

          2. David, there actually is two great articles, back to back, on that link. The article by Paul Wells and Andrew MacDonald . You can tell Wells is not pleased with our PM’s shenanigans.

      1. Watcher, Deborah Coyne is Andrew’s cousin,not his sister. She bred with Pierre because she said she wanted a child fathered by a genius as she wanted to have a brilliant child, which speaks volumes about her ego.
        That’s HER description of Pierre , not mine.

        Btw, you probably know this,but Andrew’s daddy was James Coyne, governor of the Bank of Canada. It’s an incestuous little pit,is Canada.

        1. OK thanks Don my memory is crap some days. I have been trying to keep tabs on the crime wave for so long I get mixed up sometimes. But all connected by the Criminal octopus on the Slave Ship Canada.

        2. Deborah Coyne better have her daughter monitored for a metal illness as mental instability is a prime trait of the Trudeau family and the evidence of that mental instability was never so manifestly evident than in the crazy Jesuit commie POS, Peeair. Did Peeair have an offspring that wasn’t a complete imbecile? Just sayin.

  12. The Liberals cover one lie with another. Who would have guessed the PM even asked for the Attorney General’s opinion on judicial appointments? And why would the PM care the slightest what the Attorney General thought? The PM makes the appointments.

  13. Has anyone in the media noticed that every word out of Trudeau’s mouth is a lie?
    That might be worth a column or two.
    Or is lying and dishonesty so universally accepted as normal by journalists that they don’t see it?
    Do fish notice water?

  14. As is usual in the case like this, you don’t pick a favored.
    Same crap different file.

    The only thing that could be said in favor of is, that smiling cheeks Andy Scheer heard about it and actually spoke.

  15. I would call him a disgusting creep, but disgusting creeps would suffer for the comparison.

    Every word out of his mouth is either a lie or full-retard stupid. Full stop.

  16. This scandal seems to be pitting all the right people against each other.
    Liberals attacking liberals
    Laurentian Elites attacking Laurentian Elites.
    Liberal media attacking other liberal media.
    The only thing I can’t figure out is where the downside in all this is?

    1. Doug Young still doing good work with the NFA? We had a mutual friend years back Good Buddy Don. Don and I worked together to try and elect Danielle Smith. Years back.

  17. So the Liberals aren’t gonna have another loyal Liberal on the bench until Wednesday. WHAT GREAT NEWS! Liberals destroying Liberals. I hope it never ends.

    Only so much graft to be had in the crab bucket… Not surprising they fight over it. Lavalin had a choice to pay off the PM, or the AG; they picked Trudeau. Jody didn’t like that.

    Coyne can’t defend both, so he is picking Jody.

    Which means he thinks Jody is winning the fight.

  18. The party leading this country is in a real quagmire…’s a gong show, there are more than a few who need to be gonged off the stage starting at the top. Corruption can’t be ignored, using it for votes is as low as it goes, this is not yet a banana republic but there are tactics being used which we could expect in one.

    1. Yes, hopefully there is a continuous stream of revelations until the fall. Maybe enough Canadians will wake up to the disaster they elected in 2015 to relegate the Liberals into oblivion.

    1. Neil MacDonald is on the side of wrong, he’s a shill for the Liberals, there’s no credibility in the excrement of journalism that supports corrupt practices in government. Trudeau is proving to be an empty suit with a name tag hanging on for dear life, can’t even talk like he knows what he’s doing.

      1. Also, in years gone by, Jewish-Canadians have complained about Macdonald’s often brazen anti-Semitism and Jew-baiting. Even by CBC standards, Macdonsld’s hatred has been rather ripe.

      2. Compare the MacDonald interviews with Harper and Trudeau during the 2015 election.

        One interview was obsessed with Duffy while the Dustin interview was a typical leftist love-in, with his lies about the Harper non-deficit and Trudeau’s ludicrous “modest deficits under $10b” got a free ride.

        McDonald and his fellow Grit sycophants were all proven wrong after the election; Harper was right; but too late.

        Will it be too late again?

    1. That is how Chretien brought in Homosexual marriage, he would not challenge lower court rulings by Liberal Judges. The Black Robed Priests run the government and this provides cover to all the insane Lib/Con/NDP Globalist agenda.

  19. “Conrad Black: SNC-Lavalin is a sideshow to the real Wilson-Raybould issue
    She was seriously underqualified to be minister of justice, but personified the fusion of two groups to which the Trudeau Liberals prostrated themselves”


    “Wilson-Raybould came out of the ministerial gate like a fire horse and throughout her tenure wore her nativist colours threadbare. She declared the so-called Indian treaties to be invalid, and redefined them as the right of the natives “to self-determination and self-government.” She was instrumental in trumpeting the (Justin) Trudeau government’s “Rights and Recognition Framework,” unveiled in February 2018, as shifting the rights under Section 35 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as not applying only to Aboriginal rights that existed in 1982, but to all laws and official practices.

    This would, in practice, have a severe impact on the disposition, regulation or exploitation of any significant natural resource anywhere in Canada. The economic development and growth of Canada that had anything to do with natural resources would be dictated by any of these 600 native organizations all purporting, with enthused government quiescence, to be “nations” negotiating, on a basis of equality with the one nation of all the rest of Canada, i.e., one nation of 601 juridically equal entities, although one particular entity comprises 98.5 per cent of the population and has been recognized by the world as Canada’s government for 152 years.”

    There’s lots more:

    1. The only way out of the Indian Mess created by the Charter and courts is a declaration of UDI by the Province. Hopefully Alberta goes first.

  20. That the Bronfmans are involved should not surprise anyone. All part of the Corrupt CABAL that is the true power in this country – Centered in the Otawa – Quebec City Corridor.

    We will leave this beyond fkd up country…or there will be civil war.

  21. I’m not sure that the judge story is not just another diversion. What is Judge Joyal’s record on native rights? If his judicial record is one of sympathy/activism to the cause I could see JWR lobbying for giving him a seat on the SCC. Bongo wanted a SJW who favours the LGBPT cause. He got it in Sheila Martin.

    The libranos are floating one idea after another to confound and obfuscate. The average voters head is spinning trying to sort this thing out.

  22. So, how much damage does this inflict on the Supreme Court of Canada? Trudeau all but admitted that it is politics, not merit, that determines appointments. Most conservatives suspected as much but Trudeu has basically confirmed that top judges must be a big L Liberal and fully believe in the progressive, big government ideology. So, thinking that most Supreme Court cases are a rubber stamp for Liberals and progressive cases and a brick wall against conservatives and libertarians cases is probably quite accurate. Didn’t the PMO strongly suggest that former chief justice Beverley McLachlin could “help” JWR to make the “right” decision on SNC, thereby helping Trudeau’s Liberal government. How long has that type of arrangement existed Supreme Court judges? Another formerly respected institution goes down in flames. More evidence that Canada is sliding towards being a banana republic?

    I suspect that the Supreme Court of Canada has already decided in favor of the Liberal Party on Saskatchewan’s carbon tax case challenge – a stitch up, as the British say.

    1. Very good post and I believe you are absolutely right.

      The left holds the power in the Supreme Corrupt Court and in our Lefty Communist Public Service that never leaves their grip on the power to run this country as they see fit unelected as we’ll as politically appointed.

      1. This is the big reason I find Cons disgusting, as well as Liberals. The Cons under Harper had an airtight majority and he wet himself. He lied on Gun Control and did nothing about the entrenched Deep State Government Bureaucracy. Nothing about the CBC etc.

  23. Rex launches at Orca with a whale of an article, harpooning the jobs claim, its mendacity, duplicity and hypocrisy.

    “How long can this simmering turbulence be ignored or passed by, before there are consequences for the whole country, both economic and political? In sum, the fight over natural resources is stirring profound strains within Confederation itself. And yet for the majority of the present government’s mandate, the issue received but glancing or rote attention from Ottawa.”

    Then, if I may be colloquial, along comes SNC-Lavalin, and Jody Wilson-Raybould’s demotion and subsequent resignation from the Trudeau cabinet. It is instructive to contrast Ottawa’s dealings or attempted dealings with SNC-Lavalin with its responses or non-response to the more protracted and consequential problems in the oil industry.”

  24. SNC is the subject of an OECD watch. They’re on the OECD corruption list. They’ve earned it.

    The Chilean government has now cancelled a contract with SNC. It is a mine development worth 250m.

    SNC cannot be criminally convicted and barred from bidding on federal government contracts. They must be given a pass with a DPA because no DPA equals no pipeline for SNC and therefore no pipeline for Alberta. If the price of this mean impoverishment for Alberta…well so be it.

  25. The Trudeau Liberals have basically admitted that they : pressured the federal public prosecutor to help SNC, repeatedly pressured Canada’s attorney general to help SNC, were going to pay a former Supreme Court justice to “hopefully” write a favorable report for SNC, then after firing the troublesome attorney general (replaced by a yes man) they try to smear the fired AG by leaking confidential personal information about a sitting provincial chief justice and, incidentally perhaps, implicate Canada’s Supreme Court and its appointment process. These are not signs of a healthy, unbiased justice system.

    It’s not a stretch to assume that if the Liberals use this much pressure to (attempt) to corrupt the justice system to help their friends that they’d use that much pressure to (attempt) to corrupt the justice system to harm their enemies. After all, the Trudeau Liberals and many in the media don’t even think the Liberals have crossed any ethical lines at all. Classic banana republic thinking.

  26. CBC broke away from the Ethics Committee Meeting and said they would come back when the vote comes so I switched to CTV and they ran the whole meeting.



    Corruptly Blinding Canadians

  27. On Physiognomy

    Chickens will literally peck to death any chicken that fails to meet a certain standard within the flock and that cattle will socially ostracize an unfit calf or cow regardless of how long it remains with the herd. Farmers and ranchers have long known of this phenomenon and often rely on their flocks and herds to help them cull out those that fail to make the fit.

    Of course human beings are not farm animals and this is by no means a tract on how we should treat those examples of our own species that fail to meet the standards, although our society has numerous avenues for doing just that, like the justice system and the media. Currently we are experiencing a period where both of those organs of the State ae working at precisely the opposite of their intent, searching out the most fit, the healthiest, the beautiful and the talented in order to promote the weakest, the most corrupted and unhealthy examples at the expense of the rest.

    Read the rest here

  28. I think the era of peaceful, non-violent transitions of government in the Western World is now coming to a close. Hey pretty soon there won’t be any great reason left to choose Canada over Mauritius! Same corruption, WAY lower taxes and better beaches, weather and culture.

    We are approching emigration lawyers already…

  29. if the liberals continue to back this halfwit, their demise is assured. With the exception of the brain dead in Toronto and the east most canadians are catching on


    but in reality, Jussie Turdoo will probably skate just like Jizzie Smallset has.

    One rule for the politburo, one for the proletariat

  31. “SNC-Lavalin is instructive on many levels. If, ironically or otherwise, it actually woke up government to the real significance of the natural resources economy” Rex Murphy

    Hmm Why did it need to be SNC, other than the Quebec Election… The freak in Alberta needed a Pipeline, or “not”
    This may have been a Fake pipeline election issue with a friendly group, who knew they would not be building anything..
    Store Front operation ready to go up in smoke in 2020….
