7 Replies to “The Sound Of $ettled $cience”

  1. And hand in hand with that:

    I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good.
    Adam Smith

  2. Eisenhower was yet another president with a great deal to offer and a great wisdom . . . . .
    pilloried by the media of the day.
    fcuk media, theyve been LYING to us for generations.
    oh, look, a brand new avenue for information, opinion, spin, spin, spin but at least ITS OUT THERE unlike the one dimensional crapola that the TURDoo insists on funding to the tune of 600 MILLION.

  3. Big science AND the Military-Industrial Complex !

    If only Ike had mentioned the Aliens too ?!

    Seriously – best Presidential Farewell ever, by Ike and his writers. Amazingly prescient.

    ( BTW – anyone been charged with fraud over this, or just another example of the Protected Classes buying a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card ? )

  4. When does Penn State get the swat-team raid…Goggle has hidden the hockey stick report (search won’t find it on the Web), the response by a certain professor to scientific misconduct charges @ Penn State….Paraphrasing “My research was preliminary work product not meant for publication”

    BTW: I read it before it was hidden


  5. Here’s how the AGW scam got started by James Hansen and Colorado Senator Wirth.
    They were actually trying to get federal funding to start building their empire at NCAR in Colorado.
    It eventually worked way, way beyond expectations.


    The really disgusting part of this outrageous scam is the amount of public tax dollars mis-allocated to chasing Unicorn farts around the world when there are so many other, and far more important, items for govts to spend the people’s hard earned tax dollars on.
    Tar, feathers and pitch forks would be too easy on those lying SOBs.

  6. This madness needs to end…

    God help us all…

    I posted it all so my apologies but it’s our kids being abused by false corrupt teachings period.

    News Release: 500+ Ministry children in “Gender Therapy” in Richmond, Delta and Surrey ALONE!

    March 25, 2019 (CultureGuard) — Culture Guard has demanded that Premier Horgan launch an inquiry into a BC ‘clinic’ run by the controversial Dr. Wallace Wong that has more than 500 “Ministry” children as patients of his “gender” clinic. The head of the clinic told a parents meeting that the number of children needing treatment has multiplied 125 times—12,500 percent!—since 2010.

    Culture Guard representatives secretly recorded the February 28, 2019, meeting that took place in Vancouver!

    [snipped. Stop posting entire articles – ED]

    Link to Wallace Wong transcript & audio


    Link to Premier Horgan letter


    Contact: Kari Simpson, (778) 277-2201

    Paul Dirks, (604) 533-9414

