16 Replies to “But aren’t all women innocent victims?”

  1. In the end it will come to pass that men (and it will be men) will perfect the artificial uterus and break woman’s monopoly on gestating men’s sons.

    At that point women will need to explain why men should still regard them as anything but another band of pampered parasites overdue for dispatch to the nearest dogfood factory—much less allow them to squander 80 percent of private consumption on themselves. My dog costs a fraction of what my ex-wife cost, and is a hundred times more loyal.

    The moral of the Eden story is this: The root of all evil is not money. It’s women who don’t know when they’re well off—which is almost all of them.

    1. Remarkable, so what you’re saying is that at least once in the history of this planet there was a human female sufficiently desperate to marry someone like you?

      I got nothing.

  2. What the he’ll is wrong with you AC. I swear, sometimes I check the comments just to see what kind of garbage you ‘re spouting off.

    1. Suffice to say I come by my opinion of women honestly.

      When men with more life experience tell you how awful women really are, listen to them. You don’t want to learn the hard way.

      1. This is what your experience has taught you and you’re right to listen to it. But others haven’t had that kind of experience and probably never will. And they’re really happy about it.
        Gosh, I wonder if the Three Stooges still have their “Women Haters Club” going?

        1. That was the Little Rascals “He-man Woman Haters Club”. And it didn’t work for them, either.

      2. Better not ponder very long why women in your experience seem so awful to you. You might notice that something all those have in common is you.

  3. I just learned some new words today; blexit, and jexodus

    Jewish exit from the Democrats
    Blacks exit from the Democrats

    So, what is women leaving the Democrats? Wexit? Do these jeans make me look faxit?
    When it’s only completely insane people left in the Democratic party, will they all get free trips on Sex Slave One with the Clintons and Epstein?

    1. And what would you call a Hispanic exit from the Democrat party?
      An Italian exit?
      A Chinese exit?

      Maybe just leave those names to “A Canadian”.

  4. After watching that video, that right there is exactly the reason #YesAllWomen even exists.

    And to me #YesAllWomen refers to things like divorce, false accusations, as in yes they all do it.

  5. This reminds me of those women who accused Jian Ghomeshi. He had a great lawyer who got him off, but his career is ruined, his life is ruined. And I am a person/woman who does not like Jian Ghomeshi – I did not like his show and how he would kiss the ass of all the leftists, especially David Suzuki. And, when I lived in Toronto during the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, I had heard the stories of his unusual sexual behavior. I was not interested in him, but if he had asked me for a date, I would have told him to stay far, far away from me. But he did not deserve to be ruined by some stunned women.

  6. I have worked with some terrific women, but it’s getting to the point where it’s not worth the risk of having your entire life and life’s work destroyed.

    I suspect a lot of smaller companies that can fly under the radar so to speak will just avoid hiring women and save themselves the grief.

    Things like this throw a lot of shade onto women who have achieved success without the shenanigans.

    Unintended consequences etc etc.

  7. Seems to me we are circling around to “Burn the Witch” in the cycles of herd madness.
    Rule of law exists for some very fundamental reasons.
    Some people are evil, some are just mistaken, but the two must be separated.
    Slander and baseless accusations cannot go unrewarded.
    Perjury not being enforced is the courts refusing to do their jobs.
    If they refuse to punish deceit,we need to punish the enablers.
    Lying corrupts everything.

    Christians are not wrong,Prince of evil is the Prince of lies.
    Even an non religious person can figure this out.
    Evil is part of our nature.

  8. Back in the day, earned a geology degree. Women were really, really outnumbered by men. But the men in my class were good guys. Mind you, I was old enough to be able to ignore some of the more “laddish” behaviour, but the guys were generally really good about toning things down when asked to cease and desist. And I have to admit the women contributed their share of the rude comments.

    Now, I worry about our young grandsons, who are growing up in a culture where being a real man is bad. As long as I get to “walk this good earth”, I’m going to work to instill the proper pride into the boys. They’re great kids and have the potential to grow into being good men, contributing to their families, their communities, and society as a whole. Which is what we have always endeavoured to do.

  9. I got fired ’cause I complimented a woman’s dress. Nice compliment, not a “damn that makes your (donkey) look great compliment. Nice compliment.

    The standard is now “It made her feel uncomfortable.” There is no statute of limitations either, this can be over something that happened decades ago.

    It’s not worth it. Sorry ladies, but it’s not worth the risk. I am now making 1/3 of what I did when I was fired. Not worth risking ruin for me and my family.
