50 Replies to “May 19, 2019: Reader Tips”

    Posted by Theophrastus | May 17, 2019 | Culture, Nationalism, Philosophy, Politics | 0 |
    Editor’s Note: If you have been paying attention, you have probably seen this young lady online. Youtube is trying to shut her page down, as she refuses to adhere to the Leftist narrative. And if you think that she is only the face, but not the brain, then go check out her interview on Alex Jones’ Info Wars. She is quick on her feet and one sharp cookie.

    Video here scroll down


  2. Donald J. Trump
    ….for Life in 2020. If we are foolish and do not stay UNITED as one, all of our hard fought gains for Life can, and will, rapidly disappear!


    Donald J. Trump
    Courts & Dems in Congress, neither of which have a clue, are trying to FORCE migrants into our Country! OUR COUNTRY IS FULL, OUR DETENTION CENTERS, HOSPITALS & SCHOOLS ARE PACKED. Crazy!


    1. It was always coming. With the dovetailing of corporate social responsibility and social justice causes (i.e. “getting woke”), big global businesses are now moving into the territory of actively encouraging political violence towards conservatives.

      Burger King – which has an historically poor marketing performance amongst millennials – is seemingly trying to do something about it by targeting political figures unpopular with said demographic.

      I said a few weeks ago things are about to get worse in the sphere of corporations involving themselves in politics. At the time I was thinking of Big Tech, but Gillette, Nabisco, and now Burger King are telling the business world: “Hold my beer”.


      Thanks to blazingcatfur


      1. Burger King has a historically bad marketing and advertising team.

        They actually used to buy ads on fear factor in the commercial break between telling contestants the disgusting thing they would have to eat and the contestants actually eating the disgusting things.

        Their whole marketing team are absolute morons who should have been fired (from a trebuchet) a long time ago.

      2. Thank you for this information – I will not purchase from Burger King anymore as they hate me. FYI – Burger King is one of the 20 businesses which could go out of business in the next 12-18 months as they are not doing well. That’s sad when that happens.

  3. Bobby Orr was one heck of a player. The goaltenders must’ve trembled when he flew towards them.

    1. In the upcoming election Justin will run on three main planks:
      1) the conservatives will ban abortion
      2) a Liberal gun ban will save women’s lives
      3) a national prescription drug plan

      1. Scheer just came out this morning saying the Conservatives will not touch the abortion laws. So there is one turd that won’t float. I think you are correct on the other two, especially the gun ban. This will play well with the more populated centers.

        1. The Liberals will still play conservatives will ban abortion. They will argue they know what Scheer says, but here’s what they will really do.

          1. You say it stopped working years ago, but the Liberals will reserect this issue again. Jagmeet might do the same.

      2. Abortion is so emotionally charged any rational debate about it is impossible and those who try will rue the day imho.
        I understand the Liberals also plan to run “modest deficits” of under $30b a year, but will balance the budget by 2023.
        Take heart progressives everywhere, daddy Trudeau got deficits to over $100b 2019$ and outborrowed WW1 and 2.
        If the money is needed for “what Canadians want,” well the right kind that is, it will be found from greedy hard workers.
        Remember as Barack Obama so wisely counselled, “we are part of government,” iow our master, so look out deplorable.
        Also, even though you paid for it and took all the risks, with government skimming the fat, “you didn’t built that.”
        The wise apparatchiks did. You did all the work, but it was their 30,000 foot vision that prevailed; you were invisible btw.
        Progressive government is telling people how to do what they already know, by people who don’t know how to.
        Progressively bigger government. Progressively more taxes. Progressively more inflation. Progressively more war.
        That’s what going on in the US wrt war with Iran. Trump says no, some conservatives say yes, the Dems sabre rattle.
        I doubt Canadians will fall for the demonization BS, it did fail in Ontario, and Liberal partisans there are quite frustrated.

      1. BlueCanuck

        The private sector would have this fixed over the weekend. Someone in charge (probably a secretary) would call the Geek Squad and voila! “Got the printer fixed”. Problem solved.

    1. Dispatching a geotechnical engineer. Hope he hasn’t drunk the koolaid.

      From a Geologist (me): a “natural occurrence” in a geologically “active” area – the Coast Mountains of BC. They run north of Vancouver to Alaska. On the coast. Funny that. Got’s lots of faults and volcanoes too, currently dormant. Glowbull Warming/Klimate Change has nothing to do with these rock slides. Slope instability probably more so, judging on how steep the rock faces are.

      If you just look at a topographical map of the area, the major rivers and lakes (valleys) are expressions of “faults”, the major ones running N-NW and S-SW, with lessor cross cutting ones E-W or close to it. The major faults are typically near vertical. Any instability built up on the rock faces shown may have been set off by a low intensity earthquake, or just “it’s time” on an unstable slope. The first one probably set off the second.

    1. No Pat, that is part of a feedback loop. People cause climate change, tigers eat people, climate change stops.

  4. Fantastic news from the non-partisan British newspaper, The Guardian!

    “The British newspaper The Guardian is changing its style guidelines to no longer recommend the use of the phrases “climate change” and “global warning.”

    The Guardian will instead use “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown” instead of “climate change” and “global heating” instead of “global warming,” although the other phrases won’t be prohibited. The paper will also stop using “climate skeptic,” opting instead for “climate science denier.”

    “We want to ensure that we are being scientifically precise, while also communicating clearly with readers on this very important issue,” editor-in-chief Katharine Viner said in a Friday Guardian article explaining the change. “The phrase ‘climate change’, for example, sounds rather passive and gentle when what scientists are talking about is a catastrophe for humanity.”

    1. They are getting closer to the edge. I’m holding out for “climate destruction” and “climate boiling”.

    2. We must eliminate the Kulaks as a class.

      “The way to get everyone on the same page is to control their thoughts, and the way to control their thoughts is to dictate their language. By manipulating the words people use, even within their own consciousness, their minds are locked in to a particular way of thinking. This is why there has been so much hay made of how racial and ethnic groups both refer to themselves and are referred to in culture and discourse. The words we use have direct corollaries to the way we think.”

      “Major media outlets like The Guardian are in lockstep with governments and social media companies in attempts to monitor your speech and censor what you say. The well-intentioned but Orwellian Christchurch Call is just the latest manifestation of this. It’s frightening. In a healthy, free society, the media should question abuses of power, not contribute to them.”


      All of this is frightening and escalating by leaps and bounds. Stalin would be proud of them.

      1. At least our government isn’t giving the media any money directly … oh wait …

  5. Trudeau’s bought and paid for media is following Justin’s orders and ramping up the abortion issue. Expect lots of rants from Groper and the media on how Hitler Scheer will ban abortions. And the downtown Toronto journalists at the Toronto Star warn everyone that people in Sask. are Nazis. They fly Nazi flags and wished Hitler had won the war. And they persecute indians.

  6. There is a small village called Orrville on highway 518, quite near Parry Sound. I wonder if this has any connection to Bobby Orr’s Family?

  7. … and here I thought it would be a collection of clips of Charlie Farquharson.

    1. Why do we pay for Trudeau’s groceries? Don’t we pay him a salary? This is an abuse of taxpayers. I Don’t care who the PM is on this issue, we should not be paying for groceries.

    1. If Toronto imposed higher taxes they’d have lots of money.

      Its time cities stop demanding provincial and federal governments go into debt so more money can be spent on cities.

      Cities can raise property taxes, raise service fees, and impose taxes on gasoline. The whining politicians just have to take the heat from higher taxes. If they can’t take that heat, or the other consequences of higher taxes, then stop whining and look for ways to eliminate waste in spending.

      1. This is why it is very bad to see Ottawa unleash their Spending Power into areas of Provincial Jurisdiction and has to be stopped. This is how the Liberals own the voters in the big cities. They buy them with tax dollars from other areas of the country. This is because of weak useless Premiers. The Tax payer only has 1 pocket but 3 thieves robbing him.

  8. “Justin Amash

    Here are my principal conclusions:
    1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
    2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
    3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
    4. Few members of Congress have read the report.”


    “”Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment,” Amash tweeted. “In fact, Mueller’s report identifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence.””

    Best congressman

    1. Earlier today, I read one of the most idiotic environmental comments ever.

      Someone in Ontario (presumably well-educated, given his professional title) exclaimed in a certain publication that waste plastic is a problem. The way to solve that problem is to eliminate plastics altogether. But here was where it really went off the rails. He suggested that the production of plastics is the culprit and should be made as expensive as possible.

      If the source of the feedstock was cut off, such as a certain petrochemical facility in Alberta not being built, then the end users would have to go else where to obtain the materials at, as he hoped, much higher prices.

      If his wish comes true, civilization as we know it would collapse, but, based on the tone of his comments, I think that was his long-term objective.

      There’s no word if he has any affiliation with that scientific genius AOC.

  9. I love how he bows his head after he scores. He was a shy, humble guy! Probably his most endearing quality.
