26 Replies to “Other Peoples’ Money”

  1. The Issues Sweden faces will and are in fact being mirrored right here in CanaZuela.
    Bringing in some 150,000 so called Refugees / illegal border crossers with multiple ailments among them, zero language or other skills but ALL with a strong desire to not assimilate while demanding more free money and agitating for sharia law.

    Recipe for disaster – and we can see that with a cursory look at the National Treasury, now over a 1 Trillion in the shitter.

    Watch as Tinkerbell pulls a page outa daddy’s past and uses the BS of “A climate crisis” to enact the War Measures Act. He has to know he will not win in October – I would not put it past that greasy slimy pedo-despot.


    1. This.

      And not least because if it doesn’t create the “gimme gimme gimme” mindset, it sure as heck strengthens and reinforces and rewards it.

  2. “Pensioner Blytsoe said that when her mother’s services were curbed, she did her best to tidy up the apartment when she visited, but refused to do the regular cleaning previously offered by the state.

    “If I did that, the municipality would’ve achieved their goal to cut costs and make us fill the gap.”” That about sums up the mindset created by welfare states.

    1. Isn’t that some kind of socialist mind to expect the other people pay for the things that the sons and daughters should be doing for their parents?

      What son or daughter would think that to help a parent that actually needs help, that it is someone else that someone else is paying for, do it.
      On the other hand, it is the way they were raised.
      Maybe its a payback.
      No problem someone else is paying.

    2. Rick beat me to it.
      That summed up the state of affairs perfectly.
      “We are here to help you.We are from the government”

      Quite true.
      Accept that help and you are “helped” into poverty,slavery and loss of all initiative.
      What did that mean?
      Confederated Venezuela err Canada or bust.

    3. ha ha ha !!!!
      BINGO !!!!
      as in wtf did the ingrates do BEFORE it wuz all downloaded to the ‘state’?

      by gawd RC, do you truly realize the laser accuracy of those few words?
      how goddamn far have we gone when the granite-like attitude is this? as opposed to ‘ well fcukit. fcuk the welfare state,
      this nonsense will NOT stop me from caring for the one who birthed me’.

      but that isnt the reaction is it, decades, generations of freebies and thats ALL they know.
      the vicious cycle of welfare creeping into EVERYTHING.

  3. I wish the Government only took 36%. All in I am closer to 50% when its all said and done. And then some pinhead imposes a carbon tax. Stupid. This planet is populated by carbon based life forms… all of whom need to be taxed.

    1. Ontario tax free day is June 10.
      This is the day an “average family” would have cleared their forced donations taxes to all levels of Gov’t, in Ontario it is approx. $50K.
      Fed, Prov, Municipal. Never mind HST/GST and Grab-on taxes.

    2. Yep…36% would be nice. I think we reached our destination on the road to serfdom several years ago.

      The welfare state is a nice idea up until the point where your country starts piling up with people who spend more time filling out applications for “free” money than they do earning their keep.

    3. I agree Chris, if only it was 36%. Jeez even at my retirement I hit that level and then some. As I have said many times, carbon based organisms living in a carbon based universe taxing carbon, does not get much dumber than that. That is a never ending source of fleecing the flock, or flocking the flock.

  4. Hmm ….

    Seems that the politicians are running out of other people’s money.
    Finns apparently don’t pay enough taxes.
    The Nordics were very monolithic, white countries that would easily proclaim their fondness of helping other people, had the money, had the industrious population to support it.
    As it is even richest countries end up poor once the other people’s money runs out.
    It is different now. They have a lot of enriching people and things are different.
    The enriching newcomers are wholly dependent and will be in long future on the welfare of the productive people. Their “work ethics” are small and none, while enriching, heh, are nothing like those of the natives.
    Don’t know if this would be a good assessment of certain things, though one would think that the newcomers from the various and sundry s-holes, can’t believe their luck that they don’t actually have to do anything to live, just to show up for the free money from the treasury.
    Why change?
    Perhaps for them, to make babies, sit on the edge of sidewalk and discuss the nothingness of their day is something to live for.
    They still get to live better than doing the same thing in their former s-holes.

    Just so it is understood, full honor to those that picked their burden and are participating in the generating prosperity of the country they chose to live in.

    1. Someone made a mistake in assuming the “newcomers” would show up to work for low wages in unskilled jobs (like cleaning apartments) instead of living on the generous welfare state these countries had developed for themselves.

      Could have seen this coming miles away.

      1. It’s called Coward Piven. The solution of course, is the communist utopia…

  5. “Pensioner Blytsoe said that when her mother’s services were curbed, she did her best to tidy up the apartment when she visited, but refused to do the regular cleaning previously offered by the state.”

    “If I did that, the municipality would’ve achieved their goal to cut costs and make us fill the gap.”

    In Russia they call that “winning”.

  6. They deserve what is coming, plain and simple. You want to outsource parenting? Don’t complain when your child gets left in the daycare van in Florida and dies. Ditto for all services a person or family should do for themselves; when right to die becomes duty, and your parents draw the short straw at the “retirement” home…

    1. Parenting has been outsourced because the government takes so much of the money a couple earns they cannot afford to do it themselves. Also, they are encouraged to do it – all those soon-to-be-unionized jobs as “care-givers”.

      The wealfare state is a socialist enterprize and the goal is always to destroy familly, religion, culture and history to better bring in the new socialist pardise and, more importantl;y, atomize society so that it is easy to control despotically.

  7. I heard Mad Max being interviewed on the radio this drive home and all the interviewer wanted to talk aboput ws racism and abortion. Thus is the pattern set by the MSM, how to deal with a threat to the natural ruling order.

  8. “Frederiksen’s Social Democrats have won popular support by pledging to increase public spending, making businesses and the wealthy pay more toward welfare services through higher taxes, and to partially roll back some recent pension reforms by allowing people who have worked 40 years to retire earlier.”
    Yeah, that’ll work. Solve your problems by doing more of the things that caused your problems in the first place.

    And the Danes fall for this?

    Have they no memory of the eastern European and Soviet utopian history?

    I guess they’ve been in the welfare line for so long they’ve forgotten what reality is like.

    As someone said, if something can’t go on for ever, it won’t. They’re going to learn the hard way.

    1. “As someone said, if something can’t go on for ever, it won’t. They’re going to learn the hard way.”

      That my friend, is a double bingo. Ask the Venezuelans.

  9. The Danes are in better shape than the deranged dominion. They at least have a private health care insurance alternative and run smaller deficits than those of the Spawn. Canadian Conservatives believe that the (monopoly single payer soviet model) legacy of Commie Douglas is what is essential to “conserve” (to be elected of course). The other parties are further to the left.
