What One World Government?

OECD To Set New Global Minimum Corp. Tax Rate

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will likely set a single global minimum tax rate as part of its plan to craft new rules on tax avoidance and the digital economy, according to a document the organization released Friday.
An OECD document released Friday outlines a “program of work” for the group’s Task Force on the Digital Economy. (AP)
The “program of work,” outlining what the OECD’s Task Force on the Digital Economy is expected to work on for the next year, offers few new details about its overall proposal, which combines new anti-abuse measures with rules that would allocate more taxable income to jurisdictions where products and services are consumed.
But the plan did answer a few questions about a proposed global anti-base-erosion proposal, which the OECD gave the acronym GloBE. It recommends that countries tax companies headquartered in their jurisdictions, if they earn income in other countries that is taxed at low rates.
The plan did not specify that rate but did confirm it would be one single rate, applied globally. The OECD had previously considered other options, such as a rate based on a percentage of the home country’s overall tax rate.

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h/t PB

18 Replies to “What One World Government?”

    1. The globalist’s first attempt was a call for a tax on foreign exchange. There are still calls for this and it will be the first sign of success for them because it will make the “United Nations” independent of the m,ember states. Trouble is, they need a police force to enfocre the taxation.

  1. The world’s countries need to tell the OECD to shove that idea where the sun doesn’t shine.

    1. Just because it has been a disaster for the people who live under it doesn’t mean that the ruling class doesn’t still think it’s a good idea. The Soviet Union was a disaster, but it didn’t stop it from ruling eastern Europe for 75 years.

  2. They are following the EUSSR approach to transnational government; a morrasse of bureaucratic regulatory agreement that slowly encumber, entrain and enslave sovereign national governments.

    We must ensure Canada does NOT have a government that kow-tows to the UN, IMF and World Bank, OECD, etc.

  3. This is a capitulation to the FAG firms (Facebook, Apple and Google), who book profits in tax havens like globalist-occupied southern Ireland, not in the countries where the profits were actually earned. The idea is to give the FAG’s a discount on the corporate rates they should be paying, while sticking you with the balance.

    Of course, the FAG’s won’t bother to even pay those minimums if their lawyers can find a way around them.

    Nationalizing FAG assets as punishment for non-payment of taxes is the obvious solution. After all, the IRS and CRA are not above taking your or my house for non-payment of taxes. But, of course, you and I are not Mark Zuckerberg.

    (Withdrawing recognition of the GOSI government and allowing the UK to reclaim its full territory in Ireland would also help.)

  4. …And Caesar decreed that all the world should be taxed…
    Corporations don’t pay taxes. Consumers pay taxes.

  5. The UN were planning on using the US military as their surrogate enforcement arm. I think Trump ended that 50 yeardream and, without an enforcement arm, there is no govenrment.

  6. That concept is nothing new. I’m 70, when I was 15 years old, my Dad would hand me the ”Western Producer” after he was done looking for a good used Massey 44 or a 1950 F-5 truck with hydraulic hoist and I’d read the letters to the editor from readers who believed in the one world government concept. I can’t remember the names of these organizations, however one party had it’s office in Switzerland. I recently met one guy who’s father wrote some of the letters and was a member of the Swiss entity.
    One government for all humanity would be a great idea if we all got along and got rid of partisan politics. It would simply require a board of directors comparable to Walmart, Exxon, Shell and VW.
