I, Napoleon

Transgenderism is simply a step towards the normalization of pedophila;

On Saturday, a library in the Seattle area hosted a “Teen Pride” event for children ages 9-19. The event featured drag queens, all sorts of explicit adult-themed advice, and a raffle for dangerous transgender chest binders. Three local moms, concerned about children being exposed to such things at a taxpayer-funded library, filmed the event in order to expose it. Police escorted them out by force, warning that they were guilty of “criminal trespass.”
The “Teen Pride” event was billed as “a pride celebration designed by teens for teens!”

And your governments are too cowardly to stop it.

20 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. Well, I heard that it should no longer be refered to as pedophila.
    It’s now age gap love.

  2. Oh no my kid has measles. Oh no my kid is hanging out with pedophiles. Oh no we cant afford social programs. Oh no, our streets are filled with homeless people. Oh no, crime is rampant in our neighbourhood. Oh no, the evil right wing might get elected.

    It’s fun watching dimwits try to figure out how their utopia is failing.

    I am loving this.
    Told ya so! Sweet.

  3. How can you be guilty of “criminal trespass” in a public library, supported by the public (tax payers) to serve the public?
    Of course, if any U.S. city is bluer than San Francisco, it would be Seattle.

    1. I think at that point the library’s hours of opening to the public had passed, so the event became a private party and the police could enforce exclusion according to the organisers’ preferences.

      In that sort of situation the police are always tempted to act against who ever seems more likely to go quietly, it’s not only the easy option in the moment but less likely to upset the politicians afterwards..

  4. this is child abuse. if the law won’t protect children, it is time for parents to do so. any place that tries to pervert children should be blown up. I’m not saying I would do it. I’m saying I wouldn’t complain if it happened.

  5. It’s progressives doing what they do. Sex with men, women, children, all with or without surgical gender mimicry, or beasts – anywhere between nine and ninety, and no more than nine hours dead (although the Green River murderer apparently pushed that envelope). One positive is they may have difficulty procreating with all their various sexual iterations. Public education is already a form of child abuse so this is a logical extension.

    1. I remember once, in the 1990s, the left-wing Globe and Mail, in an interview with a Canadian involved with beastiality, referred to him as “a member of the animal lover community”. A crack-up, that.

  6. “Cowardly” … you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

    Our governments are on the other side.

  7. Forgive my choice of an analogy, but this reminds me of the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah times (Genesis 19:24). How much more depraved can our society get?

    “We come to our world expecting to see light and so we see light. But it is not light at all. It is, rather, twilight. If we look closer, we see that the shadows have already begun growing longer.
    And there, off in the distance, we dimly apprehend a darkness, gathering, and it is coming our way.” Curtis R. McManus

    “It occasionally happens that a period in which one had hitherto been looking for the coming to birth of new things, suddenly reveals itself as an epoch of fading and decay”
    Johann Huizinga

    1. This is the kind of depravity the Nazis were quite fond of. The Nazis (and their Middle Eastern acolytes, the Baath Socialists) were full of all manner of sexual perverts and deviants…

    2. And their screams of torment will be music in the ears of the children they betrayed, now safe in the arms of the Lord their abusers were convinced didn’t exist. Forever.

  8. Morality and law in Western Civilization is based on transcendental values, above that of human construction but not recognition. Divine, therefore beyond which humans could manufacture a justification for violation or repeal.

    Traditional wisdom understood, as Alexandr Solzhenitsyn noted, that both good and evil cut through the heart of every man. Also, because, “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely”(Edmund Burke).

    Greek tragedies have plots describing those who succumb to every human vice or temptation, by those , in effect, viewing themselves as deities, a sin called hubris. The horrendous results brought the audience to tears.

    Marxist, especially including the Cult. version, believe they have the authourity to create a utopia on earth simply out of what they claim are good intentions. Facts to the contrary can not count against them, because facts are subjective, ones they deem as oppressive social constructs. No objective truth, neither moral, nor scientific.

    They claim their intentions so elevate themselves they are above reproach, above criticism, and once having a political monopoly on force, even dictating, if anyone who objects may earn a living or not. The use of the police and the religious police(anti-fa) to cover-up what was going on in a public library was profoundly disturbing.

    That explains why only those who believe in transcendental values, are willing to sacrifice most everything, including up to their very lives, for them. The martyr as hero, a knight, cross upon his shield and tunic, is a Western archetype.

    A couple of excerpts, once canonical, now banned from the public sphere, by the predator class.

    Mark 9:42 – And whosoever shall offend one of [these] little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

    Matthew 18:6 – But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    Silence is more than cowardice, it is culpable.

    *( Who will answer ? Is only a question for those who have a conscience.)
    Ed Ames – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGLZEH_UhY4

    1. Larry … a fantastic reminder of the Millstone verses. Which reminds me of a couple things.

      1. Nothing has changed in 2000 years. Despite all our intellectual, scientific, and technological advancement, we are no different (at our core) than our ancient relatives. Our “humanity” is still the same. Our innermost evil and compulsive desires never change. Therefore, we NEED God. We NEED order in our lives. We NEED laws. We NEED restraint. Christ/God understood and specifically called out the need to protect our children. Because God KNOWS how mankind would prey on our own children given the opportunity. Given the protection of a public librarian. SMH.

      2. Prophesy. Not to sound too “religious” for the NME’s among us … but God’s WORD as written in both Testaments, and through Prophet’s and Christ’s own WORDS are prescient and predictive. It’s almost as if Christ/God could see this child abuse depravity coming to “mainstream society” from 2000 years ago. Hence the warning. And I would suggest the millstone imagery is not accidental. Once you choose to abuse children in this way, you are doomed. You are drowning yourself in a lake of depravity. There is no rescue, no return. You WILL sink to the bottom and drown. This is all well and fine for the relatively few individuals who participate in this sick, sick, child abuse. But when our culture and society embrace and sanction this abuse … by hosting it in a public library … then our country is headed straight to the bottom of the deepest marianas trench in the ocean. There is NO RETURN from this depravity.

  9. ” Police escorted them out by force, warning that they were guilty of “criminal trespass.”

    Liars. A citizen cannot be a trespasser in a public library during open hours. Badge numbers please.

    Color of Law
    18 U.S. Code § 242.Deprivation of rights under color of law
    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; …

    These “police” were committing a felony under federal law.

  10. I will say without fear or qualification that exposing a child to sexual perversion and insanity is both paedophilia and child abuse.

    1. Best to think of this type of deviancy like vampirism, zombism, or lycanthropy.

      Vampires, zombies, and werewolves do not reproduce by themselves, but must prey upon, infect, and convert healthy humans into their own.

      An array of deviant sexual preferences are tied to childhood sexual abuse resulting in mental and illness and confusion. Society has cast mental illness as a viable, vibrant subculture. If sexual abuse victims adopt that subculture, the only way to propagate it is by further enticement and abuse of the young, from outside their number, who are then groomed and converted.

  11. uhuh.
    ‘cops are tops’ eh !!!
    I cant think of a single cop who definitively would oppose a police state with all the techno gadgets and ginormous salaries.
    oh they may be out there, but they will NEVER let on.
    why would that be? their version of omerta?

  12. The predator class want the Word silenced for a reason.

    The predators would have no place, even as slaves, in a society ruled by those who fear the Lord and keep His commandments.
