“That little girl was me”.

Clearly, her team had planned this carefully, up to and including using an altered image that makes her look like a black child of poverty.
But more to the point, why wasn’t every GOP analyst and every conservative reporter up in her face about it?
Harris lied, for one thing.


19 Replies to ““That little girl was me”.”

  1. read a long ways back the dude that came up wit’ de ideah of shipping kids to beyond the horizon necessitating them to get up at awful hours to be at the bus stop (and thus fall asleep in claaa-aaa-aaassss). . . . FINALLY admitted the idea STANK.

  2. False narratives from Democrats? Say it ain’t so Joe.
    When reality is at odds with the voters on immigration, abortion and gender/identity politics, what else do they have?
    Besides their addiction to Donald Trump that is.

  3. Busing – stupidest idea ever. Now black kids can be the underachievers in white schools. I bet that does a lot for their self esteem. I’m sure whatever school Kamala Harris went to she would still be a spiteful racist bitch.

  4. Kamala Harris changes answer on abolishing private health insurance, saying she misheard debate question.*****************************************************************************
    When she found out 100,000.000 Americans like their private insurance and will probably vote for Trump,
    She knew she had been caught up in the screaming and lynching of America by Mob Rule of the Socialists Democrats.

  5. Since everyone knows Kamala Harris screwed her way into politics, is she saying that she’d have been less of an opportunistic slut if she went to a poor black school?

  6. Making up fantasies about her past worked so well for the Hildabeast, didn’t it?

  7. I don’t have a calculator in my hand.
    When you add 100 million Americans that enjoy their health insurance at work.
    60 million Americans will not give up their guns.
    And another 65% of Americans do not want illegal immigrants to have free passes at the borders, free insurance, and some diseases we haven’t seen in 50 years.

    It might be possible for Trump to win in 2020.

      1. Forgot about stuffing them votes.

        We will have 400,000,000 voters and only 150,000,000 million will vote for Trump.

        Excuse me for a few hours,

        I have to go sign up for total disability.

    1. You’re missing a very important factor….misrepresentation. You might think last night’s fiasco of all 10 candidates raising their hands in support of illegal immigrants obtaining health care coverage would be detrimental. Well, no one watched the debate….the networks won’t report this. And, if it gathers steam on any of the big tech platforms (or the GOP and Trump do a campaign commercial) it will be shut down under the guise of copyright infringement.

      No one is going to know except the people who already know whom they are voting for.

    2. The problem with free healthcare is they only talk about the price. They never talk about the quality.

  8. Berkeley STILL has only ONE HS … Berkeley HS. It has ALWAYS been integrated. Poor black kids who live in the flatlands go to school with rich kids from the Northside, Claremont, and the Berkeley Hills. Yes, you cannot purchase the average home in the Berkeley Hills for less than about $2.5M. Berkeley is a WEALTHY city … hardly the dirty hippie shitpile most people envision. And … Berkeley has the “flatlands” … where the poor-er classes live.

    When kids go to Berkeley HS … they immediately divide up into distinct social cliques that perfectly resemble the kid’s geographic origin, academic standing, and social status. Berkeley HS is the perfect naturally-segregated, integrated, school. Inotherwords … you CANNOT force integration. Berkeley HS is “integrated” in name only. The “white kingdom” of the Berkeley Hills remains the “white kingdom”. The white kids from the hills continue to work hard (academically) and get admitted to the top colleges. Little poor “black” girls like Kamala Harris? Not so much. Not without affirmative-action.

    Educational advancement is 100% cultural. If you come from a culture and family who VALUE education … you do well. If you come from a family of “victims” who lazily embrace their “victimhood” … you are screwed (statistically-speaking). Because of this reality … the next chapter of “bussing” is to entirely do-away with academic measurements. No more SAT tests. No more “grading”. No more academic standards whatsoever. In the never ending quest for “equality” … the leftists are now destroying academia. And make no mistake … this insanity WILL trickle-down to reality. Our country and culture is in decline … and the decline will get steeper and steeper and move more quickly than anyone is prepared-for.

  9. Last night Ms. Harris pulled the stake out of the Hildebeast and plunged it into Biden’s chest. The Hildebeast will thus rise again from the dead, there is no way in h*ll that Hilary will sit 2020 out if there is a possibility that a Jamaican-American (read black) female could take the Democratic party into the election and possibly the White House. Hilary’s ego is too big by half to ever allow the back room boys in the Democrat party to allow that scenario. Expect a big announcement in the next few months along with a number of surprise Arcancides.

  10. Our Kamala enrolled at Westmount High School in 1976, just before Bill 101 slammed the doors of Quebec’s English schools in the faces of children who could have only dreamed of the privileges that little girl enjoyed in Westmount.

    Not as many would merely dream of them today if they’d gotten an English education and a ticket out of Quebec.

    (Her sainted mother made a wise decision sending her there, by the way. Anybody who thinks the southern “cracker” is racist has never met a member of the French Canadian peasantry or of the lumpenproletariat of Montreal’s east end that once was the base of the PQ.)

    I’d love to hear her tell us how, if at all, Quebec should finally desegregate its schools.
