46 Replies to “July 2, 2019: Reader Tips”

    1. FEMINAZI insanity….Giving it the label of “forced pregnancy” no less…Uh no, its more like thou shalt not KILL a CHILD. 100’s of thousands that cannot concieve simply dying to adopt and these supremely selfish KUNTS believe its their RIGHT to Kill a Baby cause, its going to “inconvenience” themselves..?

      I dunno folks…but to me, that’s beyond fucked up. And my attitude has SFA to do with religion – havent seen the inside of a church for over 40 years…Zeeeeero Desire either.

    2. if they were to build an app, there is not enough computing power in existence today to handle “the load”!

  1. Great Leader Groper is burning jet fuel again today. He spews carbon into air as he heads for Toronto to spend the day wining and dining at the Royal York hotel, with Ukraine’s new president. Its wonderful to be Justin.

    1. Ukrainens new president (a comedian) meets our comedian……ha ha ha

      Actually it would be funny if not so tragic. Chrystal freeloader our own ukerainian in chief backed the other guy in the recent election. Last time we did that we got it wrong – and the other guy won (Trump). That worked out well for Canada.

      1. Zelensky is the only Jewish head of state outside Israel. Support his candidacy? Chrystia probably asked where he’d hid his horns.

  2. He knows that CO2 is not a problem in fact he knows that carbon is not a problem period. He wants to screw over Canada just like his daddy did. His daddy did such a good job that we have not paid back a dime of the debt he incurred and are still paying interest on it without paying down any portion thereof.

  3. In a world where journalists argue from both sides of their mouth (and we’re not supposed to notice) comes this BBC article on migrants in Columbia causing a drop in wages (because they will work for anything). In Canada we are told this doesn’t happen. But in Columbia it is a natural outcome of the Venezuelan crisis. For the BBC it’s a pretty fair article (other than the fact that they criticize Rappi for hiring Venezuelan migrants but they don’t praise Rappi for hiring migrants – which is what we do in Canada).


  4. Indigenous woman (21) killed in 2016 was stabbed 11 times and her throat slit from ear to ear. Her killer (30) who met her on the dating App “Plenty of Fish to Fillet” said he felt raped and passed out, obviously remembering nothing. What is interesting about the article is the high number of homicides (26) in Winnipeg that year, and the stats – 11 from blunt trauma, 19 male, 7 female and the high (88%) solvency rate.


    Not to be racist but what would happen to murder statistics if we excluded First Nations and blacks? By not being racist I mean to suggest that we need to handle those groups in a different way because most of the homicides in Toronto are blacks killing blacks. In Manitoba and Saskatchewan it seems to be a very high risk First Nations lifestyle. In the above murder the girl was a regular drug user and had left her parents at a hotel (presumably to find drugs). She met up with a very bad dude (who should be in jail for life).

    1. The cure is simple – ban handguns.

      This would solve all of the violence in Toronto and the West that the Liberals actually care about (i.e., none of it) while also addressing a serious problem that they DO care about (i.e., getting votes in Toronto and Quebec). Win-win for the Liberals – and if the rest of us lose, that’s just one more thing they don’t care about either.

      1. The federal Liberals DO care about Vancouver and maybe the lower mainland of BC. Prime Minister Trudeau’s mother’s family are Sinclair – a prominent Liberal family in Vancouver who helped elect Pierre Trudeau. But you are absolutely right – they do not care about the rest of us (and the northern territories) except we are the source of money for equalization payments.

    1. “Almost everyone is struggling to compete with Facebook and Google, which accounted for three-fourths of U.S. online ads sales last year.”

      In other words, the former employers of these hacks have found other, cheaper ways to lie to people and sell them crap they don’t need.

    2. I was going to write “Did they shed a tear for people who worked for typewriter companies?” but there is still a need for them, not just in countries where power is not plentiful but in the US by multiple agencies including “a major typewriter user is the City of New York, which in 2008 purchased several thousand typewriters, mostly for use by the New York Police Department”. (Wikipedia)
      That would be the cops version of fake news.

    1. The name Dominion was re-invented for Canada and is almost uniquely Canadian, sharing it only with New Zealand. We are in practice The Kingdom of Canada but not in name. Dominion was simply a title for the country other than kingdom. The term Dominion might indicate independence more than subservience. Both existing Dominions are fully independent.

      The term Canada Day is an insult to intelligence. Oh to be in Sophia on Bulgaria Day or Paris on France Day or in Washington on July 1st, United States of America Day. Aren’t there any more Trudeaus to elect to give us more meaningless generic drivel?

  5. Can someone explain why we in Canada are teaching fake science as part of the circulum as it relates to university-level atmospheric science programs and the so-called “humidex”, which just happens to be a Canadian invention?

    I’ve noticed a conflict in the Canadian & Austrailian charts (both metric countries) with identical temp + humidity combos producing different sets of numbers. Have a look.



    Interestingly, when you convert the American heat index into metric units, you’ll find the American and Australian science communities are in agreement while the Canadian science community presents a different set of numbers for identical equations.

    The charts of the three countries has to have the same numbers because MATH IS UNIVERSAL.

    1. “It can be very difficult to get somebody to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Or in other words, how many research grants are given to climate change deniers?

      “I’ll take “none” for $500, Alex.”

    2. William.
      The US, Australia & Canada have humidex charts. To me these are identical to the bullshit of “windchill”.

      Anyway, I gotta ask, if at 40C and a relative Humidity of 45%. it’s ‘Dangerous”…how on Earth can residents of say Dubai survive with temps in the high 40’s to low 50’s and relative humidity at 75-80%…??

      Seems to me they do just fine..??

      1. “Seems to me they do just fine..??”

        They wear dresses to keep good air flow on their undercarriage.

      2. Wind chill isn’t bullshit. It’s basically a wet bulb thermometer measure. Rate of heat conduction is more important than absolute temp, and a wet bulb thermometer in a windy place measures lower than a dry thermometer in still air. Minus ten with damp air and wind will kill you much faster than minus forty with no wind on a dry sunny day.

  6. Antifa Is Mostly Made Up Of Privileged White Dudes
    Many in the media treat Antifa as a diverse group of warriors against fascism and racism. This is an absolute fabrication.

    One thing that both of these groups had—and continue to have—in common is that they are mostly young white people. This is not surprising; poll after poll shows us that the vast majority of far-left progressives are white.


    Funny thing is, most of the Russian revolutionaries, including the Bolsheviks, from the 1870s to 1917 were also white upper middle class with a sprinkling of wealthier Jewish and aristocratic youth.

    Do not underestimate where Antifa wants to take society.

      1. SLAVE REGISTERS FROM LONDON Name The Slaves Kamala Harris’ Ancestor Owned

        Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is descended from Irish slave owner Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown’s Town in Jamaica, who recruited massive numbers of Irish migrants to Jamaica to work on his sugar plantations after the British empire abolished slavery.


        Of course bad history only began with the election of Donald Trump.

  7. And here in my cabbage patch province of New Brunswick, — the liberal chief of this mini-fiefdom, Dominic Leblanc — has enough heft in the federal cabinet to get five of six judicial appointments to go to cronies of his:

    Needless top say, the Ceeb buried this in the CBC local-yokel section of their web page. The other national media will censor this item entirely.

  8. The fake medicine men (chiropractors) are at it again. They are offering weekend courses on infant subluxation. (National Post)

    You read that correctly. The charlatans have determined that as infants exit the birth canal they require immediate spinal correction – even as the umbilical is still attached.

    I wouldn’t let one of these flim-flam artists near me.

      1. Finally, Myles explained to the audience that she had overdone chiropractic treatments, having some 500 treatments over three years, and had suffered some severe spinal damage.

        That’s every other day for three years straight. Not a lot of sympathy.

  9. There were once six Dominions of the British Empire – Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Newfoundland, South Africa, and the Irish Free State. There full legislative independence was confirmed by the Statute of Westminster in 1931. Later on, India, Pakistan, and Ceylon were also Dominions.
    The name comes from the Psalm 72: “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea…” (KJV).

    1. There’d be a quick cure for them all – Trump should pass the following Executive Order:

      “Any citizen who states opposition to, or seeks to implement or encourage legislation repugnant to, the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, must cease to do so unless they are resident in downtown Chicago, Illinois while doing so.”

      Chicago would LOVE it – more high-paid residents to tax into the poorhouse – and executive orders are only good for 60 days without Congressional ratification, but the anti-gunners should all be shot within 60 days anyway.

  10. Cleaner burning of fossil fuels is – BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. Maybe around the hallowed halls of climate change rent cons.

    “Natural gas, which emits about half the greenhouse gases as coal when burned, has been put up as an alternative to produce electricity with fewer emissions. But the report says the fugitive release of methane – such as small leaks – at all stages of gas extraction and delivery contradicts that idea.”

    Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, with about 30 times the warming effect. Methane is also the main component of natural gas and is responsible for one-quarter of the global warming the world has seen to date.”

    “Even today, there’s still talk of natural gas a bridge towards renewables, which is completely contrary to the facts,” said Ted Nace, executive director of the Global Energy Monitor.”


    What’s contrary to the facts is assertion any bridge exists or will ever exist between wind and solar et al and fossil fuels.
    None of those “renewables” are even close to an economically or ecologically viable replacement for fossil fuels.
    The scammers, brainwashed ones and corrupt rent seekers are running out of ways to scare the public with their hobgoblins.
    They’re left with collecting indulgences from the great unwashed, meaning they pollute and pay while government enlarges.

    The apparatchiks increase the cost of everything with their tax and regulate schemes, muting or crushing economic activity and then take credit for the resultant “reduced emissions.” Sure, impoverishing the people is GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.

  11. New poll from the CBC shows that Canadians are racists. And of course they had their expert panel of Michael Coren, a black activist, and a guy with bad teeth on to discuss it. They explained that Canadians have always been racist, and that we need more immigration to replace racist Canadians. Coren also explained that Justin is wonderful and is doing a great job. They also mentioned that right wing blogs are a problem in Canada. Trudeau’s CBC will discuss further that Canadians are racists on the National tonight.
